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path: root/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/apps/con2pdf.sh
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Diffstat (limited to 'hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/apps/con2pdf.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/apps/con2pdf.sh b/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/apps/con2pdf.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 620a299a..00000000
--- a/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/apps/con2pdf.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# needed for help() and version
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# NAME is from the wrapper
-# shellcheck disable=SC2269
-help() {
-    cat <<EOF
-Scan images and turn them into a pdf.
-    $NAME [OPTIONS] --name --device
-    --out-dir | -o [FILE]
-                            Path to place the generated pdf files (default: ./pdf).
-    --name | -n NAME
-                            Name for the pdf files (e.g. <NAME>_1.pdf).
-    --num-pages | -p NUM
-                            Number of pages to merge into one pdf (default: 1).
-    --device | -d DEVICE
-                            Device used for scanning.
-    --method | -m METHOD
-                            Method to use for scanning (default: ADF).
-    --help | -h
-                            Display this help and exit.
-    --version | -v
-                            Display version and copyright information and exit.
-    FILE := [[fd . --max-depth 3]]
-                            A name of a file to store, default is: ./pdf
-    NAME | * := [[fd . --max-depth 3]]
-                            The basename of the generated files
-    NUM | *([0-9]) := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
-                            Possible numbers of pages, can be more than 4
-    DEVICE := [[$(cat %DEVICE_FUNCTION)]]
-                            Possible scanner names
-    METHOD := ADF | Flatbed
-                            The scanning method to use, not all scanners support both of
-                            these. The default is ADF
-scan_adf() {
-    device="$1"
-    sides_per_page="$2"
-    method="ADF"
-    for i in $(seq "$sides_per_page"); do
-        do_until_success \
-            "scanimage --format=tiff --progress --source='$method' --device='$device' --batch=%d.tif --batch-increment='$sides_per_page' --batch-start='$i'" \
-            "warn 'Retrying scan, as we assume a network error!'"
-        if [ "$sides_per_page" -ne 1 ]; then
-            msg "Finished turn, please change side!"
-            readp "Press enter to continue" noop
-        fi
-    done
-process_images_adf() {
-    tiff_temp_path="$1"
-    output_directory="$2"
-    name="$3"
-    counter=0
-    pdf_counter=0
-    image_cache="$(mktmp)"
-    while read -r scanned_image; do
-        dbg "$scanned_image (scanned_image) at $counter (counter)"
-        echo "$scanned_image" >>"$image_cache"
-        : $((counter += 1))
-        if [ "$counter" = "$number_of_pages" ]; then
-            dbg "$counter == $number_of_pages"
-            counter=0
-            convert_images "$image_cache" "${name}_$pdf_counter" "$output_directory"
-            : $((pdf_counter += 1))
-            printf "" >"$image_cache"
-        fi
-    done <"$(tmp_pipe fd . "$tiff_temp_path" "|" sort -V)"
-scan_flatbed() {
-    device="$1"
-    number_of_pages"$2"
-    method="Flatbed"
-    for i in $(seq "$number_of_pages"); do
-        do_until_success \
-            "scanimage --format=tiff --progress --source='$method' --device='$device' --output-file=$i.tiff" \
-            "warn 'Retrying scan, as we assume a network error!'"
-        if [ "$number_of_pages" -ne 1 ]; then
-            msg "Finished turn, please change side!"
-            readp "Press enter to continue" noop
-        fi
-    done
-process_images_flatbed() {
-    tiff_temp_path="$1"
-    output_directory="$2"
-    name="$3"
-    counter=0
-    image_cache="$(mktmp)"
-    while read -r scanned_image; do
-        echo "$scanned_image" >>"$image_cache"
-        : $((counter += 1))
-        if [ "$counter" = "$number_of_pages" ]; then
-            counter=0
-            convert_images "$image_cache" "$name" "$output_directory"
-            printf "" >"$image_cache"
-        fi
-    done <"$(tmp_pipe fd . "$tiff_temp_path" "|" sort -V)"
-convert_images() {
-    image_cache="$1"
-    pdf_name="$2"
-    output_dir="$3"
-    set --
-    while read -r image; do
-        dbg "setting image: $image"
-        set -- "$@" "$image"
-    done <"$image_cache"
-    while [ -e "$output_dir/${pdf_name}.pdf" ]; do
-        pdf_name="${pdf_name}_$(tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c 25)"
-    done
-    dbg "using pdf_name: $pdf_name"
-    convert "$@" -compress jpeg -quality 100 "$output_dir/${pdf_name}.pdf"
-scan() {
-    number_of_pages="$1"
-    device="$2"
-    output_directory="$(readlink -f "$3")"
-    name="$4"
-    method="$5"
-    [ -z "$number_of_pages" ] && die "Parameter 'number_of_pages' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$device" ] && die "Parameter 'device' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$output_directory" ] && die "Parameter 'output_directory' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$name" ] && die "Parameter 'name' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$method" ] && die "Parameter 'method' is not set!"
-    tiff_temp_path="$(mktmp -d)"
-    cd "$tiff_temp_path" || die "Bug"
-    msg "Started scanning..."
-    if [ "$method" = "Flatbed" ]; then
-        scan_flatbed "$device" "$number_of_pages"
-    else
-        scan_adf "$device" "$number_of_pages"
-    fi
-    msg "Creating output directory..."
-    mkdir "$output_directory"
-    cd "$output_directory" || die "Bug"
-    msg "Converting images to pdfs..."
-    if [ "$method" = "Flatbed" ]; then
-        process_images_flatbed "$tiff_temp_path" "$output_directory" "$name"
-    else
-        process_images_adf "$tiff_temp_path" "$output_directory" "$name"
-    fi
-for input in "$@"; do
-    case "$input" in
-    "--help" | "-h")
-        help
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--version" | "-v")
-        version
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    esac
-unset device
-unset name
-while [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; do
-    case "$1" in
-    "--help" | "-h") ;;
-    "--version" | "-v") ;;
-    "--out-dir" | "-o")
-        shift 1
-        output_directory="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--name" | "-n")
-        shift 1
-        name="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--num-pages" | "-p")
-        shift 1
-        number_of_pages="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--device" | "-d")
-        shift 1
-        device="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--method" | "-m")
-        shift 1
-        method="$1"
-        ;;
-    *)
-        die "Command line arg $1 does not exist. See --help for a list."
-        ;;
-    esac
-    shift 1
-scan "$number_of_pages" "$device" "$output_directory" "$name" "$method"