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path: root/modules
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-11-17 10:29:06 +0100
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-11-17 10:32:58 +0100
commita4b85b9601be68c66d3bf33bf05c1ef1c0032526 (patch)
treee36e53220dc1d36bf77e779d0f1e5ebfa90d524e /modules
parentfix(legacy/wms/river): Ensure that `mpc` is available to river (diff)
refactor(legacy/conf/mpd): Move to a unified `mpd` by-name module
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
-rw-r--r--modules/by-name/mp/mpd/mpdconf.example (renamed from modules/home.legacy/conf/mpd/mpdconf.example)0
6 files changed, 123 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/module.nix b/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/module.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f045f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/module.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  lib,
+  ...
+}: let
+  cfg = config.soispha.services.mpd;
+in {
+  imports = [
+    ./mpc.nix
+  ];
+  options.soispha.services.mpd = {
+    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "mpd";
+    directories = {
+      runtime = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.path;
+        description = "The directory to put the sockets and such things.";
+      };
+      playlists = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.path;
+        description = "The directory to put the playlists.";
+        default = "${cfg.directories.data}/playlists";
+      };
+      data = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.path;
+        description = "The directory to put general data.";
+      };
+      music = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.path;
+        description = ''
+          The directory to search for music files.
+          # Info
+          This should be the same value as [`config.home-manager.users.soispha.beets.settings.directory`], if you use beets.
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  config.home-manager.users.soispha = let
+    socketPath = "${cfg.directories.runtime}/socket";
+  in
+    lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+      home.sessionVariables = {
+        MPD_HOST = socketPath;
+      };
+      systemd.user.services.mpd.Service.ExecStartPre = lib.mkForce ''
+        ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir --parents "${cfg.directories.data}" "${cfg.directories.playlists}" "${cfg.directories.runtime}"
+      '';
+      services.mpd = {
+        enable = true;
+        network = {
+          listenAddress = socketPath;
+        };
+        dataDir = cfg.directories.data;
+        playlistDirectory = cfg.directories.playlists;
+        musicDirectory = cfg.directories.music;
+        extraConfig = ''
+          metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc,comment"
+          # Updated by the beets `mpdupdate` plugin
+          auto_update "no"
+          audio_output {
+            type "pipewire"
+            name "pipewire"
+          }
+          replaygain "track"
+          replaygain_limit "yes"
+          #database {
+          #       plugin "simple"
+          #       path "~/.local/share/mpd/db
+          #       cache_directory "~/.local/share/mpd/cache"
+          #}
+          filesystem_charset		"UTF-8"
+        '';
+      };
+    };
diff --git a/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/mpc.nix b/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/mpc.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..031465fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/mpc.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  config,
+  lib,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: let
+  cfg = config.soispha.services.mpd.mpc;
+  parentCfg = config.soispha.services.mpd;
+in {
+  options.soispha.services.mpd.mpc = {
+    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "mpc with extensions";
+    beetsPkg = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.package;
+      description = "The package to use, when calling `beet`";
+    };
+  };
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    home-manager.users.soispha.home.packages = [
+      pkgs.mpp # Wrapper around `mpc` that allows the usage of `mpc-{beetsrm,lyrics,searchadd}` (below) without the `-`
+      # Removes the currently playing song from the disk and storage
+      (pkgs.mpp-beetrm.override {
+        beets = cfg.beetsPkg;
+      })
+      # Works like normal `mpc searchadd` but uses the `beets` query syntax
+      (pkgs.mpp-searchadd.override {
+        beets = cfg.beetsPkg;
+      })
+      # Displays the lyrics of the currently playing song
+      (pkgs.mpp-lyrics.override {
+        mpd_music_dir = parentCfg.directories.music;
+      })
+    ];
+  };
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpd/mpdconf.example b/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/mpdconf.example
index eaa5e641..eaa5e641 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpd/mpdconf.example
+++ b/modules/by-name/mp/mpd/mpdconf.example
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix
index e943f7b6..9d6d00ed 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/conf/default.nix
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
-    ./mpd
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpd/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpd/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index b30f6995..00000000
--- a/modules/home.legacy/conf/mpd/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-  config,
-  pkgs,
-  lib,
-  osConfig,
-  ...
-}: let
-  dataDir = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/mpd";
-  playlistDirectory = "${dataDir}/playlists";
-  runtimeDir = "/run/user/${builtins.toString osConfig.users.users.soispha.uid}/mpd";
-in {
-  home.sessionVariables = {
-    MPD_HOST = "/run/user/${builtins.toString osConfig.users.users.soispha.uid}/mpd/socket";
-  };
-  systemd.user.services.mpd.Service.ExecStartPre = lib.mkForce ''
-    ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir --parents "${dataDir}" "${playlistDirectory}" "${runtimeDir}"
-  '';
-  services.mpd = {
-    enable = true;
-    inherit dataDir playlistDirectory;
-    musicDirectory = config.programs.beets.settings.directory;
-    network = {
-      listenAddress = "${runtimeDir}/socket";
-    };
-    extraConfig = ''
-      metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc,comment"
-      # Updated by the beets `mpdupdate` plugin
-      auto_update "no"
-      audio_output {
-        type "pipewire"
-        name "pipewire"
-      }
-      replaygain "track"
-      replaygain_limit "yes"
-      #database {
-      #       plugin "simple"
-      #       path "~/.local/share/mpd/db
-      #       cache_directory "~/.local/share/mpd/cache"
-      #}
-      filesystem_charset		"UTF-8"
-    '';
-  };
diff --git a/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix b/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix
index 2018805f..3d48287f 100644
--- a/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix
+++ b/modules/home.legacy/pkgs/default.nix
@@ -121,21 +121,6 @@ with pkgs; let
       Listen = [
         spodi # Wrapper around `spotdl`.
         sort_song # Sorts songs in the current directory.
-        mpp # Wrapper around `mpc` that allows the usage of `mpc-{beetsrm,lyrics,searchadd}` (below) without the `-`
-        # Removes the currently playing song from the disk and storage
-        (mpc-beetrm.override {
-          beets = config.programs.beets.package;
-        })
-        # Works like normal `mpc searchadd` but uses the `beets` query syntax
-        (mpc-searchadd.override {
-          beets = config.programs.beets.package;
-        })
-        # Displays the lyrics of the currently playing song
-        (mpc-lyrics.override {
-          mpd_music_dir = config.services.mpd.musicDirectory;
-        })