summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/pkgs/by-name/ba/back/src/issues/issue/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/by-name/ba/back/src/issues/issue/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/by-name/ba/back/src/issues/issue/ b/pkgs/by-name/ba/back/src/issues/issue/
deleted file mode 100644
index b78f473..0000000
--- a/pkgs/by-name/ba/back/src/issues/issue/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-// Back - An extremely simple git issue tracking system. Inspired by tvix's
-// panettone
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Back.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <>.
-use std::fmt::Display;
-use chrono::DateTime;
-use gix::{bstr::ByteSlice, Commit, Id, ObjectId, Repository};
-use raw::{Operation, RawIssue};
-use rocket::response::content::RawHtml;
-use super::format::{BackString, Markdown};
-mod raw;
-#[derive(Debug, Default)]
-pub struct TimeStamp {
-    value: u64,
-impl TimeStamp {
-    pub fn new(val: u64) -> Self {
-        Self { value: val }
-    }
-impl Display for TimeStamp {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
-        let date =
-            DateTime::from_timestamp(self.value as i64, 0).expect("This timestamp should be vaild");
-        let newdate = date.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
-        f.write_str(newdate.to_string().as_str())
-    }
-pub struct Comment<'a> {
-    pub id: Id<'a>,
-    pub author: Author,
-    pub message: Markdown,
-    pub timestamp: TimeStamp,
-#[derive(Debug, Default)]
-pub struct Author {
-    name: BackString,
-    email: BackString,
-pub struct IssueId<'a> {
-    value: Id<'a>,
-impl<'a> IssueId<'a> {
-    pub fn new(id: Id<'a>) -> Self {
-        Self { value: id }
-    }
-impl Display for IssueId<'_> {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
-        let shortend = self.value.shorten().expect("This should work.");
-        f.write_str(shortend.to_string().as_str())
-    }
-#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone)]
-pub enum Status {
-    #[default]
-    Open,
-    Closed,
-impl Display for Status {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
-        match self {
-            Status::Open => f.write_str("Open"),
-            Status::Closed => f.write_str("Closed"),
-        }
-    }
-pub struct Issue<'a> {
-    pub id: IssueId<'a>,
-    pub author: Author,
-    pub timestamp: TimeStamp,
-    pub title: Markdown,
-    pub message: Markdown,
-    pub comments: Vec<Comment<'a>>,
-    pub status: Status,
-    pub last_status_change: Option<TimeStamp>,
-impl<'a> Issue<'a> {
-    pub fn default_with_id(id: Id<'a>) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            id: IssueId::new(id),
-            author: Author::default(),
-            timestamp: TimeStamp::default(),
-            title: Markdown::default(),
-            message: Markdown::default(),
-            comments: <Vec<Comment>>::default(),
-            status: Status::default(),
-            last_status_change: <Option<TimeStamp>>::default(),
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn from_commit_id(repo: &'a Repository, commit_id: ObjectId) -> Self {
-        fn unwrap_id<'b>(repo: &Repository, id: &Commit<'b>) -> (RawIssue, Id<'b>) {
-            let tree_obj = repo
-                .find_object(id.tree_id().unwrap())
-                .expect("The object with this id should exist.")
-                .try_into_tree()
-                .expect("The git-bug's data model enforces this.");
-            let ops_ref = tree_obj.find_entry("ops").unwrap();
-            let issue_data = repo
-                .find_object(ops_ref.object_id())
-                .expect("The object with this id should exist.")
-                .try_into_blob()
-                .expect("The git-bug's data model enforces this.")
-                .data
-                .clone();
-            let raw_issue = serde_json::from_str(
-                issue_data
-                    .to_str()
-                    .expect("git-bug's ensures, that this is valid json."),
-            )
-            .expect("The returned json should be valid");
-            (raw_issue,
-        }
-        let commit_obj = repo
-            .find_object(commit_id)
-            .expect("The object with this id should exist.")
-            .try_into_commit()
-            .expect("The git-bug's data model enforces this.");
-        let mut issues = vec![unwrap_id(repo, &commit_obj)];
-        let mut current_commit_obj = commit_obj;
-        while current_commit_obj.parent_ids().count() != 0 {
-            assert_eq!(
-                current_commit_obj.parent_ids().count(),
-                1,
-                "There should be only one parent"
-            );
-            let parent = current_commit_obj
-                .parent_ids()
-                .last()
-                .expect("One does exist");
-            let parent_id = parent.object().expect("The object exists").id;
-            let parent_commit = repo
-                .find_object(parent_id)
-                .expect("This is a valid id")
-                .try_into_commit()
-                .expect("This should be a commit");
-            issues.push(unwrap_id(repo, &parent_commit));
-            current_commit_obj = parent_commit;
-        }
-        let mut final_issue = Self::default_with_id(;
-        for (issue, id) in issues {
-            for op in issue.operations {
-                match op {
-                    Operation::AddComment { timestamp, message } => {
-                        final_issue.comments.push(Comment {
-                            id,
-                            author:,
-                            message: Markdown::from(message),
-                            timestamp: TimeStamp::new(timestamp),
-                        })
-                    }
-                    Operation::Create {
-                        timestamp,
-                        title,
-                        message,
-                    } => {
-               =;
-                        final_issue.title = Markdown::from(title);
-                        final_issue.message = Markdown::from(message);
-                        final_issue.timestamp = TimeStamp::new(timestamp);
-                    }
-                    Operation::SetStatus { timestamp, status } => {
-                        final_issue.status = status;
-                        final_issue.last_status_change = Some(TimeStamp::new(timestamp));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        final_issue
-    }
-    pub fn to_list_entry(&self) -> RawHtml<String> {
-        let comment_list = if self.comments.is_empty() {
-            String::new()
-        } else {
-            format!(
-                r#"
-                <span class="comment-count"> - {} comments</span>
-            "#,
-                self.comments.len()
-            )
-        };
-        let Issue {
-            id,
-            title,
-            message: _,
-            author,
-            timestamp,
-            comments: _,
-            status: _,
-            last_status_change: _,
-        } = self;
-        let Author { name, email } = author;
-        RawHtml(format!(
-            r#"
-               <li>
-                  <a href="/issue/{id}">
-                     <p>
-                        <span class="issue-subject">{title}</span>
-                     </p>
-                     <span class="issue-number">{id}</span> - <span class="created-by-at">Opened by <span class="user-name">{name}</span> <span class="user-email">&lt;{email}&gt;</span> at <span class="timestamp">{timestamp}</span></span>{comment_list}                  </a>
-               </li>
-        ))
-    }
-    pub fn to_html(&self) -> RawHtml<String> {
-        let fmt_comments: String = self
-            .comments
-            .iter()
-            .map(|val| {
-                let Comment {
-                    id,
-                    author,
-                    message,
-                    timestamp,
-                } = val;
-                let Author { name, email: _ } = author;
-                format!(
-                    r#"
-               <li class="comment" id="{id}">
-                  {message}
-                  <p class="comment-info"><span class="user-name">{name} at {timestamp}</span></p>
-               </li>
-                "#,
-                )
-            })
-            .collect::<Vec<String>>()
-            .join("\n");
-        let maybe_comments = if fmt_comments.is_empty() {
-            String::new()
-        } else {
-            format!(
-                r#"
-            <ol class="issue-history">
-            {fmt_comments}
-            </ol>
-            "#
-            )
-        };
-        {
-            let Issue {
-                id,
-                title,
-                message,
-                author,
-                timestamp,
-                comments: _,
-                status: _,
-                last_status_change: _,
-            } = self;
-            let Author { name, email } = author;
-            let html_title = BackString::from(title.clone());
-            RawHtml(format!(
-                r#"
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-   <head>
-      <title>{html_title} | Back</title>
-      <link href="/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-      <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
-   </head>
-   <body>
-      <div class="content">
-         <nav>
-         <a href="/issues/open">Open Issues</a>
-         <a href="/issues/closed">Closed Issues</a>
-         </nav>
-         <header>
-            <h1>{title}</h1>
-            <div class="issue-number">{id}</div>
-         </header>
-         <main>
-            <div class="issue-info">
-                <span class="created-by-at">Opened by <span class="user-name">{name}</span> <span class="user-email">&lt;{email}&gt;</span> at <span class="timestamp">{timestamp}</span></span>
-            </div>
-            {message}
-            {maybe_comments}
-         </main>
-         <footer>
-            <nav>
-            <a href="/issues/open">Open Issues</a>
-            <a href="{}">Source code</a>
-            <a href="/issues/closed">Closed Issues</a>
-            </nav>
-         </footer>
-      </div>
-   </body>
-                SOURCE_CODE_REPOSITORY.get().expect("This should be set")
-            ))
-        }
-    }