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path: root/treefmt.nix
blob: e2c6aeaedcc5a8c8f6e5b13d1f06b77bd5098c45 (plain) (tree)

treefmt-nix.lib.evalModule pkgs (
  {pkgs, ...}: {
    # Used to find the project root
    projectRootFile = "flake.nix";

    programs = {
      alejandra.enable = true;
      rustfmt.enable = true;
      clang-format.enable = true;
      mdformat.enable = true;
      shfmt = {
        enable = true;
        indent_size = 4;
      shellcheck.enable = true;
      prettier = {
        settings = {
          arrowParens = "always";
          bracketSameLine = false;
          bracketSpacing = true;
          editorconfig = true;
          embeddedLanguageFormatting = "auto";
          endOfLine = "lf";
          # experimentalTernaries = false;
          htmlWhitespaceSensitivity = "css";
          insertPragma = false;
          jsxSingleQuote = true;
          printWidth = 80;
          proseWrap = "always";
          quoteProps = "consistent";
          requirePragma = false;
          semi = true;
          singleAttributePerLine = true;
          singleQuote = true;
          trailingComma = "all";
          useTabs = false;
          vueIndentScriptAndStyle = false;

          tabWidth = 4;
          overrides = {
            files = ["*.js"];
            options.tabwidth = 2;
      stylua = {
        enable = true;
        settings = {
          sort_requires.enabled = true;
          column_width = 120;
          line_endings = "Unix";
          indent_type = "Spaces";
          indent_width = 2;
          quote_style = "ForceDouble";
          call_parentheses = "Always";
          # space_after_function_names = "Never";
          collapse_simple_statement = "Always";
      ruff = {
        enable = true;
        format = true;
      taplo.enable = true;

    settings = {
      global.excludes = [
      formatter = {
        clang-format = {
          options = ["--style" "GNU"];
        shfmt = {
          includes = ["*.bash"];