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path: root/modules/home.legacy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/home.legacy')
-rw-r--r--modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/GTDcanonical.pngbin34659 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/commands.jpgbin629695 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/duwon-lee-tempano-port.jpgbin671125 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/gnu.pngbin327518 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--modules/home.legacy/files/wallpaper/abstract-nord.pngbin140219 -> 0 bytes
23 files changed, 81 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix
index 328f4dab..e1cab572 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
-    ./direnv
@@ -17,7 +16,6 @@
-    ./mpv
@@ -29,7 +27,6 @@
-    ./swaylock
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/direnv/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/direnv/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a7b8add..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/direnv/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-{...}: {
-  programs.direnv = {
-    enable = true;
-    nix-direnv.enable = true;
-  };
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/bookmarks/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/bookmarks/default.nix
index c612bf4d..41936819 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/bookmarks/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/bookmarks/default.nix
@@ -3,27 +3,7 @@
 }: let
-  bookmarks = [
-    {
-      name = "Feed - Piped";
-      url = "https://piped.video/feed";
-    }
-    {
-      name = "DeepL Translate";
-      url = "https://www.deepl.com/translator";
-    }
-    {
-      name = "Nix lib";
-      url = "https://teu5us.github.io/nix-lib.html";
-    }
-    {
-      name = "Nixpkgs manual";
-      url = "https://ryantm.github.io/nixpkgs/";
-    }
-  ];
+  bookmarks = [];
   mkBookmarksFile = (import ./lib.nix) {inherit lib pkgs;};
   bookmarks_file = mkBookmarksFile bookmarks;
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/extensions/extensions.json b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/extensions/extensions.json
index 0c318236..54b28c78 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/extensions/extensions.json
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/extensions/extensions.json
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
     "addonId": "addon@darkreader.org",
     "default_area": "navbar",
     "pname": "darkreader",
-    "sha256": "sha256:02c67ce2b3cd96719b5e369b9207ef11ed6c3a79eccb454d1e6ec3e005004e72",
-    "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4405074/darkreader-4.9.99.xpi",
-    "version": "4.9.99"
+    "sha256": "sha256:f565b2263a71626a0310380915b7aef90be8cc6fe16ea43ac1a0846efedc2e4c",
+    "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4439735/darkreader-4.9.103.xpi",
+    "version": "4.9.103"
   "keepassxc-browser": {
     "addonId": "keepassxc-browser@keepassxc.org",
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/prefs/override.js b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/prefs/override.js
index bf874b33..cf74cf3b 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/prefs/override.js
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/prefs/override.js
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ user_pref("browser.urlbar.placeholderName", "Brave");
 // Set the tabs and bookmarks
 user_pref("browser.tabs.inTitlebar", 1);
-user_pref("browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility", "always");
+user_pref("browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility", "never");
 user_pref("browser.places.importBookmarksHTML", true);
 // Theme
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/search/engines/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/search/engines/default.nix
index a47c77df..7e7880ca 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/search/engines/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/firefox/config/search/engines/default.nix
@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
     definedAliases = ["@np"];
+  "Nix functions" = {
+    urls = [{template = "https://noogle.dev/q?term={searchTerms}";}];
+    icon = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
+    definedAliases = ["@ng"];
+  };
   "NixOS Options" = {
     urls = [{template = "https://search.nixos.org/options?type=options&query={searchTerms}";}];
     icon = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mail/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/mail/default.nix
index 0ecbe40a..46526173 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mail/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/mail/default.nix
@@ -1,15 +1,53 @@
+  lib,
 }: let
   benedikt = import ./accounts/benedikt.nix {inherit pkgs;};
   soispha = import ./accounts/soispha.nix {inherit pkgs;};
   accounts = {inherit soispha benedikt;};
+  mkHelper = {
+    userName,
+    passwordCommand,
+    ...
+  }:
+    builtins.toString (pkgs.writeShellScript "git-credential-keepassxc-libsecret"
+      # bash
+      ''
+        [ "$1" = "get" ] || {
+          exit 1
+        }
+        output="$(cat)"
+        if echo "$output" | grep "username=${userName}" -q; then
+          if password="$(${passwordCommand})"; then
+            printf "%s\npassword=%s\n\n" "$output" "$password"
+          else
+            # The password command failed (for whatever reason)
+            exit 1
+          fi
+        else
+          # Not our business.
+          exit 1
+        fi
+      '');
+  accountCredentials =
+    # TODO: This will result in only one of them being defined, as we duplicate the
+    # attribute key <2025-02-03>
+    lib.mapAttrs' (_: value: {
+      name = "credential.smtp://${value.smtp.host}:${builtins.toString value.smtp.port}";
+      value = {
+        "helper" = mkHelper value;
+      };
+    })
+    accounts;
 in {
   accounts.email = {
     maildirBasePath = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/maildir";
     inherit accounts;
+  programs.git.extraConfig = accountCredentials;
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mbsync/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/mbsync/default.nix
index ac9808c9..8418d92d 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mbsync/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/mbsync/default.nix
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-  config,
-  lib,
-  ...
-}: {
-  # TODO: I have no clue if both are needed, but it looks neat, right?
+{lib, ...}: {
+  # This configures the program in itself (i.e., sets-up a config file, etc.)
   programs.mbsync = {
     enable = true;
+  # This starts a systemd service to periodically sync mail
   services.mbsync = {
     enable = true;
-    # TODO: enable after isync 1.5 drops
-    #configFile = "${config.xdg.configHome}/mbsync/mbsync.conf";
-  # Disable the timer, and only activate it on neomutt start
+  # Disable the timer, and only activate the service when neomutt starts
+  # Otherwise, the password command would prompt me to unlock the keepassxc database every
+  # time.
   systemd.user.timers.mbsync = lib.mkForce {};
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpv/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpv/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b252a38..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpv/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-{...}: {
-  programs.mpv = {
-    enable = true;
-    bindings = {
-      q = "quit 0";
-      "Ctrl+c" = "quit 1";
-      "Shift+q" = "quit-watch-later 1";
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/GTDcanonical.png b/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/GTDcanonical.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ef41d79d..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/GTDcanonical.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/commands.jpg b/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/commands.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 54016503..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/commands.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d662cb78..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-{...}: {
-  programs.swaylock = {
-    enable = true;
-    settings = {
-      image = "${./duwon-lee-tempano-port.jpg}";
-      scaling = "center";
-      color = "000000";
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/duwon-lee-tempano-port.jpg b/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/duwon-lee-tempano-port.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index d72f32d1..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/duwon-lee-tempano-port.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/gnu.png b/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/gnu.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d07dee3e..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/swaylock/gnu.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/modules/home.legacy/files/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/files/default.nix
index 16fe9afe..50b340b8 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/files/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/files/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 {...}: {
   imports = [
-    ./wallpaper
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/files/wallpaper/abstract-nord.png b/modules/home.legacy/files/wallpaper/abstract-nord.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef498bf..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/files/wallpaper/abstract-nord.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/modules/home.legacy/files/wallpaper/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/files/wallpaper/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 119df225..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/files/wallpaper/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-{config, ...}: {
-  home = {
-    sessionVariables = {
-      WALLPAPER = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/media/pictures/wallpaper";
-    };
-    file = {
-      wallpaper = {
-        source = ./abstract-nord.png;
-        target = "media/pictures/wallpaper";
-      };
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix
index 1a4c4a1b..1d77c7de 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix
@@ -5,44 +5,37 @@
-# TODO: Remove this whole file, and move each pkgs to a separate module. <2024-11-16>
+# TODO: Remove this whole file, and move each package to a separate module. <2024-11-16>
 with pkgs; let
+  neorgFinal =
+    neorg.override
+    {
+      defaultNeorgProjectDir = config.programs.nixvim.plugins.neorg.settings.load."core.dirman".config.workspaces.projects;
+      allProjectsNewline = config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_newline;
+      allProjectsComma = config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_comma;
+      allProjectsPipe = config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_pipe;
+      allWorkspaces = config.programs.nixvim.plugins.neorg.settings.load."core.dirman".config.workspaces;
+      xdgConfigHome = config.xdg.configHome;
+      xdgDataHome = config.xdg.dataHome;
+    };
   Gui = {
     Terminals = [
-      # foot # wayland native terminal
       alacritty # default terminal
-    Browsers = [
-      #ungoogled-chromium # web browser (only for web programming)
-      #brave
-    ];
-    ImageManipulation = [
-      #krita # new, and better (KDE)
-      #gimp # conservative, and old (GNOME)
-    ];
     Social = [
-      mumble # voice chat software (client)
-      # lutris # multiple game store clients
-      # nheko # best matrix client (as of today)
-      # element-desktop  # nheko didn't work
       signal-desktop # to avoid encryption problems with signal-bridge
     Misc = [
-      #kalzium # Periodic Table of Elements (`element` is [sort of] better)
       keepassxc # password manager
-      #onlykey # OnlyKey Chrome Desktop App
       anki-bin # spaced repetition
   TuiCli = {
     EyeCandy = [
-      #banner # Print large banners to ASCII terminals
-      cmatrix # A curses-based scrolling 'Matrix'-like screen
       hyfetch # Neofetch with LGBTQ pride flags.
@@ -58,7 +51,6 @@ with pkgs; let
       android-file-transfer # Android MTP client with minimalistic UI
       #xdg-ninja # A shell script which checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories.
       xdg-utils # open urls and such things
-      yokadi # Command line oriented, sqlite powered, todo list
       killall # kill a application by name
       snap-sync-forked # A btrfs based backup solution
       bc # Smart calculator
@@ -77,33 +69,18 @@ with pkgs; let
       Firefox = [
         # `neorg` handles the integration between Firefox profiles and task
         # contexts
-        (neorg.override
-          {
-            defaultNeorgProjectDir = config.programs.nixvim.plugins.neorg.settings.load."core.dirman".config.workspaces.projects;
-            allProjectsNewline = config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_newline;
-            allProjectsComma = config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_comma;
-            allProjectsPipe = config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_pipe;
-            allWorkspaces = config.programs.nixvim.plugins.neorg.settings.load."core.dirman".config.workspaces;
-            xdgConfigHome = config.xdg.configHome;
-            xdgDataHome = config.xdg.dataHome;
-          })
+        neorgFinal
     WM = {
-      river = [river]; # A dynamic tiling wayland compositor
       CLITools = [
         lswt # List Wayland toplevels.
         wl-clipboard # Command-line copy/paste utilities.
-        swaylock # My current lockscreen implementation.
       Media = [
-        wf-recorder # Screen recorder.
         libnotify # a command to send a notification.
-        screenshot_persistent # Creates a persisting screenshot.
-        screenshot_temporary # Takes a screenshot and stores it in the clipboard.
@@ -120,13 +97,11 @@ with pkgs; let
       Listen = [
         spodi # Wrapper around `spotdl`.
-        sort_song # Sorts songs in the current directory.
     Hardware = {
       Storage = [
-        #compsize # Calculate compression ratio of a set of files on Btrfs
         # TODO: smartmontools # Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives
@@ -144,10 +119,6 @@ with pkgs; let
             backlightName = nixosConfig.soispha.laptop.backlight;
-      Input = [
-        #piper # GTK application to configure gaming mice
-      ];
     SystemUpdate = [
@@ -176,7 +147,6 @@ with pkgs; let
       GeneralTools = [
         stamp # Add a license header to a file
         git # the fast distributed version control system
-        git-absorb # git commit --fixup, but automatic
         git-edit-index # Allows you to edit the indexed version of a file
         git-cm # A wrapper that re-adds the last commit's subject
         git-cleanup # An automatic merged branch deleter
@@ -194,7 +164,16 @@ with pkgs; let
       else builtins.attrValues x
     else [x];
 in {
-  home.packages =
+  options.soispha.programs.neorg = {
+    package = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.package;
+      default = neorgFinal;
+      description = ''
+        The neorg package to use.
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  config.home.packages =
     ++ (with builtins;
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/wms/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/wms/default.nix
index 610ea2f4..340978f1 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/wms/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/wms/default.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 {config, ...}: {
   imports = [
     # ./sway
-    ./river
     # ./plasma
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9463e94e..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-  pkgs,
-  sysLib,
-  river_init_lesser,
-  nixosConfig,
-  system,
-  qmk_firmware,
-  ...
-}: let
-  inherit (nixosConfig.networking) hostName;
-  mappings =
-    if hostName == "tiamat"
-    then ''
-      err_fail riverctl keyboard-layout 'us-modified'
-      err_fail river_init_lesser ~/.config/river/res/moonlander.ron
-    ''
-    else if hostName == "lahmu" || hostName == "apzu" || hostName == "mammun" || hostName == "isimud"
-    then ''
-      err_fail riverctl keyboard-layout 'dvorak-modified'
-      err_fail river_init_lesser ~/.config/river/res/keys.ron
-    ''
-    else builtins.throw "Host not covered in river mappings";
-  screen_setup =
-    if hostName == "lahmu"
-    then ''
-      err_fail wlr-randr --output Virtual-1 --mode 1920x1080
-    ''
-    else if hostName == "tiamat"
-    then ''
-      err_fail wlr-randr --output DP-2 --pos 2560,0
-      err_fail wlr-randr --output DP-1 --scale 1.5 --pos 0,0
-      err_fail gammastep &
-    ''
-    else if hostName == "apzu" || hostName == "mammun" || hostName == "isimud"
-    then ''
-      err_fail gammastep &
-    ''
-    else builtins.throw "Host not covered in river screen setup";
-  env_vars = "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river DESKTOP_SESSION=river";
-  init_scr = pkgs.substituteAll {
-    src = ./init.sh;
-    inherit mappings screen_setup env_vars;
-  };
-in {
-  home.sessionVariables = {
-    WM = "river";
-    XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = "river";
-    DESKTOP_SESSION = "river";
-    # Export Wayland env Vars {{{
-    QT_QPA_PLATFORM = "wayland";
-    QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct"; # needs qt5ct
-    CLUTTER_BACKEND = "wayland";
-    SDL_VIDEODRIVER = "wayland"; # might brake some things
-    # }}}
-  };
-  xdg.configFile."river/init".source =
-    sysLib.writeShellScript {
-      name = "river_init";
-      src = init_scr;
-      keepPath = true;
-      dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-        river_init_lesser = river_init_lesser.packages.${system}.default;
-        inherit (qmk_firmware.packages.${system}) qmk_unicode_type;
-        inherit
-          (pkgs)
-          dash
-          river
-          glib # gnome lib
-          gammastep
-          wlr-randr
-          yambar
-          mako
-          swaybg
-          swayidle
-          swaylock
-          alacritty
-          ;
-      };
-    }
-    + /bin/river_init;
-  # TODO: These mappings should be generated in nix. (Which would allow to replace the
-  # `mpc` pat adding.) <2024-11-16>
-  # Needed for the key-mappings.
-  home.packages = [pkgs.mpc];
-  xdg.configFile."river/res".source = ./res;
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/init.sh b/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/init.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 06a2e2f4..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/init.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-err_fail() {
-    if ! "$@"; then
-        warning "\"$*\" failed!\n" >>~/river_log
-        # msg "Executing the safe init!"
-        # exec ~/.config/river/res/safe_init.sh
-    fi
-err_fail rm ~/river_log
-exec 1>>"$HOME"/river_log
-exec 2>>"$HOME"/river_log
-#trap err_fail ERR
-#Setup of environment variables {{{
-err_fail riverctl spawn "exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd SEATD_SOCK DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY DESKTOP_SESSION=river XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river"
-export @env_vars@
-# Setup of mappings {{{
-# }}}
-# Setup of Rules {{{
-err_fail riverctl rule-add -app-id float -title '*' float
-err_fail riverctl rule-add -app-id mpv -title '*' float
-err_fail riverctl rule-add -app-id ModernGL -title '*' float
-err_fail riverctl rule-add -app-id '*' -title 'Manim Slides' float
-err_fail riverctl rule-add -app-id '*' -title 'floating please' float
-err_fail riverctl rule-add -app-id '*' -title '*' ssd
-err_fail riverctl rule-add -app-id firefox -title '*' csd # This remove the focus border around Firefox (which is useful because the Firefox is nearly always in its own tag.)
-# }}}
-# Set riverctl settings {{{
-# background
-err_fail riverctl background-color 0x002b36
-err_fail riverctl border-color-focused 0x93a1a1
-err_fail riverctl border-color-unfocused 0x586e75
-# keyboard repeat rate
-err_fail riverctl set-repeat 50 300
-# Cursor
-err_fail riverctl focus-follows-cursor normal
-#riverctl hide-cursor timeout 2000
-err_fail riverctl hide-cursor when-typing enabled
-err_fail riverctl set-cursor-warp on-output-change
-err_fail riverctl xcursor-theme Nordzy-cursors 24
-err_fail riverctl input pointer-1133-49970-Logitech_Gaming_Mouse_G502 pointer-accel 0
-err_fail riverctl input pointer-1133-49970-Logitech_Gaming_Mouse_G502 accel-profile none
-err_fail riverctl input pointer-12951-6505-ZSA_Technology_Labs_Moonlander_Mark_I pointer-accel 0
-err_fail riverctl input pointer-12951-6505-ZSA_Technology_Labs_Moonlander_Mark_I accel-profile none
-# }}}
-# Setup of general apps {{{
-err_fail yambar &
-err_fail mako &
-err_fail swaybg -i "$WALLPAPER" &
-err_fail swayidle &
-err_fail alacritty &
-# }}}
-# Setup of layout [acts as exec!] {{{
-err_fail riverctl default-layout rivertile
-@env_vars@ rivertile -main-ratio 0.5 -view-padding 1 -outer-padding 0
-#riverctl default-layout luatile
-# }}}
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/res/keys.ron b/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/res/keys.ron
deleted file mode 100644
index a2bc0fa1..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/res/keys.ron
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-    commands: [
-    // Focus change
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "T",                       mods: "Super",          command: "focus-view",          command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "N",                       mods: "Super",          command: "focus-view",          command_args: "previous",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "T",                       mods: "Super+Control",  command: "focus-output",        command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "N",                       mods: "Super+Control",  command: "focus-output",        command_args: "previous",),
-    // Standard program
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Return",                  mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "alacritty",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "q",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "exit",                command_args: None,),
-    // Screenshot
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Print",                   mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "screenshot_persistent",),
-    // Audio
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "XF86AudioRaiseVolume",    mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "pactl set-sink-volume 1 +5%",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal", "locked"], key: "XF86AudioLowerVolume",    mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "pactl set-sink-volume 1 -5%",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal", "locked"], key: "XF86AudioMute",           mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "mpc toggle",),
-    // Launcher
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "R",                       mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "rofi -show combi -modes combi -combi-modes 'window,drun,run' -show-icons",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F1",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "neorg dmenu",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F2",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "keepassxc",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F3",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "signal-desktop",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F4",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "steam",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "L",                       mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "lock",),
-    // Client
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "f",                       mods: "Super",          command: "toggle-fullscreen",   command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "c",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "close",               command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "space",                   mods: "Super+Control",  command: "toggle-float",        command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Return",                  mods: "Super+Control",  command: "zoom",                command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "o",                       mods: "Super",          command: "send-to-output",      command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "T",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "swap",                command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "N",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "swap",                command_args: "previous",),
-    // Toggle all tags
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "0",                       mods: "Super",          command: "set-focused-tags",    command_args: "4294967295"),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "0",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "set-view-tags",       command_args: "4294967295"),
-    // Mouse
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: MapMouse,    mode: ["normal"],           key: "BTN_LEFT",                mods: "Super",          command: "move-view",           command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: MapMouse,    mode: ["normal"],           key: "BTN_RIGHT",               mods: "Super",          command: "resize-view",         command_args: None,),
-    ],
-    // Set these mappings for the tags 0-8 with key [1-9]
-    tags_number: 9,
-    tag_commands: [
-    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super",                 command: "set-focused-tags",),
-    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Shift",           command: "set-view-tags",),
-    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Control",         command: "toggle-focused-tags",),
-    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Shift+Control",   command: "toggle-view-tags",),
-    ],
-// vim: nolinebreak nowrap textwidth=0
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/res/moonlander.ron b/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/res/moonlander.ron
deleted file mode 100644
index 247c1697..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/wms/river/res/moonlander.ron
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-    // TODO: add toggle-focus mapping
-    commands: [
-    // Movement
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "A", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "exit",                 command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "B", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "close",                command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "C", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "focus-view",           command_args: "previous",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "D", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "focus-view",           command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "E", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "swap",                 command_args: "previous",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "swap",                 command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "G", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "zoom",                 command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "H", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "toggle-fullscreen",    command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "I", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "toggle-float",         command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "J", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "send-to-output",       command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "K", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "alacritty",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "L", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "screenshot_persistent",),
-    // Audio
-    // RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal", "locked"], key: "M", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "video-pause toggle",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal", "locked"], key: "N", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "mpc toggle",),
-    // Launcher
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "O", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "rofi -show combi -modes combi -combi-modes 'window,drun,run' -show-icons",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "P", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "neorg dmenu",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Q", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "keepassxc",),
-    // RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "R", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "nheko",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "S", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "signal-desktop",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "T", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",                command_args: "lock",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "U", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "focus-output",         command_args: "next",),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "V", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "focus-previous-tags",  command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "W", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "send-to-previous-tags",command_args: None,),
-    //RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "X", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",               command_args: "bemenu-run",),
-    //RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Y", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",               command_args: "bemenu-run",),
-    // Toggle all tags
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "0", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "set-focused-tags",    command_args: "4294967295"),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "0", mods: "Alt+Control+Shift",       command: "set-view-tags",       command_args: "4294967295"),
-    // Support Unicode input
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Z", mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "spawn",               command_args: "qmk-unicode-type 106 65377",),
-    // Mouse
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: MapMouse,    mode: ["normal"],           key: "BTN_LEFT",                mods: "Super",          command: "move-view",           command_args: None,),
-    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: MapMouse,    mode: ["normal"],           key: "BTN_RIGHT",               mods: "Super",          command: "resize-view",         command_args: None,),
-    ],
-    // Set these mappings for the tags 0-8 with key [1-9]
-    tags_number: 9,
-    tag_commands: [
-        RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Alt+Control+Super+Shift", command: "set-focused-tags",),
-        RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Alt+Control+Shift",       command: "set-view-tags",),
-        // TODO: RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Control",         command: "toggle-focused-tags",),
-        // TODO: RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Shift+Control",   command: "toggle-view-tags",),
-    ],
-// vim: nolinebreak nowrap textwidth=0