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path: root/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip')
6 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..130fafee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+  lib,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.nixvim = {
+    plugins.luasnip = {
+      enable = true;
+    };
+    extraConfigLuaPost = ''
+      ${lib.strings.fileContents ./lua/luasnip.lua};
+      require("luasnip.loaders.from_lua").load({paths = "${./lua/snippets}"});
+      require("luasnip.loaders.from_lua").lazy_load({paths = "${./lua/snippets}"});
+    '';
+    extraPlugins = [
+      # needed for the todo-comments snippets
+      pkgs.vimPlugins.comment-nvim
+    ];
+  };
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/luasnip.lua b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/luasnip.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a05fa57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/luasnip.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  -- Enable auto triggered snippets
+  enable_autosnippets = true,
+  -- Use Tab (or some other key if you prefer) to trigger visual selection
+  store_selection_keys = "<Tab>",
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/all.lua b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/all.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3f75058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/all.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+local ls = require("luasnip")
+-- auto_pairs  {{{
+local get_visual = function(args, parent)
+  if #parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW > 0 then
+    return sn(nil, i(1, parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW))
+  else
+    return sn(nil, i(1, ""))
+  end
+local function char_count_same(c1, c2)
+  local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
+  -- '%'-escape chars to force explicit match (gsub accepts patterns).
+  -- second return value is number of substitutions.
+  local _, ct1 = string.gsub(line, "%" .. c1, "")
+  local _, ct2 = string.gsub(line, "%" .. c2, "")
+  return ct1 == ct2
+local function even_count(c, ...)
+  local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
+  local _, ct = string.gsub(line, c, "")
+  return ct % 2 == 0
+-- This makes creation of pair-type snippets easier.
+local function pair(pair_begin, pair_end, file_types, condition_function)
+  -- FIXME(@Soispha): This only works if file_types == nil, otherwise the snippet does not expand.
+  -- It would be nice, if it would support both an empty array (`{}`) and nil <2023-08-27>
+  -- file_types = file_types or {};
+  return s(
+    { trig = pair_begin, wordTrig = false, snippetType = "autosnippet" },
+    { t({ pair_begin }), d(1, get_visual), t({ pair_end }) },
+    {
+      condition = function()
+        local filetype_check = true
+        if file_types ~= nil then
+          filetype_check = file_types[vim.bo.filetype] or false
+        end
+        return (not condition_function(pair_begin, pair_end)) and filetype_check
+      end,
+    }
+  )
+local auto_pairs = {
+  pair("(", ")", nil, char_count_same),
+  pair("{", "}", nil, char_count_same),
+  pair("[", "]", nil, char_count_same),
+  pair("<", ">", { ["rust"] = true, ["tex"] = true }, char_count_same),
+  pair("'", "'", nil, even_count),
+  pair('"', '"', nil, even_count),
+  pair("`", "`", nil, even_count),
+ls.add_snippets("all", auto_pairs, { type = "snippets", key = "auto_pairs" })
+-- }}}
+-- todo_comments {{{
+local calculate_comment_string = require("Comment.ft").calculate
+local utils = require("Comment.utils")
+--- Get the comment string {beg,end} table
+---@param ctype integer 1 for `line`-comment and 2 for `block`-comment
+---@return table comment_strings {begcstring, endcstring}
+local get_cstring = function(ctype)
+  -- use the `Comments.nvim` API to fetch the comment string for the region (eq. '--%s' or '--[[%s]]' for `lua`)
+  local cstring = calculate_comment_string({ ctype = ctype, range = utils.get_region() }) or vim.bo.commentstring
+  -- as we want only the strings themselves and not strings ready for using `format` we want to split the left and right side
+  local left, right = utils.unwrap_cstr(cstring)
+  -- create a `{left, right}` table for it
+  return { left, right }
+_G.luasnip = {}
+_G.luasnip.vars = {
+  username = "@soispha",
+  email = "soispha@vhack.eu",
+--- Options for marks to be used in a TODO comment
+---@return table,table: The first table contains a node for the date, the second for the signature
+local marks = {
+  signature = function()
+    return t("(" .. _G.luasnip.vars.username .. ")"), t("")
+  end,
+  date_signature = function()
+    return t("<" .. os.date("%Y-%m-%d") .. ">"), t("(" .. _G.luasnip.vars.username .. ")")
+  end,
+  date = function()
+    return t("<" .. os.date("%Y-%m-%d") .. ">"), t("")
+  end,
+  empty = function()
+    return t(""), t("")
+  end,
+---@param alias string
+---@param opts table
+---@param mark_function function: This function should return two nodes
+---@return table: Returns the comment node
+local todo_snippet_nodes = function(alias, opts, mark_function)
+  local date_node, signature_node = mark_function()
+  -- format them into the actual snippet
+  local comment_node = fmta("<> <><>: <> <> <>", {
+    f(function()
+      return get_cstring(opts.ctype)[1] -- get <comment-string[1]>
+    end),
+    t(alias), -- [name-of-comment]
+    signature_node,
+    i(0), -- {comment-text}
+    date_node,
+    f(function()
+      return get_cstring(opts.ctype)[2] -- get <comment-string[2]>
+    end),
+  })
+  return comment_node
+--- Generate a TODO comment snippet with an automatic description and docstring
+---@param context table merged with the generated context table `trig` must be specified
+---@param alias string of aliases for the todo comment (ex.: {FIX, ISSUE, FIXIT, BUG})
+---@param opts table merged with the snippet opts table
+---@param mark_function function: The function used to get the marks
+local todo_snippet = function(context, alias, opts, mark_function)
+  opts = opts or {}
+  context = context or {}
+  if not context.trig then
+    return error("context doesn't include a `trig` key which is mandatory", 2) -- all we need from the context is the trigger
+  end
+  opts.ctype = opts.ctype or 1 -- comment type can be passed in the `opts` table, but if it is not, we have to ensure, it is defined
+  local alias_string = alias -- `choice_node` documentation
+  context.name = context.name or (alias_string .. " comment") -- generate the `name` of the snippet if not defined
+  context.dscr = context.dscr or (alias_string .. " comment with a signature-mark") -- generate the `dscr` if not defined
+  context.docstring = context.docstring or (" {1:" .. alias_string .. "}: {3} <{2:mark}>{0} ") -- generate the `docstring` if not defined
+  local comment_node = todo_snippet_nodes(alias, opts, mark_function)
+  return s(context, comment_node, opts) -- the final todo-snippet constructed from our parameters
+---@param context table: The luasnip context
+---@param opts table: The luasnip opts table, needs to have a ctype set
+---@param aliases string: All aliases for a name
+---@param marks table: Possible marks to account in snipped generation
+---@return table: All possible snippets build from the marks
+local process_marks = function(context, aliases, opts, marks)
+  local output = {}
+  for mark_name, mark_function in pairs(marks) do
+    local contex_trig_local = context.trig
+    context.trig = context.trig .. "-" .. mark_name
+    output[#output + 1] = todo_snippet(context, aliases, opts, mark_function)
+    context.trig = contex_trig_local
+  end
+  return output
+local todo_snippet_specs = {
+  { { trig = "todo" }, { "TODO" }, { ctype = 1 } },
+  { { trig = "fix" }, { "FIXME", "ISSUE" }, { ctype = 1 } },
+  { { trig = "hack" }, { "HACK" }, { ctype = 1 } },
+  { { trig = "warn" }, { "WARNING" }, { ctype = 1 } },
+  { { trig = "perf" }, { "PERFORMANCE", "OPTIMIZE" }, { ctype = 1 } },
+  { { trig = "note" }, { "NOTE", "INFO" }, { ctype = 1 } },
+  -- NOTE: Block commented todo-comments
+  { { trig = "todob" }, { "TODO" }, { ctype = 2 } },
+  { { trig = "fixb" }, { "FIXME", "ISSUE" }, { ctype = 2 } },
+  { { trig = "hackb" }, { "HACK" }, { ctype = 2 } },
+  { { trig = "warnb" }, { "WARNING" }, { ctype = 2 } },
+  { { trig = "perfb" }, { "PERF", "PERFORMANCE", "OPTIM", "OPTIMIZE" }, { ctype = 2 } },
+  { { trig = "noteb" }, { "NOTE", "INFO" }, { ctype = 2 } },
+local todo_comment_snippets = {}
+for _, v in ipairs(todo_snippet_specs) do
+  local snippets = process_marks(v[1], v[2][1], v[3], marks)
+  for _, value in pairs(snippets) do
+    table.insert(todo_comment_snippets, value)
+  end
+ls.add_snippets("all", todo_comment_snippets, { type = "snippets", key = "todo_comments" })
+-- }}}
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/html/html.lua b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/html/html.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17e1e7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/html/html.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+local get_visual = function(args, parent)
+  if #parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW > 0 then
+    return sn(nil, i(1, parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW))
+  else
+    return sn(nil, i(1))
+  end
+local line_begin = require("luasnip.extras.expand_conditions").line_begin
+return {
+  -- HEADER
+  s(
+    {
+      trig = "h([123456])",
+      regTrig = true,
+      wordTrig = false,
+      snippetType = "autosnippet",
+    },
+    fmt(
+      [[
+          <h{}>{}</h{}>
+        ]],
+      {
+        f(function(_, snip)
+          return snip.captures[1]
+        end),
+        d(1, get_visual),
+        f(function(_, snip)
+          return snip.captures[1]
+        end),
+      }
+    ),
+    { condition = line_begin }
+  ), -- PARAGRAPH
+  s(
+    { trig = "pp", snippetType = "autosnippet" },
+    fmt(
+      [[
+          <p>{}</p>
+        ]],
+      { d(1, get_visual) }
+    ),
+    { condition = line_begin }
+  s(
+    { trig = "itt", snippetType = "autosnippet" },
+    fmt(
+      [[
+          <ul>
+            <li>{}</li>{}
+          </ul>
+        ]],
+      { i(1), i(0) }
+    ),
+    { condition = line_begin }
+  ), -- LIST ITEM
+  s(
+    { trig = "ii", snippetType = "autosnippet" },
+    fmt(
+      [[
+            <li>{}</li>
+        ]],
+      { d(1, get_visual) }
+    ),
+    { condition = line_begin }
+  ),
+  s(
+    { trig = "base" },
+    fmt(
+      [[
+        <!doctype HTML>
+        <html lang="en">
+        <head>
+          <meta charset="UTF-8">
+          <title>{}</title>
+        </head>
+        <body>
+          {}
+        </body>
+        </html>
+        ]],
+      { i(1, "FooBar"), i(0) }
+    ),
+    { condition = line_begin }
+  ), -- ANCHOR TAG
+  s(
+    {
+      trig = "([^%l])aa",
+      regTrig = true,
+      wordTrig = false,
+      snippetType = "autosnippet",
+    },
+    fmt(
+      [[
+          {}<a href="{}">{}</a>
+        ]],
+      {
+        f(function(_, snip)
+          return snip.captures[1]
+        end),
+        i(1),
+        d(2, get_visual),
+      }
+    )
+  ),
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/delimiter.lua b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/delimiter.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22434aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/delimiter.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+local get_visual = function(args, parent)
+  if #parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW > 0 then
+    return sn(nil, i(1, parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW))
+  else
+    return sn(nil, i(1, ""))
+  end
+local translation_table = { ["("] = ")", ["{"] = "}", ["["] = "]" }
+-- Return snippet tables
+return {
+  s(
+    {
+      trig = "([^%a])l([%(%[%{])",
+      regTrig = true,
+      wordTrig = false,
+      snippetType = "autosnippet",
+    },
+    fmta("<>\\left<><>\\right<>", {
+      f(function(_, snip)
+        return snip.captures[1]
+      end),
+      f(function(_, snip)
+        return snip.captures[2]
+      end),
+      d(1, get_visual),
+      f(function(_, snip)
+        return translation_table[snip.captures[2]]
+      end),
+    })
+  ),
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/greek.lua b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/greek.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebf4f9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/nvim/plgs/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/greek.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+-- Return snippet tables
+return {
+  s({ trig = ";a", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\alpha") }),
+  s({ trig = ";b", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\beta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";g", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\gamma") }),
+  s({ trig = ";G", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Gamma") }),
+  s({ trig = ";d", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\delta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";D", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Delta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";e", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\epsilon") }),
+  s({ trig = ";ve", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\varepsilon") }),
+  s({ trig = ";z", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\zeta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";h", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\eta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";o", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\theta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";vo", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\vartheta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";O", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Theta") }),
+  s({ trig = ";k", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\kappa") }),
+  s({ trig = ";l", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\lambda") }),
+  s({ trig = ";L", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Lambda") }),
+  s({ trig = ";m", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\mu") }),
+  s({ trig = ";n", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\nu") }),
+  s({ trig = ";x", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\xi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";X", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Xi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";i", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\pi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";I", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Pi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";r", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\rho") }),
+  s({ trig = ";s", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\sigma") }),
+  s({ trig = ";S", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Sigma") }),
+  s({ trig = ";t", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\tau") }),
+  s({ trig = ";f", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\phi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";vf", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\varphi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";F", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Phi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";c", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\chi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";p", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\psi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";P", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Psi") }),
+  s({ trig = ";w", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\omega") }),
+  s({ trig = ";W", snippetType = "autosnippet" }, { t("\\Omega") }),