summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/hm/zsh/default.nix
diff options
authorSilas Schöffel <>2024-04-04 17:06:23 +0200
committerSilas Schöffel <>2024-04-04 17:06:23 +0200
commit924ec30e7075ea7a9dbac569a537d876f9146850 (patch)
tree11ff56048f05536a1905490137333b3596d0ee18 /hm/zsh/default.nix
parentusers/default.nix: delete (diff)
refactor: move users/sils dir to hm
Diffstat (limited to 'hm/zsh/default.nix')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hm/zsh/default.nix b/hm/zsh/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea47f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hm/zsh/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.zsh = {
+    enable = true;
+    syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
+    autosuggestion.enable = true;
+    enableCompletion = true;
+    autocd = true;
+    dotDir = ".config/zsh";
+    history = {
+      path = "${config.xdg.stateHome}/zsh/zsh_history";
+      ignoreSpace = false;
+      save = 90000;
+      size = 90000;
+    };
+    historySubstringSearch.enable = true;
+    sessionVariables = {
+      WALLPAPER = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/srv/wallpaper.jpg";
+    };
+    shellAliases = {
+      vim = "nvim";
+      ls = "lsd";
+      l = "ls -l";
+      la = "ls -a";
+      lla = "ls -la";
+      lt = "ls --tree";
+      rebackup = "restic -r /mnt/storage/backups --password-file ~/srv/restic_pswd backup";
+      repreconf = "restic -r /mnt/storage/backups --password-file ~/srv/restic_pswd";
+      b-del = "sudo btrfs subv delet /srv/snapshots/home";
+      b-shot = "sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /home /srv/snapshots/home";
+      b-home = ''[ -d /srv/snapshots/home ] && sudo btrfs subvolume delete /srv/snapshots/home; sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /home /srv/snapshots/home; sudo restic -r /mnt/storage/backups --password-file ~/srv/restic_pswd --cache-dir /srv/.restic-cache backup /srv/snapshots/home;'';
+      r-clean = ''
+        sudo restic -r /mnt/storage/backups --password-file ~/srv/restic_pswd --cache-dir /srv/.restic-cache forget \
+                                           --keep-weekly  7  \
+                                           --keep-daily   7  \
+                                           --keep-monthly 6  \
+                                           --keep-yearly  10 \
+                                           --keep-hourly  5  \
+                                           --keep-tag prs
+      '';
+      r-prune = "sudo restic -r /mnt/storage/backups --password-file ~/srv/restic_pswd --cache-
+    dir /srv/.restic-cache prune";
+      r-check = "sudo restic -r /mnt/storage/backups --cache-dir /srv/.restic-cache --password-
+    file ~/srv/.restic_pswd check";
+      zconf = "nvim ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc";
+      zenv = "nvim ~/.config/zsh/.zshenv";
+      o = "xdg-open";
+      wget = "wget --hsts-file=${config.xdg.dataHome}/wget-hsts";
+      addagpl = "curl > COPYING";
+      addgpl = "curl > COPYING";
+    };
+    initExtraFirst =
+      builtins.readFile ./config/instant-prompt.zsh
+      + "source ${pkgs.zsh-powerlevel10k}/share/zsh-powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme";
+    # +
+    initExtra =
+      ''
+        export ZSH=${pkgs.oh-my-zsh}/share/oh-my-zsh/
+          export fpath=("$XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh/site-functions" $fpath)
+          HISTFILE="$XDG_STATE_HOME/zsh/history"
+          plugins=(git)
+          source $ZSH/
+      ''
+      + builtins.readFile ./config/p10k.zsh
+      + builtins.readFile ./config/functions.zsh;
+  };