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path: root/home-manager/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'home-manager/config')
82 files changed, 5961 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/home-manager/config/alacritty/default.nix b/home-manager/config/alacritty/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a18b0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/alacritty/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+{config, ...}: {
+programs.alacritty = {
+    enable = true;
+    settings = {
+      env = {
+        TERM = "alacritty";
+      };
+      window = {
+        dimensionns = {
+          columns = 0;
+          lines = 0;
+        };
+        positinon = {
+          #x = 0;
+          #y = 0;
+        };
+        padding = {
+          x = 5;
+          y = 5;
+        };
+        dynamic_padding = false;
+        decorations = "None";
+        opacity = 0.9;
+        startup_mode = "Windowed";
+        title = "Alacritty";
+        dynamic_title = true;
+        class = {
+          instance = "Alacritty";
+          general = "Alacritty";
+        };
+        docorations_theme_variant = "None";
+      };
+      scrolling = {
+        history = 10000;
+        multiplier = 3;
+      };
+      font = {
+        normal = {
+          family = "Source Code Pro";
+          style = "Regular";
+        };
+        bold = {
+          family = "Source Code Pro";
+          style = "Bold";
+        };
+        italic = {
+          family = "Source Code Pro";
+          style = "Italic";
+        };
+        bold_italic = {
+          family = "Source Code Pro";
+          style = "Bold Italic";
+        };
+        size = 12.0;
+        offset = {
+          x = -1;
+          y = -1;
+        };
+        glyph_offset = {
+          x = -1;
+          y = -1;
+        };
+        builtin_box_drawing = true;
+      };
+      draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors = false;
+      colors = {
+        primary = {
+          background = "#191919";
+          foreground = "#d8dee9";
+          #dim_foreground= "#828482";
+          #bright_foreground= "#eaeaea";
+          cursor = {
+            text = "#191919";
+            cursor = "#d8dee9";
+          };
+          vi_mode_cursor = {
+            text = "CellBackground";
+            cursor = "CellForeground";
+          };
+          search = {
+            matches = {
+              foreground = "#000000";
+              background = "#ffffff";
+            };
+            focused_match = {
+              foreground = "#ffffff";
+              background = "#000000";
+            };
+          };
+          hints = {
+            start = {
+              foreground = "#1d1f21";
+              background = "#e9ff5e";
+            };
+            end = {
+              foreground = "#e9ff5e";
+              background = "#1d1f21";
+            };
+            line_indicator = {
+              #foreground= "None";
+              #background= "None";
+            };
+            footer_bar = {
+              background = "#c5c8c6";
+              foreground = "#1d1f21";
+            };
+            selection = {
+              text = "#191919";
+              background = "#d8dee9";
+            };
+            normal = {
+              black = "#191919";
+              red = "#b02626";
+              green = "#40a62f";
+              yellow = "#f2e635";
+              blue = "#314ad0";
+              magenta = "#b30ad0";
+              cyan = "#32d0fc";
+              white = "#acadb1";
+            };
+            bright = {
+              black = "#36393d";
+              red = "#ce2727";
+              green = "#47c930";
+              yellow = "#fff138";
+              blue = "#2e4bea";
+              magenta = "#cc15ed";
+              cyan = "#54d9ff";
+              white = "#dbdbdb";
+            };
+            dim = {
+              black = "#676f78";
+              red = "#b55454";
+              green = "#78a670";
+              yellow = "#faf380";
+              blue = "#707fd0";
+              magenta = "#c583d0";
+              cyan = "#8adaf1";
+              white = "#e0e3e7";
+            };
+            #indexed_colors = [
+            #        {index = 16; color = "#ff00ff";}
+            #    ];
+            transparent_background_colors = false; # TODO
+          };
+        };
+        bell = {
+          animation = "EaseOutExpo";
+          duration = 0;
+          color = "#ffffff";
+          command = "None";
+        };
+        selection = {
+          semantic_escape_chars = ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>\t";
+          save_to_clipboard = false;
+        };
+        cursor = {
+          style = {
+            shape = "Beam";
+            blinking = "On";
+          };
+          vi_mode_style = "None";
+          blink_interval = 750;
+          blink_timeout = 5;
+          unfocused_hollow = true;
+          thickness = 0.15;
+        };
+        live_config_reload = true;
+        #shell = {
+        #    program = "/bin/sh";
+        #    args = ["--login"];
+        #}
+        working_directory = "None";
+        ipc_socket = true; # TODO
+        mouse = {
+          hide_when_typing = false;
+          double_click.threshold = 300;
+          triple_click.threshold = 300;
+        };
+        hints = {
+          alphabet = "jfkdls;ahgurieowpq";
+          enabled = [
+            {
+              regex = "(ipfs:|ipns:|magnet:|mailto:|gemini:|gopher:|https:|http:|news:|file:|git:|ssh:|ftp:)\
+           [^\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F<>\"\\s{-}\\^⟨⟩`]+";
+              hyperlinks = true;
+              command = "xdg-open";
+              post_processing = true;
+              mouse = {
+                enabled = true;
+                mods = "None";
+              };
+              binding = {
+                key = "U";
+                mods = "Control|Shift";
+              };
+            }
+            {
+              # multi regex for different purposes:
+              # 2. UUIDs
+              # 3. hex (for example signatures)
+              # 4. IP addresses
+              regex = "([[:alnum:]_$%&+=/@-]+)|([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})|([0-9a-f]{12,128})|([[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3})";
+              action = "Copy";
+              post_processing = false;
+              binding = {
+                key = "U";
+                mods = "Control|Shift";
+              };
+            }
+          ];
+          mouse_bindings = [
+            #   { mouse =  "Right";                 action =  "ExpandSelection" ;}
+            #   { mouse =  "Right";  mods =  "Control"; action =  "ExpandSelection" ;}
+            #   { mouse =  "Middle"; mode =  "~Vi";     action =  "PasteSelection"  ;}
+            {
+              mouse = "Middle";
+              action = "Copy";
+            }
+          ];
+          key_bindings = [
+            # (Windows, Linux, and BSD only)
+            {
+              key = "P";
+              mods = "Control";
+              action = "Paste";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Insert";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              action = "Paste";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Slash";
+              mods = "Control";
+              chars = "gc";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Y";
+              mods = "Control";
+              action = "Copy";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Key0";
+              mods = "Control";
+              action = "ResetFontSize";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Equals";
+              mods = "Control";
+              action = "IncreaseFontSize";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Plus";
+              mods = "Control";
+              action = "IncreaseFontSize";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Minus";
+              mods = "Control";
+              action = "DecreaseFontSize";
+            }
+            # Vi Mode
+            {
+              key = "Space";
+              mods = "Control";
+              action = "ToggleViMode";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Space";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollToBottom";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "I";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollToBottom";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "I";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ToggleViMode";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "C";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollToBottom";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "C";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ToggleViMode";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Escape";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ClearSelection";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Y";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollLineUp";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "E";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollLineDown";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "G";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollToTop";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "G";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollToBottom";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "B";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollPageUp";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "F";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollPageDown";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "U";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollHalfPageUp";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "D";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ScrollHalfPageDown";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Y";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Copy";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Y";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ClearSelection";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "V";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ToggleNormalSelection";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "V";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ToggleLineSelection";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "V";
+              mods = "Control";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ToggleBlockSelection";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "V";
+              mods = "Alt";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "ToggleSemanticSelection";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Return";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Open";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "K";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Up";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "J";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Down";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "H";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Left";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "L";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Right";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Up";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Up";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Down";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Down";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Left";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Left";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Right";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Right";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Key0";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "First";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Key4";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Last";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Key6";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "FirstOccupied";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "H";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "High";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "M";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Middle";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "L";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Low";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "B";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "SemanticLeft";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "W";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "SemanticRight";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "E";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "SemanticRightEnd";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "B";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "WordLeft";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "W";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "WordRight";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "E";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "WordRightEnd";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Key5";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "Bracket";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Slash";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "SearchForward";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "Slash";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "SearchBackward";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "N";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "SearchNext";
+            }
+            {
+              key = "N";
+              mods = "Shift";
+              mode = "Vi";
+              action = "SearchPrevious";
+            }
+          ];
+        };
+      };
+      #debug:
+      # Display the time it takes to redraw each frame.
+      #render_timer: false
+      # Keep the log file after quitting Alacritty.
+      #persistent_logging: false
+      # Log level
+      #
+      # Values for `log_level`:
+      #   - Off
+      #   - Error
+      #   - Warn
+      #   - Info
+      #   - Debug
+      #   - Trace
+      #log_level: Warn
+      # Renderer override.
+      #   - glsl3
+      #   - gles2
+      #   - gles2_pure
+      #renderer: None
+      # Print all received window events.
+      #print_events: false
+      # Highlight window damage information.
+      #highlight_damage: false
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/home-manager/config/cups/default.nix b/home-manager/config/cups/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fef0a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/cups/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{config, ...}: {
+xdg.configFile."cups/lpoptions".text = "Default Brother\n";
diff --git a/home-manager/config/default.nix b/home-manager/config/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d056d81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# vim: ts=2
+{_}: {
+  imports = [
+    ./alacritty
+    ./cups
+    ./firefox
+    ./gammastep
+    ./git
+    ./grades
+    ./gtk
+    ./keepassxc
+    ./latexindent
+    ./less
+    ./lf
+    ./mako
+    ./mpd
+    ./neovim
+    ./npm
+    ./python
+    ./rclone
+    ./river
+    ./ssh
+    ./swayidle
+    ./swaylock
+    ./yambar
+    ./zsh
+  ];
diff --git a/home-manager/config/firefox/chrome/userChrome.css b/home-manager/config/firefox/chrome/userChrome.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b3aff77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/firefox/chrome/userChrome.css
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* thickness of tab when you have too many open tabs */
+.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned="true"]) {
+  min-width: 10px !important;
+  min-height: 10px !important;
+/* tab height
+#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tabs {
+min-height: 10px !important;
+.tabbrowser-tab {min-width: 016px !important;}
+.tabbrowser-tab {clip-width: 016px !important;}
+/* the + button that opens new tabs */
+#TabsToolbar .tabs-newtab-button {
+  margin-left: 10px !important;
+  height: Auto !important;
+#main-window[privatebrowsingmode="temporary"] #navigator-toolbox {
+  background-color: #c40944 !important;
+/* close button inside a tab */
+.tab-close-button * {
+  width: 10px !important;
+  height: 10px !important;
+/* bookmark toolbar */
+#personal-bookmarks .bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-text {
+  font-size: 10pt !important;
+#personal-bookmarks .bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-icon {
+  height: 12px !important;
+  width: 12px !important;
diff --git a/home-manager/config/firefox/default.nix b/home-manager/config/firefox/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88fad227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/firefox/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# vim: ts=2
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  lib,
+  stdenv,
+  strip_js_comments,
+  generate_extensions,
+  user_js,
+  system,
+  ...
+}: let
+  userChrome = builtins.readFile ./chrome/userChrome.css;
+  user_js_override = pkgs.writeText "user.override.js" (builtins.readFile ./settings/override.js);
+  user_js_nix = pkgs.runCommand "user.js" {} ''
+        mkdir $out;
+        cat "${user_js}/user.js" > $out/user.js;
+        cat "${user_js_override}" >> $out/user.js;
+        "${strip_js_comments.app.${system}.default.program}" $out/user.js > $out/user_clean.js;
+    #    echo "{" > $out/user.nix.tmp
+    #    sed 's/user_pref(\(.*\)",\(.*\));/\1" = \2;/' $out/user_clean.js >> $out/user.nix.tmp;
+    #    echo "}" >> $out/user.nix.tmp
+    #    awk '!/"_user.js.parrot"/' $out/user.nix.tmp >> $out/user.nix; # delete duplicate keys
+  '';
+  extensions = builtins.map buildFirefoxXpiAddon (
+    lib.attrValues (
+      lib.importJSON ./settings/extensions.json
+    )
+  );
+  # source: https://gitlab.com/rycee/nur-expressions/-/blob/master/pkgs/firefox-addons/default.nix
+  buildFirefoxXpiAddon = {
+    pname,
+    version,
+    addonId,
+    url,
+    sha256,
+    ...
+  }:
+    pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      name = "${pname}-${version}";
+#inherit meta;
+      src = builtins.fetchurl {inherit url sha256;};
+      preferLocalBuild = true;
+      allowSubstitutes = true;
+      buildCommand = ''
+        dst="$out/share/mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}"
+        mkdir -p "$dst"
+        install -v -m644 "$src" "$dst/${addonId}.xpi"
+      '';
+    };
+  settings = {
+    # Allow my custom css
+    "toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets" = true;
+    # might improve performance TODO
+    "gfx.webrender.all" = true;
+    # disable updates (pretty pointless with nix)
+    "extensions.update.autoUpdateDefault" = false;
+    "extensions.update.enabled" = false;
+    "app.update.channel" = "default";
+    "browser.ctrlTab.recentlyUsedOrder" = false;
+    "browser.download.useDownloadDir" = true;
+    "browser.download.dir" = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/media/downloads";
+    "browser.download.folderList" = 2; # TODO
+    "browser.download.viewableInternally.typeWasRegistered.svg" = true;
+    "browser.download.viewableInternally.typeWasRegistered.webp" = true;
+    "browser.download.viewableInternally.typeWasRegistered.xml" = true;
+    # TODO what does this do?
+    "browser.search.widget.inNavBar" = true;
+    "browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser" = false;
+    "browser.tabs.loadInBackground" = true;
+    "browser.urlbar.placeholderName" = "Brave";
+    "general.autoScroll" = true;
+    # Set the tabs and bookmarks
+    "browser.tabs.inTitlebar" = 1;
+    "browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility" = "always";
+    # Theme
+    "extensions.activeThemeID" = "firefox-alpenglow@mozilla.org";
+    "extensions.extensions.activeThemeID" = "firefox-alpenglow@mozilla.org";
+    # highlight all entries when searching
+    "findbar.highlightAll" = true;
+    # TODO
+    #"extensions.webcompat.enable_picture_in_picture_overrides" = true;
+    #"extensions.webcompat.enable_shims" = true;
+    #"extensions.webcompat.perform_injections" = true;
+    #"extensions.webcompat.perform_ua_overrides" = true;
+    # onlykey / copied from a yubikey config
+    #"security.webauth.u2f" = true;
+    #"security.webauth.webauthn" = true;
+    #"security.webauth.webauthn_enable_softtoken" = true;
+    #"security.webauth.webauthn_enable_usbtoken" = true;
+  };
+in {
+  home.packages = [
+    pkgs.firefox-wayland
+  ];
+  home.sessionVariables = {
+    # improve touch input & make scrolling smother
+    MOZ_USE_XINPUT2 = "1";
+    # improve wayland support
+    XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = "river";
+  };
+  xdg.mimeApps = {
+    enable = true;
+    defaultApplications = {
+      "text/html" = ["firefox.desktop"];
+      "x-scheme-handler/http" = ["firefox.desktop"];
+      "x-scheme-handler/https" = ["firefox.desktop"];
+      "x-scheme-handler/about" = ["firefox.desktop"];
+      "x-scheme-handler/unknown" = ["firefox.desktop"];
+    };
+  };
+  programs.firefox = {
+    enable = true;
+    package = pkgs.firefox;
+    profiles."default" = {
+      inherit extensions;
+      isDefault = true;
+      id = 0;
+      name = "default";
+      inherit userChrome;
+      search = {
+        default = "Brave Search";
+        force = true;
+        engines = {
+          "Brave Search" = {
+            urls = [{template = "https://search.brave.com/search?q={searchTerms}";}];
+            iconUpdateURL = "https://cdn.search.brave.com/serp/v1/static/brand/8eabe183f0d1f2cb3e2916b7b20c310efd196d740c8cecd341732fcd396fb665-apple-touch-icon.png";
+            updateInterval = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; # every day
+            definedAliases = ["@bs"];
+          };
+          "Nix Packages" = {
+            urls = [
+              {
+                template = "https://search.nixos.org/packages";
+                params = [
+                  {
+                    name = "type";
+                    value = "packages";
+                  }
+                  {
+                    name = "query";
+                    value = "{searchTerms}";
+                  }
+                ];
+              }
+            ];
+            icon = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
+            definedAliases = ["@np"];
+          };
+          "NixOS Wiki" = {
+            urls = [{template = "https://nixos.wiki/index.php?search={searchTerms}";}];
+            iconUpdateURL = "https://nixos.wiki/favicon.png";
+            updateInterval = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; # every day
+            definedAliases = ["@nw"];
+          };
+          "Bing".metaData.hidden = true;
+          "Google".metaData.hidden = true;
+          "Amazon.de".metaData.hidden = true;
+        };
+      };
+      bookmarks = [
+        {
+          name = "Rust::std";
+          # TODO
+          url = "file:///home/dt/.local/share/rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/share/doc/rust/html/std/all.html";
+        }
+        {
+          name = "Feed - Piped";
+          url = "https://piped.kavin.rocks/feed";
+        }
+        {
+          name = "DeepL Translate";
+          url = "https://www.deepl.com/translator#en/de/test";
+        }
+        {
+          name = "Google Scholar";
+          url = "https://scholar.google.com/";
+        }
+        {
+          name = "ArchWiki";
+          url = "https://wiki.archlinux.org/";
+        }
+        {
+          name = "Arch Package ";
+          url = "https://archlinux.org/packages/";
+        }
+        {
+          name = "layout.css.devPixelsPerPx";
+          url = "about:config";
+        }
+      ];
+      inherit settings;
+      extraConfig = builtins.readFile "${user_js_nix}/user.js";
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/home-manager/config/firefox/scripts/unzip_mozlz4.py b/home-manager/config/firefox/scripts/unzip_mozlz4.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..311fd214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/firefox/scripts/unzip_mozlz4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# source: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/497861
+# Command-line tool to decompress mozLz4 files used for example by Firefox to store various kinds of session backup information.
+# Works in both Python 2.7.15 and 3.6.7, as of version 2.1.6 of the LZ4 Python bindings at pypi.org/project/lz4.
+# To use in another script, simply cut and paste the import statement and the mozlz4_to_text() function (lines 8 to 17).
+import lz4.block  # pip install lz4 --user
+def mozlz4_to_text(filepath):
+    # Given the path to a "mozlz4", "jsonlz4", "baklz4" etc. file,
+    # return the uncompressed text.
+    bytestream = open(filepath, "rb")
+    bytestream.read(8)  # skip past the b"mozLz40\0" header
+    valid_bytes = bytestream.read()
+    text = lz4.block.decompress(valid_bytes)
+    return text
+def main(args):
+  # Given command-line arguments of an input filepath for a ".mozlz4" file
+  # and optionally an output filepath, write the decompressed text to the
+  # output filepath.
+  # Default output filepath is the input filepath minus the last three characters
+  # (e.g. "foo.jsonlz4" becomes "foo.json")
+  filepath_in = args[0]
+  if len(args) < 2:
+    filepath_out = filepath_in[:-3]
+  else:
+    filepath_out = args[1]
+  text = mozlz4_to_text(filepath_in)
+  with open(filepath_out, "wb") as outfile:
+    outfile.write(text)
+  print("Wrote decompressed text to {}".format(filepath_out))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  import sys
+  args = sys.argv[1:]
+  if args and not args[0] in ("--help", "-h"):
+    main(args)
+  else:
+    print("Usage: mozlz4.py <mozlz4 file to read> <location to write>")
diff --git a/home-manager/config/firefox/scripts/update_extensions b/home-manager/config/firefox/scripts/update_extensions
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..97f7c0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/firefox/scripts/update_extensions
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+cat << EOF > $tmp
+    darkreader
+    firenvim
+    keepassxc-browser
+    simple-tab-groups
+    ublock-origin
+nix shell git+https://codeberg.org/ene/generate_moz_extension.git -c generate_extensions $(cat $tmp) > "$(dirname $0)"/../settings/extensions.json
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/firefox/settings.nix b/home-manager/config/firefox/settings.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f38e23b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/firefox/settings.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+{config, ...}: {
+  settings = {
+    accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar = 0;
+    app = {
+      normandy = {
+        first_run = false;
+        migrationsApplied = 12;
+        startupRolloutPrefs.extensions.webcompat.disabled_shims.AdvertisingDotCom = true;
+        user_id = "9b445ee0-1055-4b05-ad18-cdcfd8d15cdb";
+      };
+      update.lastUpdateTime = {
+        addon-background-update-timer = 1675712908;
+        browser-cleanup-thumbnails = 1675795148;
+        recipe-client-addon-run = 1675774559;
+        region-update-timer = 1675779021;
+        rs-experiment-loader-timer = 1675777057;
+        search-engine-update-timer = 1675777177;
+        services-settings-poll-changes = 1675710065;
+        telemetry_modules_ping = 1675779141;
+        xpi-signature-verification = 1675706945;
+      };
+    };
+    browser = {
+      anchor_color = "#57e389";
+      bookmarks = {
+        editDialog.confirmationHintShowCount = 3;
+        restore_default_bookmarks = false;
+      };
+      contentblocking = {
+        category = "custom";
+        cfr-milestone.milestone-achieved = 10000;
+        report.hide_vpn_banner = true;
+      };
+      contextual-services.contextId = "{c840a4ea-6278-46b7-bb56-21d7faab57dd}";
+      discovery.enabled = false;
+      display = {
+        background_color = "#551a8b";
+        foreground_color = "#ffbe6f";
+        use_system_colors = true;
+      };
+      download = {
+        dir = "/home/dt/media/downloads";
+        folderList = 2;
+        lastDir = "/home/dt/media/downloads";
+        panel.shown = true;
+        viewableInternally.typeWasRegistered.avif = true;
+        viewableInternally.typeWasRegistered.webp = true;
+      };
+      eme.ui.firstContentShown = true;
+      engagement = {
+        ctrlTab.has-used = true;
+        downloads-button.has-used = true;
+      };
+      firefox-view.feature-tour = {
+        message = "FIREFOX_VIEW_FEATURE_TOUR";
+        screen = "";
+        complete = true;
+      };
+      firefox-view.view-count = 1;
+      laterrun.bookkeeping = {
+        profileCreationTime = 1654872928;
+        sessionCount = 39;
+      };
+      migration.version = 133;
+      newtabpage = {
+        activity-stream = {
+          impressionId = "{ade7a2f2-7d8f-49b0-a684-d2bb3bda1e09}";
+          improvesearch.topSiteSearchShortcuts.havePinned = "google";
+        };
+        pinned = "[]";
+        storageVersion = 1;
+      };
+      pageActions.persistedActions = {
+        ids = ["bookmark"];
+        idsInUrlbar = ["bookmark"];
+        idsInUrlbarPreProton = [];
+        version = 1;
+      };
+      pagethumbnails.storage_version = 3;
+      protections_panel.infoMessage.seen = true;
+      proton.toolbar.version = 3;
+      region.update.updated = 1675779022;
+      "rights.3.shown" = true;
+      safebrowsing.provider = {
+        google4.lastupdatetime = "1675794837495";
+        google4.nextupdatetime = "1675796650495";
+        mozilla.lastupdatetime = "1675795004767";
+        mozilla.nextupdatetime = "1675816604767";
+      };
+      search = {
+        region = "DE";
+        separatePrivateDefault.urlbarResult.enabled = false;
+      };
+      sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID = "20230130183437";
+      shell.mostRecentDateSetAsDefault = "1675756595";
+      startup = {
+        couldRestoreSession.count = 1;
+        homepage_override.buildID = "20230130183437";
+        homepage_override.mstone = "109.0.1";
+        lastColdStartupCheck = 1675756594;
+        page = 3;
+        upgradeDialog.version = 106;
+      };
+      tabs.inTitlebar = 1;
+      toolbars.bookmarks.visibility = "always";
+      uiCustomization.state = {
+        placements = {
+          widget-overflow-fixed-list = [];
+          unified-extensions-area = ["yt_pause_example_com-browser-action" "_762f9885-5a13-4abd-9c77-433dcd38b8fd_-browser-action"];
+          nav-bar = [
+            "back-button"
+            "forward-button"
+            "stop-reload-button"
+            "urlbar-container"
+            "save-to-pocket-button"
+            "downloads-button"
+            "fxa-toolbar-menu-button"
+            "enhancerforyoutube_maximerf_addons_mozilla_org-browser-action"
+            "plasma-browser-integration_kde_org-browser-action"
+            "tab-stash_condordes_net-browser-action"
+            "addon_darkreader_org-browser-action"
+            "vim-vixen_i-beam_org-browser-action"
+            "simple-tab-groups_drive4ik-browser-action"
+            "e2933bff1d77b6ea81b2df1dda992244e7892b6c_temporary-addon-browser-action"
+            "74a30c85e187d69156225de1c415366fafa84866_temporary-addon-browser-action"
+            "e6fd60f4f456c06312d75c0eceabef8ee0c28bbb_temporary-addon-browser-action"
+            "addon_example_com-browser-action"
+            "pause_example_com-browser-action"
+            "stackoverflowtweakstools_richard_com-browser-action"
+            "keepassxc-browser_keepassxc_org-browser-action"
+            "firenvim_lacamb_re-browser-action"
+          ];
+          toolbar-menubar = ["menubar-items"];
+          TabsToolbar = ["tabbrowser-tabs" "new-tab-button" "alltabs-button"];
+          PersonalToolbar = ["personal-bookmarks"];
+          seen = [
+            "save-to-pocket-button"
+            "enhancerforyoutube_maximerf_addons_mozilla_org-browser-action"
+            "plasma-browser-integration_kde_org-browser-action"
+            "developer-button"
+            "tab-stash_condordes_net-browser-action"
+            "addon_darkreader_org-browser-action"
+            "vim-vixen_i-beam_org-browser-action"
+            "simple-tab-groups_drive4ik-browser-action"
+            "_762f9885-5a13-4abd-9c77-433dcd38b8fd_-browser-action"
+            "e2933bff1d77b6ea81b2df1dda992244e7892b6c_temporary-addon-browser-action"
+            "74a30c85e187d69156225de1c415366fafa84866_temporary-addon-browser-action"
+            "e6fd60f4f456c06312d75c0eceabef8ee0c28bbb_temporary-addon-browser-action"
+            "addon_example_com-browser-action"
+            "pause_example_com-browser-action"
+            "yt_pause_example_com-browser-action"
+            "stackoverflowtweakstools_richard_com-browser-action"
+            "keepassxc-browser_keepassxc_org-browser-action"
+            "firenvim_lacamb_re-browser-action"
+          ];
+          dirtyAreaCache = ["nav-bar" "toolbar-menubar" "PersonalToolbar" "unified-extensions-area"];
+          currentVersion = 18;
+          newElementCount = 6;
+          browser = {
+            urlbar = {
+              quicksuggest = {
+                migrationVersion = 2;
+                scenario = "history";
+              };
+              tabToSearch.onboard.interactionsLeft = 0;
+              tipShownCount.searchTip_onboard = 4;
+            };
+            visited_color = "#cdab8f";
+          };
+          datareporting.policy = {
+            dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion = 2;
+            dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedTime = "1655649367480";
+          };
+          devtools = {
+            aboutdebugging = {
+              collapsibilities.processes = false;
+              tmpExtDirPath = "/home/dt/repos/javascript/firefox-extension/YouTube-Extension";
+            };
+            debugger = {
+              pending-selected-location = {
+                sourceId = "source-file=///home/dt/repos/web/i5/test/silas.html";
+                line = 0;
+                column = 0;
+                sourceActorId = "server0.conn0.windowGlobal423054278666/source25";
+                url = "file=///home/dt/repos/web/i5/test/silas.html";
+              };
+              prefs-schema-version = 11;
+            };
+            everOpened = true;
+            netmonitor = {
+              columnsData = [
+                {
+                  name = "status";
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+                  minWidth = 30;
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+                  name = "file";
+                  minWidth = 30;
+                  width = 33.32;
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+                {
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+                  width = 25;
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+                  minWidth = 30;
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+                  minWidth = 30;
+                  width = 6.67;
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+                  minWidth = 30;
+                  width = 13.33;
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+                {
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+                  minWidth = 30;
+                  width = 6.67;
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+                {
+                  name = "waterfall";
+                  minWidth = 150;
+                  width = 11.11;
+                }
+              ];
+              customRequest = {
+                "method" = "GET";
+                "url" = "";
+                "urlQueryParams" = [];
+                "headers" = [];
+                "postBody" = "";
+              };
+              msg.visibleColumns = ["data" "time"];
+              panes-search-height = 1175;
+              panes-search-width = 466;
+            };
+            performance.recording = {
+              entries = 134217728;
+              features = ["screenshots" "js" "cpu"];
+              threads = ["GeckoMain" "Compositor" "Renderer" "DOM Worker"];
+            };
+            selfxss.count = 5;
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+              alwaysOnTop = false;
+              footer.height = 692;
+              host = "right";
+              previousHost = "bottom";
+              selectedTool = "webconsole";
+              sidebar.width = 699;
+              splitconsoleEnabled = true;
+            };
+            toolsidebar-height.inspector = 350;
+            "toolsidebar-width.inspector" = 244; # TODO
+            toolsidebar-width.inspector.splitsidebar = 0;
+            webconsole.filter = {
+              css = true;
+              filter = {
+                net = true;
+                netxhr = true;
+              };
+              input = {
+                editor = true;
+                editorOnboarding = false;
+              };
+              persistlog = true;
+              timestampMessages = true;
+            };
+          };
+          distribution = {
+            archlinux.bookmarksProcessed = true;
+            iniFile.exists = {
+              appversion = "109.0.1";
+              value = true;
+            };
+          };
+          doh-rollout = {
+            balrog-migration-done = true;
+            doneFirstRun = true;
+            home-region = "DE";
+          };
+          dom = {
+            forms.autocomplete.formautofill = true;
+            push.userAgentID = "5e34b02066224519abd755189f802422";
+            security.https_only_mode_ever_enabled = true;
+          };
+          extensions = {
+            activeThemeID = "default-theme@mozilla.org";
+            blocklist.pingCountVersion = -1;
+            databaseSchema = 35;
+            formautofill.creditCards.used = 2;
+            getAddons = {
+              cache.lastUpdate = 1675712909;
+              databaseSchema = 6;
+            };
+            lastAppBuildId = "20230130183437";
+            lastAppVersion = "109.0.1";
+            lastPlatformVersion = "109.0.1";
+            pendingOperations = false;
+            pictureinpicture.enable_picture_in_picture_overrides = true;
+            systemAddonSet = {
+              "schema" = 1;
+              "addons" = {};
+            };
+            ui = {
+              dictionary.hidden = true;
+              extension.hidden = false;
+              lastCategory = "addons://list/extension";
+              locale.hidden = true;
+              sitepermission.hidden = true;
+              theme.hidden = false;
+            };
+            webcompat = {
+              enable_shims = true;
+              perform_injections = true;
+              perform_ua_overrides = true;
+            };
+            webextensions = {
+              ExtensionStorageIDB.migrated = {
+                "addon@darkreader.org" = true;
+                "enhancerforyoutube@maximerf.addons.mozilla.org" = true;
+                "firenvim@lacamb.re" = true;
+                "keepassxc-browser@keepassxc.org" = true;
+                "screenshots@mozilla.org" = true;
+                "simple-tab-groups@drive4ik" = true;
+                "{762f9885-5a13-4abd-9c77-433dcd38b8fd}" = true;
+              };
+              uuids = {
+                "doh-rollout@mozilla.org" = "3830b9af-a7ab-45ae-a10a-df08c432e9f7";
+                "formautofill@mozilla.org" = "e05754ff-1fe6-4e78-84dc-f5cc845da180";
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+                "enhancerforyoutube@maximerf.addons.mozilla.org" = "1ecb30aa-dd3a-4e1c-b405-7400176b683a";
+                "@contain-facebook" = "7e386381-dd25-43f7-9fcc-c3f541f2a458";
+                "addon@darkreader.org" = "9b7b4403-7e99-4138-a9a9-114b72299253";
+                "simple-tab-groups@drive4ik" = "3f29df14-5127-4de4-863c-17846549e474";
+                "{762f9885-5a13-4abd-9c77-433dcd38b8fd}" = "3f954cd9-0f14-4595-ba83-4dc0f318e002";
+                "e2933bff1d77b6ea81b2df1dda992244e7892b6c@temporary-addon" = "b6ad60ec-a560-427d-aaac-c2c568d69495";
+                "pause@example.com" = "87db7ee4-2820-4a56-bb94-9d837886e029";
+                "yt_pause@example.com" = "ba2218e1-792e-47a5-99ae-942fc46441fd";
+                "keepassxc-browser@keepassxc.org" = "00b8fb40-3ba7-4a33-b086-cb71c5bbe952";
+                "firenvim@lacamb.re" = "cf26e07b-4e07-4a42-978f-30f92409ae88";
+              };
+            };
+          };
+          findbar.highlightAll = true;
+          fission.experiment.max-origins = {
+            last-disqualified = 1675596365;
+            last-qualified = 1675793855;
+            qualified = false;
+          };
+          gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion = 1;
+          gfx.blacklist = {
+            layers.opengl.failureid = "FEATURE_FAILURE_SOFTWARE_GL";
+            "vaapi" = 4;
+            "vaapi.failureid" = "FEATURE_FAILURE_VAAPI_TEST_FAILED";
+          };
+          idle.lastDailyNotification = 1675756850;
+          intl.regional_prefs.use_os_locales = true;
+          media = {
+            eme.enabled = true;
+            gmp-gmpopenh264 = {
+              abi = "x86_64-gcc3";
+              lastDownload = 1668329402;
+              lastDownloadFailReason = "Error: Failed downloading via ServiceRequest, status: 0, reason: error";
+              lastDownloadFailed = 1666889531;
+              lastInstallStart = 1668329400;
+              lastUpdate = 1668329402;
+              version = "";
+            };
+            gmp-manager = {
+              buildID = "20230130183437";
+              lastCheck = 1675756691;
+              lastEmptyCheck = 1675756691;
+            };
+            gmp-widevinecdm = {
+              abi = "x86_64-gcc3";
+              lastDownload = 1674828538;
+              lastInstallStart = 1674828533;
+              lastUpdate = 1674828538;
+              version = "4.10.2557.0";
+            };
+            gmp.storage.version.observed = 1;
+            videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.enabled = false;
+          };
+          network = {
+            cookie.cookieBehavior = 1;
+            http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault.top_navigation = true;
+          };
+          pdfjs = {
+            enabledCache.state = true;
+            migrationVersion = 2;
+          };
+          permissions.default = {
+            camera = 2;
+            desktop-notification = 2;
+            geo = 2;
+            microphone = 2;
+            xr = 2;
+          };
+          places.database.lastMaintenance = 1675756852;
+          pref.privacy.disable_button = {
+            tracking_protection_exceptions = false;
+            view_passwords = false;
+          };
+          print = {
+            more-settings.open = true;
+            print = {
+              printer_Brother.print_in_color = false;
+              printer_Brother_DCP_9022CDW = {
+                print_duplex = 0;
+                print_footercenter = "";
+                print_footerleft = "";
+                print_footerright = "";
+                print_headercenter = "";
+                print_headerleft = "";
+                print_headerright = "";
+                print_in_color = false;
+              };
+            };
+            print_printer = "Brother_DCP_9022CDW";
+          };
+          privacy = {
+            annotate_channels.strict_list.enabled = true;
+            donottrackheader.enabled = true;
+            partition.network_state.ocsp_cache = true;
+            purge_trackers = {
+              date_in_cookie_database = "0";
+              last_purge = "1675756851136";
+            };
+            "query_stripping.enabled" = true; # TODO
+            query_stripping.enabled.pbmode = true;
+            restrict3rdpartystorage.rollout.enabledByDefault = true;
+            sanitize.pending = [
+              {
+                "id" = "newtab-container";
+                "itemsToClear" = [];
+                "options" = {};
+              }
+            ];
+            trackingprotection = {
+              enabled = true;
+              socialtracking.enabled = true;
+            };
+            userContext = {
+              enabled = true;
+              extension = "simple-tab-groups@drive4ik";
+              ui.enabled = true;
+            };
+          };
+          security = {
+            remote_settings = {
+              crlite_filters.checked = 1656529337;
+              intermediates.checked = 1656529337;
+            };
+            sandbox.content.tempDirSuffix = "86b82f75-b18b-4db2-a563-ba4380a07a97";
+          };
+          services = {
+            blocklist = {
+              addons-mlbf.checked = 1656684436;
+              gfx.checked = 1656684436;
+            };
+            settings = {
+              blocklists = {
+                addons-bloomfilters.last_check = 1675773838;
+                gfx.last_check = 1675772639;
+              };
+              clock_skew_seconds = 0;
+              last_etag = 1675795222827;
+              last_update_seconds = 1675795598;
+              main = {
+                addons-manager-settings.last_check = 1675772639;
+                anti-tracking-url-decoration.last_check = 1675772639;
+                cfr.last_check = 1675772639;
+                cookie-banner-rules-list.last_check = 1675772639;
+                devtools-compatibility-browsers.last_check = 1675772639;
+                devtools-devices.last_check = 1675772639;
+                doh-config.last_check = 1675772639;
+                doh-providers.last_check = 1675772639;
+                fxmonitor-breaches.last_check = 1675772639;
+                hijack-blocklists.last_check = 1675772639;
+                language-dictionaries.last_check = 1675772639;
+                message-groups.last_check = 1675772639;
+                ms-images.last_check = 1675772639;
+                nimbus-desktop-experiments.last_check = 1675793197;
+                normandy-recipes-capabilities.last_check = 1675772639;
+                partitioning-exempt-urls.last_check = 1675772639;
+                password-recipes.last_check = 1675772639;
+                password-rules.last_check = 1675772639;
+                personality-provider-models.last_check = 1675772639;
+                personality-provider-recipe.last_check = 1675772639;
+                pioneer-study-addons-v1.last_check = 1675772639;
+                public-suffix-list.last_check = 1675772639;
+                query-stripping.last_check = 1675772639;
+                search-config.last_check = 1675772639;
+                search-default-override-allowlist.last_check = 1675772639;
+                search-telemetry-v2.last_check = 1675772639;
+                sites-classification.last_check = 1675772639;
+                tippytop.last_check = 1675772639;
+                top-sites.last_check = 1675772639;
+                url-classifier-skip-urls.last_check = 1675772639;
+                websites-with-shared-credential-backends.last_check = 1675772639;
+                whats-new-panel.last_check = 1675772639;
+              };
+              security-state = {
+                cert-revocations.last_check = 1675772639;
+                intermediates.last_check = 1675772639;
+                onecrl.last_check = 1675772639;
+              };
+              security.onecrl.checked = 1656529337;
+            };
+            sync = {
+              clients.lastSync = "0";
+              declinedEngines = "";
+              globalScore = 0;
+              nextSync = 0;
+              tabs.lastSync = "0";
+            };
+          };
+          signon.rememberSignons = false;
+          storage.vacuum.last = {
+            index = 1;
+            places.sqlite = 1673364894;
+          };
+          svg.context-properties.content.enabled = true;
+          toolkit = {
+            legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets = true;
+            startup.last_success = 1675756592;
+            telemetry = {
+              cachedClientID = "7d88e3fb-f77d-4d7e-8aa5-623d7349a4dc";
+              pioneer-new-studies-available = true;
+              reportingpolicy.firstRun = false;
+              previousBuildID = "20230130183437";
+            };
+          };
+          trailhead.firstrun.didSeeAboutWelcome = true;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/home-manager/config/firefox/settings/extensions.json b/home-manager/config/firefox/settings/extensions.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..057810bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/firefox/settings/extensions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "darkreader": {
+    "addonId": "addon@darkreader.org",
+    "pname": "darkreader",
+    "sha256": "sha256:e537a2cee45ed7c26f79ecd3ed362620e3f00d24c158532a58e163a63a3d60cc",
+    "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4053589/darkreader-4.9.62.xpi",
+    "version": "4.9.62"
+  },
+  "firenvim": {
+    "addonId": "firenvim@lacamb.re",
+    "pname": "firenvim",
+    "sha256": "sha256:a8c495a59e30eaabbb3fcd188db9b5e28b40bffefe41a3f0fa22ecc58c80c2b6",
+    "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4026386/firenvim-0.2.14.xpi",
+    "version": "0.2.14"
+  },
+  "keepassxc-browser": {
+    "addonId": "keepassxc-browser@keepassxc.org",
+    "pname": "keepassxc-browser",
+    "sha256": "sha256:cc39aa058cb8915cfc88424e2e1cebe3ccfc3f95d7bddb2abd0c4905d2b17719",
+    "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4045866/keepassxc_browser-1.8.4.xpi",
+    "version": "1.8.4"
+  },
+  "simple-tab-groups": {
+    "addonId": "simple-tab-groups@drive4ik",
+    "pname": "simple-tab-groups",
+    "sha256": "sha256:75077589098ca62c00b86cf9554c6120bf8dc04c5f916fe26f84915f5147b2a4",
+    "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/3873608/simple_tab_groups-",
+    "version": ""
+  },
+  "ublock-origin": {
+    "addonId": "uBlock0@raymondhill.net",
+    "pname": "ublock-origin",
+    "sha256": "sha256:6bf8af5266353fab5eabdc7476de026e01edfb7901b0430c5e539f6791f1edc8",
+    "url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4047353/ublock_origin-1.46.0.xpi",
+    "version": "1.46.0"
+  }
diff --git a/home-manager/config/firefox/settings/override.js b/home-manager/config/firefox/settings/override.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca03e8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/firefox/settings/override.js
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+  0100: STARTUP
+  0300: QUIETER FOX
+  0700: DNS / DoH / PROXY / SOCKS / IPv6
+  0900: PASSWORDS
+  1400: FONTS
+  6000: DON'T TOUCH
+  7000: DON'T BOTHER
+// restore session
+user_pref("browser.startup.page", 3); // 0102
+user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "file:///home/dt/home.html"); // 0103
+user_pref("browser.newtabpage.enabled", true); // 0104
+// disable the geoservice, TODO don't know if I want this
+//user_pref("geo.provider.use_geoclue", false); // 0202
+// TODO is this something useful?
+user_pref("datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled", true); // 0330
+// enable health reports
+user_pref("datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled", true); // 0331
+// Do I want to opt-out?
+user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.coverage.opt-out", false); // 0333
+// enables studies
+user_pref("app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled", true); // 0340
+// I guess that browsing protection is useful
+user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled", true); // 0403
+// TODO does this (-> set to false) make things slower?
+user_pref("network.prefetch-next", true); // 0601
+// enable ipv6 because the rest of the system uses it
+user_pref("network.dns.disableIPv6", false); // 0701
+// TRR only
+user_pref("network.trr.mode", 3); // 0710
+// I trust my search engine
+user_pref("keyword.enabled", true); // 801
+user_pref("browser.search.suggest.enabled", true); // 0804
+user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.searches", true); // 0804
+// prefetch urls, if the get auto completed
+user_pref("browser.urlbar.speculativeConnect.enabled", true); // 0805
+// TODO I might want to enable this
+//user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); // 0807
+// TODO enable form and search history?
+//user_pref("browser.formfill.enable", false); // 0810
+// disk cache should help performance
+user_pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", true); // 1001
+// store extra session data (form content, cookies and POST data) 0: everywhere
+user_pref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 0); // 1003
+// Disable unsafe passive content (images) on https sites
+user_pref("security.mixed_content.block_display_content", true); // 1241
+// Disable the eme banner
+user_pref("browser.eme.ui.enabled", false); // 2022
+// Don't delete my precious temp files
+user_pref("browser.helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit", false); // 2603
+// Download to the download dir
+user_pref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", true); // 2651
+// Open the download panel
+user_pref("browser.download.alwaysOpenPanel", true); // 2652
+// Block after custom ruleset
+user_pref("browser.contentblocking.category", "custom"); // 2701
+// set the custome settings // 7016
+user_pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 1);
+user_pref("network.http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault", true);
+user_pref("network.http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault.top_navigation", true);
+user_pref("privacy.partition.network_state.ocsp_cache", true);
+user_pref("privacy.query_stripping.enabled", true);
+user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", true);
+user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.socialtracking.enabled", true);
+user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled", true);
+user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled", true);
+// I might want to change that, when it hinders session restore
+//user_pref("privacy.partition.always_partition_third_party_non_cookie_storage.exempt_sessionstorage", false); // 2720
+// I like my history very much!
+user_pref("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", false); // 2810
+// The downsides (light theme + potential breakages):
+//user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting", true); // 4501
+user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.letterboxing", false); // 4504
+// I would like to keep my gl, even in the web
+user_pref("webgl.disabled", false); // 4520
+// I like my service workers and am using a service using them.
+user_pref("dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", true); // 7017
+// I've got a password manager already
+user_pref("signon.rememberSignons", false); // 5003
+// Do not track header
+user_pref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", true); // 7015
+// TODO no idea what this does, enabling it
+user_pref("browser.urlbar.showSearchTerms.enabled", true); // 9004
diff --git a/home-manager/config/gammastep/default.nix b/home-manager/config/gammastep/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79b027cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/gammastep/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{config, lib, ...}: {
+  services.gammastep = {
+    enable = true;
+    settings = {
+      general = {
+        temp-day = lib.mkForce 1300;
+        temp-night = lib.mkForce 1300;
+        gamma = "0.8:0.8:0.8";
+        fade = 0;
+        adjustment-method = "wayland";
+        location-provider = "manual";
+      };
+      manual = {
+        lat = 48.1;
+        lon = 11.6;
+      };
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/home-manager/config/git/default.nix b/home-manager/config/git/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..667bb206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/git/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: let
+  gitTemplateFile =
+    pkgs.writeText "git_template.git"
+    ''
+      # Title: Summary, imperative, start upper case, don't end with a period
+      # If applied, this commit will <your Title>
+      # Body: Explain *what* and *why* (not *how*).
+      # BREAKING CHANGE: <description>
+      # Fixes: #
+      # Refs: #
+      # Co-authored-by: <name> <email>
+      # Convention Commits (https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/):
+      #  feat: [Features] -> MINOR version bump
+      #      A new feature
+      #
+      #  fix: [Bug Fixes] -> PATCH version bump
+      #      A bug fix
+      #
+      #  append '!' after the type/scope: [Breaking Change] -> MAJOR version bump
+      #    A breaking API change
+      #
+      #  docs: [Documentation]
+      #      Documentation only changes
+      #
+      #  style: [Styles]
+      #      Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
+      #      (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
+      #
+      #  refactor: [Code Refactoring]
+      #      A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
+      #
+      #  perf: [Performance Improvements] -> PATCH version bump
+      #      A code change that improves performance
+      #
+      #  test: [Tests]
+      #      Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
+      #
+      #  build: [Builds] -> PATCH version bump
+      #      Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
+      #      (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
+      #
+      #  ci: [Continuous Integrations]
+      #      Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
+      #      (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
+      #
+      #  chore: [Chores]
+      #      Other changes that don't modify src or test files
+      #
+      #  reverts: [Reverts]
+      #      Reverts a previous commit
+      # How to Write a Git Commit Message:
+      # [https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/] -> https://cbea.ms/git-commit/
+      #
+      # 1. Separate subject from body with a blank line
+      # 2. Limit the subject line to 50 characters
+      # 3. Capitalize the subject line
+      # 4. Do not end the subject line with a period
+      # 5. Use the imperative mood in the subject line
+      # 6. Wrap the body at 72 characters
+      # 7. Use the body to explain *what* and *why* vs. *how*
+    '';
+  gitConfig = {
+    init = {
+      defaultBranch = "prime";
+    };
+    credential = {
+      helper = "cache --timeout 43200";
+    };
+    user = {
+      email = "ene@sils.li";
+      name = "ene";
+    };
+    help = {
+      autocorrect = 5;
+    };
+    commit = {
+      template = "${gitTemplateFile}";
+    };
+  };
+in {
+  programs.git = {
+    enable = true;
+    #package = pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull; # TODO for git send-email support
+    aliases = {
+      st = "status";
+      ## Logging:
+      ls = "log --max-count=10 --color --format=format:'%C(bold red)%h%C(reset) %C(dim bold blue)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)[%aN]' ";
+      # https://stackoverflow.com/a/61487052
+      lg = "lg1";
+      lg1 = "lg1-specific --all";
+      lg2 = "lg2-specific --all";
+      lg3 = "lg3-specific --all";
+      lg1-specific = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate \
+                      --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)'";
+      lg2-specific = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate \
+                      --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)%n''          %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)'";
+      lg3-specific = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate \
+                      --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset)\
+                      - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)\
+                      %C(bold cyan)(committed: %cD)%C(reset) %C(auto)%d%C(reset)%n\
+                      ''          %C(white)%s%C(reset)%n''   \
+                      %C(dim white)- %an <%ae> %C(reset) %C(dim white)(committer: %cn <%ce>)%C(reset)'";
+    };
+    extraConfig = gitConfig;
+    delta = {
+      enable = true;
+      options = {
+        decorations = {
+          commit-decoration-style = "bold yellow box ul";
+          file-decoration-style = "none";
+          file-style = "bold yellow ul";
+        };
+        features = "decorations";
+        whitespace-error-style = "22 reverse";
+      };
+    };
+    signing = {
+      key = null; #let gpg2 decide, based on the author
+      signByDefault = true;
+    };
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/grades/config.yaml b/home-manager/config/grades/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebbc61f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/grades/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# The unit of your grades.
+# This can also be specified
+# on a per grade basis on the command line
+unit: Punkte
+# List of the possible grade groups
+# name:
+# This is the name used below
+# weight:
+# This is the weight applied to all grades form the group
+# when calculation the average (see https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Weighted_arithmetic_mean for a explanation).
+  - name: major
+    weight: '2'
+  - name: minor
+    weight: '1'
+# List of the types of grades.
+# name:
+# This is the name used on the command line.
+# NB: The name is case sensitive.
+# group:
+# This is used when calculating the average, to group multiple types together.
+# You might want to use separate types to keep grades ordered,
+# but calculate their average as one.
+# The value is one of the names you declared in the grade_group section.
+  - name: graded-homework
+    group: minor
+  - name: exam
+    group: major
+  - name: oral-mark
+    group: minor
+# List of the types of Classes
+# name:
+# The name used below
+  - name: subsidiary-subject
+  - name: intensified-course
+# List of classes
+# name:
+# The name used on the cli
+# class_type:
+# The name of the class type you declared above
+  - name: Math
+    class_type: intensified-course2
+  - name: English
+    class_type: subsidiary-subject
diff --git a/home-manager/config/grades/default.nix b/home-manager/config/grades/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22c5a6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/grades/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{config, ...}: {
+  xdg.configFile."grades/config.yaml".source = ./config.yaml;
diff --git a/home-manager/config/gtk/default.nix b/home-manager/config/gtk/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3f197d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/gtk/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+  config,
+  lib,
+  pkgs,
+  stdenv,
+  ...
+}: {
+  gtk = {
+    enable = true;
+    theme = {
+      package = pkgs.nordic;
+      name = "Nordic";
+    };
+    cursorTheme = {
+      package = pkgs.nordzy-cursor-theme;
+      name = "Nordzy-cursors";
+    };
+    iconTheme = {
+      package = pkgs.nordzy-icon-theme;
+      name = "Nordzy-icon";
+    };
+    font = {
+      name = "Noto Sans";
+      size = 10;
+    };
+    gtk2 = {
+      configLocation = "${config.xdg.configHome}/gtk-2.0/gtkrc";
+      #      extraConfig = ''
+      #        gtk-enable-animations=1
+      #        gtk-primary-button-warps-slider=0
+      #        gtk-toolbar-style=3
+      #        gtk-menu-images=1
+      #        gtk-button-images=1
+      #
+      #      '';
+    };
+    gtk3 = {
+      # extraConfig = ''
+      #        gtk-button-images=true
+      #        gtk-decoration-layout=icon:minimize,maximize,close
+      #        gtk-enable-animations=true
+      #        gtk-menu-images=true
+      #        gtk-primary-button-warps-slider=false
+      #        gtk-toolbar-style=3
+      #        #gtk-modules=window-decorations-gtk-module:colorreload-gtk-module
+      #      '';
+      extraCss = "";
+    };
+    gtk4 = {
+      #      extraConfig = ''
+      #        gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=true
+      #        gtk-decoration-layout=icon:minimize,maximize,close
+      #        gtk-enable-animations=true
+      #        gtk-primary-button-warps-slider=false
+      #      '';
+    };
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/keepassxc/default.nix b/home-manager/config/keepassxc/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..152611c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/keepassxc/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."keepassxc/keepassxc.ini".source = ./keepassxc.ini;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/keepassxc/keepassxc.ini b/home-manager/config/keepassxc/keepassxc.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee10d691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/keepassxc/keepassxc.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Active="<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><KeeShare><Active/></KeeShare>\n"
+Own="<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><KeeShare><PrivateKey>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</PrivateKey><PublicKey><Signer>dt</Signer><Key>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</Key></PublicKey></KeeShare>\n"
diff --git a/home-manager/config/latexindent/default.nix b/home-manager/config/latexindent/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10bae481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/latexindent/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."latexindent/indentconfig.yaml".source = ./indentconfig.yaml;
+  xdg.configFile."latexindent/mysettings.yaml".source = ./mysettings.yaml;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/latexindent/indentconfig.yaml b/home-manager/config/latexindent/indentconfig.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d67351f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/latexindent/indentconfig.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+- /home/dt/.config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml
diff --git a/home-manager/config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml b/home-manager/config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a0f8b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+# defaultSettings.yaml for latexindent.pl, version 3.19.1, 2022-12-04
+#                      a script that aims to
+#                      beautify .tex, .sty, .cls files
+# (or latexindent.exe if you're on Windows)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# Chris Hughes, 2017
+# For all communication, please visit: https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl
+# You should feel encouraged to change anything you like in these settings, but
+# it would probably be better to have your own user settings
+# files somewhere else - remember that this file may be overwritten
+# when you update your tex distribution. Please see the manual linked from:
+#       https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl
+# for details of how to create and configure your own settings files.
+# Please read the manual (linked from above) first to understand what each switch does.
+# latexindent can be called to act on a file without using the file's extension,
+# e.g, simply
+#       latexindent myfile
+# in which case the choice of file extension is chosen
+# according to the choices made in fileExtensionPreference
+# Other file extensions can be added.
+    .tex: 1
+    .sty: 2
+    .cls: 3
+    .bib: 4
+# default file extension of backup file (if -w switch is active)
+# for example, if your .tex file is called
+#       myfile.tex
+# and you specify the backupExtension as BACKUP.bak then your
+# backup file will be
+#       myfileBACKUP.bak
+backupExtension: .bak
+# only one backup per file:
+#   - if onlyOneBackUp is 0 then, as a safety measure,
+#     the number on the extension increments by 1 each time:
+#           myfile.bak0, myfile.bak1, myfile.bak2
+#   - if you set onlyOnebackUp to 1, then the backup file will
+#     be overwritten each time (not recommended until you trust the script)
+onlyOneBackUp: 0
+# some users may want a finite number of backup files,
+# say at most 3; in which case, they can change this maxNumberOfBackUps.
+# If maxNumberOfBackUps is set to 0 (or less) then infinitely
+# many backups are possible, unless onlyOneBackUp is switched on
+maxNumberOfBackUps: 0
+# some users may wish to cycle through back up files.
+# for example, with maxNumberOfBackUps: 4, they may
+# wish to delete the oldest back up file, and keep only the most recent.
+#    copy myfile.bak1 to myfile.bak0
+#    copy myfile.bak2 to myfile.bak1
+#    copy myfile.bak3 to myfile.bak2
+#    copy myfile.bak4 to myfile.bak3
+# the back up will be written to myfile.bak4
+cycleThroughBackUps: 0
+# preferences for information displayed in the log file
+    showEveryYamlRead: 1
+    showAmalgamatedSettings: 0
+    showDecorationStartCodeBlockTrace: 0
+    showDecorationFinishCodeBlockTrace: 0
+    endLogFileWith: '--------------'
+    showGitHubInfoFooter: 1
+    Dumper:
+      Terse: 1
+      Indent: 1
+      Useqq: 1
+      Deparse: 1
+      Quotekeys: 0
+      Sortkeys: 1
+      Pair: " => "
+#  verbatim environments specified
+#  in this field will not be changed at all!
+    verbatim: 1
+    lstlisting: 1
+    minted: 1
+#  verbatim commands such as \verb! body !, \lstinline$something else$
+    verb: 1
+    lstinline: 1
+#  no indent blocks (not necessarily verbatim
+#  environments) which are marked as %\begin{noindent}
+#  or anything else that you detail in the following
+    noindent: 1
+    cmhtest: 1
+# \begin{document} and \end{document} are treated differently
+# by latexindent within filecontents environments
+    filecontents: 1
+    filecontents*: 1
+# indent preamble
+indentPreamble: 1
+# assume no preamble in cls, sty, by default
+    .tex: 1
+    .sty: 0
+    .cls: 0
+    .bib: 0
+# some preambles can contain \begin and \end statements
+# that are not in their 'standard environment block', for example,
+# consider the following key = values:
+#    preheadhook={\begin{mdframed}[style=myframedstyle]},
+#    postfoothook=\end{mdframed},
+preambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments: 0
+# default value of indentation
+defaultIndent: "    "
+# remove trailing whitespace from all lines
+    beforeProcessing: 0
+    afterProcessing: 1
+# name of code blocks that should have their body aligned at ampersand delimiters
+   tabular:
+      delims: 1
+      alignDoubleBackSlash: 1
+      spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash: 1
+      multiColumnGrouping: 0
+      alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims: 1
+      spacesBeforeAmpersand: 1
+      spacesAfterAmpersand: 1
+      justification: left
+      alignFinalDoubleBackSlash: 0
+      dontMeasure: 0
+      delimiterRegEx: '(?<!\\)(&)'
+      delimiterJustification: left
+      lookForChildCodeBlocks: 1
+   tabularx:
+      delims: 1
+   longtable: 1
+   tabu: 1
+   array: 1
+   matrix: 1
+   listabla: 1
+   # amsmath
+   align: 1
+   align*: 1
+   alignat: 1
+   alignat*: 1
+   aligned: 1
+   bmatrix: 1
+   Bmatrix: 1
+   cases: 1
+   flalign: 1
+   flalign*: 1
+   pmatrix: 1
+   vmatrix: 1
+   Vmatrix: 1
+   # mathtools
+   cases*: 1
+   dcases: 1
+   dcases*: 1
+   rcases: 1
+   rcases*: 1
+   drcases: 1
+   drcases*: 1
+   # nicematrix
+   NiceTabular: 1
+   NiceMatrix: 1
+   pNiceMatrix: 1
+   bNiceMatrix: 1
+   BNiceMatrix: 1
+   vNiceMatrix: 1
+   VNiceMatrix: 1
+   NiceArray: 1
+   pNiceArrayC: 1
+   bNiceArrayC: 1
+   BNiceArrayC: 1
+   vNiceArrayC: 1
+   VNiceArrayC: 1
+   NiceArrayCwithDelims: 1
+   pNiceArrayRC: 1
+   bNiceArrayRC: 1
+   BNiceArrayRC: 1
+   vNiceArrayRC: 1
+   VNiceArrayRC: 1
+   NiceArrayRCwithDelims: 1
+   # tabularray
+   tblr: 1
+   longtblr: 1
+   talltblr: 1
+# if you want the script to look for \item commands
+# and format it, as follows (for example),
+#       \begin{itemize}
+#           \item content here
+#                 next line is indented
+#                 next line is indented
+#           \item another item
+#       \end{itemize}
+# then populate indentAfterItems. See also itemNames
+    itemize: 1
+    itemize*: 1
+    enumerate: 1
+    enumerate*: 1
+    description: 1
+    description*: 1
+    list: 1
+# if you want to use other names for your items (for example, \part)
+# then populate them here; note that you can trick latexindent.pl
+# into indenting all kinds of commands (within environments specified in
+# indentAfterItems) using this technique.
+    item: 1
+    myitem: 1
+# specialBeginEnd is, by default, mathmode focus, although
+# there's no restrictions
+    displayMath:
+        begin: '\\\['
+        end: '\\\]'
+        lookForThis: 1
+    inlineMath:
+        begin: '(?<!\$)(?<!\\)\$(?!\$)'
+        end: '(?<!\\)\$(?!\$)'
+        lookForThis: 1
+    displayMathTeX:
+        begin: '\$\$'
+        end: '\$\$'
+        lookForThis: 1
+    specialBeforeCommand: 0
+# if you want to add indentation after
+# a heading, such as \part, \chapter, etc
+# then populate it in here - you can add
+# an indent rule to indentRules if you would
+# like something other than defaultIndent
+# you can also change the level if you like,
+# or add your own title command
+    part:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 1
+    chapter:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 2
+    section:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 3
+    subsection:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 4
+    subsection*:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 4
+    subsubsection:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 5
+    paragraph:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 6
+    subparagraph:
+       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
+       level: 7
+# maximum indentation, off by default
+maximumIndentation: -1
+# if you don't want to have additional indentation
+# in a code block, then add it to noAdditionalIndent; note that
+# code blocks in this field will inherit
+# the *current* level of indentation they just won't
+# get any *additional* indentation
+    myexample: 0
+    mydefinition: 0
+    problem: 0
+    exercises: 0
+    mysolution: 0
+    foreach: 0
+    widepage: 0
+    comment: 0
+    document: 0
+    frame: 0
+# if you have indent rules for particular code blocks
+# then you can populate them in indentRules; for example, you might just want
+# to use a space " " or maybe a double tab "        "
+   myenvironment: "        "
+   anotherenvironment: "                "
+   chapter: " "
+   section: " "
+   item: "      "
+   myitem: "        "
+# set noAdditionalIndent globally for codeblocks
+    environments: 0
+    commands: 0
+    optionalArguments: 0
+    mandatoryArguments: 0
+    ifElseFi: 0
+    items: 0
+    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets: 0
+    namedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
+    UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
+    specialBeginEnd: 0
+    afterHeading: 0
+    filecontents: 0
+# set indentRules globally for codeblocks; these need
+# to be horizontal spaces, if they are to be used
+    environments: 0
+    commands: 0
+    optionalArguments: 0
+    mandatoryArguments: 0
+    ifElseFi: 0
+    items: 0
+    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets: 0
+    namedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
+    UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
+    specialBeginEnd: 0
+    afterHeading: 0
+    filecontents: 0
+# command code block details
+    roundParenthesesAllowed: 1
+    stringsAllowedBetweenArguments:
+      -
+        amalgamate: 1
+      - 'node'
+      - 'at'
+      - 'to'
+      - 'decoration'
+      - '\+\+'
+      - '\-\-'
+      - '\#\#\d'
+    commandNameSpecial:
+      -
+        amalgamate: 1
+      - '@ifnextchar\['
+# change dos line breaks into unix
+dos2unixlinebreaks: 1
+# modifyLineBreaks will only be searched if the -m
+# switch is active
+# poly-switch examples:
+#    BeginStartsOnOwnLine:
+#       modify line breaks before a begin statement
+#       when set to -1, e.g
+#               some text some text
+#               \begin{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
+#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
+#       when set to 1, e.g
+#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text
+#               \begin{myenvironment}
+#       when set to 2, e.g
+#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text%
+#               \begin{myenvironment}
+#       when set to 3, e.g
+#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text
+#               \begin{myenvironment}
+#    BodyStartsOnOwnLine:
+#       modify line breaks before the beginning of the body
+#       when set to -1, e.g
+#               \begin{myenv}
+#                   body text body text
+#           will be changed to
+#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
+#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
+#       when set to 1, e.g
+#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
+#           will be changed to
+#               \begin{myenv}
+#                   body text body text
+#       when set to 2, e.g
+#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
+#           will be changed to
+#               \begin{myenv}%
+#                   body text body text
+#       when set to 3, e.g
+#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
+#           will be changed to
+#               \begin{myenv}
+#                   body text body text
+#    EndStartsOnOwnLine:
+#       modify line breaks before the end statement
+#       when set to -1, e.g
+#               some text some text
+#               \end{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
+#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
+#       when set to 1, e.g
+#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text
+#               \end{myenvironment}
+#       when set to 2, e.g
+#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text%
+#               \end{myenvironment}
+#       when set to 3, e.g
+#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
+#           will be changed to
+#               some text some text
+#               \end{myenvironment}
+#    EndFinishesWithLineBreak:
+#       modify line breaks after the end statement
+#       when set to -1, e.g
+#               \end{myenvironment}
+#               some text some text
+#           will be changed to
+#                   \end{myenvironment}some text some text
+#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
+#       when set to 1, e.g
+#               \end{myenvironment}some text some text
+#           will be changed to
+#                   \end{myenvironment}
+#                   some text some text
+#       when set to 2, e.g
+#               \end{myenvironment}some text some text
+#           will be changed to
+#                   \end{myenvironment}%
+#                   some text some text
+#       when set to 3, e.g
+#               \end{myenvironment}some text some text
+#           will be changed to
+#                   \end{myenvironment}
+#                   some text some text
+# you can specify settings on a per-name basis
+    preserveBlankLines: 1
+    condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto: 1
+    oneSentencePerLine:
+        manipulateSentences: 0
+        removeSentenceLineBreaks: 1
+        multipleSpacesToSingle: 1
+        textWrapSentences: 0   # setting to 1 disables main textWrap routine
+        sentenceIndent: ""
+        sentencesFollow:
+            par: 1
+            blankLine: 1
+            fullStop: 1
+            exclamationMark: 1
+            questionMark: 1
+            rightBrace: 1
+            commentOnPreviousLine: 1
+            other: 0
+        sentencesBeginWith:
+            A-Z: 1
+            a-z: 0
+            other: 0
+        sentencesEndWith:
+            basicFullStop: 0
+            betterFullStop: 1
+            exclamationMark: 1
+            questionMark: 1
+            other: 0
+    textWrapOptions:
+        columns: 0
+        multipleSpacesToSingle: 1
+        removeBlockLineBreaks: 1
+        blocksFollow:
+           headings: 1
+           commentOnPreviousLine: 1
+           par: 1
+           blankLine: 1
+           verbatim: 1
+           filecontents: 1
+           other: '\\\]|\\item(?:\h|\[)'      # regex
+        blocksBeginWith:
+           A-Z: 1
+           a-z: 1
+           0-9: 0
+           other: 0                           # regex
+        blocksEndBefore:
+           commentOnOwnLine: 1
+           verbatim: 1
+           filecontents: 1
+           other: '\\begin\{|\\\[|\\end\{'    # regex
+        huge: overflow                        # forbid mid-word line breaks
+        separator: ""
+    # poly-switches below here
+    environments:
+        BeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        EndStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        EndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+        equation*:
+            BeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            EndStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            EndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    ifElseFi:
+        IfStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        OrStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        OrFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+        ElseStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        ElseFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+        FiStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        FiFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+        ifnum:
+            IfStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            OrStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            OrFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+            ElseStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            ElseFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+            FiStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+            FiFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    commands:
+        CommandStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        CommandNameFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    optionalArguments:
+        LSqBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        OptArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        RSqBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        RSqBFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    mandatoryArguments:
+        LCuBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        MandArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        RCuBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets:
+        KeyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        EqualsStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        EqualsFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    items:
+        ItemStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        ItemFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    namedGroupingBracesBrackets:
+        NameStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        NameFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    specialBeginEnd:
+        SpecialBeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        SpecialBodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        SpecialEndStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        SpecialEndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+    verbatim:
+        VerbatimBeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
+        VerbatimEndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
+# replacements, only active when either -r or -rr switches are active
+  -
+    amalgamate: 1
+  -
+    this: 'latexindent.pl'
+    that: 'pl.latexindent'
+    lookForThis: 0
+    when: before
+# fineTuning allows you to tweak the internal pattern matching that
+# is central to latexindent.pl
+    environments:
+      name: '[a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\\]+'
+    ifElseFi:
+      name: '(?!@?if[a-zA-Z@]*?\{)@?if[a-zA-Z@]*?'
+    commands:
+      name: '[+a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\:]+?'
+    items:
+      canBeFollowedBy: '(?:\[[^]]*?\])|(?:<[^>]*?>)'
+    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets:
+      name: '[a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\/.:\#-]+[a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\/.\h\{\}:\#-]*?'
+      follow: '(?:(?<!\\)\{)|,|(?:(?<!\\)\[)'
+    namedGroupingBracesBrackets:
+      name: '[0-9\.a-zA-Z@\*><]+?'
+      follow: '\h|\R|\{|\[|\$|\)|\('
+    UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets:
+      follow: '\{|\[|,|&|\)|\(|\$'
+    arguments:
+      before: '(?:#\d\h*;?,?\/?)+|\<.*?\>'
+      between: '_|\^|\*'
+    trailingComments:
+      notPreceededBy: '(?<!\\)'
+    modifyLineBreaks:
+      doubleBackSlash: '\\\\(?:\h*\[\h*\d+\h*[a-zA-Z]+\h*\])?'
+      comma: ','
+      betterFullStop: |-
+        (?x)                                # ignore spaces in the below
+        (?:                                 #
+          \.\)                              # .)
+          (?!\h*[a-z])                      # not *followed by* a-z
+        )                                   #
+        |                                   # OR
+        (?:                                 #
+          (?<!                              # not *preceeded by*
+            (?:                             #
+              (?:[eE]\.[gG])                # e.g OR E.g OR e.G OR E.G
+              |                             #
+              (?:[iI]\.[eE])                # i.e OR I.e OR i.E OR I.E
+              |                             #
+              (?:etc)                       # etc
+            )                               #
+          )                                 #
+        )                                   #
+        \.                                  # .
+        (?!                                 # not *followed by*
+          (?:                               #
+            [a-zA-Z0-9-~,]                  #
+            |                               #
+            \),                             # ),
+            |                               #
+            \)\.                            # ).
+          )                                 #
+        )                                   #
diff --git a/home-manager/config/less/default.nix b/home-manager/config/less/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9e74ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/less/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.less = {
+    enable = true;
+    keys = ''
+      t   forw-line
+      n   back-line
+      l   repeat-search
+      L   reverse-search
+    '';
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/archive.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/archive.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48544365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/archive.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/home/dt/.local/lib/shell/lib
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+# Option '-f' disables pathname expansion which can be useful when $f, $fs, and
+# $fx variables contain names with '*' or '?' characters. However, this option
+# is used selectively within individual commands as it can be limiting at
+# times.
+set -f
+echo "tar+zip tar+xz 7z zip" > $archivers;
+readp "File Name: " name
+case $(awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print $i}' $archivers | fzf) in
+    "tar+zip")
+        tar -czf "$name".tar.gz "$name"
+        ;;
+    "tar+xz")
+        tar -cf "$name".tar $fx
+        xz -z -9 -e -T0 "$name".tar
+        ;;
+    "7z")
+        7z a "$name".7z $fx
+        ;;
+    "zip")
+        zip -r "$name".zip $fx
+        ;;
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/broot_jump.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/broot_jump.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..188c9508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/broot_jump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+res="$(broot --outcmd $f && cat $f | sed 's/cd //')"
+rm -f "$f"
+if [ -f "$res" ]; then
+    cmd="select"
+elif [ -d "$res" ]; then
+    cmd="cd"
+lf -remote "send $id $cmd \"$res\""
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/chmod.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/chmod.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6a87336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/chmod.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+readp "Mode Bits: " ans
+for file in $fx
+    chmod "$ans" "$file"
+lf -remote 'send reload'
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/clear_trash.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/clear_trash.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c02321f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/clear_trash.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dl_file.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dl_file.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cb9023c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dl_file.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+# Provides the ability to download a file by dropping it into a window
+url=$(dragon-drop -t -x)
+if [ -n "$url" ]; then
+  printf "File Name: "
+  name=""
+  while [ -z $name ] || [ -e $name ]
+  do
+    read -r name
+    if [ -e "$name" ]; then
+      printf "File already exists, overwrite (y|n): "
+      read -r ans
+      if [ "$ans" = "y" ]; then
+        break
+      else
+        printf "File Name: "
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  # Download the file with curl
+  [ -n "$name" ] && curl -o "$name" "$url" || exit 1
+  exit 1
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36e94706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+dragon-drop -a -x "$fx"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon_individual.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon_individual.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abcadb13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon_individual.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+dragon-drop "$fx"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon_stay.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon_stay.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60195d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/dragon_stay.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+dragon-drop -a "$fx"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/fzf_jump.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/fzf_jump.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..688efdb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/fzf_jump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+res="$(find . -maxdepth 3 | fzf --reverse --header='Jump to location')"
+if [ -f "$res" ]; then
+    cmd="select"
+elif [ -d "$res" ]; then
+    cmd="cd"
+lf -remote "send $id $cmd \"$res\""
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/help.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/help.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fedd0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/help.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+cat ~/.config/lf/lfrc
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_dir.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_dir.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfa0627d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_dir.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+readp "Directory Name: " ans
+mkdir $ans
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_file.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_file.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..044016a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_file.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+readp "File Name: " name
+$EDITOR "$name"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_ln.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_ln.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71a70a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_ln.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+while IFS= read -r i;do
+    set -- "$@" "$i"
+done < "$(tmp "cat ~/.local/share/lf/files")"
+if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
+    msg "no files to link"
+    exit 0
+case "$mode" in
+    copy)
+        while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+            file=$1
+            ans="$(basename "$file")"
+            while ls -a "$(pwd)" | grep --word-regexp "$ans" > /dev/null;do
+                printf "\"%s\" already exists, new name for link: " "$ans"
+                read -r ans
+            done
+            ln -s "$file" "$(pwd)/$ans"
+            shift
+        done
+        ;;
+rm ~/.local/share/lf/files
+# lf -remote "send clear"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_scr.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_scr.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6c17458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/mk_scr.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+cat << EOF > $star
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
+readp "Script Name: " script_name
+[ -e $scr ] && die "$script_name exitst, exiting.."
+cat "$star" > $scr
+chmod +x $scr
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
+$VISUAL $scr
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/open.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/open.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8376be21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/open.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+case $(file --mime-type "$f" -bL) in
+    text/*|application/json) $EDITOR "$f";;
+    image/*) $IVIEWER "$f";;
+    *) xdg-open "$f" ;;
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/open_config.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/open_config.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93c174d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/open_config.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+$EDITOR "$(bookmenu -b ~/.config/bookmenu/configs -f fzf -o)"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/restore_trash.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/restore_trash.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..432e9e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/restore_trash.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/set_wall_paper.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/set_wall_paper.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4599de2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/set_wall_paper.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+die "No yet implemented"
+#sed -i "s,export AWMWALLPAPER='.*',export AWMWALLPAPER='${f}'," ${ZDOTDIR}/.zshenv
+#swaybg -i "$f" &
+#feh --bg-max --no-fehbg "$f"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/stripspace.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/stripspace.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7f68767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/stripspace.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+stripspace "$f"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/sudo_mk_file.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/sudo_mk_file.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f06a92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/sudo_mk_file.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+readp "File Name: " ans
+sudo $EDITOR "$ans"
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/trash.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/trash.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4598b4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/trash.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+files=$(printf "$fx" | tr '\n' ';')
+while [ "$files" ]; do
+    # extract the substring from start of string up to delimiter.
+    # this is the first "element" of the string.
+    file=${files%%;*}
+    trash-put "$(basename "$file")"
+    # if there's only one element left, set `files` to an empty string.
+    # this causes us to exit this `while` loop.
+    # else, we delete the first "element" of the string from files, and move onto the next.
+    if [ "$files" = "$file" ]; then
+        files=''
+    else
+        files="${files#*;}"
+    fi
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/unarchive.sh b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/unarchive.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47a713fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/cmds/unarchive.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+# extract the current file with the right command
+# (xkcd link: https://xkcd.com/1168/)
+set -f
+case "$f" in
+    *.tar.bz|*.tar.bz2|*.tbz|*.tbz2) tar xjvf $f;;
+    *.tar.gz|*.tgz) tar xzvf $f;;
+    *.tar.xz|*.txz) tar xJvf $f;;
+    *.zip) unzip $f;;
+    *.rar) unrar x $f;;
+    *.7z) 7z x $f;;
+    *) warning "Unsupported format" ;;
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/colors b/home-manager/config/lf/colors
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4b6417b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/colors
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# vim:ft=dircolors
+# (This is not a dircolors file but it helps to highlight colors and comments)
+# default values from dircolors
+# (entries with a leading # are not implemented in lf)
+# #no     00              # NORMAL
+# fi      00              # FILE
+# #rs     0               # RESET
+# di      01;34           # DIR
+# ln      01;36           # LINK
+# #mh     00              # MULTIHARDLINK
+# pi      40;33           # FIFO
+# so      01;35           # SOCK
+# #do     01;35           # DOOR
+# bd      40;33;01        # BLK
+# cd      40;33;01        # CHR
+# or      40;31;01        # ORPHAN
+# #mi     00              # MISSING
+# su      37;41           # SETUID
+# sg      30;43           # SETGID
+# #ca     30;41           # CAPABILITY
+# tw      30;42           # STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE
+# ow      34;42           # OTHER_WRITABLE
+# st      37;44           # STICKY
+# ex      01;32           # EXEC
+# default values from lf (with matching order)
+# ln      01;36   # LINK
+# or      31;01   # ORPHAN
+# tw      01;34   # STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE
+# ow      01;34   # OTHER_WRITABLE
+# st      01;34   # STICKY
+# di      01;34   # DIR
+# pi      33      # FIFO
+# so      01;35   # SOCK
+# bd      33;01   # BLK
+# cd      33;01   # CHR
+# su      01;32   # SETUID
+# sg      01;32   # SETGID
+# ex      01;32   # EXEC
+# fi      00      # FILE
+# file types (with matching order)
+ln      01;33       # LINK
+#ln      01;34       # LINK
+or      01;35;46    # ORPHAN
+tw      35          # STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE
+ow      35          # OTHER_WRITABLE
+st      01;36       # STICKY
+di      01;36       # DIR
+pi      33          # FIFO
+so      01;35       # SOCK
+bd      33;01       # BLK
+cd      33;01       # CHR
+su      01;32       # SETUID
+sg      01;32       # SETGID
+ex      01;31;44    # EXEC
+fi      00          # FILE
+# links
+# ~/.librewolf      01;34
+~/.cups           01;34
+~/.mozilla        01;34
+#~/.pki            01;34
+~/.ssh            01;34
+#~/.lesskey        01;34
+#~/.pulse-cookie   01;34
+~/.steampid       01;34
+~/.steam          01;34
+~/.steampath      01;34
+# nix
+~/.nix-profile      01;34
+~/.nix-defexpr      01;34
+# can now be removed
+~/.indentconfig.yaml      01;34
+# archives or compressed (dircolors defaults)
+*.tar   01;31
+*.tgz   01;31
+*.arc   01;31
+*.arj   01;31
+*.taz   01;31
+*.lha   01;31
+*.lz4   01;31
+*.lzh   01;31
+*.lzma  01;31
+*.tlz   01;31
+*.txz   01;31
+*.tzo   01;31
+*.t7z   01;31
+*.zip   01;31
+*.z     01;31
+*.dz    01;31
+*.gz    01;31
+*.lrz   01;31
+*.lz    01;31
+*.lzo   01;31
+*.xz    01;31
+*.zst   01;31
+*.tzst  01;31
+*.bz2   01;31
+*.bz    01;31
+*.tbz   01;31
+*.tbz2  01;31
+*.tz    01;31
+*.deb   01;31
+*.rpm   01;31
+*.jar   01;31
+*.war   01;31
+*.ear   01;31
+*.sar   01;31
+*.rar   01;31
+*.alz   01;31
+*.ace   01;31
+*.zoo   01;31
+*.cpio  01;31
+*.7z    01;31
+*.rz    01;31
+*.cab   01;31
+*.wim   01;31
+*.swm   01;31
+*.dwm   01;31
+*.esd   01;31
+# image formats (dircolors defaults)
+*.jpg   01;35
+*.jpeg  01;35
+*.mjpg  01;35
+*.mjpeg 01;35
+*.gif   01;35
+*.bmp   01;35
+*.pbm   01;35
+*.pgm   01;35
+*.ppm   01;35
+*.tga   01;35
+*.xbm   01;35
+*.xpm   01;35
+*.tif   01;35
+*.tiff  01;35
+*.png   01;35
+*.svg   01;35
+*.svgz  01;35
+*.mng   01;35
+*.pcx   01;35
+*.mov   01;35
+*.mpg   01;35
+*.mpeg  01;35
+*.m2v   01;35
+*.mkv   01;35
+*.webm  01;35
+*.ogm   01;35
+*.mp4   01;35
+*.m4v   01;35
+*.mp4v  01;35
+*.vob   01;35
+*.qt    01;35
+*.nuv   01;35
+*.wmv   01;35
+*.asf   01;35
+*.rm    01;35
+*.rmvb  01;35
+*.flc   01;35
+*.avi   01;35
+*.fli   01;35
+*.flv   01;35
+*.gl    01;35
+*.dl    01;35
+*.xcf   01;35
+*.xwd   01;35
+*.yuv   01;35
+*.cgm   01;35
+*.emf   01;35
+*.ogv   01;35
+*.ogx   01;35
+# audio formats (dircolors defaults)
+*.aac   00;36
+*.au    00;36
+*.flac  00;36
+*.m4a   00;36
+*.mid   00;36
+*.midi  00;36
+*.mka   00;36
+*.mp3   00;36
+*.mpc   00;36
+*.ogg   00;36
+*.ra    00;36
+*.wav   00;36
+*.oga   00;36
+*.opus  00;36
+*.spx   00;36
+*.xspf  00;36
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/default.nix b/home-manager/config/lf/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e27b040c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: let
+  shell = file:
+    "\${{" + builtins.readFile "${file}" + "}}"; # closes the lf tui
+  pipe = file:
+    "%{{" + builtins.readFile "${file}" + "}}"; # runs the command in the ui,term bar
+  async = file:
+    "&{{" + builtins.readFile "${file}" + "}}"; # runs the command in the background
+  wait = file:
+    "!{{" + builtins.readFile "${file}" + "}}"; # adds a prompt after the command has run
+in {
+  xdg.configFile."lf/icons".source = ./icons;
+  xdg.configFile."lf/colors".source = ./colors;
+  programs.lf = {
+    enable = true;
+    commands = {
+      help = shell ./cmds/help.sh;
+      open = shell ./cmds/open.sh;
+      mk_dir = pipe ./cmds/mk_dir.sh;
+      mk_scr = shell ./cmds/mk_scr.sh;
+      mk_file = shell ./cmds/mk_file.sh;
+      chmod = pipe ./cmds/chmod.sh;
+      mk_ln = shell ./cmds/mk_ln.sh; # TODO could be pipe, right?
+      sudo_mk_file = shell ./cmds/sudo_mk_file.sh;
+      set_wall_paper = pipe ./cmds/set_wall_paper.sh;
+      fzf_jump = shell ./cmds/fzf_jump.sh;
+      broot_jump = shell ./cmds/broot_jump.sh;
+      open_config = shell ./cmds/open_config.sh;
+      dragon = pipe ./cmds/dragon.sh;
+      dragon_stay = pipe ./cmds/dragon_stay.sh;
+      dragon_individual = pipe ./cmds/dragon_individual.sh;
+      dl_file = pipe ./cmds/dl_file.sh;
+      unarchive = pipe ./cmds/unarchive.sh;
+      archive = pipe ./cmds/archive.sh;
+      trash = pipe ./cmds/trash.sh;
+      clear_trash = pipe ./cmds/clear_trash.sh;
+      restore_trash = shell ./cmds/restore_trash.sh;
+      stripspace = pipe ./cmds/stripspace.sh;
+    };
+    keybindings = {
+      # Remove some defaults
+      m = null;
+      "'" = null;
+      #" = null; # TODO
+      d = null;
+      c = null;
+      e = null;
+      j = null;
+      k = null;
+      l = null;
+      ";" = null;
+      # File Openers
+      ee = "\$\$EDITOR \"$f\"";
+      u = "%\$IVIEWER \"$f\"";
+      cc = "\$sudo -e \"$f\"";
+      # Archive Mappings
+      au = "unarchive";
+      a = "archive";
+      # Trash Mappings
+      dd = "trash";
+      jc = "clear_trash";
+      jr = "restore_trash";
+      # Broot Mapping
+      f = "broot_jump";
+      # Dragon Mapping
+      dr = "dragon";
+      ds = "dragon-stay";
+      di = "dragon-individual";
+      #dm = "mvdragon";
+      #dc = "cpdragon";
+      dl = "dlfile";
+      ss = "stripspace";
+      # Vim keys
+      h = "updir";
+      t = "down";
+      n = "up";
+      s = "open";
+      # Basic Functions
+      bn = "help";
+      kk = "mklkn";
+      "." = "set hidden!";
+      DD = "delete";
+      p = "paste";
+      x = "cut";
+      y = "copy";
+      "<enter>" = "open";
+      mf = "mkfile";
+      mr = "sudomkfile";
+      md = "mkdir";
+      ms = "mkscr";
+      ch = "chmod";
+      bg = "setwallpaper";
+      o = "open_config";
+      br = "\$vimv \$fx"; # TODO what is this command?
+      r = "rename";
+      H = "top";
+      L = "bottom";
+      R = "reload";
+      C = "clear";
+      U = "unselect";
+      # Movement
+      gjr = "cd ~/.local/share/Trash/files";
+      gus = "cd /run/dt";
+      "gr." = "cd /home/dt/repos";
+      grr = "cd /home/dt/repos/rust";
+      grp = "cd /home/dt/repos/python";
+      grc = "cd /home/dt/repos/c";
+      gra = "cd /home/dt/repos/auto_hot_key";
+      grt = "cd /home/dt/repos/tex";
+      grs = "cd /home/dt/repos/shell";
+      grch = "cd /home/dt/repos/chroot";
+      grpe = "cd /home/dt/repos/perl";
+      grja = "cd /home/dt/repos/java";
+      grjs = "cd /home/dt/repos/java_script";
+      # -------------
+      "gm." = "cd /home/dt/media";
+      gmpi = "cd /home/dt/media/pictures";
+      gmdo = "cd /home/dt/media/downloads";
+      gmpl = "cd /home/dt/media/playlist";
+      gmis = "cd /home/dt/media/isos";
+      # -------------
+      "gs." = "cd /home/dt/school";
+      gsgs = "cd /home/dt/school/geschichte";
+      gsch = "cd /home/dt/school/chemie";
+      gsen = "cd /home/dt/school/english";
+      gsgo = "cd /home/dt/school/geographie";
+      gsin = "cd /home/dt/school/infomatik";
+      gsso = "cd /home/dt/school/sozialkunde";
+      gskr = "cd /home/dt/school/katholische_religion";
+      gsmu = "cd /home/dt/school/musik";
+      gsla = "cd /home/dt/school/latein";
+      gsde = "cd /home/dt/school/deutsch";
+      gsma = "cd /home/dt/school/mathematik";
+      gspr = "cd /home/dt/school/praktikum";
+      gsbi = "cd /home/dt/school/biologie";
+      gssp = "cd /home/dt/school/sport";
+      gsphy = "cd /home/dt/school/physik";
+      gsphi = "cd /home/dt/school/philosophie";
+      gc = "cd ~/.config";
+      gl = "cd ~/.local";
+      gE = "cd /etc";
+      "gU." = "cd /usr";
+      gUs = " cd /usr/share";
+      gt = "cd /tmp";
+    };
+# TODO add ctpv, if it gets merged
+#   previewer = {
+#      keybinding = "i";
+#      source = pkgs.ctpv;
+#    };
+    settings = {
+      # TODO this needs to be added to nixos:
+      #autoquit = true; # quit the server, if no clients are left
+      #dirpreviews = true; # preview for directories
+      dircounts = true; # count things in directories TODO this has performance impact
+      drawbox = true;
+      errorfmt = "\\033[1;91m==> ERROR:\\033[0m\\033[1;93m%s\\033[0m";
+      hidden = true; # show hidden files
+      icons = true;
+      ifs =  "\n"; # internal field separator for shell commands
+      info = "size"; # show the size of a directory
+      shell = "sh";
+      shellopts = "-e -u"; # e: exit on error; u: error for unset variables
+    };
+    # TODO remove auto quit, if it has been added
+    # TODO add ctpv, if it gets merged
+    extraConfig = ''
+      &ctpv -s $id
+      &ctpvquit $id
+      set cleaner = {pkgs.ctpv}
+      set autoquit = true
+      set dirpreviews = true
+    '';
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/lf/icons b/home-manager/config/lf/icons
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68d53e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/lf/icons
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# vim:ft=conf
+# These examples require Nerd Fonts or a compatible font to be used.
+# See https://www.nerdfonts.com for more information.
+# default values from lf (with matching order)
+# ln      l       # LINK
+# or      l       # ORPHAN
+# tw      t       # STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE
+# ow      d       # OTHER_WRITABLE
+# st      t       # STICKY
+# di      d       # DIR
+# pi      p       # FIFO
+# so      s       # SOCK
+# bd      b       # BLK
+# cd      c       # CHR
+# su      u       # SETUID
+# sg      g       # SETGID
+# ex      x       # EXEC
+# fi      -       # FILE
+# file types (with matching order)
+ln             # LINK
+or             # ORPHAN
+tw      t       # STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE
+ow             # OTHER_WRITABLE
+st      t       # STICKY
+di             # DIR
+pi      p       # FIFO
+so      s       # SOCK
+bd      b       # BLK
+cd      c       # CHR
+su      u       # SETUID
+sg      g       # SETGID
+ex             # EXEC
+fi             # FILE
+# file extensions (vim-devicons)
+*.styl          
+*.sass          
+*.scss          
+*.htm           
+*.html          
+*.slim          
+*.haml          
+*.ejs           
+*.css           
+*.less          
+*.md            
+*.mdx           
+*.markdown      
+*.rmd           
+*.json          
+*.webmanifest   
+*.js            
+*.mjs           
+*.jsx           
+*.rb            
+*.gemspec       
+*.rake          
+*.php           
+*.py            
+*.pyc           
+*.pyo           
+*.pyd           
+*.coffee        
+*.mustache      
+*.hbs           
+*.conf          
+*.ini           
+*.yml           
+*.yaml          
+*.toml          
+*.bat           
+*.mk            
+*.jpg           
+*.jpeg          
+*.bmp           
+*.png           
+*.webp          
+*.gif           
+*.ico           
+*.twig          
+*.cpp           
+*.c++           
+*.cxx           
+*.cc            
+*.cp            
+*.c             
+*.cs            
+*.h             
+*.hh            
+*.hpp           
+*.hxx           
+*.hs            
+*.lhs           
+*.nix           
+*.lua           
+*.java          
+*.sh            
+*.fish          
+*.bash          
+*.zsh           
+*.ksh           
+*.csh           
+*.awk           
+*.ps1           
+*.ml            λ
+*.mli           λ
+*.diff          
+*.db            
+*.sql           
+*.dump          
+*.clj           
+*.cljc          
+*.cljs          
+*.edn           
+*.scala         
+*.go            
+*.dart          
+*.xul           
+*.sln           
+*.suo           
+*.pl            
+*.pm            
+*.t             
+*.rss           
+'*.f#'          
+*.fsscript      
+*.fsx           
+*.fs            
+*.fsi           
+*.rs            
+*.rlib          
+*.d             
+*.erl           
+*.hrl           
+*.ex            
+*.exs           
+*.eex           
+*.leex          
+*.heex          
+*.vim           
+*.ai            
+*.psd           
+*.psb           
+*.ts            
+*.tsx           
+*.jl            
+*.pp            
+*.vue           ﵂
+*.elm           
+*.swift         
+*.xcplayground  
+*.tex           ﭨ
+*.r             ﳒ
+*.rproj         鉶
+*.sol           ﲹ
+*.pem           
+# file names (vim-devicons) (case-insensitive not supported in lf)
+*gruntfile.coffee       
+*gruntfile.js           
+*gruntfile.ls           
+*gulpfile.coffee        
+*gulpfile.js            
+*gulpfile.ls            
+*mix.lock               
+*dropbox                
+*.ds_store              
+*.gitconfig             
+*.gitignore             
+*.gitattributes         
+*.gitlab-ci.yml         
+*.bashrc                
+*.zshrc                 
+*.zshenv                
+*.zprofile              
+*.vimrc                 
+*.gvimrc                
+*_vimrc                 
+*_gvimrc                
+*.bashprofile           
+*favicon.ico            
+*license                
+*node_modules           
+*react.jsx              
+*procfile               
+*dockerfile             
+*docker-compose.yml     
+*rakefile               
+*config.ru              
+*gemfile                
+*makefile               
+*cmakelists.txt         
+*robots.txt             ﮧ
+# file names (case-sensitive adaptations)
+*Gruntfile.coffee       
+*Gruntfile.js           
+*Gruntfile.ls           
+*Gulpfile.coffee        
+*Gulpfile.js            
+*Gulpfile.ls            
+*Dropbox                
+*.DS_Store              
+*LICENSE                
+*React.jsx              
+*Procfile               
+*Dockerfile             
+*Docker-compose.yml     
+*Rakefile               
+*Gemfile                
+*Makefile               
+*CMakeLists.txt         
+# file patterns (vim-devicons) (patterns not supported in lf)
+# .*jquery.*\.js$         
+# .*angular.*\.js$        
+# .*backbone.*\.js$       
+# .*require.*\.js$        
+# .*materialize.*\.js$    
+# .*materialize.*\.css$   
+# .*mootools.*\.js$       
+# .*vimrc.*               
+# Vagrantfile$            
+# file patterns (file name adaptations)
+*jquery.min.js          
+*angular.min.js         
+*backbone.min.js        
+*require.min.js         
+*materialize.min.js     
+*materialize.min.css    
+*mootools.min.js        
+*vimrc                  
+Vagrantfile             
+# archives or compressed (extensions from dircolors defaults)
+*.tar   
+*.tgz   
+*.arc   
+*.arj   
+*.taz   
+*.lha   
+*.lz4   
+*.lzh   
+*.lzma  
+*.tlz   
+*.txz   
+*.tzo   
+*.t7z   
+*.zip   
+*.z     
+*.dz    
+*.gz    
+*.lrz   
+*.lz    
+*.lzo   
+*.xz    
+*.zst   
+*.tzst  
+*.bz2   
+*.bz    
+*.tbz   
+*.tbz2  
+*.tz    
+*.deb   
+*.rpm   
+*.jar   
+*.war   
+*.ear   
+*.sar   
+*.rar   
+*.alz   
+*.ace   
+*.zoo   
+*.cpio  
+*.7z    
+*.rz    
+*.cab   
+*.wim   
+*.swm   
+*.dwm   
+*.esd   
+# image formats (extensions from dircolors defaults)
+*.jpg   
+*.jpeg  
+*.mjpg  
+*.mjpeg 
+*.gif   
+*.bmp   
+*.pbm   
+*.pgm   
+*.ppm   
+*.tga   
+*.xbm   
+*.xpm   
+*.tif   
+*.tiff  
+*.png   
+*.svg   
+*.svgz  
+*.mng   
+*.pcx   
+*.mov   
+*.mpg   
+*.mpeg  
+*.m2v   
+*.mkv   
+*.webm  
+*.ogm   
+*.mp4   
+*.m4v   
+*.mp4v  
+*.vob   
+*.qt    
+*.nuv   
+*.wmv   
+*.asf   
+*.rm    
+*.rmvb  
+*.flc   
+*.avi   
+*.fli   
+*.flv   
+*.gl    
+*.dl    
+*.xcf   
+*.xwd   
+*.yuv   
+*.cgm   
+*.emf   
+*.ogv   
+*.ogx   
+# audio formats (extensions from dircolors defaults)
+*.aac   
+*.au    
+*.flac  
+*.m4a   
+*.mid   
+*.midi  
+*.mka   
+*.mp3   
+*.mpc   
+*.ogg   
+*.ra    
+*.wav   
+*.oga   
+*.opus  
+*.spx   
+*.xspf  
+# other formats
+*.pdf   
diff --git a/home-manager/config/mako/default.nix b/home-manager/config/mako/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b9e01a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/mako/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.mako = {
+    enable = true;
+    backgroundColor = "#2e3440";
+    borderColor = "#88c0d0";
+    borderRadius = 25;
+    borderSize = 2;
+    defaultTimeout = 5000;
+    font = "Source Code Pro 10";
+    width = 500;
+    height = 500;
+    icons = true;
+    ignoreTimeout = true;
+    layer = "overlay";
+    markup = true; # TODO
+    maxIconSize = 64;
+    sort = "-time";
+    extraConfig = ''
+      [urgency=low]
+      border-color=#cccccc
+      [urgency=normal]
+      border-color=#d08770
+      [urgency=high]
+      border-size=3
+      border-color=#bf616a
+      default-timeout=0
+      [urgency=critical]
+      border-size=4
+      border-color=#bf616a
+      default-timeout=0
+      [category=mpd]
+      default-timeout=2000
+      group-by=category
+    '';
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/mpd/default.nix b/home-manager/config/mpd/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea535415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/mpd/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: let
+  dataDir = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/mpd";
+in {
+services.mpd = {
+    enable = true;
+    inherit dataDir;
+    musicDirectory = "~/media/music";
+    network = {
+      listenAddress = "${dataDir}/socket";
+    };
+    extraConfig = ''
+      metadata_to_use	"artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc,comment"
+      auto_update	"yes"
+      #database {
+      #       plugin "simple"
+      #       path "~/.local/share/mpd/db
+      #       cache_directory "~/.local/share/mpd/cache"
+      #}
+      filesystem_charset		"UTF-8"
+    '';
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/mpd/mpdconf.example b/home-manager/config/mpd/mpdconf.example
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eaa5e641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/mpd/mpdconf.example
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# An example configuration file for MPD.
+# Read the user manual for documentation: http://www.musicpd.org/doc/user/
+# Files and directories #######################################################
+# This setting controls the top directory which MPD will search to discover the
+# available audio files and add them to the daemon's online database. This
+# setting defaults to the XDG directory, otherwise the music directory will be
+# be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
+# file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
+#music_directory		"~/music"
+# This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
+# directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use
+# playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
+# format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
+#playlist_directory		"~/.mpd/playlists"
+# This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
+# load the database at server start up and store the database while the
+# server is not up. This setting defaults to disabled which will allow
+# MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
+# files over an accepted protocol.
+#db_file			"~/.mpd/database"
+# These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
+# The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
+# setting defaults to logging to syslog.
+# If you use systemd, do not configure a log_file.  With systemd, MPD
+# defaults to the systemd journal, which is fine.
+#log_file			"~/.mpd/log"
+# This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
+# for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
+# default and the pid file will not be stored.
+# If you use systemd, do not configure a pid_file.
+#pid_file			"~/.mpd/pid"
+# This setting sets the location of the file which contains information about
+# most variables to get MPD back into the same general shape it was in before
+# it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server
+# state will be reset on server start up.
+#state_file			"~/.mpd/state"
+# The location of the sticker database.  This is a database which
+# manages dynamic information attached to songs.
+#sticker_file			"~/.mpd/sticker.sql"
+# General music daemon options ################################################
+# This setting specifies the user that MPD will run as. MPD should never run as
+# root and you may use this setting to make MPD change its user ID after
+# initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
+# current user.
+#user				"nobody"
+# This setting specifies the group that MPD will run as. If not specified
+# primary group of user specified with "user" setting will be used (if set).
+# This is useful if MPD needs to be a member of group such as "audio" to
+# have permission to use sound card.
+#group				"nogroup"
+# This setting sets the address for the daemon to listen on. Careful attention
+# should be paid if this is assigned to anything other than the default, any.
+# This setting can deny access to control of the daemon. Not effective if
+# systemd socket activation is in use.
+# For network
+#bind_to_address		"any"
+# And for Unix Socket
+#bind_to_address		"~/.mpd/socket"
+# This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
+# to.
+#port				"6600"
+# Suppress all messages below the given threshold.  Use "verbose" for
+# troubleshooting. Available setting arguments are "notice", "info", "verbose",
+# "warning" and "error".
+#log_level			"notice"
+# Setting "restore_paused" to "yes" puts MPD into pause mode instead
+# of starting playback after startup.
+#restore_paused "no"
+# This setting enables MPD to create playlists in a format usable by other
+# music players.
+#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists	"no"
+# This setting defines a list of tag types that will be extracted during the
+# audio file discovery process. The complete list of possible values can be
+# found in the user manual.
+#metadata_to_use	"artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
+# This example just enables the "comment" tag without disabling all
+# the other supported tags:
+#metadata_to_use "+comment"
+# This setting enables automatic update of MPD's database when files in
+# music_directory are changed.
+#auto_update	"yes"
+# Limit the depth of the directories being watched, 0 means only watch
+# the music directory itself.  There is no limit by default.
+#auto_update_depth "3"
+# Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
+# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
+# symbolic links outside of the configured music_directory.
+#follow_outside_symlinks	"yes"
+# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
+# symbolic links inside of the configured music_directory.
+#follow_inside_symlinks		"yes"
+# Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
+# If this setting is set to "yes", service information will be published with
+# Zeroconf / Avahi.
+#zeroconf_enabled		"yes"
+# The argument to this setting will be the Zeroconf / Avahi unique name for
+# this MPD server on the network. %h will be replaced with the hostname.
+#zeroconf_name			"Music Player @ %h"
+# Permissions #################################################################
+# If this setting is set, MPD will require password authorization. The password
+# setting can be specified multiple times for different password profiles.
+#password                        "password@read,add,control,admin"
+# This setting specifies the permissions a user has who has not yet logged in.
+#default_permissions             "read,add,control,admin"
+# Database #######################################################################
+# An example of a database section instead of the old 'db_file' setting.
+# It enables mounting other storages into the music directory.
+#database {
+#       plugin "simple"
+#       path "~/.local/share/mpd/db
+#       cache_directory "~/.local/share/mpd/cache"
+# An example of database config for a satellite setup
+#music_directory "nfs://fileserver.local/srv/mp3"
+#database {
+#       plugin "proxy"
+#       host "other.mpd.host"
+#       port "6600"
+# Input #######################################################################
+input {
+        plugin "curl"
+#       proxy "proxy.isp.com:8080"
+#       proxy_user "user"
+#       proxy_password "password"
+# Audio Output ################################################################
+# MPD supports various audio output types, as well as playing through multiple
+# audio outputs at the same time, through multiple audio_output settings
+# blocks. Setting this block is optional, though the server will only attempt
+# autodetection for one sound card.
+# An example of an ALSA output:
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"alsa"
+#	name		"My ALSA Device"
+##	device		"hw:0,0"	# optional
+##	mixer_type      "hardware"	# optional
+##	mixer_device	"default"	# optional
+##	mixer_control	"PCM"		# optional
+##	mixer_index	"0"		# optional
+# An example of an OSS output:
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"oss"
+#	name		"My OSS Device"
+##	device		"/dev/dsp"	# optional
+##	mixer_type      "hardware"	# optional
+##	mixer_device	"/dev/mixer"	# optional
+##	mixer_control	"PCM"		# optional
+# An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"shout"
+#	encoder		"vorbis"		# optional
+#	name		"My Shout Stream"
+#	host		"localhost"
+#	port		"8000"
+#	mount		"/mpd.ogg"
+#	password	"hackme"
+#	quality		"5.0"
+#	bitrate		"128"
+#	format		"44100:16:1"
+##	protocol	"icecast2"		# optional
+##	user		"source"		# optional
+##	description	"My Stream Description"	# optional
+##	url		"http://example.com"	# optional
+##	genre		"jazz"			# optional
+##	public		"no"			# optional
+##	timeout		"2"			# optional
+##	mixer_type      "software"		# optional
+# An example of a recorder output:
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"recorder"
+#	name		"My recorder"
+#	encoder		"vorbis"		# optional, vorbis or lame
+#	path		"/var/lib/mpd/recorder/mpd.ogg"
+##	quality		"5.0"			# do not define if bitrate is defined
+#	bitrate		"128"			# do not define if quality is defined
+#	format		"44100:16:1"
+# An example of a httpd output (built-in HTTP streaming server):
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"httpd"
+#	name		"My HTTP Stream"
+#	encoder		"vorbis"		# optional, vorbis or lame
+#	port		"8000"
+#	bind_to_address	""		# optional, IPv4 or IPv6
+##	quality		"5.0"			# do not define if bitrate is defined
+#	bitrate		"128"			# do not define if quality is defined
+#	format		"44100:16:1"
+#	max_clients	"0"			# optional 0=no limit
+# An example of a pulseaudio output (streaming to a remote pulseaudio server)
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"pulse"
+#	name		"My Pulse Output"
+##	server		"remote_server"		# optional
+##	sink		"remote_server_sink"	# optional
+##	media_role	"media_role"		#optional
+# An example of a winmm output (Windows multimedia API).
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"winmm"
+#	name		"My WinMM output"
+##	device		"Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)" # optional
+#		or
+##	device		"0"		# optional
+##	mixer_type	"hardware"	# optional
+# An example of a wasapi output (Windows multimedia API).
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"wasapi"
+#	name		"My WASAPI output"
+##	device		"Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)" # optional
+#		or
+##	device		"0"		# optional
+## Exclusive mode blocks all other audio source, and get best audio quality without resampling.
+##	exclusive	"no"		# optional
+## Enumerate all devices in log.
+##	enumerate	"no"		# optional
+# An example of an openal output.
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"openal"
+#	name		"My OpenAL output"
+##	device		"Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)" # optional
+# An example of an sndio output.
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"sndio"
+#	name		"sndio output"
+#	mixer_type	"hardware"
+# An example of an OS X output:
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"osx"
+#	name		"My OS X Device"
+##	device		"Built-in Output"	# optional
+##	channel_map      "-1,-1,0,1"	# optional
+## Example "pipe" output:
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"pipe"
+#	name		"my pipe"
+#	command		"aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
+## Or if you're want to use AudioCompress
+#	command		"AudioCompress -m | aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
+## Or to send raw PCM stream through PCM:
+#	command		"nc example.org 8765"
+#	format		"44100:16:2"
+## An example of a null output (for no audio output):
+#audio_output {
+#	type		"null"
+#	name		"My Null Output"
+#	mixer_type      "none"			# optional
+# Normalization automatic volume adjustments ##################################
+# This setting specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. This setting can have
+# the argument "off", "album", "track" or "auto". "auto" is a special mode that
+# chooses between "track" and "album" depending on the current state of
+# random playback. If random playback is enabled then "track" mode is used.
+# See <https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Replaygain> for
+# more details about ReplayGain.
+# This setting is off by default.
+#replaygain			"album"
+# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags. By
+# default this setting is disabled.
+#replaygain_preamp		"0"
+# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that do NOT have ReplayGain tags.
+# By default this setting is disabled.
+#replaygain_missing_preamp	"0"
+# This setting enables or disables ReplayGain limiting.
+# MPD calculates actual amplification based on the ReplayGain tags
+# and replaygain_preamp / replaygain_missing_preamp setting.
+# If replaygain_limit is enabled MPD will never amplify audio signal
+# above its original level. If replaygain_limit is disabled such amplification
+# might occur. By default this setting is enabled.
+#replaygain_limit		"yes"
+# This setting enables on-the-fly normalization volume adjustment. This will
+# result in the volume of all playing audio to be adjusted so the output has
+# equal "loudness". This setting is disabled by default.
+#volume_normalization		"no"
+# Character Encoding ##########################################################
+# If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you
+# may need to modify this setting.
+#filesystem_charset		"UTF-8"
diff --git a/home-manager/config/mpd/test.TODO b/home-manager/config/mpd/test.TODO
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6225d8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/mpd/test.TODO
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# TODO this still needs some client
diff --git a/home-manager/config/neovim/default.nix b/home-manager/config/neovim/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8074f19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/neovim/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  neovim_config,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."neovim".source = neovim_config;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/npm/.npmrc b/home-manager/config/npm/.npmrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0d846bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/npm/.npmrc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/home-manager/config/npm/default.nix b/home-manager/config/npm/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d12ce73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/npm/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."npm/.npmrc".source = ./.npmrc;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/python/default.nix b/home-manager/config/python/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fd01a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/python/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."python/pythonrc".source = ./pythonrc;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/python/pythonrc b/home-manager/config/python/pythonrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38c48e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/python/pythonrc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import os
+import atexit
+import readline
+history = os.path.join(os.environ['XDG_CACHE_HOME'], 'python_history')
+def write_history():
+    readline.write_history_file(history)
diff --git a/home-manager/config/rclone/default.nix b/home-manager/config/rclone/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1939a0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/rclone/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."rclone/rclone.conf".source = ./rclone.conf;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/rclone/rclone.conf b/home-manager/config/rclone/rclone.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e1c4f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/rclone/rclone.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+type = sftp
+host = server1.vhack.eu
+user = soispha
+key_use_agent = true
+known_hosts_file = ~/.local/share/ssh/known_hosts
+shell_type = unix
+md5sum_command = md5sum
+sha1sum_command = sha1sum
diff --git a/home-manager/config/river/default.nix b/home-manager/config/river/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0de7f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/river/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."river/init".source = ./init;
+  xdg.configFile."river/res".source = ./res;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/river/init b/home-manager/config/river/init
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4c49489a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/river/init
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+err_fail() {
+    "$@"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ;then
+        printf "%s\n" "$@" >> ~/river_log
+        exec ~/.config/river/res/safe_init
+    fi
+rm ~/river_log
+exec 1>>"$HOME/river_log"
+exec 2>>"$HOME"/river_log
+#Setup of environment variables {{{
+err_fail msg "Starting environment variables set"
+err_fail riverctl spawn "exec dbus-update-activation-environment SEATD_SOCK DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY DESKTOP_SESSION=river XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river"
+err_fail export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river
+# Setup of mappings {{{
+err_fail msg "Started river_init_lesser"
+err_fail river_init_lesser ~/.config/river/res/keys.ron
+# }}}
+# Setup of Rules {{{
+err_fail msg "Starting Rules set"
+err_fail riverctl float-filter-add app-id float
+err_fail riverctl float-filter-add app-id mpv
+err_fail riverctl float-filter-add app-id ModernGL
+err_fail riverctl float-filter-add title "Manim Slides"
+err_fail riverctl csd-filter-add app-id firefox
+# }}}
+# Set riverctl settings {{{
+err_fail msg "Starting Riverctl settings"
+# background
+err_fail riverctl background-color 0x002b36
+err_fail riverctl border-color-focused 0x93a1a1
+err_fail riverctl border-color-unfocused 0x586e75
+# keyboard repeat rate
+err_fail riverctl set-repeat 50 300
+# Cursor
+err_fail riverctl focus-follows-cursor always
+#riverctl hide-cursor timeout 2000
+err_fail riverctl hide-cursor when-typing enabled
+err_fail riverctl set-cursor-warp on-output-change
+err_fail riverctl input pointer-1133-49970-Logitech_Gaming_Mouse_G502 pointer-accel 0
+err_fail riverctl input pointer-1133-49970-Logitech_Gaming_Mouse_G502 accel-profile none
+# remove GTK buttons in titlebar
+err_fail gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ""
+# }}}
+# Setup of general apps {{{
+err_fail msg "Starting apps"
+err_fail gammastep &
+err_fail wlr-randr --output DP-2 --pos 2560,0
+err_fail wlr-randr --output DP-1 --scale 1.5 --pos 0,0
+err_fail yambar &
+err_fail mako &
+err_fail swaybg -i "$AWMWALLPAPER" &
+err_fail swayidle &
+alacritty &
+# }}}
+# Setup of layout [acts as exec!] {{{
+err_fail riverctl default-layout rivertile
+err_fail rivertile -main-ratio 0.5 -view-padding 1 -outer-padding 0
+#riverctl default-layout luatile
+# }}}
diff --git a/home-manager/config/river/res/keys.ron b/home-manager/config/river/res/keys.ron
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4ad6988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/river/res/keys.ron
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+    commands: [
+    // Focus change
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "T",                       mods: "Super",          command: "focus-view",          command_args: "next",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "N",                       mods: "Super",          command: "focus-view",          command_args: "previous",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "T",                       mods: "Super+Control",  command: "focus-output",        command_args: "next",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "N",                       mods: "Super+Control",  command: "focus-output",        command_args: "previous",),
+    // Standard program
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Return",                  mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "alacritty",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "q",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "exit",                command_args: None,),
+    // Screenshot
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Print",                   mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "~/repos/shell/scripts/screen_shot",),
+    // Audio
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "XF86AudioRaiseVolume",    mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "pactl set-sink-volume 1 +5%",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal", "locked"], key: "XF86AudioLowerVolume",    mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "~/.local/bin/ytcs",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal", "locked"], key: "XF86AudioMute",           mods: "None",           command: "spawn",               command_args: "~/repos/shell/scripts/mocs",),
+    // Launcher
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "R",                       mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "bemenu-run",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F1",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "firefox",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F2",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "keepassxc",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F3",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "nheko",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "F4",                      mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "steam",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "L",                       mods: "Super",          command: "spawn",               command_args: "swaylock -f",),
+    // Client
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "f",                       mods: "Super",          command: "toggle-fullscreen",   command_args: None,),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "c",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "close",               command_args: None,),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "space",                   mods: "Super+Control",  command: "toggle-float",        command_args: None,),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "Return",                  mods: "Super+Control",  command: "zoom",                command_args: None,),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "o",                       mods: "Super",          command: "send-to-output",      command_args: "next",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "T",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "swap",                command_args: "next",),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "N",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "swap",                command_args: "previous",),
+    // Toggle all tags
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "0",                       mods: "Super",          command: "set-focused-tags",    command_args: "4294967295"),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: Map,         mode: ["normal"],           key: "0",                       mods: "Super+Shift",    command: "set-view-tags",       command_args: "4294967295"),
+    // Mouse
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: MapMouse,    mode: ["normal"],           key: "BTN_LEFT",                mods: "Super",          command: "move-view",           command_args: None,),
+    RiverctlCommand( map_mode: MapMouse,    mode: ["normal"],           key: "BTN_RIGHT",               mods: "Super",          command: "resize-view",         command_args: None,),
+    ],
+    // Set these mappings for the tags 0-8 with key [1-9]
+    tags_number: 9,
+    tag_commands: [
+    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super",                 command: "set-focused-tags",),
+    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Shift",           command: "set-view-tags",),
+    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Control",         command: "toggle-focused-tags",),
+    RiverctlTagCommand( map_mode: Map, mode: ["normal"], mods: "Super+Shift+Control",   command: "toggle-view-tags",),
+    ],
diff --git a/home-manager/config/river/res/safe_init b/home-manager/config/river/res/safe_init
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8e80026a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/river/res/safe_init
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# This is the example configuration file for river.
+# If you wish to edit this, you will probably want to copy it to
+# $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/river/init or $HOME/.config/river/init first.
+# See the river(1), riverctl(1), and rivertile(1) man pages for complete
+# documentation.
+# Note: the "Super" modifier is also known as Logo, GUI, Windows, Mod4, etc.
+# Super+Shift+Return to start an instance of foot (https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot)
+riverctl map normal Super Return spawn alacritty
+# Super+Q to close the focused view
+riverctl map normal Super Q close
+# Super+Shift+E to exit river
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift Q exit
+# Super+J and Super+K to focus the next/previous view in the layout stack
+riverctl map normal Super J focus-view next
+riverctl map normal Super K focus-view previous
+# Super+Shift+J and Super+Shift+K to swap the focused view with the next/previous
+# view in the layout stack
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift J swap next
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift K swap previous
+# Super+Period and Super+Comma to focus the next/previous output
+riverctl map normal Super Period focus-output next
+riverctl map normal Super Comma focus-output previous
+# Super+Shift+{Period,Comma} to send the focused view to the next/previous output
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift Period send-to-output next
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift Comma send-to-output previous
+# Super+Return to bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack
+riverctl map normal Super Return zoom
+# Super+H and Super+L to decrease/increase the main ratio of rivertile(1)
+riverctl map normal Super H send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-ratio -0.05"
+riverctl map normal Super L send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-ratio +0.05"
+# Super+Shift+H and Super+Shift+L to increment/decrement the main count of rivertile(1)
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift H send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-count +1"
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift L send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-count -1"
+# Super+Alt+{H,J,K,L} to move views
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt H move left 100
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt J move down 100
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt K move up 100
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt L move right 100
+# Super+Alt+Control+{H,J,K,L} to snap views to screen edges
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control H snap left
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control J snap down
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control K snap up
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Control L snap right
+# Super+Alt+Shift+{H,J,K,L} to resize views
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift H resize horizontal -100
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift J resize vertical 100
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift K resize vertical -100
+riverctl map normal Super+Alt+Shift L resize horizontal 100
+# Super + Left Mouse Button to move views
+riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_LEFT move-view
+# Super + Right Mouse Button to resize views
+riverctl map-pointer normal Super BTN_RIGHT resize-view
+for i in $(seq 1 9)
+    tags=$((1 << ($i - 1)))
+    # Super+[1-9] to focus tag [0-8]
+    riverctl map normal Super $i set-focused-tags $tags
+    # Super+Shift+[1-9] to tag focused view with tag [0-8]
+    riverctl map normal Super+Shift $i set-view-tags $tags
+    # Super+Ctrl+[1-9] to toggle focus of tag [0-8]
+    riverctl map normal Super+Control $i toggle-focused-tags $tags
+    # Super+Shift+Ctrl+[1-9] to toggle tag [0-8] of focused view
+    riverctl map normal Super+Shift+Control $i toggle-view-tags $tags
+# Super+0 to focus all tags
+# Super+Shift+0 to tag focused view with all tags
+all_tags=$(((1 << 32) - 1))
+riverctl map normal Super 0 set-focused-tags $all_tags
+riverctl map normal Super+Shift 0 set-view-tags $all_tags
+# Super+Space to toggle float
+riverctl map normal Super Space toggle-float
+# Super+F to toggle fullscreen
+riverctl map normal Super F toggle-fullscreen
+# Super+{Up,Right,Down,Left} to change layout orientation
+riverctl map normal Super Up    send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location top"
+riverctl map normal Super Right send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location right"
+riverctl map normal Super Down  send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location bottom"
+riverctl map normal Super Left  send-layout-cmd rivertile "main-location left"
+# Declare a passthrough mode. This mode has only a single mapping to return to
+# normal mode. This makes it useful for testing a nested wayland compositor
+riverctl declare-mode passthrough
+# Super+F11 to enter passthrough mode
+riverctl map normal Super F11 enter-mode passthrough
+# Super+F11 to return to normal mode
+riverctl map passthrough Super F11 enter-mode normal
+# Various media key mapping examples for both normal and locked mode which do
+# not have a modifier
+for mode in normal locked
+    # Eject the optical drive (well if you still have one that is)
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86Eject spawn 'eject -T'
+    # Control pulse audio volume with pamixer (https://github.com/cdemoulins/pamixer)
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioRaiseVolume  spawn 'pamixer -i 5'
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioLowerVolume  spawn 'pamixer -d 5'
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMute         spawn 'pamixer --toggle-mute'
+    # Control MPRIS aware media players with playerctl (https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl)
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMedia spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPlay  spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPrev  spawn 'playerctl previous'
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioNext  spawn 'playerctl next'
+    # Control screen backlight brightness with light (https://github.com/haikarainen/light)
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessUp   spawn 'light -A 5'
+    riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'light -U 5'
+# Set background and border color
+riverctl background-color 0x002b36
+riverctl border-color-focused 0x93a1a1
+riverctl border-color-unfocused 0x586e75
+# Set keyboard repeat rate
+riverctl set-repeat 50 300
+# Make certain views start floating
+riverctl float-filter-add app-id float
+riverctl float-filter-add title "popup title with spaces"
+# Set app-ids and titles of views which should use client side decorations
+riverctl csd-filter-add app-id "gedit"
+# Set the default layout generator to be rivertile and start it.
+# River will send the process group of the init executable SIGTERM on exit.
+riverctl default-layout rivertile
+rivertile -view-padding 6 -outer-padding 6
diff --git a/home-manager/config/ssh/default.nix b/home-manager/config/ssh/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..506c36be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/ssh/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.ssh = {
+    enable = true;
+    compression = true;
+    hashKnownHosts = true;
+    serverAliveInterval = 240;
+    userKnownHostsFile = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/ssh/know_hosts";
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/swayidle/config b/home-manager/config/swayidle/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d49aaa56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/swayidle/config
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+timeout 180 'swaylock -f -c 000000'
+timeout 360 'systemctl suspend-then-hibernate'
+before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000'
diff --git a/home-manager/config/swayidle/default.nix b/home-manager/config/swayidle/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9f001d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/swayidle/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  services.swayidle = {
+    enable = true;
+    events = [
+      {
+        event = "before-sleep";
+        command = "${pkgs.swaylock}/bin/swaylock -f ";
+      }
+    ];
+    timeouts = [
+      {
+        timeout = 180;
+        command = "${pkgs.swaylock}/bin/swaylock -fFu ";
+      }
+      {
+        timeout = 360;
+        # TODO systemctl is installed?
+        command = "systemctl suspend-then-hibernate";
+      }
+    ];
+    # systemdTarget = ""; # TODO this might be usefull
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/swaylock/default.nix b/home-manager/config/swaylock/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd614a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/swaylock/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.swaylock = {
+    settings = {
+      image = "$AWMWALLPAPER";
+      color = "000000";
+    };
+  };
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/config/config.yml b/home-manager/config/yambar/config/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..173e93a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/config/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# Config file for yambar
+# Note that this may be version-dependent, this file is written for v1.8.0
+# Font anchors
+font-main: &fontmain Source Code Pro:pixelsize=26
+font-aws: &awesome Font Awesome 5 Free:style=solid:pixelsize=23
+# Color anchors
+fg-none: &fgnone 00000000
+fg-1: &fg1 c6ceefff
+fg-blue: &fgblue 99d1dbff
+fg-sapphire: &fgsapp 74c7ecdd
+fg-green: &fggreen a6e3a1dd
+fg-peach: &fgpeach fab387dd
+fg-mauve: &fgmauve cba6f7dd
+fg-teal: &fgteal 94e2d5dd
+fg-lavendar: &fglav b4befedd
+fg-focus: &fgfocus e78284ff
+bg-1: &bg1 303446ff
+bg-tag: &bgtag 585b70ff
+bg-tag2: &bgtag2 45475aff
+bg-urgent: &bgurgent e78284ff
+# Background blocks
+background-block: &bgcblock {background: {color: *bg1 }}
+background-block-urgent: &bgcurg {background: {color: *bgurgent }}
+# Underlines
+underline-focused: &line {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgfocus}}
+underline-urgent: &lineurgent {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgblue}}
+underline-utils: &lineutil {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgpeach}}
+underline-resources: &linemem {underline: { size: 3, color: *fggreen}}
+underline-battery: &linebat {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgsapp}}
+underline-clock: &lineclock {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgteal}}
+underline-weather: &linewea {underline: { size: 3, color: *fglav}}
+underline-title: &linetitle {underline: { size: 3, color: *bgtag}}
+# Combined decorations
+combination-utils: &combutil {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *lineutil]}
+combination-resources: &combmem {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linemem]}
+combination-battery: &combbat {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]}
+combination-clock: &combclock {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *lineclock]}
+combination-weather: &combwea {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linewea]}
+### Main
+  location: top
+  height: 45
+  layer: bottom
+  spacing: 0
+  margin: 10
+  border: {margin: 0, top-margin: 10}
+  foreground: *fg1
+  background: *fgnone
+  font: *fontmain
+  ### Left, river tags
+  left:
+    - river:
+        anchors:
+          - id: &name { text: "{id}" }
+          - string: &focus { stack: [ {background: {color: *bg1}} ] }
+          - string: &normal { string: { <<: *name, margin: 10 } }
+          - string:
+              &occupied { string: { <<: *name, deco: {background: {color: *bgtag2}}, margin: 10 } }
+          - string: &urgent { string: { <<: *name, deco: {stack: [background: {color: *bgurgent}, <<: *lineurgent]}, margin: 10 } }
+          - string: &focused { string: { <<: *name, deco: {stack: [background: {color: *bgtag}, <<: *line]}, margin: 10 } }
+          - string: &unfocused { string: { <<: *name, deco: {background: {color: *bgtag2}}, margin: 10 } }
+          - base: &river_base
+              tag: state
+              default: *normal
+              values:
+                focused: *focused
+                unfocused: *unfocused
+                urgent: *urgent
+                invisible:
+                  map:
+                    tag: occupied
+                    values:
+                      true: *occupied
+                      false: *normal
+        content:
+          map:
+            on-click:
+              left: sh -c "riverctl set-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} - 1)))"
+              right: sh -c "riverctl toggle-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))"
+              middle: sh -c "riverctl toggle-view-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))"
+            tag: id
+            values:
+              1: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              2: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              3: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              4: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              5: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              6: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              7: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              8: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              9: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+        title:
+          map:
+            tag: title
+            default:
+              {
+                string:
+                  {
+                    text: "{title}",
+                    left-margin: 12,
+                    right-margin: 12,
+                      #max: 35,
+                    deco: *linetitle
+                  },
+              }
+            values: { "": { string: { text: "" } } }
+  ### Center, clock & weather gadget
+  center:
+    - clock:
+        time-format: "%H:%M:%S %Z"
+        date-format: "%d/%m/%y (%a)"
+        foreground: *fgblue
+        content:
+          string:
+            text: " {date} {time} "
+            deco: *combclock
+  ### Right, system tray
+  right:
+    - network:
+        name: wlp5s0
+        poll-interval: 10
+        content:
+          map:
+            on-click: /bin/sh -c "nmtui"
+            tag: carrier
+            values:
+              false: {empty: {}}
+              true:
+                string: {text: "  {ssid} ", deco: *combutil}
+    - network:
+        name: enp4s0
+        content:
+          map:
+            on-click: /bin/sh -c "nmtui"
+            tag: carrier
+            values:
+              false:
+                string: {text: "  Eth failed ", deco: *combutil}
+              true: {empty: {}}
+    - script:   # Sound volume
+        path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/amixer-monitor
+        content:
+          map:
+            on-click: /bin/sh -c "pavucontrol"
+            tag: muted
+            values:
+              true:
+                string:
+                  text: " ﱝ "
+                  deco: *bgcurg
+              false:
+                string: {text: "  {volume}% ", deco: *combutil}
+    - script:   # Grade average
+        path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/grades-average
+        poll-interval: 10
+        content:
+          string:
+            text: "   {grade} "
+            deco: *combmem
+    #- backlight:
+    #   name: intel_backlight
+    #   content:
+    #     - string: {text: "  {percent}% ", deco: *combutil}
+    - script:   # CPU
+        path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/cpu
+        content:
+          string:
+            text: "  {cpu}% "
+            deco: *combmem
+    - script:   # Memory info
+        path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/meminfo
+        content:
+            map:
+              tag: swapstate
+              values:
+                true:
+                 string:
+                   text: "  {memperc}%({swapperc}%) "
+                   deco: *combmem
+                false:
+                 string:
+                   text: "  {memperc}% "
+                   deco: *combmem
+    - script:   # Disk space
+        path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/dfspace
+        content:
+          string:
+            text: "  {diskspace}({diskperc})"
+            deco: *combmem
+   #- battery:
+   #    name: BAT0
+   #    poll-interval: 30
+   #    content:
+   #      list:
+   #        items:
+   #          - ramp:
+   #              tag: capacity
+   #              items:
+   #                - string:
+   #                    text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) "
+   #                    deco: *bgcurg
+   #                - string:
+   #                    text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) "
+   #                    deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]}
+   #                - string:
+   #                    text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) "
+   #                    deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]}
+   #                - string:
+   #                    text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) "
+   #                    deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]}
+   #                - string:
+   #                    text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) "
+   #                    deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]}
+   #- script:   # tray
+   #    path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray
+   #    content:
+   #      empty: {}
+   #- script:
+   #    path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray-width
+   #    poll-interval: 10
+   #    content:
+   #      string:
+   #         text: "{padding}"
+   #         deco: *combmem
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/config/config.yml.diffrent b/home-manager/config/yambar/config/config.yml.diffrent
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..462a329b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/config/config.yml.diffrent
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+hack: &hack Hack Nerd Font:pixelsize=13
+bg_default: &bg_default {stack: [{background: {color: 81A1C1ff}}, {underline: {size: 4, color: D8DEE9ff}}]}
+  height: 40
+  location: top
+  font: JuliaMono:pixelsize=10
+  spacing: 2
+  margin: 0
+  layer: bottom
+  foreground: eeeeeeff
+  background: 2E3440dd
+  left:
+    - river:
+        anchors:
+          - base: &river_base
+              left-margin: 10
+              right-margin: 13 
+              default: {string: {text: , font: *hack}}
+              conditions:
+                id == 1: {string: {text: ﳐ, font: *hack}}  
+                id == 2: {string: {text: , font: *hack}}  
+                id == 3: {string: {text: , font: *hack}}  
+                id == 4: {string: {text: , font: *hack}}  
+                id == 5: {string: {text: , font: *hack}}  
+                id == 10: {string: {text: "scratchpad", font: *hack}}  
+                id == 11: {string: {text: "work", font: *hack}}  
+        content:
+          map:
+            on-click: 
+              left: sh -c "riverctl set-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} - 1)))"
+              right: sh -c "riverctl toggle-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))"
+              middle: sh -c "riverctl toggle-view-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))"
+            conditions:
+              state == urgent:
+                map:
+                  <<: *river_base
+                  deco: {background: {color: D08770ff}}
+              state == focused:
+                map:
+                  <<: *river_base
+                  deco: *bg_default
+              state == visible:
+                map:
+                  conditions:
+                    ~occupied: {map: {<<: *river_base}}
+                    occupied: {map: {<<: *river_base, deco: *bg_default}}
+              state == unfocused:
+                map:
+                  <<: *river_base
+              state == invisible:
+                map:
+                  conditions:
+                    ~occupied: {empty: {}}
+                    occupied: {map: {<<: *river_base, deco: {underline: {size: 3, color: ea6962ff}}}}
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/config/laptop.yml b/home-manager/config/yambar/config/laptop.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3bfe6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/config/laptop.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Config file for yambar
+# Note that this may be version-dependent, this file is written for v1.8.0
+# Font anchors
+font-main: &fontmain DejavuSansMono:pixelsize=22
+font-aws: &awesome Font Awesome 5 Free:style=solid:pixelsize=20
+# Color anchors
+fg-none: &fgnone 00000000
+fg-1: &fg1 c6ceefff
+fg-blue: &fgblue 99d1dbff
+fg-sapphire: &fgsapp 74c7ecdd
+fg-green: &fggreen a6e3a1dd
+fg-peach: &fgpeach fab387dd
+fg-mauve: &fgmauve cba6f7dd
+fg-teal: &fgteal 94e2d5dd
+fg-lavendar: &fglav b4befedd
+fg-focus: &fgfocus e78284ff
+bg-1: &bg1 303446ff
+bg-tag: &bgtag 585b70ff
+bg-tag2: &bgtag2 45475aff
+bg-urgent: &bgurgent e78284ff
+# Background blocks
+background-block: &bgcblock {background: {color: *bg1 }}
+background-block-urgent: &bgcurg {background: {color: *bgurgent }}
+# Underlines
+underline-focused: &line {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgfocus}}
+underline-urgent: &lineurgent {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgblue}}
+underline-utils: &lineutil {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgpeach}}
+underline-resources: &linemem {underline: { size: 3, color: *fggreen}}
+underline-battery: &linebat {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgsapp}}
+underline-clock: &lineclock {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgteal}}
+underline-weather: &linewea {underline: { size: 3, color: *fglav}}
+underline-title: &linetitle {underline: { size: 3, color: *bgtag}}
+# Combined decorations
+combination-utils: &combutil {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *lineutil]}
+combination-resources: &combmem {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linemem]}
+combination-battery: &combbat {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]}
+combination-clock: &combclock {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *lineclock]}
+combination-weather: &combwea {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linewea]}
+### Main
+  location: top
+  height: 25
+  layer: bottom
+  monitor: DP-2
+  spacing: 0
+  margin: 10
+  border: {margin: 0, top-margin: 5}
+  foreground: *fg1
+  background: *fgnone
+  font: *fontmain
+  ### Left, river tags
+  left:
+    - river:
+        anchors:
+          - id: &name { text: "{id}" }
+          - string: &focus { stack: [ {background: {color: *bg1}} ] }
+          - string: &normal { string: { <<: *name, margin: 10 } }
+          - string:
+              &occupied { string: { <<: *name, deco: {background: {color: *bgtag2}}, margin: 10 } }
+          - string: &urgent { string: { <<: *name, deco: {stack: [background: {color: *bgurgent}, <<: *lineurgent]}, margin: 10 } }
+          - string: &focused { string: { <<: *name, deco: {stack: [background: {color: *bgtag}, <<: *line]}, margin: 10 } }
+          - string: &unfocused { string: { <<: *name, deco: {background: {color: *bgtag2}}, margin: 10 } }
+          - base: &river_base
+              tag: state
+              default: *normal
+              values:
+                focused: *focused
+                unfocused: *unfocused
+                urgent: *urgent
+                invisible:
+                  map:
+                    tag: occupied
+                    values:
+                      true: *occupied
+                      false: *normal
+        content:
+          map:
+            on-click:
+              left: sh -c "riverctl set-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} - 1)))"
+              right: sh -c "riverctl toggle-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))"
+              middle: sh -c "riverctl toggle-view-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))"
+            tag: id
+            values:
+              1: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              2: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              3: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              4: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              5: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              6: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              7: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              8: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+              9: { map: { <<: *river_base } }
+        title:
+          map:
+            tag: title
+            default:
+              {
+                string:
+                  {
+                    text: "{title}",
+                    left-margin: 12,
+                    right-margin: 12,
+                      #max: 35,
+                    deco: *linetitle
+                  },
+              }
+            values: { "": { string: { text: "" } } }
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/default.nix b/home-manager/config/yambar/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a2e6fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: {
+  xdg.configFile."yambar/config.yaml".source = ./config/config.yml;
+  xdg.configFile."yambar/scripts".source = ./scripts;
+# vim: ts=2
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/amixer-monitor b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/amixer-monitor
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9e75acfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/amixer-monitor
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# An improved amixer script that actually detects volume beyond 100%
+while true; do
+    volume=$(pactl get-sink-volume 0 | awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"} {print $2 }' | tr -d "%" | tr -d ' ')
+    if [ "$volume" -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo "muted|bool|true"
+    else
+        # Read sink volume in percentages
+        echo "volume|string|$volume"
+        echo "muted|bool|false"
+    fi
+    echo ""
+    sleep "$SLEEPTIME"
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/cpu b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/cpu
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bae820d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/cpu
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# I didn't write this script; this is almost directly copied from the dnkl/yambar github.
+# cpu.sh - measures CPU usage at a configurable sample interval
+# Usage: cpu.sh INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS
+# This script will emit the following tags on stdout (N is the number
+# of logical CPUs):
+#  Name   Type
+#  --------------------
+#  cpu    range 0-100
+#  cpu0   range 0-100
+#  cpu1   range 0-100
+#  ...
+#  cpuN-1 range 0-100
+# I.e. ‘cpu’ is the average (or aggregated) CPU usage, while cpuX is a
+# specific CPU’s usage.
+# Example configuration (update every second):
+#  - script:
+#      path: /path/to/cpu.sh
+#      args: [1]
+#      content: {string: {text: "{cpu}%"}}
+case ${interval} in
+    ''|*[!0-9]*)
+        echo "interval must be an integer"
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+    *)
+        ;;
+# Get number of CPUs, by reading /proc/stat
+# The output looks like:
+#  cpu  A B C D ...
+#  cpu0 A B C D ...
+#  cpu1 A B C D ...
+#  cpuN A B C D ...
+# The first line is a summary line, accounting *all* CPUs
+IFS=$'\n' readarray -t all_cpu_stats < <(grep -e "^cpu" /proc/stat)
+cpu_count=$((${#all_cpu_stats[@]} - 1))
+# Arrays of ‘previous’ idle and total stats, needed to calculate the
+# difference between each sample.
+for i in $(seq ${cpu_count}); do
+    prev_idle+=(0)
+    prev_total+=(0)
+while true; do
+    IFS=$'\n' readarray -t all_cpu_stats < <(grep -e "^cpu" /proc/stat)
+    usage=()           # CPU usage in percent, 0 <= x <= 100
+    average_idle=0  # All CPUs idle time since boot
+    average_total=0 # All CPUs total time since boot
+    for i in $(seq 0 $((cpu_count - 1))); do
+        # Split this CPUs stats into an array
+        stats=($(echo "${all_cpu_stats[$((i + 1))]}"))
+        # man procfs(5)
+        user=${stats[1]}
+        nice=${stats[2]}
+        system=${stats[3]}
+        idle=${stats[4]}
+        iowait=${stats[5]}
+        irq=${stats[6]}
+        softirq=${stats[7]}
+        steal=${stats[8]}
+        guest=${stats[9]}
+        guestnice=${stats[10]}
+        # Guest time already accounted for in user
+        user=$((user - guest))
+        nice=$((nice - guestnice))
+        idle=$((idle + iowait))
+        total=$((user + nice + system + irq + softirq + idle + steal + guest + guestnice))
+        average_idle=$((average_idle + idle))
+        average_total=$((average_total + total))
+        # Diff since last sample
+        diff_idle=$((idle - prev_idle[i]))
+        diff_total=$((total - prev_total[i]))
+        usage[i]=$((100 * (diff_total - diff_idle) / diff_total))
+        prev_idle[i]=${idle}
+        prev_total[i]=${total}
+    done
+    diff_average_idle=$((average_idle - prev_average_idle))
+    diff_average_total=$((average_total - prev_average_total))
+    average_usage=$((100 * (diff_average_total - diff_average_idle) / diff_average_total))
+    prev_average_idle=${average_idle}
+    prev_average_total=${average_total}
+    echo "cpu|range:0-100|${average_usage}"
+    for i in $(seq 0 $((cpu_count - 1))); do
+        echo "cpu${i}|range:0-100|${usage[i]}"
+    done
+    echo ""
+    sleep "${interval}"
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/dfspace b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/dfspace
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0b262481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/dfspace
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Sleep seconds
+# Main loop
+while true; do
+    # vars
+    used_space=$(btrfs filesystem usage / 2> /dev/null | awk '{if ( /Used:/ ) { print $2 } } ' | head -n1)
+    all_space=$(btrfs filesystem usage / 2> /dev/null | awk '{if ( /Device size:/ ) { print $3 } } ' | head -n1 | tr -d "GiB")
+  # Check space available (4) and percentage used (5)
+  spaceperc=$(echo "$(echo "$used_space" | tr -d "GiB" )"  "$all_space"  | awk '{div=$1/$2;div *= 100; printf"%2d%%\n",div }')
+  echo "diskspace|string|$used_space"
+  echo "diskperc|string|$spaceperc"
+  echo ""
+  sleep $timer
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/grades-average b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/grades-average
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a04b958c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/grades-average
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+grade=$(grades list average | awk '{print $2}');
+echo "grade|string|$grade";
+echo "";
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/meminfo b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/meminfo
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0156e94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/meminfo
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Checks memory usage
+# Number of seconds to retest
+# Main loop
+while true; do
+    mem_total=$(LANG=C free -b|awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}')
+    mem_used=$(LANG=C free -b|awk '/^Mem:/{print $3}')
+    swap_total=$(LANG=C free -b|awk '/^Swap:/{print $2}')
+    swap_used=$(LANG=C free -b|awk '/^Swap:/{print $3}')
+    memperc=$(echo "$mem_used" "$mem_total" |  awk '{ div = 100 * ($1 / $2)} { printf "%.0f ", div }' | tr -d ' ' )
+    swapperc=$(echo "$swap_used" "$swap_total" |  awk '{
+    if ( $1 == 0 || $2 == 0 ) {
+        print "%"
+    } else {
+    div = 100 * ($1 / $2); 
+    printf "%.0f ", div
+}' | tr -d ' ' )
+echo "memperc|string|$memperc"
+if [ "$swapperc" = "%" ];then
+    echo "swapstate|bool|false"
+    echo "swapperc|string|$swapperc"
+    echo "swapstate|bool|true"
+echo ""
+sleep "$timer"
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/nmclitest b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/nmclitest
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3e8bc73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/nmclitest
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Test for connectivity with nmcli
+Timer=${1:-120}   # Number of seconds to retest
+Timer2=${2:-10}   # Number of seconds to retest if connection fails
+# Main loop
+while true; do
+  CONN=$(nmcli networking connectivity)
+  if [[ "$CONN" == "full" ]]; then
+      echo "internet|string|Connected"
+      echo ""
+      sleep $Timer
+  else
+      echo "internet|string|Disconnected"
+      echo ""
+      sleep $Timer2
+  fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/pingtest b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/pingtest
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2b5f9998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/pingtest
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Test for connectivity with ping
+Timer=${1:-120}   # Number of seconds to retest
+Timer2=${2:-10}   # Number of seconds to retest if connection fails
+IP=${3:-''}   # IP address to test, defaults to Google
+PCount=${4:-3}   # Number of pings to send
+# Main loop
+while true; do
+  # Pings the IP address for five times
+  PINGSTR=$(ping $IP -c $PCount -q)
+  # Use text formatting to get min/max ms delays
+  MED=$(echo $PINGSTR | sed 's/min\/avg\/max\/mdev = /\n/g' | tail -n 1 | sed 's/\//\t/g' | cut -f2)
+  if [[ "$MED" == "" ]]; then
+      echo "med|string|No connection"
+      echo ""
+      sleep $Timer2
+  else
+      echo "med|string|$MED ms"
+      echo ""
+      sleep $Timer
+  fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1704c6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+pkill stalonetray
+pkill trayer
+# launch a tray.
+sleep 0.1 # make sure yambar starts first so we can draw on tpo of it
+# trayer-srg fork!
+trayer \
+    --edge top \
+    --tint 0x24242400 \
+    --align right \
+    --height 20 \
+    --expand false  \
+    --transparent true \
+    --alpha 0 \
+    --width 20  \
+    --monitor primary \
+    --widthtype request
+    # &>/dev/null
diff --git a/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray-width b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray-width
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..00544e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray-width
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+. ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+CHARWIDTH=8 # i guess?
+tray_width_px() {
+    xwininfo -name panel | # trayer names its window "panel"
+        grep -i width: |
+        awk '{print $2}'
+px_to_spaces() {
+    spaces="$((1 + ${1:-0} / $CHARWIDTH))"
+    printf "% *s\n" $spaces
+sleep 0.2 # be sure trayer is already up
+output="$(px_to_spaces `tray_width_px`)"
+echo  "padding|string|$output"
+echo ""
+if [ -d /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/ ];then rm -r /tmp/LIB_FILE_TEMP_DIR/; fi
diff --git a/home-manager/config/zsh/config/custom_cursor.sh b/home-manager/config/zsh/config/custom_cursor.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a6da012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/zsh/config/custom_cursor.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Change cursor shape for different vi modes.
+function zle-keymap-select {
+  if [[ ${KEYMAP} == vicmd ]] ||
+     [[ $1 = 'block' ]]; then
+    echo -ne '\e[1 q'
+  elif [[ ${KEYMAP} == main ]] ||
+       [[ ${KEYMAP} == viins ]] ||
+       [[ ${KEYMAP} = '' ]] ||
+       [[ $1 = 'beam' ]]; then
+    echo -ne '\e[5 q'
+  fi
+zle -N zle-keymap-select
+# ci", ci', ci`, di", etc
+autoload -U select-quoted
+zle -N select-quoted
+for m in visual viopp; do
+  for c in {a,i}{\',\",\`}; do
+    bindkey -M $m $c select-quoted
+  done
+# ci{, ci(, ci<, di{, etc
+autoload -U select-bracketed
+zle -N select-bracketed
+for m in visual viopp; do
+  for c in {a,i}${(s..)^:-'()[]{}<>bB'}; do
+    bindkey -M $m $c select-bracketed
+  done
+zle-line-init() {
+    zle -K viins # initiate `vi insert` as keymap (can be removed if `bindkey -V` has been set elsewhere)
+    echo -ne "\e[5 q"
+zle -N zle-line-init
+echo -ne '\e[5 q' # Use beam shape cursor on startup.
+precmd() { echo -ne '\e[5 q' ;} # Use beam shape cursor for each new prompt.
diff --git a/home-manager/config/zsh/config/zsh-init.sh b/home-manager/config/zsh/config/zsh-init.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc9af87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/zsh/config/zsh-init.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
+# Flex on the ubuntu users
+[ "$NVIM" ] || neofetch || hyfetch
+#loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID
+## Enable colors and change prompt:
+#autoload -Uz colors && colors
+#autoload -Uz compinit && compinit -u
+## Edit line in vim buffer ctrl-v
+#autoload -Uz edit-command-line; zle -N edit-command-line
+## Enter vim buffer from normal mode
+#autoload -Uz edit-command-line && zle -N edit-command-line
+## zstyles
+#zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
+## Auto complete with case insensitivity
+#zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+#zmodload zsh/complist
+#_comp_options+=(globdots)		# Include hidden files.
+## Source configs
+#source "${ZDOTDIR}/ali.sh"
+#source "${ZDOTDIR}/prompt.sh"
+#source "${ZDOTDIR}/hotkeys.sh"
+source "./${path_custom_cursor}"
+#source ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+## Load zsh-syntax-highlighting
+#source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
+## Suggest aliases for commands
+#source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-you-should-use/you-should-use.plugin.zsh
+##eval "$(lua ~/scripts/z.lua --init zsh enhanced)"
diff --git a/home-manager/config/zsh/config/zsh-prompt.sh b/home-manager/config/zsh/config/zsh-prompt.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f0f164b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/zsh/config/zsh-prompt.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+_command_time_preexec() {
+    timer=${timer:-$SECONDS}
+_command_time_precmd() {
+    PROMPT_TMP_DIR=$(mktemp)
+  if [ $timer ]; then
+    ts=$(($SECONDS - $timer))
+    tts=$ts
+    mi=0
+    ho=0
+    if [ $ts -ge 3 ];then
+        while [ $ts -ge 60 ];do
+            ts=$((ts-60))
+            mi=$((mi+1))
+        done
+        while [ $mi -ge 60 ];do
+            mi=$((mi-60))
+            ho=$((ho+1))
+        done
+        if [ $tts -ge 3600 ];then
+            out=$(printf '%dh %dm %ds\n' $ho $mi $ts)
+        elif [ $tts -ge 60 ];then
+            out=$(printf '%dm %ds\n' $mi $ts)
+        elif [ $tts -lt 60 ];then
+             out=$(printf '%ds\n' $ts)
+        fi
+    export psvar[1]="took $(printf '%s ' "$out")"
+    echo $psvar[1] > $PROMPT_TMP_DIR
+    fi
+    unset timer
+    unset ts
+    unset tts
+    unset mi
+    unset ho
+_command_ro_precmd() {
+if ! [ -w $(pwd) ];then
+    echo " "
+export PROMPT='%(?.%F{$blue}.%F{$red})%B%3~%(!. %F{$red}as root %f. )%F{$white}$(if [ -n $PROMPT_TMP_DIR ];then cat $PROMPT_TMP_DIR; rm $PROMPT_TMP_DIR;fi)%f%(?.%F{$blue}.%F{$red})%F{$red}$(_command_ro_precmd)%F{$blue}❯ %b%f'
+export RPROMPT=''
+#%(2V.%F{$red}%2v%f$(export psvar[2]="") .)
+# TODO:
+# Add git support
diff --git a/home-manager/config/zsh/default.nix b/home-manager/config/zsh/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f05de847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/config/zsh/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  lib,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.zsh = {
+    enable = true;
+    enableAutosuggestions = true;
+    enableCompletion = true;
+    enableSyntaxHighlighting = true;
+    autocd = true;
+    dotDir = ".config/zsh";
+    history = {
+      extended = true;
+      ignoreDups = false;
+      expireDuplicatesFirst = false;
+      ignoreSpace = false; # TODO I might change that
+      path = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/zsh/history";
+      save = 9000000; # number of lines to save
+      size = 9000000; # number of lines to keep
+      share = true; # share between sessions
+    };
+    historySubstringSearch = {
+      enable = true;
+      searchDownKey = "^[[B"; # DOWN Arrow key
+      searchUpKey = "^[[A"; # UP Arrow key
+    };
+    loginExtra =
+      builtins.readFile ./config/zsh-prompt.sh
+      + builtins.readFile ./config/custom_cursor.sh
+      + ''
+        eval $(ssh-agent -s) > /dev/null # start ssh agent
+        export ENHANCHED_NEOFETCH="$(pacman -Qn | wc -l) (pacman), $(pacman -Qm | wc -l) (aur), $(($(cargo install --list | wc -l ) / 2)) (cargo)"
+      ''
+      + lib.concatStringsSep "setopt" [
+        "AUTO_CD"
+        "AUTO_PUSHD"
+        "CHASE_DOTS"
+        "ALWAYS_TO_END"
+        "HIST_VERIFY"
+        "HIST_FCNTL_LOCK"
+        "DVORAK"
+        "CORRECT"
+        "PROMPT_SUBST"
+        "TRANSIENT_RPROMPT" # maybe?
+        "VI"
+      ];
+    initExtraFirst = builtins.readFile ./config/zsh-init.sh;
+    shellAliases = {
+      ls = "ls -a --color=auto";
+      ll = ". ll";
+      pip = "pip --require-virtualenv";
+      hisea = "history info | grep";
+      mocp = "mocp -M ${config.xdg.configHome}/moc";
+      yarn = "yarn --use-yarnrc ${config.xdg.configHome}/yarn/config";
+    };
+    sessionVariables = {
+      # managed by home-manager xdg
+      #      XDG_DATA_HOME = "$HOME/.local/share";
+      #      XDG_STATE_HOME = "$HOME/.local/state";
+      #      XDG_CACHE_HOME = "$HOME/.cache";
+      #      XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "$HOME/.config";
+      #      XDG_BIN_HOME = "\${HOME}/.local/bin";
+      # HISTSIZE = "9000000"; # This Should already be set by the shell
+      TIMEFMT = "'$fg[green]%J$reset_color' time: $fg[blue]%*Es$reset_color, cpu: $fg[blue]%P$reset_color"; # no idea what this does or why it is needed
+      REPORTTIME = "10";
+      PATH = [
+        "\${PATH}:/home/dt/repos/shell/scripts"
+        "/home/dt/.local/bin"
+        "/home/dt/.local/share/cargo/bin/"
+      ];
+      EDITOR = "nvim";
+      IVIEWER = "imv";
+      READER = "zathura";
+      VISUAL = "nvim";
+      CODEEDITOR = "nvim";
+      TERMINAL = "alacritty";
+      BROWSER = "firefox";
+      COLORTERM = "truecolor";
+      PAGER = "less -R";
+      WM = "river";
+      AWMWALLPAPER = "/home/dt/media/pictures/tes/wallpapers-linux_cast/Dedicated_Colorschemes/nord/Abstract-Nord.png";
+      # FUNCNEST for more functions in functions
+      FUNCNEST = "2000";
+      WALLPAPERDIR = "$HOME/media/pictures/wallpapers/";
+      LESS = "R";
+      MANPAGER = "less -R --use-color -Dd+r -Du+b";
+      LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI = "qemu:///system";
+      BEMENU_SCALE = "1.5";
+      BEMENU_BACKEND = "wayland";
+      BEMENU_OPTS = "--fn 'Source Code Pro 10' -c -l 30 -B 1 -W 0.9 --hf #ffffff";
+      # Clean the home dir {{{
+      _JAVA_OPTIONS = lib.concatStringsSep " " [
+        ''-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot="${config.xdg.configHome}/java"''
+        ''-Djavafx.cachedir="${config.xdg.cacheHome}/openjfx"''
+      ];
+      GRADLE_USER_HOME = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/gradle";
+      CARGO_HOME = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/cargo";
+      GNUPGHOME = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/gnupg";
+      GOPATH = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/go";
+      GTK2_RC_FILES = "${config.xdg.configHome}/gtk-2.0/gtkrc";
+      LESSHISFILE = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/less/history";
+      LESSKEYIN = "${config.xdg.configHome}/less/lesskey";
+      RUSTUP_HOME = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/rustup";
+      NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG = "${config.xdg.configHome}/npm/npmrc";
+      NUGET_PACKAGES = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/NuGetPackages";
+      PYTHONSTARTUP = "${config.xdg.configHome}/python/pythonrc";
+      XAUTHORITY = "${config.xdg.stateHome}/Xauthority";
+      COMPDUMPFILE = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/zsh/.zcompdump}";
+      IPYTHONDIR = "${config.xdg.configHome}/ipython";
+      PARALLEL_HOME = "${config.xdg.configHome}/parallel";
+      STACK_XDG = "1";
+      # }}}
+      # Export Wayland env Vars {{{
+      QT_QPA_PLATFORM = "wayland";
+      QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct"; # needs qt5ct
+      CLUTTER_BACKEND = "wayland";
+      SDL_VIDEODRIVER = "wayland"; # might brake some things
+      MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND = "1";
+      # }}}
+    };
+  };
+# vim: ts=2