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path: root/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/lsp-progress-nvim/lua
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-10-18 17:07:46 +0200
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-10-18 17:07:46 +0200
commitc52c7f314ccadcc2fcd91e28c8fd1b88f6d5ce0c (patch)
treee8b947710b467b32740598ff574982097836f66c /modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/lsp-progress-nvim/lua
parentchore(pkgs/yt): 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (diff)
refactor(modules): Move all system modules to `by-name`
From now on all modules should be added to the new `by-name` directory.
This should help remove the (superficial and utterly useless)
distinction between `home-manager` and `NixOS` modules.
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/lsp-progress-nvim/lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/lsp-progress-nvim/lua/lsp-progress-nvim.lua b/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/lsp-progress-nvim/lua/lsp-progress-nvim.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index efb15720..00000000
--- a/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/lsp-progress-nvim/lua/lsp-progress-nvim.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
---- @type table<string, any>
-  -- Spinning icons.
-  --
-  --- @type string[]
-  spinner = { "⣾", "⣽", "⣻", "⢿", "⡿", "⣟", "⣯", "⣷" },
-  -- Spinning update time in milliseconds.
-  --
-  --- @type integer
-  spin_update_time = 200,
-  -- Last message cached decay time in milliseconds.
-  --
-  -- Message could be really fast(appear and disappear in an
-  -- instant) that user cannot even see it, thus we cache the last message
-  -- for a while for user view.
-  --
-  --- @type integer
-  decay = 700,
-  -- User event name.
-  --
-  --- @type string
-  event = "LspProgressStatusUpdated",
-  -- Event update time limit in milliseconds.
-  --
-  -- Sometimes progress handler could emit many events in an instant, while
-  -- refreshing statusline cause too heavy synchronized IO, so we limit the
-  -- event rate to reduce this cost.
-  --
-  --- @type integer
-  event_update_time_limit = 100,
-  -- Max progress string length, by default -1 is unlimited.
-  --
-  --- @type integer
-  max_size = -1,
-  -- Regular internal update time.
-  --
-  -- Emit user event to update the lsp progress status, even there's no new
-  -- message.
-  --
-  --- @type integer
-  regular_internal_update_time = 500,
-  -- Disable emitting events on specific mode/filetype.
-  -- User events would interrupt insert mode, thus break which-key like plugins behaviour.
-  -- See:
-  --  * https://github.com/linrongbin16/lsp-progress.nvim/issues/50
-  --  * https://neovim.io/doc/user/builtin.html#mode()
-  --
-  --- @type table[]
-  disable_events_opts = { { mode = "i", filetype = "TelescopePrompt" } },
-  -- Format series message.
-  --
-  -- By default it looks like: `formatting isort (100%) - done`.
-  --
-  --- @param title string|nil
-  ---     Message title.
-  --- @param message string|nil
-  ---     Message body.
-  --- @param percentage number|nil
-  ---     Progress in percentage numbers: 0-100.
-  --- @param done boolean
-  ---     Indicate whether this series is the last one in progress.
-  --- @return string|nil messages
-  ---     The returned value will be passed to function `client_format` as
-  ---     one of the `series_messages` array, or ignored if return nil.
-  series_format = function(title, message, percentage, done)
-    local builder = {}
-    local has_title = false
-    local has_message = false
-    if title and title ~= "" then
-      table.insert(builder, title)
-      has_title = true
-    end
-    if message and message ~= "" then
-      table.insert(builder, message)
-      has_message = true
-    end
-    if percentage and (has_title or has_message) then
-      table.insert(builder, string.format("(%.0f%%%%)", percentage))
-    end
-    if done and (has_title or has_message) then
-      table.insert(builder, "- done")
-    end
-    return table.concat(builder, " ")
-  end,
-  -- Format client message.
-  --
-  -- By default it looks like:
-  -- `[null-ls] ⣷ formatting isort (100%) - done, formatting black (50%)`.
-  --
-  --- @param client_name string
-  ---     Client name.
-  --- @param spinner string
-  ---     Spinner icon.
-  --- @param series_messages string[]|table[]
-  ---     Messages array.
-  --- @return string|nil messages
-  ---     The returned value will be passed to function `format` as one of the
-  ---     `client_messages` array, or ignored if return nil.
-  client_format = function(client_name, spinner, series_messages)
-    return #series_messages > 0
-        and ("[" .. client_name .. "] " .. spinner .. " " .. table.concat(series_messages, ", "))
-      or nil
-  end,
-  -- Format (final) message.
-  --
-  -- By default it looks like:
-  -- ` LSP [null-ls] ⣷ formatting isort (100%) - done, formatting black (50%)`
-  --
-  --- @param client_messages string[]|table[]
-  ---     Client messages array.
-  --- @return nil|string message
-  ---     The returned value will be returned from `progress` API.
-  format = function(client_messages)
-    local sign = " LSP" -- nf-fa-gear \uf013
-    return #client_messages > 0 and (sign .. " " .. table.concat(client_messages, " ")) or sign
-  end,
-  -- Enable debug.
-  --
-  --- @type boolean
-  debug = false,
-  -- Print log to console(command line).
-  --
-  --- @type boolean
-  console_log = false,
-  -- Print log to file.
-  --
-  --- @type boolean
-  file_log = true,
-  -- Log file to write, work with `file_log=true`.
-  --
-  -- For Windows: `$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\nvim-data\lsp-progress.log`.
-  -- For *NIX: `~/.local/share/nvim/lsp-progress.log`.
-  --
-  --- @type string
-  file_log_name = "lsp-progress.log",