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path: root/home-manager/config/latexindent
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Diffstat (limited to 'home-manager/config/latexindent')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 682 deletions
diff --git a/home-manager/config/latexindent/default.nix b/home-manager/config/latexindent/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d776e14..00000000
--- a/home-manager/config/latexindent/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  config,
-  pkgs,
-  ...
-}: {
-  xdg.configFile."latexindent/indentconfig.yaml".source = ./indentconfig.yaml;
-  xdg.configFile."latexindent/mysettings.yaml".source = ./mysettings.yaml;
diff --git a/home-manager/config/latexindent/indentconfig.yaml b/home-manager/config/latexindent/indentconfig.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d67351f3..00000000
--- a/home-manager/config/latexindent/indentconfig.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-- /home/dt/.config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml
diff --git a/home-manager/config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml b/home-manager/config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0f8b2f..00000000
--- a/home-manager/config/latexindent/mysettings.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-# defaultSettings.yaml for latexindent.pl, version 3.19.1, 2022-12-04
-#                      a script that aims to
-#                      beautify .tex, .sty, .cls files
-# (or latexindent.exe if you're on Windows)
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
-# Chris Hughes, 2017
-# For all communication, please visit: https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl
-# You should feel encouraged to change anything you like in these settings, but
-# it would probably be better to have your own user settings
-# files somewhere else - remember that this file may be overwritten
-# when you update your tex distribution. Please see the manual linked from:
-#       https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl
-# for details of how to create and configure your own settings files.
-# Please read the manual (linked from above) first to understand what each switch does.
-# latexindent can be called to act on a file without using the file's extension,
-# e.g, simply
-#       latexindent myfile
-# in which case the choice of file extension is chosen
-# according to the choices made in fileExtensionPreference
-# Other file extensions can be added.
-    .tex: 1
-    .sty: 2
-    .cls: 3
-    .bib: 4
-# default file extension of backup file (if -w switch is active)
-# for example, if your .tex file is called
-#       myfile.tex
-# and you specify the backupExtension as BACKUP.bak then your
-# backup file will be
-#       myfileBACKUP.bak
-backupExtension: .bak
-# only one backup per file:
-#   - if onlyOneBackUp is 0 then, as a safety measure,
-#     the number on the extension increments by 1 each time:
-#           myfile.bak0, myfile.bak1, myfile.bak2
-#   - if you set onlyOnebackUp to 1, then the backup file will
-#     be overwritten each time (not recommended until you trust the script)
-onlyOneBackUp: 0
-# some users may want a finite number of backup files,
-# say at most 3; in which case, they can change this maxNumberOfBackUps.
-# If maxNumberOfBackUps is set to 0 (or less) then infinitely
-# many backups are possible, unless onlyOneBackUp is switched on
-maxNumberOfBackUps: 0
-# some users may wish to cycle through back up files.
-# for example, with maxNumberOfBackUps: 4, they may
-# wish to delete the oldest back up file, and keep only the most recent.
-#    copy myfile.bak1 to myfile.bak0
-#    copy myfile.bak2 to myfile.bak1
-#    copy myfile.bak3 to myfile.bak2
-#    copy myfile.bak4 to myfile.bak3
-# the back up will be written to myfile.bak4
-cycleThroughBackUps: 0
-# preferences for information displayed in the log file
-    showEveryYamlRead: 1
-    showAmalgamatedSettings: 0
-    showDecorationStartCodeBlockTrace: 0
-    showDecorationFinishCodeBlockTrace: 0
-    endLogFileWith: '--------------'
-    showGitHubInfoFooter: 1
-    Dumper:
-      Terse: 1
-      Indent: 1
-      Useqq: 1
-      Deparse: 1
-      Quotekeys: 0
-      Sortkeys: 1
-      Pair: " => "
-#  verbatim environments specified
-#  in this field will not be changed at all!
-    verbatim: 1
-    lstlisting: 1
-    minted: 1
-#  verbatim commands such as \verb! body !, \lstinline$something else$
-    verb: 1
-    lstinline: 1
-#  no indent blocks (not necessarily verbatim
-#  environments) which are marked as %\begin{noindent}
-#  or anything else that you detail in the following
-    noindent: 1
-    cmhtest: 1
-# \begin{document} and \end{document} are treated differently
-# by latexindent within filecontents environments
-    filecontents: 1
-    filecontents*: 1
-# indent preamble
-indentPreamble: 1
-# assume no preamble in cls, sty, by default
-    .tex: 1
-    .sty: 0
-    .cls: 0
-    .bib: 0
-# some preambles can contain \begin and \end statements
-# that are not in their 'standard environment block', for example,
-# consider the following key = values:
-#    preheadhook={\begin{mdframed}[style=myframedstyle]},
-#    postfoothook=\end{mdframed},
-preambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments: 0
-# default value of indentation
-defaultIndent: "    "
-# remove trailing whitespace from all lines
-    beforeProcessing: 0
-    afterProcessing: 1
-# name of code blocks that should have their body aligned at ampersand delimiters
-   tabular:
-      delims: 1
-      alignDoubleBackSlash: 1
-      spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash: 1
-      multiColumnGrouping: 0
-      alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims: 1
-      spacesBeforeAmpersand: 1
-      spacesAfterAmpersand: 1
-      justification: left
-      alignFinalDoubleBackSlash: 0
-      dontMeasure: 0
-      delimiterRegEx: '(?<!\\)(&)'
-      delimiterJustification: left
-      lookForChildCodeBlocks: 1
-   tabularx:
-      delims: 1
-   longtable: 1
-   tabu: 1
-   array: 1
-   matrix: 1
-   listabla: 1
-   # amsmath
-   align: 1
-   align*: 1
-   alignat: 1
-   alignat*: 1
-   aligned: 1
-   bmatrix: 1
-   Bmatrix: 1
-   cases: 1
-   flalign: 1
-   flalign*: 1
-   pmatrix: 1
-   vmatrix: 1
-   Vmatrix: 1
-   # mathtools
-   cases*: 1
-   dcases: 1
-   dcases*: 1
-   rcases: 1
-   rcases*: 1
-   drcases: 1
-   drcases*: 1
-   # nicematrix
-   NiceTabular: 1
-   NiceMatrix: 1
-   pNiceMatrix: 1
-   bNiceMatrix: 1
-   BNiceMatrix: 1
-   vNiceMatrix: 1
-   VNiceMatrix: 1
-   NiceArray: 1
-   pNiceArrayC: 1
-   bNiceArrayC: 1
-   BNiceArrayC: 1
-   vNiceArrayC: 1
-   VNiceArrayC: 1
-   NiceArrayCwithDelims: 1
-   pNiceArrayRC: 1
-   bNiceArrayRC: 1
-   BNiceArrayRC: 1
-   vNiceArrayRC: 1
-   VNiceArrayRC: 1
-   NiceArrayRCwithDelims: 1
-   # tabularray
-   tblr: 1
-   longtblr: 1
-   talltblr: 1
-# if you want the script to look for \item commands
-# and format it, as follows (for example),
-#       \begin{itemize}
-#           \item content here
-#                 next line is indented
-#                 next line is indented
-#           \item another item
-#       \end{itemize}
-# then populate indentAfterItems. See also itemNames
-    itemize: 1
-    itemize*: 1
-    enumerate: 1
-    enumerate*: 1
-    description: 1
-    description*: 1
-    list: 1
-# if you want to use other names for your items (for example, \part)
-# then populate them here; note that you can trick latexindent.pl
-# into indenting all kinds of commands (within environments specified in
-# indentAfterItems) using this technique.
-    item: 1
-    myitem: 1
-# specialBeginEnd is, by default, mathmode focus, although
-# there's no restrictions
-    displayMath:
-        begin: '\\\['
-        end: '\\\]'
-        lookForThis: 1
-    inlineMath:
-        begin: '(?<!\$)(?<!\\)\$(?!\$)'
-        end: '(?<!\\)\$(?!\$)'
-        lookForThis: 1
-    displayMathTeX:
-        begin: '\$\$'
-        end: '\$\$'
-        lookForThis: 1
-    specialBeforeCommand: 0
-# if you want to add indentation after
-# a heading, such as \part, \chapter, etc
-# then populate it in here - you can add
-# an indent rule to indentRules if you would
-# like something other than defaultIndent
-# you can also change the level if you like,
-# or add your own title command
-    part:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 1
-    chapter:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 2
-    section:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 3
-    subsection:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 4
-    subsection*:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 4
-    subsubsection:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 5
-    paragraph:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 6
-    subparagraph:
-       indentAfterThisHeading: 0
-       level: 7
-# maximum indentation, off by default
-maximumIndentation: -1
-# if you don't want to have additional indentation
-# in a code block, then add it to noAdditionalIndent; note that
-# code blocks in this field will inherit
-# the *current* level of indentation they just won't
-# get any *additional* indentation
-    myexample: 0
-    mydefinition: 0
-    problem: 0
-    exercises: 0
-    mysolution: 0
-    foreach: 0
-    widepage: 0
-    comment: 0
-    document: 0
-    frame: 0
-# if you have indent rules for particular code blocks
-# then you can populate them in indentRules; for example, you might just want
-# to use a space " " or maybe a double tab "        "
-   myenvironment: "        "
-   anotherenvironment: "                "
-   chapter: " "
-   section: " "
-   item: "      "
-   myitem: "        "
-# set noAdditionalIndent globally for codeblocks
-    environments: 0
-    commands: 0
-    optionalArguments: 0
-    mandatoryArguments: 0
-    ifElseFi: 0
-    items: 0
-    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets: 0
-    namedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
-    UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
-    specialBeginEnd: 0
-    afterHeading: 0
-    filecontents: 0
-# set indentRules globally for codeblocks; these need
-# to be horizontal spaces, if they are to be used
-    environments: 0
-    commands: 0
-    optionalArguments: 0
-    mandatoryArguments: 0
-    ifElseFi: 0
-    items: 0
-    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets: 0
-    namedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
-    UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets: 0
-    specialBeginEnd: 0
-    afterHeading: 0
-    filecontents: 0
-# command code block details
-    roundParenthesesAllowed: 1
-    stringsAllowedBetweenArguments:
-      -
-        amalgamate: 1
-      - 'node'
-      - 'at'
-      - 'to'
-      - 'decoration'
-      - '\+\+'
-      - '\-\-'
-      - '\#\#\d'
-    commandNameSpecial:
-      -
-        amalgamate: 1
-      - '@ifnextchar\['
-# change dos line breaks into unix
-dos2unixlinebreaks: 1
-# modifyLineBreaks will only be searched if the -m
-# switch is active
-# poly-switch examples:
-#    BeginStartsOnOwnLine:
-#       modify line breaks before a begin statement
-#       when set to -1, e.g
-#               some text some text
-#               \begin{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
-#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
-#       when set to 1, e.g
-#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text
-#               \begin{myenvironment}
-#       when set to 2, e.g
-#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text%
-#               \begin{myenvironment}
-#       when set to 3, e.g
-#               some text some text \begin{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text
-#               \begin{myenvironment}
-#    BodyStartsOnOwnLine:
-#       modify line breaks before the beginning of the body
-#       when set to -1, e.g
-#               \begin{myenv}
-#                   body text body text
-#           will be changed to
-#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
-#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
-#       when set to 1, e.g
-#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
-#           will be changed to
-#               \begin{myenv}
-#                   body text body text
-#       when set to 2, e.g
-#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
-#           will be changed to
-#               \begin{myenv}%
-#                   body text body text
-#       when set to 3, e.g
-#               \begin{myenv}body text body text
-#           will be changed to
-#               \begin{myenv}
-#                   body text body text
-#    EndStartsOnOwnLine:
-#       modify line breaks before the end statement
-#       when set to -1, e.g
-#               some text some text
-#               \end{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
-#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
-#       when set to 1, e.g
-#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text
-#               \end{myenvironment}
-#       when set to 2, e.g
-#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text%
-#               \end{myenvironment}
-#       when set to 3, e.g
-#               some text some text \end{myenvironment}
-#           will be changed to
-#               some text some text
-#               \end{myenvironment}
-#    EndFinishesWithLineBreak:
-#       modify line breaks after the end statement
-#       when set to -1, e.g
-#               \end{myenvironment}
-#               some text some text
-#           will be changed to
-#                   \end{myenvironment}some text some text
-#       when set to 0, the switch is ignored
-#       when set to 1, e.g
-#               \end{myenvironment}some text some text
-#           will be changed to
-#                   \end{myenvironment}
-#                   some text some text
-#       when set to 2, e.g
-#               \end{myenvironment}some text some text
-#           will be changed to
-#                   \end{myenvironment}%
-#                   some text some text
-#       when set to 3, e.g
-#               \end{myenvironment}some text some text
-#           will be changed to
-#                   \end{myenvironment}
-#                   some text some text
-# you can specify settings on a per-name basis
-    preserveBlankLines: 1
-    condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto: 1
-    oneSentencePerLine:
-        manipulateSentences: 0
-        removeSentenceLineBreaks: 1
-        multipleSpacesToSingle: 1
-        textWrapSentences: 0   # setting to 1 disables main textWrap routine
-        sentenceIndent: ""
-        sentencesFollow:
-            par: 1
-            blankLine: 1
-            fullStop: 1
-            exclamationMark: 1
-            questionMark: 1
-            rightBrace: 1
-            commentOnPreviousLine: 1
-            other: 0
-        sentencesBeginWith:
-            A-Z: 1
-            a-z: 0
-            other: 0
-        sentencesEndWith:
-            basicFullStop: 0
-            betterFullStop: 1
-            exclamationMark: 1
-            questionMark: 1
-            other: 0
-    textWrapOptions:
-        columns: 0
-        multipleSpacesToSingle: 1
-        removeBlockLineBreaks: 1
-        blocksFollow:
-           headings: 1
-           commentOnPreviousLine: 1
-           par: 1
-           blankLine: 1
-           verbatim: 1
-           filecontents: 1
-           other: '\\\]|\\item(?:\h|\[)'      # regex
-        blocksBeginWith:
-           A-Z: 1
-           a-z: 1
-           0-9: 0
-           other: 0                           # regex
-        blocksEndBefore:
-           commentOnOwnLine: 1
-           verbatim: 1
-           filecontents: 1
-           other: '\\begin\{|\\\[|\\end\{'    # regex
-        huge: overflow                        # forbid mid-word line breaks
-        separator: ""
-    # poly-switches below here
-    environments:
-        BeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        EndStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        EndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-        equation*:
-            BeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            EndStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            EndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    ifElseFi:
-        IfStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        OrStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        OrFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-        ElseStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        ElseFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-        FiStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        FiFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-        ifnum:
-            IfStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            OrStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            OrFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-            ElseStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            ElseFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-            FiStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-            FiFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    commands:
-        CommandStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        CommandNameFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    optionalArguments:
-        LSqBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        OptArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        RSqBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        RSqBFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    mandatoryArguments:
-        LCuBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        MandArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        RCuBStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets:
-        KeyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        EqualsStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        EqualsFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    items:
-        ItemStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        ItemFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    namedGroupingBracesBrackets:
-        NameStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        NameFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    specialBeginEnd:
-        SpecialBeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        SpecialBodyStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        SpecialEndStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        SpecialEndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-    verbatim:
-        VerbatimBeginStartsOnOwnLine: 0
-        VerbatimEndFinishesWithLineBreak: 0
-# replacements, only active when either -r or -rr switches are active
-  -
-    amalgamate: 1
-  -
-    this: 'latexindent.pl'
-    that: 'pl.latexindent'
-    lookForThis: 0
-    when: before
-# fineTuning allows you to tweak the internal pattern matching that
-# is central to latexindent.pl
-    environments:
-      name: '[a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\\]+'
-    ifElseFi:
-      name: '(?!@?if[a-zA-Z@]*?\{)@?if[a-zA-Z@]*?'
-    commands:
-      name: '[+a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\:]+?'
-    items:
-      canBeFollowedBy: '(?:\[[^]]*?\])|(?:<[^>]*?>)'
-    keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets:
-      name: '[a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\/.:\#-]+[a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\/.\h\{\}:\#-]*?'
-      follow: '(?:(?<!\\)\{)|,|(?:(?<!\\)\[)'
-    namedGroupingBracesBrackets:
-      name: '[0-9\.a-zA-Z@\*><]+?'
-      follow: '\h|\R|\{|\[|\$|\)|\('
-    UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets:
-      follow: '\{|\[|,|&|\)|\(|\$'
-    arguments:
-      before: '(?:#\d\h*;?,?\/?)+|\<.*?\>'
-      between: '_|\^|\*'
-    trailingComments:
-      notPreceededBy: '(?<!\\)'
-    modifyLineBreaks:
-      doubleBackSlash: '\\\\(?:\h*\[\h*\d+\h*[a-zA-Z]+\h*\])?'
-      comma: ','
-      betterFullStop: |-
-        (?x)                                # ignore spaces in the below
-        (?:                                 #
-          \.\)                              # .)
-          (?!\h*[a-z])                      # not *followed by* a-z
-        )                                   #
-        |                                   # OR
-        (?:                                 #
-          (?<!                              # not *preceeded by*
-            (?:                             #
-              (?:[eE]\.[gG])                # e.g OR E.g OR e.G OR E.G
-              |                             #
-              (?:[iI]\.[eE])                # i.e OR I.e OR i.E OR I.E
-              |                             #
-              (?:etc)                       # etc
-            )                               #
-          )                                 #
-        )                                   #
-        \.                                  # .
-        (?!                                 # not *followed by*
-          (?:                               #
-            [a-zA-Z0-9-~,]                  #
-            |                               #
-            \),                             # ),
-            |                               #
-            \)\.                            # ).
-          )                                 #
-        )                                   #