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path: root/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/luasnip.lua b/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/luasnip.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a603692..00000000
--- a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/luasnip.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  -- Enable auto triggered snippets
-  enable_autosnippets = true;
-  -- Use Tab (or some other key if you prefer) to trigger visual selection
-  store_selection_keys = "<Tab>";
diff --git a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/all.lua b/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/all.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ce91a87..00000000
--- a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/all.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-local get_visual = function(args, parent)
-  if #parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW > 0 then
-    return sn(nil, i(1, parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW))
-  else
-    return sn(nil, i(1, ""))
-  end
-local function char_count_same(c1, c2)
-  local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
-  -- '%'-escape chars to force explicit match (gsub accepts patterns).
-  -- second return value is number of substitutions.
-  local _, ct1 = string.gsub(line, "%" .. c1, "")
-  local _, ct2 = string.gsub(line, "%" .. c2, "")
-  return ct1 == ct2
-local function even_count(c)
-  local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
-  local _, ct = string.gsub(line, c, "")
-  return ct % 2 == 0
-local function neg(fn, ...)
-  return not fn(...)
-local function part(fn, ...)
-  local args = { ...; }
-  return function()
-    return fn(unpack(args))
-  end
--- This makes creation of pair-type snippets easier.
-local function pair(pair_begin, pair_end, expand_func, ...)
-  -- triggerd by opening part of pair, wordTrig=false to trigger anywhere.
-  -- ... is used to pass any args following the expand_func to it.
-  return s(
-    { trig = pair_begin; wordTrig = false; snippetType = "autosnippet"; },
-    { t({ pair_begin; }); d(1, get_visual); t({ pair_end; }); },
-    { condition = part(expand_func, part(..., pair_begin, pair_end)); }
-  )
-local maybe = { pair = nil; }
-if vim.bo.filetype == "tex" then
-  maybe.pair = pair("<", ">", neg, char_count_same)
-local output_table = {
-  pair("(", ")", neg, char_count_same);
-  pair("{", "}", neg, char_count_same);
-  pair("[", "]", neg, char_count_same);
-  pair("'", "'", neg, even_count);
-  pair('"', '"', neg, even_count);
-  pair("`", "`", neg, even_count);
-output_table[#output_table + 1] = maybe.pair
-return output_table
diff --git a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/html/html.lua b/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/html/html.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c467dd68..00000000
--- a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/html/html.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-local get_visual = function(args, parent)
-  if #parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW > 0 then
-    return sn(nil, i(1, parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW))
-  else
-    return sn(nil, i(1))
-  end
-local line_begin = require("luasnip.extras.expand_conditions").line_begin
-return {
-  -- HEADER
-  s(
-    {
-      trig = "h([123456])";
-      regTrig = true;
-      wordTrig = false;
-      snippetType = "autosnippet";
-    },
-    fmt(
-      [[
-          <h{}>{}</h{}>
-        ]],
-      {
-        f(function(_, snip)
-          return snip.captures[1]
-        end);
-        d(1, get_visual);
-        f(function(_, snip)
-          return snip.captures[1]
-        end);
-      }
-    ),
-    { condition = line_begin; }
-  ); -- PARAGRAPH
-  s(
-    { trig = "pp"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; },
-    fmt(
-      [[
-          <p>{}</p>
-        ]],
-      { d(1, get_visual); }
-    ),
-    { condition = line_begin; }
-  s(
-    { trig = "itt"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; },
-    fmt(
-      [[
-          <ul>
-            <li>{}</li>{}
-          </ul>
-        ]],
-      { i(1); i(0); }
-    ),
-    { condition = line_begin; }
-  ); -- LIST ITEM
-  s(
-    { trig = "ii"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; },
-    fmt(
-      [[
-            <li>{}</li>
-        ]],
-      { d(1, get_visual); }
-    ),
-    { condition = line_begin; }
-  );
-  s(
-    { trig = "base"; },
-    fmt(
-      [[
-        <!doctype HTML>
-        <html lang="en">
-        <head>
-          <meta charset="UTF-8">
-          <title>{}</title>
-        </head>
-        <body>
-          {}
-        </body>
-        </html>
-        ]],
-      { i(1, "FooBar"); i(0); }
-    ),
-    { condition = line_begin; }
-  ); -- ANCHOR TAG
-  s(
-    {
-      trig = "([^%l])aa";
-      regTrig = true;
-      wordTrig = false;
-      snippetType = "autosnippet";
-    },
-    fmt(
-      [[
-          {}<a href="{}">{}</a>
-        ]],
-      {
-        f(function(_, snip)
-          return snip.captures[1]
-        end);
-        i(1);
-        d(2, get_visual);
-      }
-    )
-  );
diff --git a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/delimiter.lua b/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/delimiter.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e50898fc..00000000
--- a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/delimiter.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-local get_visual = function(args, parent)
-  if #parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW > 0 then
-    return sn(nil, i(1, parent.snippet.env.SELECT_RAW))
-  else
-    return sn(nil, i(1, ""))
-  end
-local translation_table = { ["("] = ")"; ["{"] = "}"; ["["] = "]"; }
--- Return snippet tables
-return {
-  s(
-    {
-      trig = "([^%a])l([%(%[%{])";
-      regTrig = true;
-      wordTrig = false;
-      snippetType = "autosnippet";
-    },
-    fmta("<>\\left<><>\\right<>", {
-      f(function(_, snip)
-        return snip.captures[1]
-      end);
-      f(function(_, snip)
-        return snip.captures[2]
-      end);
-      d(1, get_visual);
-      f(function(_, snip)
-        return translation_table[snip.captures[2]]
-      end);
-    })
-  );
diff --git a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/greek.lua b/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/greek.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 19989093..00000000
--- a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/luasnip/lua/snippets/tex/greek.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- Return snippet tables
-return {
-  s({ trig = ";a"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\alpha"); });
-  s({ trig = ";b"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\beta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";g"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\gamma"); });
-  s({ trig = ";G"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Gamma"); });
-  s({ trig = ";d"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\delta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";D"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Delta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";e"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\epsilon"); });
-  s({ trig = ";ve"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\varepsilon"); });
-  s({ trig = ";z"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\zeta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";h"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\eta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";o"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\theta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";vo"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\vartheta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";O"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Theta"); });
-  s({ trig = ";k"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\kappa"); });
-  s({ trig = ";l"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\lambda"); });
-  s({ trig = ";L"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Lambda"); });
-  s({ trig = ";m"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\mu"); });
-  s({ trig = ";n"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\nu"); });
-  s({ trig = ";x"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\xi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";X"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Xi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";i"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\pi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";I"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Pi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";r"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\rho"); });
-  s({ trig = ";s"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\sigma"); });
-  s({ trig = ";S"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Sigma"); });
-  s({ trig = ";t"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\tau"); });
-  s({ trig = ";f"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\phi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";vf"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\varphi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";F"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Phi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";c"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\chi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";p"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\psi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";P"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Psi"); });
-  s({ trig = ";w"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\omega"); });
-  s({ trig = ";W"; snippetType = "autosnippet"; }, { t("\\Omega"); });