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path: root/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-05-23 13:31:11 +0200
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-05-23 13:33:40 +0200
commitfd9b0ecef4142a62b45404700ba1cff488f84a73 (patch)
treeef6c1f74f05a2220a41ccff4b0890c39229f32f7 /modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim
parentrefactor(pkgs): Categorize into `by-name` shards (diff)
refactor(modules/home): Setup as "normal" NixOS module
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim')
2 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim/default.nix b/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd6f8bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+  pkgs,
+  lib,
+  ...
+}: {
+  programs.nixvim = {
+    # TODO: package flatten-nvim though a module
+    extraConfigLuaPre = ''
+      ${lib.strings.fileContents ./lua/flatten-nvim.lua}
+      if os.getenv("NVIM") ~= nil then
+        -- Avoid loading plugins because the host will take control of the instance anyways
+        return
+      end
+    '';
+    extraPlugins = [
+      pkgs.vimPlugins.flatten-nvim
+    ];
+  };
diff --git a/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim/lua/flatten-nvim.lua b/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim/lua/flatten-nvim.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42ea1eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home/conf/nvim/plgs/flatten-nvim/lua/flatten-nvim.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+-- Passed to callbacks that handle opening files
+---@alias BufInfo { fname: string, bufnr: buffer }
+-- Needed aliases
+---@alias buffer integer: Buffer id
+---@alias window integer: Window id
+-- The first argument is a list of BufInfo tables representing the newly opened files.
+-- The third argument is a single BufInfo table, only provided when a buffer is created from stdin.
+-- IMPORTANT: For `block_for` to work, you need to return a buffer number OR a buffer number and a window number.
+--            The `winnr` return value is not required, `vim.fn.bufwinid(bufnr)` is used if it is not provided.
+--            The `filetype` of this buffer will determine whether block should happen or not.
+---@alias OpenHandler fun(files: BufInfo[], argv: string[], stdin_buf: BufInfo, guest_cwd: string):window, buffer
+  callbacks = {
+    ---Called to determine if a nested session should wait for the host to close the file.
+    ---param argv: a list of all the arguments in the nested session
+    ---@type fun(argv: table): boolean
+    should_block = require("flatten").default_should_block,
+    ---If this returns true, the nested session will be opened.
+    ---If false, default behavior is used, and
+    ---config.nest_if_no_args is respected.
+    ---@type fun(host: channel):boolean
+    should_nest = require("flatten").default_should_nest,
+    ---Called before a nested session is opened.
+    pre_open = function() end,
+    ---Called after a nested session is opened.
+    ---@param bufnr buffer
+    ---@param winnr window
+    ---@param filetype string
+    ---@param is_blocking boolean
+    ---@param is_diff boolean
+    post_open = function(bufnr, winnr, filetype, is_blocking, is_diff)
+      -- If the file is a git commit, create one-shot autocmd to delete its buffer on write
+      if filetype == "gitcommit" or filetype == "gitrebase" then
+        vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePost", {
+          buffer = bufnr,
+          once = true,
+          callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function()
+            vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(bufnr, {})
+          end),
+        })
+      end
+    end,
+    ---Called when a nested session is done waiting for the host.
+    ---@param filetype string
+    block_end = function(filetype) end,
+  },
+  -- <String, Bool> dictionary of filetypes that should be blocking
+  block_for = {
+    gitcommit = true,
+  },
+  -- Command passthrough
+  allow_cmd_passthrough = true,
+  -- Allow a nested session to open if Neovim is opened without arguments
+  nest_if_no_args = false,
+  -- Window options
+  window = {
+    -- Options:
+    -- current        -> open in current window (default)
+    -- alternate      -> open in alternate window (recommended)
+    -- tab            -> open in new tab
+    -- split          -> open in split
+    -- vsplit         -> open in vsplit
+    -- smart          -> smart open (avoids special buffers)
+    -- OpenHandler    -> allows you to handle file opening yourself (see Types)
+    --
+    -- TODO: Open gitcommit filetypes in the current buffer, everything else in a new tab <2023-08-29>
+    open = "split",
+    -- Options:
+    -- vsplit         -> opens files in diff vsplits
+    -- split          -> opens files in diff splits
+    -- tab_vsplit     -> creates a new tabpage, and opens diff vsplits
+    -- tab_split      -> creates a new tabpage, and opens diff splits
+    -- OpenHandler    -> allows you to handle file opening yourself (see Types)
+    diff = "tab_vsplit",
+    -- Affects which file gets focused when opening multiple at once
+    -- Options:
+    -- "first"        -> open first file of new files (default)
+    -- "last"         -> open last file of new files
+    focus = "first",
+  },
+  -- Override this function to use a different socket to connect to the host
+  -- On the host side this can return nil or the socket address.
+  -- On the guest side this should return the socket address
+  -- or a non-zero channel id from `sockconnect`
+  -- flatten.nvim will detect if the address refers to this instance of nvim, to determine if this is a host or a guest
+  pipe_path = require("flatten").default_pipe_path,
+  -- The `default_pipe_path` will treat the first nvim instance within a single kitty/wezterm session as the host
+  -- You can configure this behaviour using the following:
+  one_per = {
+    kitty = true, -- Flatten all instance in the current Kitty session
+    wezterm = true, -- Flatten all instance in the current Wezterm session
+  },