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path: root/modules/by-name/zs/zsh
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-10-21 22:39:32 +0200
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-10-21 22:39:32 +0200
commit67fc567939eec10fcea47cd3569d1682698a5724 (patch)
tree5b7e6381822de15020de6cee73969acb630f78a1 /modules/by-name/zs/zsh
parentbuild(treewide): Update (diff)
feat(modules/zsh): Nearly completely rewrite
New features:
  - The `vi` mode is now actually useful
  - The whole history search/suggestion has been integrated into `atuin`
  - The `edit-command-line` plugin does no longer print useless stuff
  - and miscellaneous other things.
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/by-name/zs/zsh')
-rw-r--r--modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found/command_not_found.sh (renamed from modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found.sh)0
-rw-r--r--modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found/command_not_found_insult.sh (renamed from modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found_insult.sh)0
17 files changed, 1242 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found.sh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found/command_not_found.sh
index fb21b676..fb21b676 100644
--- a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found.sh
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found/command_not_found.sh
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found_insult.sh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found/command_not_found_insult.sh
index 5126845a..5126845a 100644
--- a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found_insult.sh
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/command_not_found/command_not_found_insult.sh
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/custom_cursor.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/custom_cursor.zsh
index 37390c1c..071bb5fe 100644
--- a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/custom_cursor.zsh
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/custom_cursor.zsh
@@ -1,42 +1,53 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env zsh
-# Change cursor shape for different vi modes.
-function zle-keymap-select {
-  if [[ ${KEYMAP} == vicmd ]] ||
-     [[ $1 = 'block' ]]; then
-    echo -ne '\e[1 q'
-  elif [[ ${KEYMAP} == main ]] ||
-       [[ ${KEYMAP} == viins ]] ||
-       [[ ${KEYMAP} = '' ]] ||
-       [[ $1 = 'beam' ]]; then
-    echo -ne '\e[5 q'
-  fi
-zle -N zle-keymap-select
+autoload -U add-zsh-hook
+autoload -U add-zle-hook-widget
+_cursor_beam()  { echo -ne "\\033[5 q" }
+_cursor_block() { echo -ne "\\033[1 q" }
-# ci", ci', ci`, di", etc
-autoload -U select-quoted
-zle -N select-quoted
-for m in visual viopp; do
-  for c in {a,i}{\',\",\`}; do
-    bindkey -M "$m" "$c" select-quoted
-  done
+# Change cursor shape for different vi modes.
+# From `ZSHZLE (1)`:
+# > Executed every time the keymap changes, i.e. the special parameter KEYMAP is set to a different value,
+# > while the line editor is active.  Initialising the keymap when the line  editor  starts  does
+# > not cause the widget to be called.
+# >
+# > The value $KEYMAP within the function reflects the new keymap.  The old keymap is passed as the sole argument.
+# >
+# > This can be used for detecting switches between the vi command (vicmd) and insert (usually main) keymaps.
+_cursor_zle-keymap-select() {
+    : keymap select
-# ci{, ci(, ci<, di{, etc
-autoload -U select-bracketed
-zle -N select-bracketed
-for m in visual viopp; do
-  for c in {a,i}${(s..)^:-'()[]{}<>bB'}; do
-    bindkey -M $m $c select-bracketed
-  done
+    case "$KEYMAP" in
+    "vicmd" | "block")
+        _cursor_block
+        ;;
+    "main" | "viins" | "" | "beam")
+        _cursor_beam
+        ;;
+    esac
+add-zle-hook-widget keymap-select _cursor_zle-keymap-select
-zle-line-init() {
-    zle -K viins # initiate `vi insert` as keymap (can be removed if `bindkey -V` has been set elsewhere)
-    echo -ne "\e[5 q"
+# From `ZSHZLE(1)`:
+# > Executed every time the line editor is started to read a new line of input.
+# > The following example puts the line editor into vi command mode when it starts up.
+# >
+# >        zle-line-init() { zle -K vicmd; }
+# >        zle -N zle-line-init
+# >
+# > (The command inside the function sets the keymap directly; it is equivalent to zle vi-cmd-mode.)
+_cursor_zle-line-init() {
+    : zle line init
+    _cursor_beam
+# > This is similar to zle-line-init but is executed every time the line editor has finished reading a line of input.
+_cursor_zle-line-finish() {
+    : zle line finish
+    _cursor_block
-zle -N zle-line-init
+add-zle-hook-widget line-init _cursor_zle-line-init
+add-zle-hook-widget line-finish _cursor_zle-line-finish
-echo -ne '\e[5 q' # Use beam shape cursor on startup.
-precmd() { echo -ne '\e[5 q' ;} # Use beam shape cursor for each new prompt.
+# Use beam shape cursor on startup.
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/edit_command_line.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/edit_command_line.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d51a4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/edit_command_line.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env zsh
+autoload -Uz edit-command-line
+wrapped_edit-command-line() {
+    # This overrides a print implementation in my shell lib
+    print() {
+        # FIXME: `print` is called in the following way from `edit-command-line`
+        # (from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zsh-users/zsh/refs/heads/master/Functions/Zle/edit-command-line):
+        #   ```
+        #   (( $+zle_bracketed_paste )) && print -r -n - $zle_bracketed_paste[1]
+        #   ```
+        # This results in the error, that the `-r|-n` arguments are mutually exclusive with
+        # the `-` arg. I'm sure, that this is not a bug (as it's been in there for quite
+        # some time now), and ignoring it just seems to work.
+        # But I should either really fix this or find a explanation *why* they are doing
+        # it. <2024-10-21>
+        builtin print "$*" 2>/dev/null
+    }
+    # Execute the original `edit-command-line`
+    edit-command-line
+zle -N edit-command-line wrapped_edit-command-line
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/.safe.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/.safe.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee3bfa32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/.safe.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+bindkey -M .safe "^J" .accept-line
+bindkey -M .safe "^M" .accept-line
+bindkey -R -M .safe "^@"-"^I" .self-insert
+bindkey -R -M .safe "^K"-"^L" .self-insert
+bindkey -R -M .safe "^N"-"\M-^?" .self-insert
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/command.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/command.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81ae6dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/command.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Keymap used in the vicmd `execute-named-cmd` mode
+bindkey -N command
+bindkey -M command "^J" accept-line
+bindkey -M command "^M" accept-line
+bindkey -M command "^G" send-break
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/emacs.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/emacs.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b789faf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/emacs.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+bindkey -N emacs
+bindkey -M emacs "^[A" accept-and-hold
+bindkey -M emacs "^[a" accept-and-hold
+bindkey -M emacs "^J" accept-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^M" accept-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^O" accept-line-and-down-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^R" atuin-search
+bindkey -M emacs "^[OA" atuin-up-search
+bindkey -M emacs "^[[A" atuin-up-search
+bindkey -M emacs "^B" backward-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^[OD" backward-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^[[D" backward-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^?" backward-delete-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^H" backward-delete-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^W" backward-kill-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^?" backward-kill-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^H" backward-kill-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[B" backward-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[b" backward-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[<" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^A" beginning-of-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^[[200~" bracketed-paste
+bindkey -M emacs "^[C" capitalize-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^L" clear-screen
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^L" clear-screen
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^_" copy-prev-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[W" copy-region-as-kill
+bindkey -M emacs "^[w" copy-region-as-kill
+bindkey -M emacs "^D" delete-char-or-list
+bindkey -M emacs "^[0" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[1" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[2" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[3" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[4" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[5" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[6" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[7" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[8" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[9" digit-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^[L" down-case-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[l" down-case-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^N" down-line-or-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^[OB" down-line-or-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^[[B" down-line-or-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^[>" end-of-buffer-or-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^E" end-of-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^X" exchange-point-and-mark
+bindkey -M emacs "^[z" execute-last-named-cmd
+bindkey -M emacs "^[x" execute-named-cmd
+bindkey -M emacs "^[ " expand-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^[!" expand-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^I" expand-or-complete
+bindkey -M emacs "^X*" expand-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^F" forward-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^[OC" forward-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^[[C" forward-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^[F" forward-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[f" forward-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[c" fzf-cd-widget
+bindkey -M emacs "^T" fzf-file-widget
+bindkey -M emacs "^[G" get-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^[g" get-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^Xr" history-incremental-search-backward
+bindkey -M emacs "^S" history-incremental-search-forward
+bindkey -M emacs "^Xs" history-incremental-search-forward
+bindkey -M emacs "^[P" history-search-backward
+bindkey -M emacs "^[p" history-search-backward
+bindkey -M emacs "^[N" history-search-forward
+bindkey -M emacs "^[n" history-search-forward
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^N" infer-next-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^[." insert-last-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[_" insert-last-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^K" kill-buffer
+bindkey -M emacs "^K" kill-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^U" kill-whole-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^[D" kill-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[d" kill-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^D" list-choices
+bindkey -M emacs "^XG" list-expand
+bindkey -M emacs "^Xg" list-expand
+bindkey -M emacs "^[-" neg-argument
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^O" overwrite-mode
+bindkey -M emacs "^Q" push-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^[Q" push-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^[q" push-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^['" quote-line
+bindkey -M emacs "^[\"" quote-region
+bindkey -M emacs "^V" quoted-insert
+bindkey -M emacs "^[H" run-help
+bindkey -M emacs "^[h" run-help
+bindkey -R -M emacs " "-"~" self-insert
+bindkey -R -M emacs "\M-^@"-"\M-^?" self-insert
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^I" self-insert-unmeta
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^J" self-insert-unmeta
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^M" self-insert-unmeta
+bindkey -M emacs "^G" send-break
+bindkey -M emacs "^[^G" send-break
+bindkey -M emacs "^@" set-mark-command
+bindkey -M emacs "^[S" spell-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[\$" spell-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[s" spell-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[T" transpose-words
+bindkey -M emacs "^[t" transpose-words
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^U" undo
+bindkey -M emacs "^Xu" undo
+bindkey -M emacs "^_" undo
+bindkey -M emacs "^[U" up-case-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^[u" up-case-word
+bindkey -M emacs "^P" up-line-or-history
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^V" vi-cmd-mode
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^F" vi-find-next-char
+bindkey -M emacs "^[|" vi-goto-column
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^J" vi-join
+bindkey -M emacs "^X^B" vi-match-bracket
+bindkey -M emacs "^X=" what-cursor-position
+bindkey -M emacs "^[?" which-command
+bindkey -M emacs "^Y" yank
+bindkey -M emacs "^[y" yank-pop
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/isearch.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/isearch.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db80bae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/isearch.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Nothing?
+bindkey -N isearch
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/vicmd.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/vicmd.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ceb4f348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/vicmd.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+bindkey -N vicmd
+# Bind in string to out string
+bindkey -s -M vicmd "gUU" "gUgU"
+bindkey -s -M vicmd "guu" "gugu"
+bindkey -s -M vicmd "g~~" "g~g~"
+# Movement
+bindkey -M vicmd "h" vi-backward-char
+bindkey -M vicmd "t" history-substring-search-down
+bindkey -M vicmd "n" history-substring-search-up
+bindkey -M vicmd "s" vi-forward-char
+# Search history
+bindkey -M vicmd "/" atuin-up-search-vicmd
+bindkey -M vicmd "?" atuin-down-search-vicmd
+bindkey -M vicmd "l" vi-repeat-search
+bindkey -M vicmd "L" vi-rev-repeat-search
+bindkey -M vicmd "f" vi-find-next-char
+bindkey -M vicmd "F" vi-find-prev-char
+# Tell the user that more ESC is not possible
+bindkey -M vicmd "^[" beep
+# > Fetch the history line specified by the numeric argument.
+# > This defaults to the current history line (i.e. the one that isn't history yet).
+bindkey -M vicmd "G" vi-fetch-history
+bindkey -M vicmd "gg" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
+bindkey -M vicmd -R "1"-"9" digit-argument
+bindkey -M vicmd "^L" clear-screen
+bindkey -M vicmd ":" execute-named-cmd
+bindkey -M vicmd "=" list-choices
+bindkey -M vicmd "^V" vi-quoted-insert
+bindkey -M vicmd "#" vi-pound-insert
+bindkey -M vicmd "u" undo
+bindkey -M vicmd "A" vi-add-eol
+bindkey -M vicmd "i" vi-insert
+bindkey -M vicmd "a" vi-add-next
+bindkey -M vicmd "I" vi-insert-bol
+bindkey -M vicmd "O" vi-open-line-above
+bindkey -M vicmd "o" vi-open-line-below
+bindkey -M vicmd "c" vi-change
+bindkey -M vicmd "C" vi-change-eol
+bindkey -M vicmd "S" vi-change-whole-line
+bindkey -M vicmd "b" vi-backward-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "ge" vi-backward-word-end
+bindkey -M vicmd "B" vi-backward-blank-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "gE" vi-backward-blank-word-end
+bindkey -M vicmd "w" vi-forward-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "e" vi-forward-word-end
+bindkey -M vicmd "W" vi-forward-blank-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "E" vi-forward-blank-word-end
+bindkey -M vicmd "x" vi-delete-char
+bindkey -M vicmd "X" vi-backward-delete-char
+bindkey -M vicmd "d" vi-delete
+bindkey -M vicmd "D" vi-kill-eol
+bindkey -M vicmd "y" vi-yank
+bindkey -M vicmd "Y" vi-yank-whole-line
+bindkey -M vicmd "p" vi-put-after
+bindkey -M vicmd "P" vi-put-before
+bindkey -M vicmd "~" vi-swap-case
+bindkey -M vicmd "g~" vi-oper-swap-case
+bindkey -M vicmd "gU" vi-up-case
+bindkey -M vicmd "gu" vi-down-case
+bindkey -M vicmd "\^" vi-first-non-blank
+bindkey -M vicmd "\$" vi-end-of-line
+bindkey -M vicmd "0" vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line
+bindkey -M vicmd "|" vi-goto-column
+bindkey -M vicmd "\`" vi-goto-mark
+bindkey -M vicmd "'" vi-goto-mark-line
+bindkey -M vicmd ">" vi-indent
+bindkey -M vicmd "<" vi-unindent
+bindkey -M vicmd "%" vi-match-bracket
+bindkey -M vicmd "." vi-repeat-change
+bindkey -M vicmd ";" vi-repeat-find
+bindkey -M vicmd "," vi-rev-repeat-find
+bindkey -M vicmd "R" vi-replace
+bindkey -M vicmd "r" vi-replace-chars
+# bindkey -M vicmd "s" vi-substitute
+bindkey -M vicmd "\"" vi-set-buffer
+bindkey -M vicmd "m" vi-set-mark
+bindkey -M vicmd "ga" what-cursor-position
+bindkey -M vicmd "V" visual-line-mode
+bindkey -M vicmd "v" visual-mode
+# Selection
+bindkey -M vicmd "aW" select-a-blank-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "aa" select-a-shell-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "aw" select-a-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "iW" select-in-blank-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "ia" select-in-shell-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "iw" select-in-word
+bindkey -M vicmd "a(" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a)" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a<" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a>" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "aB" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a[" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a]" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "ab" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a{" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a}" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i(" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i)" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i<" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i>" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "iB" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i[" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i]" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "ib" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i{" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "i}" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M vicmd "a'" select-quoted
+bindkey -M vicmd "a\"" select-quoted
+bindkey -M vicmd "a\`" select-quoted
+bindkey -M vicmd "i'" select-quoted
+bindkey -M vicmd "i\"" select-quoted
+bindkey -M vicmd "i\`" select-quoted
+# Support pasted text
+bindkey -M vicmd "^[[200~" bracketed-paste
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/viins.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/viins.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e76cdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/viins.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+bindkey -N viins
+# Completion Debugging
+bindkey -M viins "^[~" _bash_complete-word
+bindkey -M viins "^X~" _bash_list-choices
+bindkey -M viins "^X?" _complete_debug
+bindkey -M viins "^Xh" _complete_help
+bindkey -M viins "^Xt" _complete_tag
+bindkey -M viins "^XC" _correct_filename
+bindkey -M viins "^Xc" _correct_word
+bindkey -M viins "^Xa" _expand_alias
+bindkey -M viins "^Xe" _expand_word
+bindkey -M viins "^Xd" _list_expansions
+bindkey -M viins "^Xm" _most_recent_file
+bindkey -M viins "^Xn" _next_tags
+bindkey -M viins "^X^R" _read_comp
+bindkey -M viins "^[," _history-complete-newer
+bindkey -M viins "^[/" _history-complete-older
+bindkey -M viins "^J" accept-line
+bindkey -M viins "^M" accept-line
+bindkey -M viins "^L" clear-screen
+bindkey -M viins "^R" atuin-search-viins
+bindkey -M viins "^V" edit-command-line
+bindkey -M viins "^[[A" history-substring-search-up   # UP ARROW
+bindkey -M viins "^[OA" history-substring-search-up   # UP ARROW
+bindkey -M viins "^[[B" history-substring-search-down # DOWN ARROW
+bindkey -M viins "^[OB" history-substring-search-down # DOWN ARROW
+bindkey -M viins "^[[C" beep # RIGHT ARROW
+bindkey -M viins "^[OC" beep # RIGHT ARROW
+bindkey -M viins "^[[D" beep # LEFT ARROW
+bindkey -M viins "^[OD" beep # LEFT ARROW
+# Self inserts
+bindkey -M viins "^K" self-insert
+bindkey -M viins "^S" self-insert
+bindkey -R -M viins "\M-^@"-"\M-^?" self-insert
+bindkey -R -M viins "^A"-"^C" self-insert
+bindkey -R -M viins "^E"-"^F" self-insert
+bindkey -R -M viins "^N"-"^P" self-insert
+bindkey -R -M viins "^Y"-"^Z" self-insert
+bindkey -R -M viins "^\\\\"-"~" self-insert
+bindkey -M viins "^[" vi-cmd-mode # ESC
+# Support pasted text (and other terminal stuff)
+bindkey -M viins "^[[200~" bracketed-paste
+bindkey -M viins "^[[2~" overwrite-mode
+bindkey -M viins "^[[3~" delete-char
+bindkey -M viins "^?" vi-backward-delete-char
+bindkey -M viins "^[[5~" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
+bindkey -M viins "^[[6~" end-of-buffer-or-history
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/viopp.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/viopp.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b291d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/viopp.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+bindkey -N viopp
+bindkey -M viopp "t" down-line
+bindkey -M viopp "n" up-line
+bindkey -M viopp "^[" vi-cmd-mode
+bindkey -M viopp "aW" select-a-blank-word
+bindkey -M viopp "aa" select-a-shell-word
+bindkey -M viopp "aw" select-a-word
+bindkey -M viopp "iW" select-in-blank-word
+bindkey -M viopp "ia" select-in-shell-word
+bindkey -M viopp "iw" select-in-word
+bindkey -M viopp "a(" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a)" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a<" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a>" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "aB" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a[" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a]" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "ab" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a{" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a}" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i(" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i)" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i<" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i>" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "iB" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i[" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i]" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "ib" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i{" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "i}" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M viopp "a'" select-quoted
+bindkey -M viopp "a\"" select-quoted
+bindkey -M viopp "a\`" select-quoted
+bindkey -M viopp "i'" select-quoted
+bindkey -M viopp "i\"" select-quoted
+bindkey -M viopp "i\`" select-quoted
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/visual.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/visual.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c09cd578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps/visual.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+bindkey -N visual
+bindkey -M visual "^[" deactivate-region
+bindkey -M visual "t" down-line
+bindkey -M visual "n" up-line
+bindkey -M visual "o" exchange-point-and-mark
+bindkey -M visual "p" put-replace-selection
+bindkey -M visual "x" vi-delete
+bindkey -M visual "u" vi-down-case
+bindkey -M visual "~" vi-oper-swap-case
+bindkey -M visual "U" vi-up-case
+bindkey -M visual "aW" select-a-blank-word
+bindkey -M visual "aa" select-a-shell-word
+bindkey -M visual "aw" select-a-word
+bindkey -M visual "iW" select-in-blank-word
+bindkey -M visual "ia" select-in-shell-word
+bindkey -M visual "iw" select-in-word
+bindkey -M visual "a(" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a)" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a<" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a>" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "aB" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a[" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a]" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "ab" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a{" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a}" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i(" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i)" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i<" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i>" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "iB" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i[" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i]" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "ib" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i{" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "i}" select-bracketed
+bindkey -M visual "a'" select-quoted
+bindkey -M visual "a\"" select-quoted
+bindkey -M visual "a\`" select-quoted
+bindkey -M visual "i'" select-quoted
+bindkey -M visual "i\"" select-quoted
+bindkey -M visual "i\`" select-quoted
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps_end.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps_end.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e973de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps_end.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Use the vi imitation keymap as default
+bindkey -A viins main
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps_start.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps_start.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2504e799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/keymaps_start.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Delete all default keymaps (with the exception of .safe)
+bindkey -D command emacs isearch main vicmd viins viopp visual
+# See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code for a explanation of the control
+# sequences used in these mappings.
+# Re-create them with my modifications
+# (This is sourced by nix)
+# source ./.safe.zsh
+# source ./command.zsh
+# source ./emacs.zsh
+# source ./isearch.zsh
+# source ./vicmd.zsh
+# source ./viins.zsh
+# source ./viopp.zsh
+# source ./visual.zsh
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/zsh-init.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/zsh-init.zsh
index cd8d34a9..aac344dc 100644
--- a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/zsh-init.zsh
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/config/zsh-init.zsh
@@ -1,42 +1,9 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env zsh
-# If not running interactively, don't do anything
-[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
-# Flex on the ubuntu users
-#[ "$NVIM" ] || hyfetch
-[ "$NVIM" ] || task next
-#loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID
-## Enable colors and change prompt:
-#autoload -Uz colors && colors
-#autoload -Uz compinit && compinit -u
-## Edit line in vim buffer ctrl-v
-autoload -Uz edit-command-line
-zle -N edit-command-line
-## Enter vim buffer from normal mode
-#autoload -Uz edit-command-line && zle -N edit-command-line
-bindkey "^V" edit-command-line
+# Display current tasks
+[ -z "$NVIM" ] && task next
 ## zstyles
 #zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
 ## Auto complete with case insensitivity
 #zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
-#zmodload zsh/complist
-#_comp_options+=(globdots)		# Include hidden files.
-## Source configs
-#source "${ZDOTDIR}/ali.sh"
-#source "${ZDOTDIR}/prompt.sh"
-#source "${ZDOTDIR}/hotkeys.sh"
-#source "./${path_custom_cursor}"
-#source ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
-## Load zsh-syntax-highlighting
-#source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
-## Suggest aliases for commands
-#source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-you-should-use/you-should-use.plugin.zsh
-##eval "$(lua ~/scripts/z.lua --init zsh enhanced)"
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/module.nix b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/module.nix
index 98e0d28a..833da126 100644
--- a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/module.nix
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/module.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-  pkgs,
@@ -8,6 +7,8 @@
 }: let
   cfg = config.soispha.programs.zsh;
   homeConfig = config.home-manager.users.soispha;
+  sourceFile = path: "source ${path}\n";
 in {
   options.soispha.programs.zsh = {
     enable = lib.mkEnableOption "zsh";
@@ -19,7 +20,10 @@ in {
     programs.zsh = {
       enable = true;
       enableCompletion = true;
-      autosuggestion.enable = true;
+      autosuggestion = {
+        enable = true;
+        strategy = [];
+      };
       syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
       autocd = true;
@@ -28,66 +32,80 @@ in {
       # Thus no `${homeConfig.xdg.configHome}`
       dotDir = ".config/zsh";
+      # TODO: Remove the whole history and replace it completely with `atuin` <2024-10-21>
       history = {
-        extended = true;
-        ignoreDups = false;
-        expireDuplicatesFirst = false;
-        ignoreSpace = false;
-        path = "${homeConfig.xdg.dataHome}/zsh/history";
-        save = 9000000; # number of lines to save
-        size = 9000000; # number of lines to keep
-        share = false; # share between sessions
-      };
-      historySubstringSearch = {
-        enable = true;
-        searchDownKey = "^[[B"; # DOWN Arrow key
-        searchUpKey = "^[[A"; # UP Arrow key
+        path = "/dev/null";
+        # save = 0; # number of lines to save
+        # size = 0; # number of lines to keep
+        # share = false; # share between sessions
       loginExtra =
-        "setopt " # The extra space is important
-        + lib.concatStringsSep "\nsetopt " [
-          "AUTO_CD"
-          "AUTO_PUSHD"
-          "CHASE_DOTS"
+        # bash
+        ''
+          setopt AUTO_CD
+          setopt AUTO_PUSHD
+          setopt CHASE_DOTS
-          "ALWAYS_TO_END"
+          setopt ALWAYS_TO_END
-          "HIST_VERIFY"
-          "HIST_FCNTL_LOCK"
-          "APPEND_HISTORY"
+          setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY
+          setopt HIST_ALLOW_CLOBBER
+          setopt HIST_VERIFY
+          setopt HIST_FCNTL_LOCK
+          setopt APPEND_HISTORY
-          "DVORAK"
-          "CORRECT"
+          setopt DVORAK
+          setopt CORRECT
-          "PROMPT_SUBST"
-          "TRANSIENT_RPROMPT" # maybe?
+          setopt PROMPT_SUBST
+          setopt TRANSIENT_RPROMPT # maybe?
-          "COMBINING_CHARS"
-          "VI"
-        ];
+          setopt COMBINING_CHARS
+          setopt VI
+        '';
       initExtraFirst =
-        builtins.readFile ./config/zsh-init.zsh
+        sourceFile ./config/zsh-init.zsh
         + ''
           SHELL_LIBRARY_VERSION="2.1.2" source ${shell_library.rawLib.${system}}
-          # This next line buffers the first line of the following item:
+        '';
+      initExtra = let
+        start = lib.modules.mkBefore (
+          # NOTE: This must be before the insult, as we otherwise override the previous handler <2024-02-28>
+          sourceFile ./config/command_not_found/command_not_found.sh
+          + sourceFile ./config/command_not_found/command_not_found_insult.sh
+          + sourceFile ./config/custom_cursor.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/edit_command_line.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./plugins/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh
+        );
+        end = lib.modules.mkAfter (
+          sourceFile ./config/keymaps_start.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps/command.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps/emacs.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps/isearch.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps/vicmd.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps/viins.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps/viopp.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps/visual.zsh
+          + sourceFile ./config/keymaps_end.zsh
+        );
+      in
+        lib.modules.mkMerge
+        [
+          start
+          end
+        ];
-        ''
-        # NOTE: This must be before the insult, as we otherwise override the previous handler <2024-02-28>
-        + builtins.readFile ./config/command_not_found.sh
-        + builtins.readFile ./config/command_not_found_insult.sh
-        + builtins.readFile ./config/custom_cursor.zsh
-        + builtins.readFile "${pkgs.fzf}/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh";
+      localVariables = {
+        HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_FOUND = "fg=red,underline,standout,bold";
+      };
       shellAliases = {
         ll = ". ll";
         lm = ". lm";
-        hisea = "history 0 | grep";
diff --git a/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/plugins/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/plugins/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4314b784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/zs/zsh/plugins/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+# Original Source before 2024 modifications:
+# https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search/blob/87ce96b1862928d84b1afe7c173316614b30e301/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Stephenson
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Guido van Steen
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Suraj N. Kurapati
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Sorin Ionescu
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Vincent Guerci
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Geza Lore
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Bengt Brodersen
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Benedikt Peetz
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+#  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+#    with the distribution.
+#  * Neither the name of the FIZSH nor the names of its contributors
+#    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+#    software without specific prior written permission.
+# declare global configuration variables
+: ${HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_FOUND='bg=magenta,fg=white,bold'}
+# declare internal global variables
+typeset -g _history_substring_search_refresh_display
+typeset -g _history_substring_search_query_highlight
+typeset -g _history_substring_search_result
+typeset -g _history_substring_search_query
+typeset -g -a _history_substring_search_query_parts
+typeset -g -a _history_substring_search_raw_matches
+typeset -g -i _history_substring_search_raw_match_index
+typeset -g -a _history_substring_search_matches
+typeset -g -i _history_substring_search_match_index
+typeset -g -A _history_substring_search_unique_filter
+typeset -g -i _history_substring_search_zsh_5_9
+# the main ZLE widgets
+history-substring-search-up() {
+  _history-substring-search-begin
+  _history-substring-search-up-history ||
+  _history-substring-search-up-buffer ||
+  _history-substring-search-up-search
+  _history-substring-search-end
+history-substring-search-down() {
+  _history-substring-search-begin
+  _history-substring-search-down-history ||
+  _history-substring-search-down-buffer ||
+  _history-substring-search-down-search
+  _history-substring-search-end
+zle -N history-substring-search-up
+zle -N history-substring-search-down
+# implementation details
+zmodload -F zsh/parameter
+autoload -Uz is-at-least
+if is-at-least 5.9 $ZSH_VERSION; then
+  _history_substring_search_zsh_5_9=1
+# We have to check, that the zsh-syntax-highlighting
+# plugin has been loaded:
+# https://github.com/nicoulaj/zsh-syntax-highlighting
+if [ "$+functions[_zsh_highlight]" -eq 0 ]; then
+  # zsh-syntax-highlight not found.
+  # But it should exist because I've loaded it.
+  : "TODO: we're just assuming it's there."
+_history-substring-search-begin() {
+  setopt localoptions extendedglob
+  _history_substring_search_refresh_display=
+  _history_substring_search_query_highlight=
+  #
+  # If the buffer is the same as the previously displayed history substring
+  # search result, then just keep stepping through the match list. Otherwise
+  # start a new search.
+  #
+  if [ -n "$BUFFER" ] && [ "$BUFFER" = "${_history_substring_search_result:-}" ]; then
+    return;
+  fi
+  #
+  # Clear the previous result.
+  #
+  _history_substring_search_result=''
+  if [ -z "$BUFFER" ]; then
+    #
+    # If the buffer is empty, we will just act like up-history/down-history
+    # in ZSH, so we do not need to actually search the history. This should
+    # speed things up a little.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_query=
+    _history_substring_search_query_parts=()
+    _history_substring_search_raw_matches=()
+  else
+    #
+    # For the purpose of highlighting we keep a copy of the original
+    # query string.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_query="$BUFFER"
+    #
+    # Compose search pattern, by putting the query into the parts array
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_query_parts=(${==_history_substring_search_query})
+    #
+    # Escape and join query parts with wildcard character '*' as separator
+    # `(j:CHAR:)` join array to string with CHAR as separator
+    #
+    local search_pattern="${(j:*:)_history_substring_search_query_parts[@]//(#m)[\][()|\\*?#<>~^]/\\$MATCH}*"
+    #
+    # Find all occurrences of the search pattern in the history file.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_raw_matches=(
+      "${(f)$(ATUIN_QUERY="$search_pattern" atuin search --cmd-only --reverse --search-mode "$HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_MODE")}"
+    )
+  fi
+  #
+  # In order to stay as responsive as possible, we will process the raw
+  # matches lazily (when the user requests the next match) to choose items
+  # that need to be displayed to the user.
+  # _history_substring_search_raw_match_index holds the index of the last
+  # unprocessed entry in _history_substring_search_raw_matches. Any items
+  # that need to be displayed will be added to
+  # _history_substring_search_matches.
+  #
+  # We use an associative array (_history_substring_search_unique_filter) as
+  # a 'set' data structure to ensure uniqueness of the results if desired.
+  # If an entry (key) is in the set (non-empty value), then we have already
+  # added that entry to _history_substring_search_matches.
+  #
+  _history_substring_search_raw_match_index=0
+  _history_substring_search_matches=()
+  _history_substring_search_unique_filter=()
+  #
+  # If $_history_substring_search_match_index is equal to
+  # $#_history_substring_search_matches + 1, this indicates that we
+  # are beyond the end of $_history_substring_search_matches and that we
+  # have also processed all entries in
+  # _history_substring_search_raw_matches.
+  #
+  # If $#_history_substring_search_match_index is equal to 0, this indicates
+  # that we are beyond the beginning of $_history_substring_search_matches.
+  #
+  # If we have initially pressed "up" we have to initialize
+  # $_history_substring_search_match_index to 0 so that it will be
+  # incremented to 1.
+  #
+  # If we have initially pressed "down" we have to initialize
+  # $_history_substring_search_match_index to 1 so that it will be
+  # decremented to 0.
+  #
+  if [ "$WIDGET" = history-substring-search-down ]; then
+     _history_substring_search_match_index=1
+  else
+    _history_substring_search_match_index=0
+  fi
+_history-substring-search-end() {
+  setopt localoptions extendedglob
+  local highlight_memo=
+  _history_substring_search_result="$BUFFER"
+  if [ "$_history_substring_search_zsh_5_9" -eq 1 ]; then
+    highlight_memo='memo=history-substring-search'
+  fi
+  # the search was successful so display the result properly by clearing away
+  # existing highlights and moving the cursor to the end of the result buffer
+  if [ "$_history_substring_search_refresh_display" -eq 1 ]; then
+    if [ -n "$highlight_memo" ]; then
+      region_highlight=( "${(@)region_highlight:#*${highlight_memo}*}" )
+    else
+      region_highlight=()
+    fi
+    CURSOR="${#BUFFER}"
+  fi
+  # highlight command line using zsh-syntax-highlighting
+  _zsh_highlight
+  # highlight the search query inside the command line
+  if [ -n "$_history_substring_search_query_highlight" ]; then
+    # highlight first matching query parts
+    local highlight_start_index=0
+    local highlight_end_index=0
+    local query_part
+    for query_part in "$_history_substring_search_query_parts[@]"; do
+      local escaped_query_part="${query_part//(#m)[\][()|\\*?#<>~^]/\\$MATCH}"
+      # (i) get index of pattern
+      local query_part_match_index="${${BUFFER:$highlight_start_index}[(i)${escaped_query_part}]}"
+      if [ "$query_part_match_index" -le "${#BUFFER:$highlight_start_index}" ]; then
+        highlight_start_index=$(( highlight_start_index + query_part_match_index ))
+        highlight_end_index=$(( highlight_start_index + ${#query_part} ))
+        region_highlight+=(
+          "$(($highlight_start_index - 1)) $(($highlight_end_index - 1)) ${_history_substring_search_query_highlight}${highlight_memo:+,$highlight_memo}"
+        )
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+  # For debugging purposes:
+  # zle -R "mn: "$_history_substring_search_match_index" m#: "${#_history_substring_search_matches}
+  # read -k -t 200 && zle -U -- "$REPLY"
+  #
+  # When this function returns, z-sy-h runs its line-pre-redraw hook. It has no
+  # logic for determining highlight priority, when two different memo= marked
+  # region highlights overlap; instead, it always prioritises itself. Below is
+  # a workaround for dealing with it.
+  #
+  if [ "$_history_substring_search_zsh_5_9" -eq 1 ]; then
+    zle -R
+    #
+    # After line redraw with desired highlight, wait for timeout or user input
+    # before removing search highlight and exiting. This ensures no highlights
+    # are left lingering after search is finished.
+    #
+    region_highlight=( "${(@)region_highlight:#*${highlight_memo}*}" )
+  fi
+  # Exit successfully from the history-substring-search-* widgets.
+  return 0
+_history-substring-search-up-buffer() {
+  #
+  # Check if the UP arrow was pressed to move the cursor within a multi-line
+  # buffer. This amounts to three tests:
+  #
+  # 1. $#buflines -gt 1.
+  #
+  # 2. $CURSOR -ne $#BUFFER.
+  #
+  # 3. Check if we are on the first line of the current multi-line buffer.
+  #    If so, pressing UP would amount to leaving the multi-line buffer.
+  #
+  #    We check this by adding an extra "x" to $LBUFFER, which makes
+  #    sure that xlbuflines is always equal to the number of lines
+  #    until $CURSOR (including the line with the cursor on it).
+  #
+  local buflines XLBUFFER xlbuflines
+  buflines=(${(f)BUFFER})
+  xlbuflines=(${(f)XLBUFFER})
+  if [ "$#buflines" -gt 1 ] && ["$CURSOR" -ne "$#BUFFER" ] && [ "$#xlbuflines" -ne 1 ]; then
+    zle up-line-or-history
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+_history-substring-search-down-buffer() {
+  #
+  # Check if the DOWN arrow was pressed to move the cursor within a multi-line
+  # buffer. This amounts to three tests:
+  #
+  # 1. $#buflines -gt 1.
+  #
+  # 2. $CURSOR -ne $#BUFFER.
+  #
+  # 3. Check if we are on the last line of the current multi-line buffer.
+  #    If so, pressing DOWN would amount to leaving the multi-line buffer.
+  #
+  #    We check this by adding an extra "x" to $RBUFFER, which makes
+  #    sure that xrbuflines is always equal to the number of lines
+  #    from $CURSOR (including the line with the cursor on it).
+  #
+  local buflines XRBUFFER xrbuflines
+  buflines=(${(f)BUFFER})
+  xrbuflines=(${(f)XRBUFFER})
+  if [ "$#buflines" -gt 1 ] && [ "$CURSOR" -ne "$#BUFFER" ] && [ "$#xrbuflines" -ne 1 ]; then
+    zle down-line-or-history
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+_history-substring-search-up-history() {
+  #
+  # Behave like up in ZSH, except clear the $BUFFER
+  # when beginning of history is reached like in Fish.
+  #
+  if [ -z "$_history_substring_search_query" ]; then
+    # we have reached the absolute top of history
+    if [ "$HISTNO" -eq 1 ]; then
+      BUFFER=""
+    # going up from somewhere below the top of history
+    else
+      zle up-line-or-history
+    fi
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+_history-substring-search-down-history() {
+  #
+  # Behave like down-history in ZSH, except clear the
+  # $BUFFER when end of history is reached like in Fish.
+  #
+  if [ -z $_history_substring_search_query ]; then
+    # going down from the absolute top of history
+    if [ "$HISTNO" -eq 1 ] && [ -z "$BUFFER" ]; then
+      # BUFFER=${history[1]}
+      BUFFER="$(atuin history list --cmd-only --reverse false | tail -n 1)"
+      _history_substring_search_refresh_display=1
+    # going down from somewhere above the bottom of history
+    else
+      zle down-line-or-history
+    fi
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+_history_substring_search_process_raw_matches() {
+  #
+  # Process more outstanding raw matches and append any matches that need to
+  # be displayed to the user to _history_substring_search_matches.
+  # Return whether there were any more results appended.
+  #
+  #
+  # While we have more raw matches. Process them to see if there are any more
+  # matches that need to be displayed to the user.
+  #
+  if [ "$_history_substring_search_raw_match_index" -lt "$#_history_substring_search_raw_matches" ]; then
+    #
+    # Move on to the next raw entry and get its history index.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_raw_match_index+=1
+    local entry="${_history_substring_search_raw_matches[$_history_substring_search_raw_match_index]}"
+    if [ -z "$entry" ]; then
+      #
+      # The match was empty (We did not find another match.)
+      # Communicate that
+      #
+      return 1
+    else
+      #
+      # Just append the new history index to the processed matches.
+      #
+      _history_substring_search_matches+=("$entry")
+      #
+      # Indicate that we did find a match.
+      #
+      return 0
+    fi
+  fi
+  #
+  # We are beyond the end of the list of raw matches. Indicate that no
+  # more matches are available.
+  #
+  return 1
+_history-substring-search-has-next() {
+  #
+  # Predicate function that returns whether any more older matches are
+  # available.
+  #
+  if  [ "$_history_substring_search_match_index" -lt "$#_history_substring_search_matches" ]; then
+    #
+    # We did not reach the end of the processed list, so we do have further
+    # matches.
+    #
+    return 0
+  else
+    #
+    # We are at the end of the processed list. Try to process further
+    # unprocessed matches. _history_substring_search_process_raw_matches
+    # returns whether any more matches were available, so just return
+    # that result.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_process_raw_matches
+    return $?
+  fi
+_history-substring-search-has-prev() {
+  #
+  # Predicate function that returns whether any more younger matches are
+  # available.
+  #
+  if [ "$_history_substring_search_match_index" -gt 1 ]; then
+    #
+    # We did not reach the beginning of the processed list, so we do have
+    # further matches.
+    #
+    return 0
+  else
+    #
+    # We are at the beginning of the processed list. We do not have any more
+    # matches.
+    #
+    return 1
+  fi
+_history-substring-search-found() {
+  #
+  # A match is available. The index of the match is held in
+  # $_history_substring_search_match_index
+  #
+  # 1. Make $BUFFER equal to the matching history entry.
+  #
+  #    to highlight the current buffer.
+  #
+  BUFFER="$_history_substring_search_matches[$_history_substring_search_match_index]"
+  _history_substring_search_query_highlight="$HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_FOUND"
+_history-substring-search-not-found() {
+  #
+  # No more matches are available.
+  #
+  # 1. Make $BUFFER equal to $_history_substring_search_query so the user can
+  #    revise it and search again.
+  #
+  #    to highlight the current buffer.
+  #
+  BUFFER="$_history_substring_search_query"
+  _history_substring_search_query_highlight="$HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_FOUND"
+_history-substring-search-up-search() {
+  _history_substring_search_refresh_display=1
+  #
+  # Select history entry during history-substring-down-search:
+  #
+  # The following variables have been initialized in
+  # _history-substring-search-begin():
+  #
+  # $_history_substring_search_matches is the current list of matches that
+  # need to be displayed to the user.
+  # $_history_substring_search_match_index is the index of the current match
+  # that is being displayed to the user.
+  #
+  # The range of values that $_history_substring_search_match_index can take
+  # is: [0, $#_history_substring_search_matches + 1].  A value of 0
+  # indicates that we are beyond the beginning of
+  # $_history_substring_search_matches. A value of
+  # $#_history_substring_search_matches + 1 indicates that we are beyond
+  # the end of $_history_substring_search_matches and that we have also
+  # processed all entries in _history_substring_search_raw_matches.
+  #
+  # If $_history_substring_search_match_index equals
+  # $#_history_substring_search_matches and
+  # $_history_substring_search_raw_match_index is not greater than
+  # $#_history_substring_search_raw_matches, then we need to further process
+  # $_history_substring_search_raw_matches to see if there are any more
+  # entries that need to be displayed to the user.
+  #
+  # In _history-substring-search-up-search() the initial value of
+  # $_history_substring_search_match_index is 0. This value is set in
+  # _history-substring-search-begin(). _history-substring-search-up-search()
+  # will initially increment it to 1.
+  #
+  if [ "$_history_substring_search_match_index" -gt "$#_history_substring_search_matches" ]; then
+    #
+    # We are beyond the end of $_history_substring_search_matches. This
+    # can only happen if we have also exhausted the unprocessed matches in
+    # _history_substring_search_raw_matches.
+    #
+    # 1. Update display to indicate search not found.
+    #
+    _history-substring-search-not-found
+    return
+  fi
+  if _history-substring-search-has-next; then
+    #
+    # We do have older matches.
+    #
+    # 1. Move index to point to the next match.
+    # 2. Update display to indicate search found.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_match_index+=1
+    _history-substring-search-found
+  else
+    #
+    # We do not have older matches.
+    #
+    # 1. Move the index beyond the end of
+    #    _history_substring_search_matches.
+    # 2. Update display to indicate search not found.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_match_index+=1
+    _history-substring-search-not-found
+  fi
+_history-substring-search-down-search() {
+  _history_substring_search_refresh_display=1
+  #
+  # Select history entry during history-substring-down-search:
+  #
+  # The following variables have been initialized in
+  # _history-substring-search-up/down-search():
+  #
+  # $_history_substring_search_matches is the current list of matches that
+  # need to be displayed to the user.
+  # $_history_substring_search_match_index is the index of the current match
+  # that is being displayed to the user.
+  #
+  # The range of values that $_history_substring_search_match_index can take
+  # is: [0, $#_history_substring_search_matches + 1].  A value of 0
+  # indicates that we are beyond the beginning of
+  # $_history_substring_search_matches. A value of
+  # $#_history_substring_search_matches + 1 indicates that we are beyond
+  # the end of $_history_substring_search_matches and that we have also
+  # processed all entries in _history_substring_search_raw_matches.
+  #
+  # In _history-substring-search-down-search() the initial value of
+  # $_history_substring_search_match_index is 1. This value is set in
+  # _history-substring-search-begin(). _history-substring-search-down-search()
+  # will initially decrement it to 0.
+  #
+  if [ "$_history_substring_search_match_index" -lt 1 ]; then
+    #
+    # We are beyond the beginning of $_history_substring_search_matches.
+    #
+    # 1. Update display to indicate search not found.
+    #
+    _history-substring-search-not-found
+    return
+  fi
+  if _history-substring-search-has-prev; then
+    #
+    # We do have younger matches.
+    #
+    # 1. Move index to point to the previous match.
+    # 2. Update display to indicate search found.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_match_index+=-1
+    _history-substring-search-found
+  else
+    #
+    # We do not have younger matches.
+    #
+    # 1. Move the index beyond the beginning of
+    #    _history_substring_search_matches.
+    # 2. Update display to indicate search not found.
+    #
+    _history_substring_search_match_index+=-1
+    _history-substring-search-not-found
+  fi
+# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
+# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et