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path: root/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-05-20 16:10:21 +0200
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-05-20 16:14:26 +0200
commit368cb6b0d25db2ae23be42ad51584de059997e51 (patch)
tree3282e45d3ebced63c8498a47e83a255c35de620b /sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts
parentrefactor(hm): Rename to `modules/home` (diff)
refactor(sys): Modularize and move to `modules/system` or `pkgs`
Diffstat (limited to 'sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts')
38 files changed, 0 insertions, 2014 deletions
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/default.nix b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 5279b241..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-  sysLib,
-  config,
-}: [
-  (
-    final: prev: let
-      inherit (prev) lib;
-      write_shell = {
-        name,
-        path,
-        dependencies ? [],
-        keepPath ? false,
-        completions ? false,
-      }:
-        sysLib.writeShellScript {
-          inherit name keepPath;
-          src = ./source/${path}/${name}.sh;
-          dependencies = dependencies ++ [prev.dash];
-          generateCompletions = completions;
-        };
-      write_python = {
-        name,
-        path,
-        dependencies_system ? [],
-        dependencies_python ? _: [],
-        keepPath ? false,
-      }: let
-        src = ./source/${path}/${name}.py;
-        dependencies =
-          [(prev.python3.withPackages dependencies_python)]
-          ++ dependencies_system;
-        path_setting =
-          if keepPath
-          then "--prefix PATH :"
-          else "--set PATH";
-      in
-        prev.runCommandLocal name {
-          nativeBuildInputs = [prev.makeWrapper] ++ dependencies;
-        }
-        ''
-          install -m755 ${src} -D "$out/bin/${name}"
-          patchShebangs "$out/bin/${name}"
-          wrapProgram "$out/bin/${name}" ${path_setting} ${prev.lib.makeBinPath dependencies};
-        '';
-      ## Begin of shell scripts
-      aumo-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "aumo";
-        path = "apps";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            udisks
-            findutils
-            rofi
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      battery-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "battery";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = [];
-      };
-      con2pdf-scr = sysLib.writeShellScript {
-        name = "con2pdf";
-        src = ./source/apps/con2pdf.sh;
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (prev) sane-backends imagemagick coreutils fd;};
-        generateCompletions = true;
-        replacementStrings = {
-          DEVICE_FUNCTION =
-            # This is here, because escaping the whole function, to use it in the shell script
-            # directly just isn't possible
-            prev.writeText "DEVICE_FUNCTION"
-            /*
-            bash
-            */
-            ''
-              scanimage -L | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "`" } { gsub(/'.*/, "", $2); print $2 }'
-            '';
-        };
-      };
-      description-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "description";
-        path = "specific/ytcc";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit (prev) jq fmt less locale;
-        };
-      };
-      fupdate-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "fupdate";
-        path = "apps";
-        keepPath = true;
-        completions = true;
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            dash
-            nix
-            gnugrep
-            fd
-            coreutils
-            bat # used by batgrep
-            gnused # required by batgrep
-            git # needed to fetch through git
-            ;
-          inherit (prev.bat-extras) batgrep;
-        };
-      };
-      git-edit-index-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "git-edit-index";
-        path = "apps";
-        completions = true;
-        # This starts neovim, wich might want to shell out
-        keepPath = true;
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            git
-            gnused
-            # $EDITOR
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      hibernate-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "hibernate";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            systemd
-            taskwarrior
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      ll-scr = sysLib.writeShellScript {
-        name = "ll";
-        src = ./source/wrappers/ll.sh;
-        wrap = false;
-      };
-      # TODO: this need to be replaced with a wayland alternative
-      #  llp-scr = write_shell {
-      #     name = "llp";
-      #     path = "wrappers";
-      #     dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (prev) lf ueberzug;};
-      #   };
-      lock-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "lock";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            taskwarrior
-            swaylock
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      lyrics-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "lyrics";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            exiftool
-            mpc-cli
-            jq
-            less
-            locale # dependency of less
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      mpc-fav-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "mpc-fav";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            mpc-cli
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      mpc-rm-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "mpc-rm";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            mpc-cli
-            trash-cli
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      mpc-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "mpc";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = [
-          mpc-fav-scr
-          mpc-rm-scr
-          prev.mpc-cli
-        ];
-      };
-      nato-scr = write_python {
-        name = "nato";
-        path = "small_functions";
-        dependencies_python = ps: [];
-      };
-      neorg-scr = sysLib.writeShellScriptMultiPart {
-        name = "neorg";
-        keepPath = true;
-        src = ./source/specific/neorg/sh;
-        baseName = "main.sh";
-        cmdPrefix = "functions";
-        cmdNames = [
-          "add.sh"
-          "context.sh"
-          "dmenu.sh"
-          "f_start.sh"
-          "f_stop.sh"
-          "list.sh"
-          "project.sh"
-          "review.sh"
-          "utils.sh"
-          "workspace.sh"
-        ];
-        dependencies = with prev; [
-          cocogitto
-          rofi
-          libnotify
-        ];
-        generateCompletions = true;
-        replacementStrings = {
-            config.programs.nixvim.plugins.neorg.modules."core.dirman".config.workspaces.projects;
-          HOME_TASKRC = "${config.xdg.configHome}/task/home-manager-taskrc";
-          NEORG_REVIEW_PATH = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/neorg/review";
-          ALL_PROJECTS_NEWLINE = "${config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_newline}";
-          ALL_PROJECTS_COMMA = "${config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_comma}";
-          ALL_PROJECTS_PIPE = "${config.soispha.taskwarrior.projects.projects_pipe}";
-          ALL_WORKSPACES = "${lib.strings.concatStringsSep "|" (builtins.attrNames config.programs.nixvim.plugins.neorg.modules."core.dirman".config.workspaces)}";
-          ID_GENERATION_FUNCTION = "${sysLib.writeShellScript {
-            name = "neorg_id_function";
-            src = ./source/specific/neorg/neorg_id_function.sh;
-            dependencies = with prev; [
-              taskwarrior
-              gawk
-              findutils # xargs
-            ];
-          }}/bin/neorg_id_function";
-          # TODO: Replace the hard-coded path here with some reference <2023-10-20>
-          TASK_PROJECT_FILE = "/home/soispha/repos/nix/nixos-config/hm/soispha/conf/taskwarrior/projects/default.nix";
-        };
-      };
-      screenshot_persistent-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "screenshot_persistent";
-        path = "small_functions";
-        keepPath = true;
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            grim
-            slurp
-            alacritty
-            rofi
-            libnotify
-            lf # TODO: add llp
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      screenshot_temporary-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "screenshot_temporary";
-        path = "small_functions";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (prev) grim slurp wl-clipboard;};
-      };
-      show-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "show";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        keepPath = true; # I might want to use nvim in less (and shell escapes)
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (prev) less locale;};
-      };
-      sort_song-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "sort_song";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (prev) mediainfo jq gawk;};
-      };
-      spodi-scr = sysLib.writeShellScriptMultiPart {
-        name = "spodi";
-        keepPath = false;
-        src = ./source/specific/spodi;
-        baseName = "spodi.sh";
-        cmdPrefix = "sh";
-        cmdNames = [
-          "download.sh"
-          "update.sh"
-        ];
-        dependencies = with prev; [
-          gawk
-          expect
-          spotdl
-          fd
-          coreutils
-        ];
-        generateCompletions = true;
-        replacementStrings = {
-          XDG_CACHE_HOME = config.xdg.cacheHome;
-          XDG_MUSIC_DIR = config.xdg.userDirs.music;
-        };
-      };
-      update-sys-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "update-sys";
-        path = "small_functions";
-        completions = true;
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
-          inherit
-            (prev)
-            git
-            nixos-rebuild
-            sudo
-            openssh
-            coreutils
-            mktemp
-            gnugrep
-            gnused
-            systemd
-            ;
-        };
-      };
-      virsh-del-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "virsh-del";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (prev) libvirt;};
-      };
-      yti-scr = write_shell {
-        name = "yti";
-        path = "wrappers";
-        dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (prev) gawk expect yt-dlp;};
-      };
-    in {
-      scripts = {
-        # llp = llp-scr; # TODO: see above
-        aumo = aumo-scr;
-        battery = battery-scr;
-        con2pdf = con2pdf-scr;
-        description = description-scr;
-        fupdate = fupdate-scr;
-        git-edit-index = git-edit-index-scr;
-        hibernate = hibernate-scr;
-        ll = ll-scr;
-        lock = lock-scr;
-        lyrics = lyrics-scr;
-        mpc-fav = mpc-fav-scr;
-        mpc-rm = mpc-rm-scr;
-        mpc = mpc-scr;
-        nato = nato-scr;
-        neorg = neorg-scr;
-        screenshot_persistent = screenshot_persistent-scr;
-        screenshot_temporary = screenshot_temporary-scr;
-        show = show-scr;
-        sort_song = sort_song-scr;
-        spodi = spodi-scr;
-        update-sys = update-sys-scr;
-        virsh-del = virsh-del-scr;
-        yti = yti-scr;
-      };
-    }
-  )
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/aumo.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/aumo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 84d39deb..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/aumo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-unmounting() {
-    disk_name="$(find /dev/disk/by-label -type l -printf "%P|" | rofi -sep "|" -dmenu -p "Select disk to mount")"
-    udisksctl unmount --block-device "/dev/disk/by-label/$disk_name"
-mounting() {
-    disk_name="$(find /dev/disk/by-label -type l -printf "%P|" | rofi -sep "|" -dmenu -p "Select disk to mount")"
-    udisksctl mount --block-device "/dev/disk/by-label/$disk_name"
-case "$1" in
-    mounting
-    ;;
-"unmount" | "umount")
-    unmounting
-    ;;
-    die "Usage: $NAME mount|unmount"
-    ;;
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/con2pdf.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/con2pdf.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 08bf8998..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/con2pdf.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# needed for help() and version
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# NAME is from the wrapper
-# shellcheck disable=SC2269
-help() {
-    cat <<EOF
-Scan images and turn them into a pdf.
-    $NAME [OPTIONS] --name --device
-    --out-dir | -o [FILE]
-                            Path to place the generated pdf files (default: ./pdf).
-    --name | -n NAME
-                            Name for the pdf files (e.g. <NAME>_1.pdf).
-    --num-pages | -p NUM
-                            Number of pages to merge into one pdf (default: 1).
-    --device | -d DEVICE
-                            Device used for scanning.
-    --method | -m METHOD
-                            Method to use for scanning (default: ADF).
-    --help | -h
-                            Display this help and exit.
-    --version | -v
-                            Display version and copyright information and exit.
-    FILE := [[fd . --max-depth 3]]
-                            A name of a file to store, default is: ./pdf
-    NAME | * := [[fd . --max-depth 3]]
-                            The basename of the generated files
-    NUM | *([0-9]) := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
-                            Possible numbers of pages, can be more than 4
-    DEVICE := [[$(cat %DEVICE_FUNCTION)]]
-                            Possible scanner names
-    METHOD := ADF | Flatbed
-                            The scanning method to use, not all scanners support both of
-                            these. The default is ADF
-scan_adf() {
-    device="$1"
-    sides_per_page="$2"
-    method="ADF"
-    for i in $(seq "$sides_per_page"); do
-        do_until_success \
-            "scanimage --format=tiff --progress --source='$method' --device='$device' --batch=%d.tif --batch-increment='$sides_per_page' --batch-start='$i'" \
-            "warn 'Retrying scan, as we assume a network error!'"
-        if [ "$sides_per_page" -ne 1 ]; then
-            msg "Finished turn, please change side!"
-            readp "Press enter to continue" noop
-        fi
-    done
-process_images_adf() {
-    tiff_temp_path="$1"
-    output_directory="$2"
-    name="$3"
-    counter=0
-    pdf_counter=0
-    image_cache="$(mktmp)"
-    while read -r scanned_image; do
-        dbg "$scanned_image (scanned_image) at $counter (counter)"
-        echo "$scanned_image" >>"$image_cache"
-        : $((counter += 1))
-        if [ "$counter" = "$number_of_pages" ]; then
-            dbg "$counter == $number_of_pages"
-            counter=0
-            convert_images "$image_cache" "${name}_$pdf_counter" "$output_directory"
-            : $((pdf_counter += 1))
-            printf "" >"$image_cache"
-        fi
-    done <"$(tmp_pipe fd . "$tiff_temp_path" "|" sort -V)"
-scan_flatbed() {
-    device="$1"
-    number_of_pages"$2"
-    method="Flatbed"
-    for i in $(seq "$number_of_pages"); do
-        do_until_success \
-            "scanimage --format=tiff --progress --source='$method' --device='$device' --output-file=$i.tiff" \
-            "warn 'Retrying scan, as we assume a network error!'"
-        if [ "$number_of_pages" -ne 1 ]; then
-            msg "Finished turn, please change side!"
-            readp "Press enter to continue" noop
-        fi
-    done
-process_images_flatbed() {
-    tiff_temp_path="$1"
-    output_directory="$2"
-    name="$3"
-    counter=0
-    image_cache="$(mktmp)"
-    while read -r scanned_image; do
-        echo "$scanned_image" >>"$image_cache"
-        : $((counter += 1))
-        if [ "$counter" = "$number_of_pages" ]; then
-            counter=0
-            convert_images "$image_cache" "$name" "$output_directory"
-            printf "" >"$image_cache"
-        fi
-    done <"$(tmp_pipe fd . "$tiff_temp_path" "|" sort -V)"
-convert_images() {
-    image_cache="$1"
-    pdf_name="$2"
-    output_dir="$3"
-    set --
-    while read -r image; do
-        dbg "setting image: $image"
-        set -- "$@" "$image"
-    done <"$image_cache"
-    while [ -e "$output_dir/${pdf_name}.pdf" ]; do
-        pdf_name="${pdf_name}_$(tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c 25)"
-    done
-    dbg "using pdf_name: $pdf_name"
-    convert "$@" -compress jpeg -quality 100 "$output_dir/${pdf_name}.pdf"
-scan() {
-    number_of_pages="$1"
-    device="$2"
-    output_directory="$(readlink -f "$3")"
-    name="$4"
-    method="$5"
-    [ -z "$number_of_pages" ] && die "Parameter 'number_of_pages' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$device" ] && die "Parameter 'device' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$output_directory" ] && die "Parameter 'output_directory' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$name" ] && die "Parameter 'name' is not set!"
-    [ -z "$method" ] && die "Parameter 'method' is not set!"
-    tiff_temp_path="$(mktmp -d)"
-    cd "$tiff_temp_path" || die "Bug"
-    msg "Started scanning..."
-    if [ "$method" = "Flatbed" ]; then
-        scan_flatbed "$device" "$number_of_pages"
-    else
-        scan_adf "$device" "$number_of_pages"
-    fi
-    msg "Creating output directory..."
-    mkdir "$output_directory"
-    cd "$output_directory" || die "Bug"
-    msg "Converting images to pdfs..."
-    if [ "$method" = "Flatbed" ]; then
-        process_images_flatbed "$tiff_temp_path" "$output_directory" "$name"
-    else
-        process_images_adf "$tiff_temp_path" "$output_directory" "$name"
-    fi
-for input in "$@"; do
-    case "$input" in
-    "--help" | "-h")
-        help
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--version" | "-v")
-        version
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    esac
-unset device
-unset name
-while [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; do
-    case "$1" in
-    "--help" | "-h") ;;
-    "--version" | "-v") ;;
-    "--out-dir" | "-o")
-        shift 1
-        output_directory="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--name" | "-n")
-        shift 1
-        name="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--num-pages" | "-p")
-        shift 1
-        number_of_pages="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--device" | "-d")
-        shift 1
-        device="$1"
-        ;;
-    "--method" | "-m")
-        shift 1
-        method="$1"
-        ;;
-    *)
-        die "Command line arg $1 does not exist. See --help for a list."
-        ;;
-    esac
-    shift 1
-scan "$number_of_pages" "$device" "$output_directory" "$name" "$method"
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/fupdate.1.md b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/fupdate.1.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 710e8fb7..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/fupdate.1.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-% FUPDATE(1) fupdate 1.0.0
-% Soispha
-% May 2023
-fupdate - updates your flake, while checking for common mistakes
-**fupdate** list of \[*flake*|*\<some word>*|*--help*|*-h*\]
-Argument can be stacked, this makes it possible to specify multiple targets to be updated in succession. See the Examples section for further details.
-No argument or *flake*
-: **fupdate**, when executed without arguments or with *flake*, will update your *flake.lock*, check for duplicate flake inputs, i.e., an input has an input declared, which you have also declared as input, and will run a script called *update.sh*, if you allow it.
-The allowance for the script is asked, when you run **fupdate** and the found script is not yet allowed. Furthermore, the allowance is based on the concrete sha256 hash of the script, so any changes will require another allowance.
-**\<some word>** as argument
-: If the executable **update-\<some word>** is reachable thought the PATH variable, than this is run. Otherwise, the program will exit.
-**--help**, **-h**
-: Displays a help message and exit.
-**--version**, **-v**
-: Displays the software version and exit.
-**fupdate** or **fupdate flake**
-: Updates your *flake.lock*. See the Description section for further details.
-**fupdate sys**
-: Run the executable **update-sys**, if it exists. See the Description section for further details.
-**fupdate flake sys docs**
-: First updates your flake, then, if the command succeeded, runs **update-sys**, afterweich **update-docs** is run.
-: This is supposed to be a shell script located in your flake base directory, i.e., the directory which contains both a *flake.nix* and a *flake.lock* file.
-: **fupdate** will store the hashes to the allowed *update.sh* files here.
-Report bugs to <https://codeberg.org/soispha/flake_update/issues>.
-Copyright (C) 2023  Soispha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/fupdate.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/fupdate.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 4322610a..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/fupdate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# Both are used in version()
-# shellcheck disable=SC2034
-# shellcheck disable=SC2034
-# Searches upward for a `UPDATE_SCRIPT_NAME` script
-# Returns a path to the script if it exists, otherwise nothing is returned
-check_for_update_script() {
-    dirname="$(search_upward_files "$UPDATE_SCRIPT_NAME")"
-    if [ "$dirname" ]; then
-        printf "%s/%s" "$dirname" "$UPDATE_SCRIPT_NAME"
-    fi
-# Checks if a given path to the update script is allowed.
-# Takes the path as input
-# Return 0, if allowed, 1 if not.
-check_for_allowed_update_script() {
-    update_script="$1"
-    config_path="${CONFIG_DIRECTORY_PATH}${update_script}"
-    update_script_hash="$(sha256sum "$update_script")"
-    if [ -f "$config_path" ]; then
-        if [ "$(cat "$config_path")" = "$update_script_hash" ]; then
-            dbg "Recorded hash matches"
-            return 0
-        else
-            dbg "Recorded hash \'$(cat "$config_path")\' does not match real hash \'$update_script_hash\', assuming not allowed"
-            return 1
-        fi
-    else
-        dbg "Path \'$config_path\' does not exist, assuming not allowed"
-        return 1
-    fi
-# Asks the user if they want to allow a given script.
-# Takes the path as input
-ask_to_allow_update_script() {
-    update_script="$1"
-    config_path="${CONFIG_DIRECTORY_PATH}${update_script}"
-    update_script_hash="$(sha256sum "$update_script")"
-    println "\033[2J" # clear the screen
-    cat "$update_script"
-    readp "Do you want to allow this script?[N/y]: " allow
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2154
-    dbg "allow is: $allow"
-    case "$allow" in
-    [yY])
-        dbg "allowed script"
-        dbg "storing contents in: $config_path"
-        mkdir --parents "$(dirname "$config_path")"
-        print "$update_script_hash" >"$config_path"
-        ;;
-    *)
-        ;;
-    esac
-# Runs the provided script and continues to update the nix flake
-# Takes the path to the script and the directory to the flake as arguments
-# If the path to the update script is empty, it will be ignored
-update() {
-    update_script="$1"
-    flake_base_dir="$2"
-    shift 2
-    dbg "Provided following args to update script: '$*'"
-    cd "$flake_base_dir" || die "Provided dir \'$flake_base_dir\' can not be accessed"
-    dbg "changed directory to: $flake_base_dir"
-    nix flake update
-    if ! [ "$update_script" = "" ] && ! [ "$UPDATE_SCRIPT_NOT_WANTED" = "true" ]; then
-        "$update_script" "$@"
-    fi
-    if grep '[^0-9]_[0-9]' flake.lock >/dev/null; then
-        batgrep '[^0-9]_[0-9]' flake.lock
-        die "Your flake.nix contains duplicate inputs!"
-    fi
-help() {
-    cat <<EOF
-This is a Nix flake update manager.
-    $NAME [--help | --version] [flake [--no-script] | <some other command>]
-    --help   | -h
-                            Display this help and exit.
-    --version   | -v
-                            Display version and copyright information and exit.
-    --no-script
-                            Avoid running the 'update.sh' script
-    flake
-                            update the flake project
-    <some other command>
-                            runs a executable called "update-<some other command>", if it exists
-main() {
-    if ! [ "$UPDATE_SCRIPT_NOT_ALLOWED" = true ]; then
-        update_script="$(check_for_update_script)"
-        flake_base_dir="$(search_flake_base_dir)" # Assume, that the update script is in the base dir
-        dbg "update_script is: $update_script"
-        dbg "flake_base_dir is: $flake_base_dir"
-        if [ "$update_script" = "" ]; then
-            update "" "$flake_base_dir" "$@"
-        elif check_for_allowed_update_script "$update_script" && ! [ "$update_script" = "" ]; then
-            update "$update_script" "$flake_base_dir" "$@"
-        else
-            ask_to_allow_update_script "$update_script"
-            main "$@"
-        fi
-    fi
-if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
-    main
-    exit 0
-for input in "$@"; do
-    case "$input" in
-    "--help" | "-h")
-        help
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--version" | "-v")
-        version
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--no-script" | "-n")
-        ;;
-    "--")
-        end_of_cli_options=true
-        # Stop processing args after that marker.
-        break
-        ;;
-    esac
-    [ "$end_of_cli_options" = "true" ] && break
-case "$1" in
-    shift 1
-    # Filter out fupdate specific flags
-    while [ "$1" != "--" ]; do
-        # FIXME: This check allows to add a flag multiple times, but this should probably
-        # not be allowed <2024-03-29>
-        case "$1" in
-        "--no-script" | "-n")
-            shift 1
-            ;;
-        *)
-            break
-            ;;
-        esac
-    done
-    [ "$1" = "--" ] && shift 1
-    main "$@"
-    ;;
-    command="$1"
-    shift 1
-    [ "$1" = "--" ] && shift 1
-    if which update-"$command" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-        update-"$command" "$@"
-    else
-        die "command \"update-$command\" is not executable, or does not exist"
-    fi
-    ;;
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/git-edit-index.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/git-edit-index.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e73dc53c..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/apps/git-edit-index.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# needed for help() and version
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# NAME is from the wrapper
-# shellcheck disable=SC2269
-help() {
-    cat <<EOF
-Edit a file from the index. This script does not touch the unstaged variant of the file.
-    $NAME [OPTIONS] [--] FILES..
-    --
-                            Stop parsing options and interpret everything as an file.
-    --help | -h
-                            Display this help and exit.
-    --version | -v
-                            Display version and copyright information and exit.
-    FILES := [[ git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=AM ]]
-                            The files to edit.
-GIT_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
-materialize_file() {
-    git diff --cached "$1" >"$GIT_DIR/.git/EDIT_INDEX_PATCH"
-    git add "$1"
-    git restore --staged "$1"
-    cat "$1" >"$GIT_DIR/.git/EDIT_INDEX_FILE"
-    git restore "$1"
-    git apply "$GIT_DIR/.git/EDIT_INDEX_PATCH"
-    "$EDITOR" "$1"
-    git add "$1"
-    mv "$GIT_DIR/.git/EDIT_INDEX_FILE" "$1"
-edit() {
-    files_to_add="$(mktmp)"
-    realpath --relative-to=. "$@" >"$files_to_add"
-    index_files="$(mktmp)"
-    git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=AM >"$index_files"
-    while read -r file; do
-        if grep -q "$file" "$files_to_add"; then
-            sed -i "s|$file||" "$files_to_add"
-            materialize_file "$file"
-        fi
-    done <"$index_files"
-    files_to_check="$(mktmp)"
-    clean "$files_to_add" >"$files_to_check"
-    if [ "$(wc -l <"$files_to_check")" -gt 0 ]; then
-        warn "Could not edit every file:"
-        cat "$files_to_add"
-    fi
-for arg in "$@"; do
-    case "$arg" in
-    "--help" | "-h")
-        help
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--version" | "-v")
-        version
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--")
-        end_of_cli_options=true
-        ;;
-    esac
-    [ "$end_of_cli_options" = "true" ] && break
-edit "$@"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/nato.py b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/nato.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e9d15f56..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/nato.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# originally from here: https://cgit.pacien.net/desktop-utilities/
-import sys
-alphabet = {
-    "nato": {
-        "A": "Alfa",  # No idea why this is not just 'Alpha' ..
-        "B": "Bravo",
-        "C": "Charlie",
-        "D": "Delta",
-        "E": "Echo",
-        "F": "Foxtrot",
-        "G": "Golf",
-        "H": "Hotel",
-        "I": "India",
-        "J": "Juliett",
-        "K": "Kilo",
-        "L": "Lima",
-        "M": "Mike",
-        "N": "November",
-        "O": "Oscar",
-        "P": "Papa",
-        "Q": "Quebec",
-        "R": "Romeo",
-        "S": "Sierra",
-        "T": "Tango",
-        "U": "Uniform",
-        "V": "Victor",
-        "W": "Whiskey",
-        "X": "X-ray",
-        "Y": "Yankee",
-        "Z": "Zulu",
-        "0": "Nadazero",
-        "1": "Unaone",
-        "2": "Bissotwo",
-        "3": "Terrathree",
-        "4": "Kartefour",
-        "5": "Pantafive",
-        "6": "Soxisix",
-        "7": "Setteseven",
-        "8": "Oktoeight",
-        "9": "Novenine",
-        ",": "Comma",
-        "/": "Forward slash",
-        ".": "Stop/Decimal",
-    },
-    "german": {
-        "A": "Aachen",
-        "Ä": "Umlaut Aachen",
-        "B": "Berlin",
-        "C": "Chemnitz",
-        "D": "Düsseldorf",
-        "E": "Essen",
-        "F": "Frankfurt",
-        "G": "Goslar",
-        "H": "Hamburg",
-        "I": "Ingelheim",
-        "J": "Jena",
-        "K": "Köln",
-        "L": "Leipzig",
-        "M": "München",
-        "N": "Nürnberg",
-        "O": "Offenbach",
-        "Ö": "Umlaut Offenbach",
-        "P": "Potsdam",
-        "Q": "Quickborn",
-        "R": "Rostock",
-        "S": "Salzwedel",
-        "ẞ": "Eszett",
-        "T": "Tübingen",
-        "U": "Unna",
-        "Ü": "Umlaut Unna",
-        "V": "Völklingen",
-        "W": "Wuppertal",
-        "X": "Xanten",
-        "Y": "Ypsilon",
-        "Z": "Zwickau",
-    },
-def str_to_telephony(phrase, language):
-    language_alphabet = alphabet[language]
-    return [
-        language_alphabet[c] if c in language_alphabet else c for c in phrase.upper()
-    ]
-language = sys.argv[1]
-if language not in ["nato", "german"]:
-    print(
-        f"Langugae '{language}' is not a valid language, only 'nato' and 'german' are!",
-        file=sys.stderr,
-    )
-    exit(1)
-    "\n".join(
-        str_to_telephony(
-            " ".join(sys.argv[2:]),
-            language,
-        )
-    )
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/screenshot_persistent.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/screenshot_persistent.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 4308b8d2..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/screenshot_persistent.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# only generate a path (this could lead to a time-of-check/time-of-use bug)
-tmp="$(mktmp --dry-run)"
-if grim -g "$(slurp)" "$tmp"; then
-    name="$(rofi -dmenu -p "Name of screenshot: " -l 0)"
-    screen_shot_path="$HOME/media/pictures/screenshots/$name.png"
-    while [ -f "$screen_shot_path" ]; do
-        notify-send "Warning" 'Screenshot name already in use!'
-        name="$(rofi -dmenu -p "New name of screenshot: " -l 0)"
-        screen_shot_path="$HOME/media/pictures/screenshots/$name.png"
-    done
-    mv "$tmp" "$screen_shot_path"
-    alacritty -e lf -command ":{{ set sortby atime; set reverse!; }}"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/screenshot_temporary.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/screenshot_temporary.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8968ca79..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/screenshot_temporary.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-grim -g "$(slurp)" | wl-copy
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/update-sys.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/update-sys.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d28247f6..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/small_functions/update-sys.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-help() {
-    cat <<EOF
-This is a NixOS System flake update manager.
-    $NAME [--branch <branchname>] [--help]
-    --branch | -b  BRANCHNAME
-                                select a branch to update from.
-    --mode   | -m  MODE
-                                select a mode to update with
-    --help   | -h
-                                output this help.
-    BRANCHNAME := [[ git branch --list --format '%(refname:short)' ]]
-                                The name of the branch to deploy the config from
-    MODE := switch|boot|test|build|dry-build|dry-activate|edit|repl|build-vm|build-vm-with-bootloader
-                                See the 'nixos-rebuild' manpage for more information about these modes.
-    exit "$1"
-while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
-    case "$1" in
-    "--help" | "-h")
-        help 0
-        ;;
-    "--branch" | "-b")
-        if [ -n "$2" ]; then
-            BRANCH="$2"
-        else
-            error "$1 requires an argument"
-            help 1
-        fi
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    "--mode" | "-m")
-        if [ -n "$2" ]; then
-            MODE="$2"
-        else
-            error "$1 requires an argument"
-            help 1
-        fi
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    *)
-        error "the option $1 does not exist!"
-        help 1
-        ;;
-    esac
-cd /etc/nixos || die "No /etc/nixos"
-msg "Starting system update..."
-git remote update origin --prune >/dev/null 2>&1
-if ! [ "$BRANCH" = "" ]; then
-    git switch "$BRANCH" >/dev/null 2>&1 && msg2 "Switched to branch '$BRANCH'"
-msg2 "Updating git repository..."
-git pull --rebase
-git remote show origin | grep 'HEAD' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' >"$default_branch" &
-msg2 "Updating system..."
-if [ -n "$MODE" ]; then
-    nixos-rebuild "$MODE"
-    nixos-rebuild switch
-git switch "$(cat "$default_branch")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && msg2 "Switched to branch '$(cat "$default_branch")'"
-msg "Finished Update!"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/neorg_id_function.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/neorg_id_function.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 865ecacf..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/neorg_id_function.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-context="$(task _get rc.context)"
-if [ "$context" ]; then
-    filter="project:$context"
-    filter="0-10000"
-tasks="$(task "$filter" _ids)"
-if [ "$tasks" ]; then
-    echo "$tasks" | xargs task _zshids | awk -F: -v q="'" '{gsub(/'\''/, q "\\" q q ); print $1 ":" q $2 q}'
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/add.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/add.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a830a10..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/add.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-add0open_taskwarrior_project_file() {
-    task_project_file="%TASK_PROJECT_FILE"
-    cd "$(dirname $task_project_file)" || die "BUG: task_project_file ('$task_project_file') can't be accessed"
-    git_dir="$(search_flake_base_dir)"
-    [ "$git_dir" ] || die "(BUG): No git directory?"
-    cd "$git_dir" || die "Unreachable, this MUST exists"
-    nvim "$task_project_file"
-    git add "$task_project_file"
-    base_task_project_file_path="$(awk "{ gsub(\"$git_dir/\", \"\", \$0); print }" "$(ptmp "$task_project_file")")"
-    git add $task_project_file
-    # Check that only the project file has been added (and that our file is actually
-    # modified)
-    if git status --porcelain=v2 | awk -v path="$base_task_project_file_path" 'BEGIN { hit = 0 } { if ($2 ~ /A./ || $2 ~ /M./) { if ($NF ~ path) { hit = 1 } else { hit = 0; exit 1 } } } END { if (hit == 1) { exit 0 } else { exit 1 } }'; then
-        git commit --verbose --message="chore($(dirname "$base_task_project_file_path")): Update"
-    fi
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/context.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/context.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7095847d..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/context.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-context0open_current_task_context() {
-    current_context="$(utils0get_current_context)"
-    if [ "$current_context" ]; then
-        context_path="$(utils0get_current_context_path "$current_context")"
-        extended_neorg_project_dir="$(utils0get_neorg_project_dir)"
-        cd "$extended_neorg_project_dir" || die "(BUG?): Can not access the project dir: $extended_neorg_project_dir"
-        nvim "$extended_neorg_project_dir/$context_path"
-        git add .
-        git commit --message="chore($(dirname "$context_path")): Update" --no-gpg-sign
-    else
-        warn "No context active"
-    fi
-context0open_current_task_context_at_task_id() {
-    task_id="$1"
-    current_context="$(utils0get_current_context)"
-    if [ "$current_context" ]; then
-        context_path="$(utils0get_current_context_path "$current_context")"
-        extended_neorg_project_dir="$(utils0get_neorg_project_dir)"
-        task_uuid="$(task "$task_id" uuids)"
-        cd "$extended_neorg_project_dir" || die "(BUG?): Can not access the project dir: $extended_neorg_project_dir"
-        if ! grep -q "% $task_uuid" "$extended_neorg_project_dir/$context_path"; then
-            echo "* TITLE (% $task_uuid)" >>"$extended_neorg_project_dir/$context_path"
-        fi
-        nvim "$extended_neorg_project_dir/$context_path" -c "/% $task_uuid"
-        git add .
-        git commit --message="chore($(dirname "$context_path")): Update" --no-gpg-sign
-    else
-        warn "No context active"
-    fi
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/dmenu.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/dmenu.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a138982..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/dmenu.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-dmenu0open_context_in_browser() {
-    project="$(echo "%ALL_PROJECTS_PIPE" | rofi -sep "|" -dmenu)"
-    if [ "$project" ]; then
-        [ -d "%NEORG_REVIEW_PATH" ] || mkdir --parents "%NEORG_REVIEW_PATH"
-        [ -f "%NEORG_REVIEW_PATH/$project.lock" ] || touch "%NEORG_REVIEW_PATH/$project.lock"
-        project0open_project_in_browser "$project"
-    else
-        notify-send "(neorg/dmenu) No project selected"
-        exit 1
-    fi
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/f_start.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/f_start.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2423dd44..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/f_start.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-fstart0start_new_task() {
-    task_id="$1"
-    fstop0stop_current_task
-    task start "$task_id"
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/f_stop.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/f_stop.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e4ff0b94..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/f_stop.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-fstop0stop_current_task() {
-    # we ensured that only one task may be active
-    active="$(task +ACTIVE _ids)"
-    [ "$active" ] && task stop "$active"
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/list.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/list.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 10659457..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/list.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-list0list_all_contexts_newline() {
-list0list_all_contexts_comma() {
-    print "%ALL_PROJECTS_COMMA"
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/project.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/project.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 64591850..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/project.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-project0open_current_context_in_browser() {
-    current_context="$(utils0get_current_context)"
-    [ "$current_context" ] || die "No current context to use"
-    project0open_context_in_browser "$(utils0context2project "$current_context")"
-project0open_project_in_browser() {
-    project="$1"
-    [ "$project" ] || die "BUG: No context supplied to project0open_context_in_browser"
-    old_context="$(utils0get_current_context)"
-    # We have ensured that only one task may be active
-    old_started_task="$(task +ACTIVE _ids)"
-    tracking="$(mktmp)"
-    task "project:$project" _ids | xargs --no-run-if-empty task _zshids >"$tracking"
-    task context "$(utils0project2context "$project")"
-    while read -r description; do
-        desc="$(echo "$description" | awk -F: '{print $2}')"
-        if [ "$desc" = "tracking" ]; then
-            task_id="$(echo "$description" | awk -F: '{print $1}')"
-            notify-send "(Neorg)" "Starting task $project -> $desc"
-            task start "$task_id"
-            break
-        fi
-    done <"$tracking"
-    firefox -P "$project"
-    task stop "$task_id"
-    [ "$old_started_task" ] && task start "$old_started_task"
-    if [ "$old_context" ]; then
-        task context "$old_context"
-    else
-        task context none
-    fi
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/review.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/review.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a0a9ab8d..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/review.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-review0start() {
-    for project in $(list0list_all_contexts_newline); do
-        if [ -f "%NEORG_REVIEW_PATH/$project.lock" ]; then
-            msg "Reviewing '$project'"
-            notify-send "Neorg" "Reviewing '$project'"
-            firefox -P "$project"
-            rm "%NEORG_REVIEW_PATH/$project.lock"
-        fi
-    done
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/utils.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/utils.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c3843e8e..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/utils.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# Runs it's first argument and then the second, regardless if the first failed or
-# succeeded
-utils0chain() {
-    eval "$1"
-    eval "$2"
-utils0get_current_context() {
-    current_context="$(task _get rc.context)"
-    printf "%s\n" "$current_context"
-utils0get_current_context_path() {
-    current_context="$1"
-    context_path="$(task _get rc.context."$current_context".rc.neorg_path 2>/dev/null)"
-    if ! [ "$context_path" ]; then
-        context_path="$(grep "context.$current_context.rc.neorg_path" "%HOME_TASKRC" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $2}')"
-        [ "$context_path" ] || die "All contexts should have a 'neorg_path' set!"
-    fi
-    printf "%s\n" "$context_path"
-utils0get_neorg_project_dir() {
-    # Perform shell expansion of Tilde
-    neorg_project_dir="$(sed "s|^~|$HOME|" "$(ptmp "%DEFAULT_NEORG_PROJECT_DIR")")"
-    printf "%s\n" "$neorg_project_dir"
-utils0project2context() {
-    project="$1"
-    context="$(sed 's|\.|_|g' "$(ptmp "$project")")"
-    printf "%s\n" "$context"
-utils0context2project() {
-    context="$1"
-    project="$(sed 's|_|\.|g' "$(ptmp "$context")")"
-    printf "%s\n" "$project"
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/workspace.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/workspace.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d5eb2fca..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/functions/workspace.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-workspace0open_neorg_workspace() {
-    workspace="$1"
-    nvim -c "NeorgStart" -s "$(ptmp ":Neorg workspace $workspace\n")"
-workspace0open_neorg_workspace_prompt() {
-    nvim -c "NeorgStart" -s "$(ptmp ":Neorg workspace ")"
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/main.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/main.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 559351b9..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/neorg/sh/main.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# load dependencies
-. ./functions/add.sh
-. ./functions/context.sh
-. ./functions/dmenu.sh
-. ./functions/f_start.sh
-. ./functions/f_stop.sh
-. ./functions/list.sh
-. ./functions/project.sh
-. ./functions/utils.sh
-. ./functions/workspace.sh
-. ./functions/review.sh
-# these are used in version()
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-help() {
-    cat <<EOF
-This is the core interface to the system-integrated task management
-    --help      | -h
-                            Display this help and exit.
-    --version   | -v
-                            Display version and copyright information and exit.
-    task [ID]
-                            Open the neorg context associated with the current context and
-                            the uuid of the task with id ID. Without ID, it'll open the
-                            current context's norg file.
-                            If no context is set, drops you to the selection prompt
-    dmenu
-                            Select a project in dmenu mode. This will give you all projects
-                            and exectute the selected one as in 'neorg projects <selected>'
-    workspace [WS]
-                            The neorg workspace (WS) to open at startup, an empty value drops
-                            you at a prompt to enter the workspace yourself.
-    project [P]
-                            Opens the webbrowser with either the context (P) or
-                            the current active context as argument if no context is supplied
-    list
-                            Lists all available contexts
-    add
-                            Allows you to quickly add projects
-    fstart ID
-                            Starts the task (ID) but only after it stooped
-                            the previous active task, if it existed.
-    fstop
-                            Stops the current active task
-    review
-                            Review all firefox tabs
-    ID | *([0-9]) := [[%ID_GENERATION_FUNCTION]]
-                            The function displays all possible IDs of the eligable tasks.
-                            All possible workspaces
-                            The possible project
-for arg in "$@"; do
-    case "$arg" in
-    "--help" | "-h")
-        help
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--version" | "-v")
-        version
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    esac
-while [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; do
-    case "$1" in
-    "t"*) # task
-        shift 1
-        task_id="$1"
-        [ "$task_id" ] || utils0chain context0open_current_task_context "exit 0"
-        context0open_current_task_context_at_task_id "$task_id"
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "w"*) # workspace
-        shift 1
-        workspace_to_open="$1"
-        # TODO: Exit with 1 on error, instead of the 0 <2023-10-20>
-        [ "$workspace_to_open" ] || utils0chain workspace0open_neorg_workspace_prompt "exit 0"
-        workspace0open_neorg_workspace "$workspace_to_open"
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "p"*) # project
-        shift 1
-        project_to_open="$1"
-        # TODO: Exit with 1 on error, instead of the 0 <2023-10-20>
-        [ "$project_to_open" ] || utils0chain project0open_current_context_in_browser "exit 0"
-        if ! grep -q "$project_to_open" "$(ptmp "%ALL_PROJECTS_NEWLINE")"; then
-            die "Your project ('$project_to_open') is not in the list of available projects:
-        fi
-        project0open_project_in_browser "$project_to_open"
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "l"*) # list
-        list0list_all_contexts_newline
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "a"*) # add-project
-        add0open_taskwarrior_project_file
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "d"*) # dmenu
-        dmenu0open_context_in_browser
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "fsta"*) # fstart
-        shift 1
-        task_id="$1"
-        [ "$task_id" ] || die "No task id provided to fstart"
-        fstart0start_new_task "$task_id"
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "fsto"*) # fstop
-        fstop0stop_current_task
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "r"*) # review
-        shift 1
-        review0start
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    *)
-        die "Command '$1' does not exist! Please look at:\n $NAME --help"
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    esac
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/sh/download.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/sh/download.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index fe9746c8..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/sh/download.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-download_to_down() {
-    already_downloaded_files="$(mktmp)"
-    fd . "$DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY" --exclude spotdl.log --exclude spotdl-errors.log >"$already_downloaded_files"
-    if [ -z "$NO_CHECK" ] && [ "$(wc -l <"$already_downloaded_files")" -ne 0 ]; then
-        die "something is already downloaded"
-    fi
-    # [ -e "$DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY/spotdl.log" ] && rm "$DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY/spotdl.log"
-    download "$1" "$DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY"
-download() {
-    download_url="$1"
-    output_path="$2"
-    config="$(mktmp)"
-    cat <<EOF | clean >"$config"
-# Main options
---audio slider-kz bandcamp youtube-music piped youtube soundcloud
---lyrics genius musixmatch azlyrics synced
-# FFmpeg options
---ffmpeg ffmpeg
---threads 16
---bitrate 256k
-# Spotify options
---cache-path %XDG_CACHE_HOME/spotdl/.spotipy
-# Output options
---format opus
---output {artists}_-_{title}
---save-errors $output_path/spotdl-errors.log
-# TODO: Reactive whence spotdl support for these has improved <2023-12-19>
-# --generate-lrc
---overwrite skip
-# Misc options
---log-level INFO
-    cd "$output_path" || die "BUG: no $output_path"
-    touch "$output_path/spotdl-errors.log"
-    # The sub shell needs to be unquoted, as the arguments may not be treated as one.
-    # shellcheck disable=2046
-    unbuffer spotdl $(cat "$config") download "$download_url" | tee "$output_path/spotdl.log"
-    [ -d ~/.spotdl ] && rm -r ~/.spotdl
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/sh/update.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/sh/update.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a289cf58..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/sh/update.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-update() {
-    UPDATE_CONFIG_FILE="%XDG_MUSIC_DIR/artists/update.conf"
-    if ! [ -f "$UPDATE_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
-        error="$(
-            cat <<EOF
-Please provide an update config file at: '$UPDATE_CONFIG_FILE'.
-The 'update.conf' file should follow this pattern:
-All comments and empty lines are ignored
-        )"
-        die "$error"
-    fi
-    config_file="$(mktmp)"
-    clean "$UPDATE_CONFIG_FILE" >"$config_file"
-    while IFS="|" read -r artist url; do
-        full_artist="$UPDATE_DIRECTORY/$artist"
-        [ -d "$full_artist" ] || mkdir --parents "$full_artist"
-        [ -d "$full_artist/update" ] || mkdir --parents "$full_artist/update"
-        [ -d "$full_artist/all" ] || mkdir --parents "$full_artist/all"
-        [ -d "$full_artist/filtered" ] || mkdir --parents "$full_artist/filtered"
-        while read -r file; do
-            ln --symbolic --relative "$file" "$full_artist/update/$(basename "$file")"
-        done <"$(tmp fd --type file --extension opus . "$full_artist/all")"
-        msg2 "Updating $artist with url: '$url'"
-        download "$url" "$full_artist/update"
-        while read -r file; do
-            mv "$file" "$full_artist/all"
-            ln --symbolic --relative "$full_artist/all/$(basename "$file")" "$full_artist/filtered/$(basename "$file")"
-        done <"$(tmp fd --type file --extension opus . "$full_artist/update")"
-        while read -r file; do
-            rm "$file"
-        done <"$(tmp fd --type symlink --extension opus . "$full_artist/update")"
-        cp "$full_artist/update/spotdl.log" "$full_artist/all/spotdl.$(date +%Y_%m_%d).log"
-        cp "$full_artist/update/spotdl-errors.log" "$full_artist/all/spotdl-errors.$(date +%Y_%m_%d).log"
-    done <"$config_file"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/spodi.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/spodi.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 475fd48a..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/spodi/spodi.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# these are used in version()
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# shellcheck disable=2034
-# load dependencies
-. ./sh/update.sh
-. ./sh/download.sh
-help() {
-    cat <<EOF
-This is a small wrapper around downloading things from spotify
-    --help      | -h
-                            Display this help and exit.
-    --version   | -v
-                            Display version and copyright information and exit.
-    update
-                            Read the artist.conf file and download all newly released things
-    download URL
-                            Download a specific url to the DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY
-for arg in "$@"; do
-    case "$arg" in
-    "--help" | "-h")
-        help
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    "--version" | "-v")
-        version
-        exit 0
-        ;;
-    esac
-case "$1" in
-    shift 1
-    update
-    exit 0
-    ;;
-    shift 1
-    download_url="$1"
-    [ -z "$download_url" ] && die "You need to provide a download url"
-    download_to_down "$download_url"
-    exit 0
-    ;;
-    die "Command '$1' is not know"
-    help
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/ytcc/description.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/ytcc/description.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ae9107b9..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/specific/ytcc/description.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-jq --raw-output '.description' "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ytcc/running" | fmt -u -s | less
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/battery.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/battery.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e650ba5d..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/battery.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-capacity="$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)"
-status="$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status)"
-printf "%s%% (%s)\n" "$capacity" "$status"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/hibernate.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/hibernate.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 30868fd1..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/hibernate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-context="$(task _get rc.context)"
-[ "$context" ] && task context none
-# We have ensured that only one task is active
-active="$(task +ACTIVE _ids)"
-[ "$active" ] && task stop "$active"
-systemctl hibernate "$@"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/ll.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/ll.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f689ba44..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/ll.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-command lf -last-dir-path="$last_directory" "$@"
-dir="$(cat "$last_directory")"
-cd "$dir" || die "$dir does not exist!"
-rm "$last_directory"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/lock.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/lock.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3101ef9a..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/lock.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-context="$(task _get rc.context)"
-[ "$context" ] && task context none
-# We have ensured that only one task is active
-active="$(task +ACTIVE _ids)"
-[ "$active" ] && task stop "$active"
-[ "$active" ] && task start "$active"
-[ "$context" ] && task context "$context"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/lyrics.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/lyrics.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 02a147c8..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/lyrics.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-    cd "$XDG_MUSIC_DIR" || die "No music dir!"
-    exiftool "$(mpc --format '%file%' current)" -json | jq '.[0].Lyrics' -r | less
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc-fav.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc-fav.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 795a4875..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc-fav.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-cd "$XDG_MUSIC_DIR" || die "No music dir!"
-[ -d "$FAV_DIR" ] || mkdir --parents "$FAV_DIR"
-ln -sr "$(mpc --format '%file%' current)" "$FAV_DIR/" || die "Link failed!"
-mpc update
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc-rm.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc-rm.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 94e0634b..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc-rm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-cd "$XDG_MUSIC_DIR" || die "No music dir!"
-trash-put "$(mpc --format '%file%' current)"
-mpc del 0
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5aae5cdb..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/mpc.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-case "$1" in
-    shift 1
-    mpc-rm "$@"
-    ;;
-    shift 1
-    mpc-fav "$@"
-    ;;
-    mpc "$@"
-    ;;
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/show.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/show.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ae2bdb13..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/show.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-# Maybe add `--quit-if-one-screen`
-less --redraw-on-quit "$@"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/sort_song.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/sort_song.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e2978507..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/sort_song.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-case "$("$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" in
-    filter="LYRICS"
-    directory="lyrics"
-    ;;
-    filter="INSTRUMENTAL"
-    directory="instrumental"
-    ;;
-    die "Expected 'instrumental|lyrics' but got '$1'"
-    ;;
-process() {
-    mediainfo --Output=JSON "$1" | jq '.media.track | map(.Lyrics) | join("")'
-mkdir "../$directory"
-fd . --extension=opus | while read -r file; do
-    if [ "$(process "$file")" = '""' ] || [ "$(process "$file")" = '"Instrumental"' ] || [ "$(process "$file")" = '"instrumental"' ]; then
-        echo "INSTRUMENTAL::$file"
-    else
-        echo "LYRICS::$file"
-    fi
-done | grep "$filter" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="::"}{print $2}' | while read -r file; do ln -s "../all/$file" "../$directory/$file"; done
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/virsh-del.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/virsh-del.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c3de5484..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/virsh-del.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-virsh destroy "$1"
-virsh undefine "$1" --nvram
-virsh vol-delete --pool default "$1".qcow2
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/yti.sh b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/yti.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a69ffa74..00000000
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/scripts/source/wrappers/yti.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env dash
-# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-for e in "$DOWN_DIR"/*.opus; do echo "$e" >>"$tmp"; done
-[ "$(wc -l "$tmp" | awk '{print $1}')" -gt 2 ] && die "something is already downloaded"
-cat <<EO >"$config"
---paths home:"$DOWN_DIR"
-#--output %(fulltitle)
-#--format mp3
---audio-quality 0
---audio-format best
-rm "$DOWN_DIR/yt-dlp.log"
-cd "$DOWN_DIR" || die "BUG: no $DOWN_DIR"
-unbuffer yt-dlp --config-location "$config" "$1" | tee "$DOWN_DIR/yt-dlp.log"
-# vim: ft=sh