about summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-05-23 13:26:22 +0200
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-05-23 13:26:22 +0200
commit204731c0a69136c9cebcb54f1afecf5145e26bbe (patch)
treefc9132e5dc74e4a8e1327cdd411839a90f9410aa /pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts
parentrefactor(sys): Modularize and move to `modules/system` or `pkgs` (diff)
refactor(pkgs): Categorize into `by-name` shards
This might not be the perfect way to organize a package set --
especially if the set is not nearly the size of nixpkgs -- but it is
_at_ least a way of organization.
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts')
26 files changed, 0 insertions, 2602 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.editorconfig b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.editorconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index 919c78fa..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.editorconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-root = true
-end_of_line = lf
-insert_final_newline = true
-trim_trailing_whitespace = false
-# for testing purposes, the corpus may have trailing whitespace
-# and may have mixed EOL.
-# Still want a final newline though, as that makes no semantic difference.
-trim_trailing_whitespace = false
-end_of_line = unset
-indent_style = space
-indent_size = 2
-# tree-sitter generate emits json with no trailing newline
-insert_final_newline = false
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.envrc b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.envrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3550a30f..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.envrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-use flake
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.gitignore b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e2e389..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/Cargo.toml b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5287c420..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-name = "tree-sitter-yts"
-description = "yts grammar for the tree-sitter parsing library"
-version = "0.0.1"
-keywords = ["incremental", "parsing", "yts"]
-categories = ["parsing", "text-editors"]
-repository = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-yts"
-edition = "2018"
-license = "MIT"
-build = "bindings/rust/build.rs"
-include = ["bindings/rust/*", "grammar.js", "queries/*", "src/*"]
-path = "bindings/rust/lib.rs"
-tree-sitter = "~0.20.10"
-cc = "1.0"
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/binding.gyp b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/binding.gyp
deleted file mode 100644
index b05038b4..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/binding.gyp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  "targets": [
-    {
-      "target_name": "tree_sitter_yts_binding",
-      "include_dirs": [
-        "<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")",
-        "src"
-      ],
-      "sources": [
-        "bindings/node/binding.cc",
-        "src/parser.c",
-        # If your language uses an external scanner, add it here.
-      ],
-      "cflags_c": [
-        "-std=c99",
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/node/binding.cc b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/node/binding.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index a042be54..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/node/binding.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "nan.h"
-#include "tree_sitter/parser.h"
-#include <node.h>
-using namespace v8;
-extern "C" TSLanguage *tree_sitter_yts ();
-NAN_METHOD (New) {}
-Init (Local<Object> exports, Local<Object> module)
-  Local<FunctionTemplate> tpl = Nan::New<FunctionTemplate> (New);
-  tpl->SetClassName (Nan::New ("Language").ToLocalChecked ());
-  tpl->InstanceTemplate ()->SetInternalFieldCount (1);
-  Local<Function> constructor = Nan::GetFunction (tpl).ToLocalChecked ();
-  Local<Object> instance
-      = constructor->NewInstance (Nan::GetCurrentContext ()).ToLocalChecked ();
-  Nan::SetInternalFieldPointer (instance, 0, tree_sitter_yts ());
-  Nan::Set (instance, Nan::New ("name").ToLocalChecked (),
-            Nan::New ("yts").ToLocalChecked ());
-  Nan::Set (module, Nan::New ("exports").ToLocalChecked (), instance);
-NODE_MODULE (tree_sitter_yts_binding, Init)
-} // namespace
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/node/index.js b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/node/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 32179742..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/node/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-try {
-  module.exports = require("../../build/Release/tree_sitter_yts_binding");
-} catch (error1) {
-  if (error1.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
-    throw error1;
-  }
-  try {
-    module.exports = require("../../build/Debug/tree_sitter_yts_binding");
-  } catch (error2) {
-    if (error2.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
-      throw error2;
-    }
-    throw error1;
-  }
-try {
-  module.exports.nodeTypeInfo = require("../../src/node-types.json");
-} catch (_) {}
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/rust/build.rs b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/rust/build.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c6061f09..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/rust/build.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-fn main() {
-    let src_dir = std::path::Path::new("src");
-    let mut c_config = cc::Build::new();
-    c_config.include(&src_dir);
-    c_config
-        .flag_if_supported("-Wno-unused-parameter")
-        .flag_if_supported("-Wno-unused-but-set-variable")
-        .flag_if_supported("-Wno-trigraphs");
-    let parser_path = src_dir.join("parser.c");
-    c_config.file(&parser_path);
-    // If your language uses an external scanner written in C,
-    // then include this block of code:
-    /*
-    let scanner_path = src_dir.join("scanner.c");
-    c_config.file(&scanner_path);
-    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", scanner_path.to_str().unwrap());
-    */
-    c_config.compile("parser");
-    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", parser_path.to_str().unwrap());
-    // If your language uses an external scanner written in C++,
-    // then include this block of code:
-    /*
-    let mut cpp_config = cc::Build::new();
-    cpp_config.cpp(true);
-    cpp_config.include(&src_dir);
-    cpp_config
-        .flag_if_supported("-Wno-unused-parameter")
-        .flag_if_supported("-Wno-unused-but-set-variable");
-    let scanner_path = src_dir.join("scanner.cc");
-    cpp_config.file(&scanner_path);
-    cpp_config.compile("scanner");
-    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", scanner_path.to_str().unwrap());
-    */
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/rust/lib.rs b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/rust/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f1868b2d..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/bindings/rust/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-//! This crate provides yts language support for the [tree-sitter][] parsing library.
-//! Typically, you will use the [language][language func] function to add this language to a
-//! tree-sitter [Parser][], and then use the parser to parse some code:
-//! ```
-//! let code = "";
-//! let mut parser = tree_sitter::Parser::new();
-//! parser.set_language(tree_sitter_yts::language()).expect("Error loading yts grammar");
-//! let tree = parser.parse(code, None).unwrap();
-//! ```
-//! [Language]: https://docs.rs/tree-sitter/*/tree_sitter/struct.Language.html
-//! [language func]: fn.language.html
-//! [Parser]: https://docs.rs/tree-sitter/*/tree_sitter/struct.Parser.html
-//! [tree-sitter]: https://tree-sitter.github.io/
-use tree_sitter::Language;
-extern "C" {
-    fn tree_sitter_yts() -> Language;
-/// Get the tree-sitter [Language][] for this grammar.
-/// [Language]: https://docs.rs/tree-sitter/*/tree_sitter/struct.Language.html
-pub fn language() -> Language {
-    unsafe { tree_sitter_yts() }
-/// The content of the [`node-types.json`][] file for this grammar.
-/// [`node-types.json`]: https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/using-parsers#static-node-types
-pub const NODE_TYPES: &'static str = include_str!("../../src/node-types.json");
-// Uncomment these to include any queries that this grammar contains
-// pub const HIGHLIGHTS_QUERY: &'static str = include_str!("../../queries/highlights.scm");
-// pub const INJECTIONS_QUERY: &'static str = include_str!("../../queries/injections.scm");
-// pub const LOCALS_QUERY: &'static str = include_str!("../../queries/locals.scm");
-// pub const TAGS_QUERY: &'static str = include_str!("../../queries/tags.scm");
-mod tests {
-    #[test]
-    fn test_can_load_grammar() {
-        let mut parser = tree_sitter::Parser::new();
-        parser
-            .set_language(super::language())
-            .expect("Error loading yts language");
-    }
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/comments.txt b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/comments.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0070baf8..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/comments.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Parse multiple lines
-pick 6221 "Name" "2024-01-17" "A" "[0m 0s]" "url"
-pick 6181 "Name2" "2024-01-16" "A2" "[0m 0s]" "url"
-# This is a comment
-# it contains information
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (comment)
-  (comment))
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/comments_correct.txt b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/comments_correct.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 40cdab7d..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/comments_correct.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Disregard comments in title
-pick 6094 "#100 Name" "2024-01-12" "A" "[133m 29s]" "url"
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote))))
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/duration.txt b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/duration.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 59476b98..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/duration.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Parse multiple lines with different durations
-pick 6221 "Name" "2024-01-17" "A" "[1h 0m]" "url"
-pick 6181 "Name2" "2024-01-16" "A2" "[20m 02s]" "url2"
-pick 6184 "Name3" "2024-01-16" "A3" "[20h 0m]" "url3"
-pick 6206 "Name4" "2024-01-16" "A4" "[No Duration]" "url4"
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote))))
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/url.txt b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/url.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ae3d106..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/corpus/url.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Parse multiple lines with url
-pick 6221 "Name" "2024-01-17" "A" "[0h 0m]" "url"
-pick 6181 "Name2" "2024-01-16" "A2" "[0h 0m]" "url2"
-pick 6184 "Name3" "2024-01-16" "A3" "[0h 0m]" "url3"
-pick 6206 "Name4" "2024-01-16" "A4" "[0h 0m]" "url4"
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote)))
-  (line
-    (command)
-    (id)
-    (title
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (date
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (author
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (duration
-      (quote)
-      (quote))
-    (url
-      (quote)
-      (quote))))
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/default.nix b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e15481c..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  (
-    final: prev: {
-      yts-grammar = (prev.callPackage ./package.nix {}) {
-        language = "yts";
-        version = "1.0";
-        src = ./.;
-      };
-    }
-  )
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/flake.lock b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/flake.lock
deleted file mode 100644
index bff9f1fa..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/flake.lock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-  "nodes": {
-    "crane": {
-      "inputs": {
-        "nixpkgs": ["nixpkgs"]
-      },
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1704819371,
-        "narHash": "sha256-oFUfPWrWGQTZaCM3byxwYwrMLwshDxVGOrMH5cVP/X8=",
-        "owner": "ipetkov",
-        "repo": "crane",
-        "rev": "5c234301a1277e4cc759c23a2a7a00a06ddd7111",
-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "ipetkov",
-        "repo": "crane",
-        "type": "github"
-      }
-    },
-    "flake-utils": {
-      "inputs": {
-        "systems": "systems"
-      },
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1701680307,
-        "narHash": "sha256-kAuep2h5ajznlPMD9rnQyffWG8EM/C73lejGofXvdM8=",
-        "owner": "numtide",
-        "repo": "flake-utils",
-        "rev": "4022d587cbbfd70fe950c1e2083a02621806a725",
-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "numtide",
-        "repo": "flake-utils",
-        "type": "github"
-      }
-    },
-    "nixpkgs": {
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1705133751,
-        "narHash": "sha256-rCIsyE80jgiOU78gCWN3A0wE0tR2GI5nH6MlS+HaaSQ=",
-        "owner": "NixOS",
-        "repo": "nixpkgs",
-        "rev": "9b19f5e77dd906cb52dade0b7bd280339d2a1f3d",
-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "NixOS",
-        "ref": "nixos-unstable",
-        "repo": "nixpkgs",
-        "type": "github"
-      }
-    },
-    "npmlock2nix": {
-      "flake": false,
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1673447413,
-        "narHash": "sha256-sJM82Sj8yfQYs9axEmGZ9Evzdv/kDcI9sddqJ45frrU=",
-        "owner": "nix-community",
-        "repo": "npmlock2nix",
-        "rev": "9197bbf397d76059a76310523d45df10d2e4ca81",
-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "nix-community",
-        "repo": "npmlock2nix",
-        "type": "github"
-      }
-    },
-    "root": {
-      "inputs": {
-        "crane": "crane",
-        "flake-utils": "flake-utils",
-        "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
-        "npmlock2nix": "npmlock2nix"
-      }
-    },
-    "systems": {
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1681028828,
-        "narHash": "sha256-Vy1rq5AaRuLzOxct8nz4T6wlgyUR7zLU309k9mBC768=",
-        "owner": "nix-systems",
-        "repo": "default",
-        "rev": "da67096a3b9bf56a91d16901293e51ba5b49a27e",
-        "type": "github"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "owner": "nix-systems",
-        "repo": "default",
-        "type": "github"
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  "root": "root",
-  "version": 7
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/flake.nix b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/flake.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b6f8ab0..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/flake.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-  description = "tree-sitter-yts";
-  inputs = {
-    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
-    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
-    npmlock2nix = {
-      url = "github:nix-community/npmlock2nix";
-      flake = false;
-    };
-    crane = {
-      url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
-      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
-    };
-  };
-  outputs = {
-    self,
-    nixpkgs,
-    flake-utils,
-    npmlock2nix,
-    crane,
-  }: (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
-    pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
-    inherit (pkgs) lib;
-    npmlock2nix' = pkgs.callPackage npmlock2nix {};
-    craneLib = crane.lib.${system};
-  in {
-    build = self.packages.${system}.tree-sitter-nix;
-    rust-bindings = craneLib.buildPackage {
-      src = self;
-    };
-    # Requires xcode
-    node-bindings = npmlock2nix'.v2.build {
-      src = self;
-      inherit (self.devShells.${system}.default) nativeBuildInputs;
-      inherit (pkgs) nodejs;
-      buildCommands = [
-        "${pkgs.nodePackages.node-gyp}/bin/node-gyp configure"
-        "npm run build"
-      ];
-      installPhase = ''
-        touch $out
-      '';
-    };
-    packages.tree-sitter-yts = (pkgs.callPackage ./grammar.nix {}) {
-      language = "yts";
-      version = "1.0";
-      src = self;
-    };
-    packages.default = self.packages.${system}.tree-sitter-yts;
-    devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
-      packages = [
-        pkgs.nodejs
-        pkgs.python3
-        pkgs.tree-sitter
-        pkgs.editorconfig-checker
-        pkgs.rustc
-        pkgs.cargo
-        # Formatters
-        pkgs.treefmt
-        pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt
-        pkgs.nodePackages.prettier
-        pkgs.rustfmt
-        pkgs.clang-tools
-      ];
-    };
-  }));
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/grammar.js b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/grammar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 655f6dea..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/grammar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = grammar({
-  name: "yts",
-  rules: {
-    source_file: ($) => repeat(choice($.line, $.comment)),
-    line: ($) =>
-      seq($.command, $.id, $.title, $.date, $.author, $.duration, $.url, "\n"),
-    command: ($) => choice("pick", "p", "watch", "w", "drop", "d", "url", "u"),
-    id: ($) => /[0-9]+/,
-    title: ($) => seq($._q, /[^"]+/, $._q),
-    date: ($) => seq($._q, /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/, $._q),
-    author: ($) => seq($._q, /[^"]+/, $._q),
-    duration: ($) =>
-      seq(
-        $._q,
-        seq("[", choice("No Duration", /\d+m \d+s/, /\d+h \d+m/), "]"),
-        $._q,
-      ),
-    url: ($) => seq($._q, /[^"]+/, $._q),
-    comment: ($) => /#.*/,
-    _q: ($) => $.quote,
-    quote: ($) => /"/,
-  },
-  extras: ($) => [/\s/, /\\\r?\n/],
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/highlight.yts b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/highlight.yts
deleted file mode 100644
index 319ee95c..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/highlight.yts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-pick 6221 "Name" "2024-01-17" "A" "0:00" "url"
-pick 6181 "Name2" "2024-01-16" "A2" "0:00" "url2"
-pick 6184 "Name3" "2024-01-16" "A3" "0:00" "url3"
-pick 6206 "Name4" "2024-01-16" "A4" "299:36" "url4"
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/package.json b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2511ccb7..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "tree-sitter-yts",
-  "version": "0.0.1",
-  "description": "yts grammar for tree-sitter",
-  "main": "bindings/node",
-  "keywords": [
-    "parsing",
-    "incremental"
-  ],
-  "dependencies": {
-    "nan": "^2.12.1"
-  },
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "tree-sitter-cli": "^0.20.8"
-  },
-  "scripts": {
-    "test": "tree-sitter test"
-  },
-  "tree-sitter": [
-    {
-      "scope": "source.yts",
-      "file-types": [
-        "yts"
-      ],
-      "highlights": [
-        "queries/highlights.scm"
-      ],
-      "injection-regex": "^(yts)$"
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/package.nix b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/package.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9a7326..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/package.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# taken from nixpgks: pkgs/development/tools/parsing/tree-sitter/grammar.nix
-  stdenv,
-  nodejs,
-  tree-sitter,
-  lib,
-# Build a parser grammar and put the resulting shared object in `$out/parser`
-  # language name
-  language,
-  version,
-  src,
-  location ? null,
-  generate ? false,
-  ...
-} @ args:
-stdenv.mkDerivation ({
-    pname = "${language}-grammar";
-    inherit src version;
-    nativeBuildInputs = lib.optionals generate [nodejs tree-sitter];
-    CFLAGS = ["-Isrc" "-O2"];
-    CXXFLAGS = ["-Isrc" "-O2"];
-    stripDebugList = ["parser"];
-    configurePhase =
-      lib.optionalString (location != null) ''
-        cd ${location}
-      ''
-      + lib.optionalString generate ''
-        tree-sitter generate
-      '';
-    # When both scanner.{c,cc} exist, we should not link both since they may be the same but in
-    # different languages. Just randomly prefer C++ if that happens.
-    buildPhase = ''
-      runHook preBuild
-      if [[ -e src/scanner.cc ]]; then
-        $CXX -fPIC -c src/scanner.cc -o scanner.o $CXXFLAGS
-      elif [[ -e src/scanner.c ]]; then
-        $CC -fPIC -c src/scanner.c -o scanner.o $CFLAGS
-      fi
-      $CC -fPIC -c src/parser.c -o parser.o $CFLAGS
-      rm -rf parser
-      $CXX -shared -o parser *.o
-      runHook postBuild
-    '';
-    installPhase = ''
-      runHook preInstall
-      mkdir $out
-      mv parser $out/
-      if [[ -d queries ]]; then
-        cp -r queries $out
-      fi
-      runHook postInstall
-    '';
-  }
-  // removeAttrs args ["language" "location" "generate"])
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/queries/highlights.scm b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/queries/highlights.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 674cbf18..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/queries/highlights.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(command) @keyword
-(id) @constant
-(title) @text.title
-(date) @number
-(author) @operator
-(duration) @property
-((url) @conceal (#set! conceal ""))
-((quote) @conceal (#set! conceal ""))
-(comment) @comment @spell
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/grammar.json b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/grammar.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a35a5464..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/grammar.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "yts",
-  "rules": {
-    "source_file": {
-      "type": "REPEAT",
-      "content": {
-        "type": "CHOICE",
-        "members": [
-          {
-            "type": "SYMBOL",
-            "name": "line"
-          },
-          {
-            "type": "SYMBOL",
-            "name": "comment"
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    },
-    "line": {
-      "type": "SEQ",
-      "members": [
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "command"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "id"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "title"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "date"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "author"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "duration"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "url"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "\n"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "command": {
-      "type": "CHOICE",
-      "members": [
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "pick"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "p"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "watch"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "w"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "drop"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "d"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "url"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "STRING",
-          "value": "u"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "id": {
-      "type": "PATTERN",
-      "value": "[0-9]+"
-    },
-    "title": {
-      "type": "SEQ",
-      "members": [
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "PATTERN",
-          "value": "[^\"]+"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "date": {
-      "type": "SEQ",
-      "members": [
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "PATTERN",
-          "value": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "author": {
-      "type": "SEQ",
-      "members": [
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "PATTERN",
-          "value": "[^\"]+"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "duration": {
-      "type": "SEQ",
-      "members": [
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SEQ",
-          "members": [
-            {
-              "type": "STRING",
-              "value": "["
-            },
-            {
-              "type": "CHOICE",
-              "members": [
-                {
-                  "type": "STRING",
-                  "value": "No Duration"
-                },
-                {
-                  "type": "PATTERN",
-                  "value": "\\d+m \\d+s"
-                },
-                {
-                  "type": "PATTERN",
-                  "value": "\\d+h \\d+m"
-                }
-              ]
-            },
-            {
-              "type": "STRING",
-              "value": "]"
-            }
-          ]
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "url": {
-      "type": "SEQ",
-      "members": [
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "PATTERN",
-          "value": "[^\"]+"
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "SYMBOL",
-          "name": "_q"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    "comment": {
-      "type": "PATTERN",
-      "value": "#.*"
-    },
-    "_q": {
-      "type": "SYMBOL",
-      "name": "quote"
-    },
-    "quote": {
-      "type": "PATTERN",
-      "value": "\""
-    }
-  },
-  "extras": [
-    {
-      "type": "PATTERN",
-      "value": "\\s"
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "PATTERN",
-      "value": "\\\\\\r?\\n"
-    }
-  ],
-  "conflicts": [],
-  "precedences": [],
-  "externals": [],
-  "inline": [],
-  "supertypes": []
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/node-types.json b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/node-types.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a63a552..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/node-types.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "type": "author",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {},
-    "children": {
-      "multiple": true,
-      "required": true,
-      "types": [
-        {
-          "type": "quote",
-          "named": true
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "command",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {}
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "date",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {},
-    "children": {
-      "multiple": true,
-      "required": true,
-      "types": [
-        {
-          "type": "quote",
-          "named": true
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "duration",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {},
-    "children": {
-      "multiple": true,
-      "required": true,
-      "types": [
-        {
-          "type": "quote",
-          "named": true
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "line",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {},
-    "children": {
-      "multiple": true,
-      "required": true,
-      "types": [
-        {
-          "type": "author",
-          "named": true
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "command",
-          "named": true
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "date",
-          "named": true
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "duration",
-          "named": true
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "id",
-          "named": true
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "title",
-          "named": true
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "url",
-          "named": true
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "source_file",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {},
-    "children": {
-      "multiple": true,
-      "required": false,
-      "types": [
-        {
-          "type": "comment",
-          "named": true
-        },
-        {
-          "type": "line",
-          "named": true
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "title",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {},
-    "children": {
-      "multiple": true,
-      "required": true,
-      "types": [
-        {
-          "type": "quote",
-          "named": true
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "url",
-    "named": true,
-    "fields": {},
-    "children": {
-      "multiple": true,
-      "required": true,
-      "types": [
-        {
-          "type": "quote",
-          "named": true
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "\n",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "No Duration",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "[",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "]",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "comment",
-    "named": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "d",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "drop",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "id",
-    "named": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "p",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "pick",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "quote",
-    "named": true
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "u",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "url",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "w",
-    "named": false
-  },
-  {
-    "type": "watch",
-    "named": false
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/parser.c b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/parser.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ded5c342..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/parser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1108 +0,0 @@
-#include <tree_sitter/parser.h>
-#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
-#define STATE_COUNT 31
-#define SYMBOL_COUNT 30
-#define ALIAS_COUNT 0
-#define TOKEN_COUNT 20
-#define FIELD_COUNT 0
-  anon_sym_LF = 1,
-  anon_sym_pick = 2,
-  anon_sym_p = 3,
-  anon_sym_watch = 4,
-  anon_sym_w = 5,
-  anon_sym_drop = 6,
-  anon_sym_d = 7,
-  anon_sym_url = 8,
-  anon_sym_u = 9,
-  sym_id = 10,
-  aux_sym_title_token1 = 11,
-  aux_sym_date_token1 = 12,
-  anon_sym_LBRACK = 13,
-  anon_sym_NoDuration = 14,
-  aux_sym_duration_token1 = 15,
-  aux_sym_duration_token2 = 16,
-  anon_sym_RBRACK = 17,
-  sym_comment = 18,
-  sym_quote = 19,
-  sym_source_file = 20,
-  sym_line = 21,
-  sym_command = 22,
-  sym_title = 23,
-  sym_date = 24,
-  sym_author = 25,
-  sym_duration = 26,
-  sym_url = 27,
-  sym__q = 28,
-  aux_sym_source_file_repeat1 = 29,
-static const char *const ts_symbol_names[] = {
-  [ts_builtin_sym_end] = "end",
-  [anon_sym_LF] = "\n",
-  [anon_sym_pick] = "pick",
-  [anon_sym_p] = "p",
-  [anon_sym_watch] = "watch",
-  [anon_sym_w] = "w",
-  [anon_sym_drop] = "drop",
-  [anon_sym_d] = "d",
-  [anon_sym_url] = "url",
-  [anon_sym_u] = "u",
-  [sym_id] = "id",
-  [aux_sym_title_token1] = "title_token1",
-  [aux_sym_date_token1] = "date_token1",
-  [anon_sym_LBRACK] = "[",
-  [anon_sym_NoDuration] = "No Duration",
-  [aux_sym_duration_token1] = "duration_token1",
-  [aux_sym_duration_token2] = "duration_token2",
-  [anon_sym_RBRACK] = "]",
-  [sym_comment] = "comment",
-  [sym_quote] = "quote",
-  [sym_source_file] = "source_file",
-  [sym_line] = "line",
-  [sym_command] = "command",
-  [sym_title] = "title",
-  [sym_date] = "date",
-  [sym_author] = "author",
-  [sym_duration] = "duration",
-  [sym_url] = "url",
-  [sym__q] = "_q",
-  [aux_sym_source_file_repeat1] = "source_file_repeat1",
-static const TSSymbol ts_symbol_map[] = {
-  [ts_builtin_sym_end] = ts_builtin_sym_end,
-  [anon_sym_LF] = anon_sym_LF,
-  [anon_sym_pick] = anon_sym_pick,
-  [anon_sym_p] = anon_sym_p,
-  [anon_sym_watch] = anon_sym_watch,
-  [anon_sym_w] = anon_sym_w,
-  [anon_sym_drop] = anon_sym_drop,
-  [anon_sym_d] = anon_sym_d,
-  [anon_sym_url] = anon_sym_url,
-  [anon_sym_u] = anon_sym_u,
-  [sym_id] = sym_id,
-  [aux_sym_title_token1] = aux_sym_title_token1,
-  [aux_sym_date_token1] = aux_sym_date_token1,
-  [anon_sym_LBRACK] = anon_sym_LBRACK,
-  [anon_sym_NoDuration] = anon_sym_NoDuration,
-  [aux_sym_duration_token1] = aux_sym_duration_token1,
-  [aux_sym_duration_token2] = aux_sym_duration_token2,
-  [anon_sym_RBRACK] = anon_sym_RBRACK,
-  [sym_comment] = sym_comment,
-  [sym_quote] = sym_quote,
-  [sym_source_file] = sym_source_file,
-  [sym_line] = sym_line,
-  [sym_command] = sym_command,
-  [sym_title] = sym_title,
-  [sym_date] = sym_date,
-  [sym_author] = sym_author,
-  [sym_duration] = sym_duration,
-  [sym_url] = sym_url,
-  [sym__q] = sym__q,
-  [aux_sym_source_file_repeat1] = aux_sym_source_file_repeat1,
-static const TSSymbolMetadata ts_symbol_metadata[] = {
-  [ts_builtin_sym_end] = {
-    .visible = false,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_LF] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_pick] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_p] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_watch] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_w] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_drop] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_d] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_url] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_u] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [sym_id] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [aux_sym_title_token1] = {
-    .visible = false,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [aux_sym_date_token1] = {
-    .visible = false,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_LBRACK] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_NoDuration] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [aux_sym_duration_token1] = {
-    .visible = false,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [aux_sym_duration_token2] = {
-    .visible = false,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [anon_sym_RBRACK] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-  [sym_comment] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_quote] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_source_file] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_line] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_command] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_title] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_date] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_author] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_duration] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym_url] = {
-    .visible = true,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [sym__q] = {
-    .visible = false,
-    .named = true,
-  },
-  [aux_sym_source_file_repeat1] = {
-    .visible = false,
-    .named = false,
-  },
-static const TSSymbol ts_alias_sequences[PRODUCTION_ID_COUNT]
-                                        [MAX_ALIAS_SEQUENCE_LENGTH]
-    = {
-        [0] = { 0 },
-      };
-static const uint16_t ts_non_terminal_alias_map[] = {
-  0,
-static const TSStateId ts_primary_state_ids[STATE_COUNT] = {
-  [0] = 0,   [1] = 1,   [2] = 2,   [3] = 3,   [4] = 4,   [5] = 5,   [6] = 6,
-  [7] = 7,   [8] = 8,   [9] = 9,   [10] = 10, [11] = 11, [12] = 12, [13] = 13,
-  [14] = 14, [15] = 15, [16] = 16, [17] = 17, [18] = 18, [19] = 19, [20] = 20,
-  [21] = 21, [22] = 22, [23] = 23, [24] = 24, [25] = 25, [26] = 26, [27] = 27,
-  [28] = 28, [29] = 29, [30] = 30,
-static bool
-ts_lex (TSLexer *lexer, TSStateId state)
-  eof = lexer->eof (lexer);
-  switch (state)
-    {
-    case 0:
-      if (eof)
-        ADVANCE (47);
-      if (lookahead == '"')
-        ADVANCE (74);
-      if (lookahead == '#')
-        ADVANCE (73);
-      if (lookahead == 'N')
-        ADVANCE (30);
-      if (lookahead == '[')
-        ADVANCE (68);
-      if (lookahead == '\\')
-        SKIP (46)
-      if (lookahead == ']')
-        ADVANCE (72);
-      if (lookahead == 'd')
-        ADVANCE (54);
-      if (lookahead == 'p')
-        ADVANCE (50);
-      if (lookahead == 'u')
-        ADVANCE (56);
-      if (lookahead == 'w')
-        ADVANCE (52);
-      if (lookahead == '\t' || lookahead == '\n' || lookahead == '\r'
-          || lookahead == ' ')
-        SKIP (0)
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (60);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 1:
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (14)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 2:
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (14)
-      if (lookahead == '\r')
-        SKIP (1)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 3:
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (16)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 4:
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (16)
-      if (lookahead == '\r')
-        SKIP (3)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 5:
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (7)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 6:
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (7)
-      if (lookahead == '\r')
-        SKIP (5)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 7:
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        ADVANCE (48);
-      if (lookahead == '\\')
-        SKIP (6)
-      if (lookahead == '\t' || lookahead == '\r' || lookahead == ' ')
-        SKIP (7)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 8:
-      if (lookahead == ' ')
-        ADVANCE (13);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 9:
-      if (lookahead == ' ')
-        ADVANCE (39);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 10:
-      if (lookahead == ' ')
-        ADVANCE (40);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 11:
-      if (lookahead == '-')
-        ADVANCE (43);
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (24);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 12:
-      if (lookahead == '-')
-        ADVANCE (44);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 13:
-      if (lookahead == 'D')
-        ADVANCE (38);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 14:
-      if (lookahead == 'N')
-        ADVANCE (30);
-      if (lookahead == '\\')
-        SKIP (2)
-      if (lookahead == '\t' || lookahead == '\n' || lookahead == '\r'
-          || lookahead == ' ')
-        SKIP (14)
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (23);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 15:
-      if (lookahead == '\\')
-        ADVANCE (63);
-      if (lookahead == '\t' || lookahead == '\n' || lookahead == '\r'
-          || lookahead == ' ')
-        ADVANCE (65);
-      if (lookahead != 0 && lookahead != '"')
-        ADVANCE (66);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 16:
-      if (lookahead == '\\')
-        SKIP (4)
-      if (lookahead == '\t' || lookahead == '\n' || lookahead == '\r'
-          || lookahead == ' ')
-        SKIP (16)
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (62);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 17:
-      if (lookahead == 'a')
-        ADVANCE (36);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 18:
-      if (lookahead == 'c')
-        ADVANCE (26);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 19:
-      if (lookahead == 'c')
-        ADVANCE (20);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 20:
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (51);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 21:
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (11);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 22:
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (21);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 23:
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (22);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 24:
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (24);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 25:
-      if (lookahead == 'i')
-        ADVANCE (32);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 26:
-      if (lookahead == 'k')
-        ADVANCE (49);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 27:
-      if (lookahead == 'l')
-        ADVANCE (55);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 28:
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (71);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (28);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 29:
-      if (lookahead == 'n')
-        ADVANCE (69);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 30:
-      if (lookahead == 'o')
-        ADVANCE (8);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 31:
-      if (lookahead == 'o')
-        ADVANCE (33);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 32:
-      if (lookahead == 'o')
-        ADVANCE (29);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 33:
-      if (lookahead == 'p')
-        ADVANCE (53);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 34:
-      if (lookahead == 'r')
-        ADVANCE (17);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 35:
-      if (lookahead == 's')
-        ADVANCE (70);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (35);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 36:
-      if (lookahead == 't')
-        ADVANCE (25);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 37:
-      if (lookahead == 't')
-        ADVANCE (19);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 38:
-      if (lookahead == 'u')
-        ADVANCE (34);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 39:
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (28);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 40:
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (35);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 41:
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (12);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 42:
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (67);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 43:
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (41);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 44:
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (42);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 45:
-      if (eof)
-        ADVANCE (47);
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (0)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 46:
-      if (eof)
-        ADVANCE (47);
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        SKIP (0)
-      if (lookahead == '\r')
-        SKIP (45)
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 47:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (ts_builtin_sym_end);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 48:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_LF);
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        ADVANCE (48);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 49:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_pick);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 50:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_p);
-      if (lookahead == 'i')
-        ADVANCE (18);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 51:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_watch);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 52:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_w);
-      if (lookahead == 'a')
-        ADVANCE (37);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 53:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_drop);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 54:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_d);
-      if (lookahead == 'r')
-        ADVANCE (31);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 55:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_url);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 56:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_u);
-      if (lookahead == 'r')
-        ADVANCE (27);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 57:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_id);
-      if (lookahead == '-')
-        ADVANCE (43);
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (61);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 58:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_id);
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (57);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 59:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_id);
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (58);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 60:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_id);
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (59);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 61:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_id);
-      if (lookahead == 'h')
-        ADVANCE (9);
-      if (lookahead == 'm')
-        ADVANCE (10);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (61);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 62:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_id);
-      if (('0' <= lookahead && lookahead <= '9'))
-        ADVANCE (62);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 63:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (aux_sym_title_token1);
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        ADVANCE (65);
-      if (lookahead == '\r')
-        ADVANCE (64);
-      if (lookahead != 0 && lookahead != '"')
-        ADVANCE (66);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 64:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (aux_sym_title_token1);
-      if (lookahead == '\n')
-        ADVANCE (65);
-      if (lookahead != 0 && lookahead != '"')
-        ADVANCE (66);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 65:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (aux_sym_title_token1);
-      if (lookahead == '\\')
-        ADVANCE (63);
-      if (lookahead == '\t' || lookahead == '\n' || lookahead == '\r'
-          || lookahead == ' ')
-        ADVANCE (65);
-      if (lookahead != 0 && lookahead != '"')
-        ADVANCE (66);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 66:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (aux_sym_title_token1);
-      if (lookahead != 0 && lookahead != '"')
-        ADVANCE (66);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 67:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (aux_sym_date_token1);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 68:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_LBRACK);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 69:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_NoDuration);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 70:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (aux_sym_duration_token1);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 71:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (aux_sym_duration_token2);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 72:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (anon_sym_RBRACK);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 73:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_comment);
-      if (lookahead != 0 && lookahead != '\n')
-        ADVANCE (73);
-      END_STATE ();
-    case 74:
-      ACCEPT_TOKEN (sym_quote);
-      END_STATE ();
-    default:
-      return false;
-    }
-static const TSLexMode ts_lex_modes[STATE_COUNT] = {
-  [0] = { .lex_state = 0 },   [1] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [2] = { .lex_state = 0 },   [3] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [4] = { .lex_state = 0 },   [5] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [6] = { .lex_state = 0 },   [7] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [8] = { .lex_state = 14 },  [9] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [10] = { .lex_state = 0 },  [11] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [12] = { .lex_state = 0 },  [13] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [14] = { .lex_state = 0 },  [15] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [16] = { .lex_state = 15 }, [17] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [18] = { .lex_state = 0 },  [19] = { .lex_state = 16 },
-  [20] = { .lex_state = 0 },  [21] = { .lex_state = 7 },
-  [22] = { .lex_state = 15 }, [23] = { .lex_state = 14 },
-  [24] = { .lex_state = 0 },  [25] = { .lex_state = 15 },
-  [26] = { .lex_state = 16 }, [27] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [28] = { .lex_state = 7 },  [29] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-  [30] = { .lex_state = 0 },
-static const uint16_t ts_parse_table[LARGE_STATE_COUNT][SYMBOL_COUNT] = {
-  [0] = {
-    [ts_builtin_sym_end] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_pick] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_p] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_watch] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_w] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_drop] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_d] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_url] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_u] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [sym_id] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [aux_sym_date_token1] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_LBRACK] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_NoDuration] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [aux_sym_duration_token1] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [aux_sym_duration_token2] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [anon_sym_RBRACK] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [sym_comment] = ACTIONS(1),
-    [sym_quote] = ACTIONS(1),
-  },
-  [1] = {
-    [sym_source_file] = STATE(29),
-    [sym_line] = STATE(2),
-    [sym_command] = STATE(26),
-    [aux_sym_source_file_repeat1] = STATE(2),
-    [ts_builtin_sym_end] = ACTIONS(3),
-    [anon_sym_pick] = ACTIONS(5),
-    [anon_sym_p] = ACTIONS(7),
-    [anon_sym_watch] = ACTIONS(5),
-    [anon_sym_w] = ACTIONS(7),
-    [anon_sym_drop] = ACTIONS(5),
-    [anon_sym_d] = ACTIONS(7),
-    [anon_sym_url] = ACTIONS(5),
-    [anon_sym_u] = ACTIONS(7),
-    [sym_comment] = ACTIONS(9),
-  },
-static const uint16_t ts_small_parse_table[] = {
-  [0] = 6,
-  ACTIONS (11),
-  1,
-  ts_builtin_sym_end,
-  ACTIONS (13),
-  1,
-  sym_comment,
-  STATE (26),
-  1,
-  sym_command,
-  STATE (3),
-  2,
-  sym_line,
-  aux_sym_source_file_repeat1,
-  ACTIONS (5),
-  4,
-  anon_sym_pick,
-  anon_sym_watch,
-  anon_sym_drop,
-  anon_sym_url,
-  ACTIONS (7),
-  4,
-  anon_sym_p,
-  anon_sym_w,
-  anon_sym_d,
-  anon_sym_u,
-  [26] = 6,
-  ACTIONS (15),
-  1,
-  ts_builtin_sym_end,
-  ACTIONS (23),
-  1,
-  sym_comment,
-  STATE (26),
-  1,
-  sym_command,
-  STATE (3),
-  2,
-  sym_line,
-  aux_sym_source_file_repeat1,
-  ACTIONS (17),
-  4,
-  anon_sym_pick,
-  anon_sym_watch,
-  anon_sym_drop,
-  anon_sym_url,
-  ACTIONS (20),
-  4,
-  anon_sym_p,
-  anon_sym_w,
-  anon_sym_d,
-  anon_sym_u,
-  [52] = 2,
-  ACTIONS (28),
-  4,
-  anon_sym_p,
-  anon_sym_w,
-  anon_sym_d,
-  anon_sym_u,
-  ACTIONS (26),
-  6,
-  ts_builtin_sym_end,
-  anon_sym_pick,
-  anon_sym_watch,
-  anon_sym_drop,
-  anon_sym_url,
-  sym_comment,
-  [67] = 3,
-  ACTIONS (30),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (21),
-  1,
-  sym_url,
-  STATE (22),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [77] = 3,
-  ACTIONS (32),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (7),
-  1,
-  sym_title,
-  STATE (25),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [87] = 3,
-  ACTIONS (34),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (9),
-  1,
-  sym_date,
-  STATE (23),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [97] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (36),
-  3,
-  anon_sym_NoDuration,
-  aux_sym_duration_token1,
-  aux_sym_duration_token2,
-  [103] = 3,
-  ACTIONS (38),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (10),
-  1,
-  sym_author,
-  STATE (16),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [113] = 3,
-  ACTIONS (40),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (5),
-  1,
-  sym_duration,
-  STATE (18),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [123] = 2,
-  ACTIONS (42),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (30),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [130] = 2,
-  ACTIONS (44),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (28),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [137] = 2,
-  ACTIONS (46),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (24),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [144] = 2,
-  ACTIONS (48),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (17),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [151] = 2,
-  ACTIONS (50),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  STATE (20),
-  1,
-  sym__q,
-  [158] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (52),
-  1,
-  aux_sym_title_token1,
-  [162] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (54),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  [166] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (56),
-  1,
-  anon_sym_LBRACK,
-  [170] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (58),
-  1,
-  sym_id,
-  [174] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (60),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  [178] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (62),
-  1,
-  anon_sym_LF,
-  [182] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (64),
-  1,
-  aux_sym_title_token1,
-  [186] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (66),
-  1,
-  aux_sym_date_token1,
-  [190] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (68),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-  [194] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (70),
-  1,
-  aux_sym_title_token1,
-  [198] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (72),
-  1,
-  sym_id,
-  [202] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (74),
-  1,
-  anon_sym_RBRACK,
-  [206] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (76),
-  1,
-  anon_sym_LF,
-  [210] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (78),
-  1,
-  ts_builtin_sym_end,
-  [214] = 1,
-  ACTIONS (80),
-  1,
-  sym_quote,
-static const uint32_t ts_small_parse_table_map[] = {
-  [SMALL_STATE (2)] = 0,    [SMALL_STATE (3)] = 26,   [SMALL_STATE (4)] = 52,
-  [SMALL_STATE (5)] = 67,   [SMALL_STATE (6)] = 77,   [SMALL_STATE (7)] = 87,
-  [SMALL_STATE (8)] = 97,   [SMALL_STATE (9)] = 103,  [SMALL_STATE (10)] = 113,
-  [SMALL_STATE (11)] = 123, [SMALL_STATE (12)] = 130, [SMALL_STATE (13)] = 137,
-  [SMALL_STATE (14)] = 144, [SMALL_STATE (15)] = 151, [SMALL_STATE (16)] = 158,
-  [SMALL_STATE (17)] = 162, [SMALL_STATE (18)] = 166, [SMALL_STATE (19)] = 170,
-  [SMALL_STATE (20)] = 174, [SMALL_STATE (21)] = 178, [SMALL_STATE (22)] = 182,
-  [SMALL_STATE (23)] = 186, [SMALL_STATE (24)] = 190, [SMALL_STATE (25)] = 194,
-  [SMALL_STATE (26)] = 198, [SMALL_STATE (27)] = 202, [SMALL_STATE (28)] = 206,
-  [SMALL_STATE (29)] = 210, [SMALL_STATE (30)] = 214,
-static const TSParseActionEntry ts_parse_actions[] = {
-  [0] = { .entry = { .count = 0, .reusable = false } },
-  [1] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = false } },
-  RECOVER (),
-  [3] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_source_file, 0),
-  [5] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (19),
-  [7] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = false } },
-  SHIFT (19),
-  [9] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (2),
-  [11] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_source_file, 1),
-  [13] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (3),
-  [15] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (aux_sym_source_file_repeat1, 2),
-  [17] = { .entry = { .count = 2, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (aux_sym_source_file_repeat1, 2),
-  [20] = { .entry = { .count = 2, .reusable = false } },
-  REDUCE (aux_sym_source_file_repeat1, 2),
-  [23] = { .entry = { .count = 2, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (aux_sym_source_file_repeat1, 2),
-  [26] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_line, 8),
-  [28] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = false } },
-  REDUCE (sym_line, 8),
-  [30] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (22),
-  [32] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (25),
-  [34] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (23),
-  [36] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (27),
-  [38] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (16),
-  [40] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (18),
-  [42] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (30),
-  [44] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (28),
-  [46] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (24),
-  [48] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (17),
-  [50] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (20),
-  [52] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (13),
-  [54] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_title, 3),
-  [56] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (8),
-  [58] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_command, 1),
-  [60] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_date, 3),
-  [62] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (4),
-  [64] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (12),
-  [66] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (15),
-  [68] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_author, 3),
-  [70] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (14),
-  [72] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (6),
-  [74] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  SHIFT (11),
-  [76] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_url, 3),
-  [78] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  [80] = { .entry = { .count = 1, .reusable = true } },
-  REDUCE (sym_duration, 5),
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define extern __declspec (dllexport)
-  extern const TSLanguage *
-  tree_sitter_yts (void)
-  {
-    static const TSLanguage language = {
-      .version = LANGUAGE_VERSION,
-      .symbol_count = SYMBOL_COUNT,
-      .alias_count = ALIAS_COUNT,
-      .token_count = TOKEN_COUNT,
-      .external_token_count = EXTERNAL_TOKEN_COUNT,
-      .state_count = STATE_COUNT,
-      .large_state_count = LARGE_STATE_COUNT,
-      .production_id_count = PRODUCTION_ID_COUNT,
-      .field_count = FIELD_COUNT,
-      .max_alias_sequence_length = MAX_ALIAS_SEQUENCE_LENGTH,
-      .parse_table = &ts_parse_table[0][0],
-      .small_parse_table = ts_small_parse_table,
-      .small_parse_table_map = ts_small_parse_table_map,
-      .parse_actions = ts_parse_actions,
-      .symbol_names = ts_symbol_names,
-      .symbol_metadata = ts_symbol_metadata,
-      .public_symbol_map = ts_symbol_map,
-      .alias_map = ts_non_terminal_alias_map,
-      .alias_sequences = &ts_alias_sequences[0][0],
-      .lex_modes = ts_lex_modes,
-      .lex_fn = ts_lex,
-      .primary_state_ids = ts_primary_state_ids,
-    };
-    return &language;
-  }
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/tree_sitter/parser.h b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/tree_sitter/parser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 972913cf..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/src/tree_sitter/parser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define ts_builtin_sym_error ((TSSymbol)-1)
-#define ts_builtin_sym_end 0
-  typedef uint16_t TSStateId;
-  typedef uint16_t TSSymbol;
-  typedef uint16_t TSFieldId;
-  typedef struct TSLanguage TSLanguage;
-  typedef struct
-  {
-    TSFieldId field_id;
-    uint8_t child_index;
-    bool inherited;
-  } TSFieldMapEntry;
-  typedef struct
-  {
-    uint16_t index;
-    uint16_t length;
-  } TSFieldMapSlice;
-  typedef struct
-  {
-    bool visible;
-    bool named;
-    bool supertype;
-  } TSSymbolMetadata;
-  typedef struct TSLexer TSLexer;
-  struct TSLexer
-  {
-    int32_t lookahead;
-    TSSymbol result_symbol;
-    void (*advance) (TSLexer *, bool);
-    void (*mark_end) (TSLexer *);
-    uint32_t (*get_column) (TSLexer *);
-    bool (*is_at_included_range_start) (const TSLexer *);
-    bool (*eof) (const TSLexer *);
-  };
-  typedef enum
-  {
-    TSParseActionTypeShift,
-    TSParseActionTypeReduce,
-    TSParseActionTypeAccept,
-    TSParseActionTypeRecover,
-  } TSParseActionType;
-  typedef union
-  {
-    struct
-    {
-      uint8_t type;
-      TSStateId state;
-      bool extra;
-      bool repetition;
-    } shift;
-    struct
-    {
-      uint8_t type;
-      uint8_t child_count;
-      TSSymbol symbol;
-      int16_t dynamic_precedence;
-      uint16_t production_id;
-    } reduce;
-    uint8_t type;
-  } TSParseAction;
-  typedef struct
-  {
-    uint16_t lex_state;
-    uint16_t external_lex_state;
-  } TSLexMode;
-  typedef union
-  {
-    TSParseAction action;
-    struct
-    {
-      uint8_t count;
-      bool reusable;
-    } entry;
-  } TSParseActionEntry;
-  struct TSLanguage
-  {
-    uint32_t version;
-    uint32_t symbol_count;
-    uint32_t alias_count;
-    uint32_t token_count;
-    uint32_t external_token_count;
-    uint32_t state_count;
-    uint32_t large_state_count;
-    uint32_t production_id_count;
-    uint32_t field_count;
-    uint16_t max_alias_sequence_length;
-    const uint16_t *parse_table;
-    const uint16_t *small_parse_table;
-    const uint32_t *small_parse_table_map;
-    const TSParseActionEntry *parse_actions;
-    const char *const *symbol_names;
-    const char *const *field_names;
-    const TSFieldMapSlice *field_map_slices;
-    const TSFieldMapEntry *field_map_entries;
-    const TSSymbolMetadata *symbol_metadata;
-    const TSSymbol *public_symbol_map;
-    const uint16_t *alias_map;
-    const TSSymbol *alias_sequences;
-    const TSLexMode *lex_modes;
-    bool (*lex_fn) (TSLexer *, TSStateId);
-    bool (*keyword_lex_fn) (TSLexer *, TSStateId);
-    TSSymbol keyword_capture_token;
-    struct
-    {
-      const bool *states;
-      const TSSymbol *symbol_map;
-      void *(*create) (void);
-      void (*destroy) (void *);
-      bool (*scan) (void *, TSLexer *, const bool *symbol_whitelist);
-      unsigned (*serialize) (void *, char *);
-      void (*deserialize) (void *, const char *, unsigned);
-    } external_scanner;
-    const TSStateId *primary_state_ids;
-  };
-  /*
-   *  Lexer Macros
-   */
-#define START_LEXER()                                                         \
-  bool result = false;                                                        \
-  bool skip = false;                                                          \
-  bool eof = false;                                                           \
-  int32_t lookahead;                                                          \
-  goto start;                                                                 \
-  next_state:                                                                 \
-  lexer->advance (lexer, skip);                                               \
-  start:                                                                      \
-  skip = false;                                                               \
-  lookahead = lexer->lookahead;
-#define ADVANCE(state_value)                                                  \
-  {                                                                           \
-    state = state_value;                                                      \
-    goto next_state;                                                          \
-  }
-#define SKIP(state_value)                                                     \
-  {                                                                           \
-    skip = true;                                                              \
-    state = state_value;                                                      \
-    goto next_state;                                                          \
-  }
-#define ACCEPT_TOKEN(symbol_value)                                            \
-  result = true;                                                              \
-  lexer->result_symbol = symbol_value;                                        \
-  lexer->mark_end (lexer);
-#define END_STATE() return result;
-  /*
-   *  Parse Table Macros
-   */
-#define STATE(id) id
-#define ACTIONS(id) id
-#define SHIFT(state_value)                                                    \
-  {                                                                           \
-    {                                                                         \
-      .shift = {.type = TSParseActionTypeShift, .state = state_value }        \
-    }                                                                         \
-  }
-#define SHIFT_REPEAT(state_value)                                             \
-  {                                                                           \
-    {                                                                         \
-      .shift                                                                  \
-          = {.type = TSParseActionTypeShift,                                  \
-             .state = state_value,                                            \
-             .repetition = true }                                             \
-    }                                                                         \
-  }
-#define SHIFT_EXTRA()                                                         \
-  {                                                                           \
-    {                                                                         \
-      .shift = {.type = TSParseActionTypeShift, .extra = true }               \
-    }                                                                         \
-  }
-#define REDUCE(symbol_val, child_count_val, ...)                              \
-  {                                                                           \
-    {                                                                         \
-      .reduce = { .type = TSParseActionTypeReduce,                            \
-                  .symbol = symbol_val,                                       \
-                  .child_count = child_count_val,                             \
-                  __VA_ARGS__ },                                              \
-    }                                                                         \
-  }
-#define RECOVER()                                                             \
-  {                                                                           \
-    {                                                                         \
-      .type = TSParseActionTypeRecover                                        \
-    }                                                                         \
-  }
-#define ACCEPT_INPUT()                                                        \
-  {                                                                           \
-    {                                                                         \
-      .type = TSParseActionTypeAccept                                         \
-    }                                                                         \
-  }
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/treefmt.toml b/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/treefmt.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d604b40..00000000
--- a/pkgs/sources/tree-sitter-yts/treefmt.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-command = "nixpkgs-fmt"
-includes = ["*.nix"]
-excludes = ["test/**.nix"]
-command = "prettier"
-options = ["--write"]
-includes = [
-  "*.css",
-  "*.html",
-  "*.js",
-  "*.json",
-  "*.jsx",
-  "*.md",
-  "*.mdx",
-  "*.scss",
-  "*.ts",
-excludes = ["src/**.json"]
-command = "rustfmt"
-options = ["--edition", "2018"]
-includes = ["*.rs"]
-command = "clang-format"
-options = ["-i"]
-includes = ["*.c", "*.cpp", "*.cc", "*.h", "*.hpp"]
-excludes = [
-  "bindings/node/binding.cc",
-  "src/parser.c",
-  "src/tree_sitter/parser.h",