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path: root/modules/by-name/ya/yambar/settings
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-11-29 18:51:52 +0100
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-11-29 19:37:38 +0100
commit2138b4624eae088a81852f50b3a8f50fc0431a10 (patch)
tree701f7fdd68775c4c1589db463ef4ed37458c354c /modules/by-name/ya/yambar/settings
parentchore(pkgs/by-name/ya/{cpu,memory}): Merge (diff)
refactor(modules/legacy/conf/yambar): Move to `by-name` and modernize
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/by-name/ya/yambar/settings')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/by-name/ya/yambar/settings/default.nix b/modules/by-name/ya/yambar/settings/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..041ac88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/by-name/ya/yambar/settings/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# TODO: This should not do something depending on whether the host is a laptop or not. It
+# should instead match on monitor-width or scale factor. <2024-11-29>
+  lib,
+  laptop ? false,
+  laptopBacklightName ? null,
+  scripts,
+}: let
+  mkUnderline = color: {
+    underline = {
+      inherit color;
+      size = "3";
+    };
+  };
+  shellExec = cmd: ''sh -c "${cmd}"'';
+  values = {
+    foreground = {
+      blue = "99d1dbff";
+      focus = "e78284ff";
+      green = "a6e3a1dd";
+      lavendar = "b4befedd";
+      mauve = "cba6f7dd";
+      none = "0";
+      normal = "c6ceefff";
+      peach = "fab387dd";
+      sapphire = "74c7ecdd";
+      teal = "94e2d5dd";
+    };
+    font = {
+      main = "Source Code Pro:pixelsize=${
+        if laptop
+        then "22"
+        else "26"
+      }";
+      aws = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=solid:pixelsize=${
+        if laptop
+        then "20"
+        else "23"
+      }";
+    };
+    background = {
+      normal = "303446ff";
+      tag = "585b70ff";
+      tag2 = "45475aff";
+      urgent = "e78284ff";
+    };
+    backgroundBlock = {
+      normal = {background = {color = values.background.normal;};};
+      urgent = {background = {color = values.background.urgent;};};
+    };
+    underline = {
+      battery = mkUnderline values.foreground.sapphire;
+      clock = mkUnderline values.foreground.teal;
+      focused = mkUnderline values.foreground.focus;
+      resources = mkUnderline values.foreground.green;
+      title = mkUnderline values.background.tag;
+      urgent = mkUnderline values.foreground.blue;
+      utils = mkUnderline values.foreground.peach;
+      weather = mkUnderline values.foreground.lavendar;
+    };
+    combination = {
+      battery.stack = [
+        values.backgroundBlock.normal
+        values.underline.battery
+      ];
+      clock.stack = [
+        values.backgroundBlock.normal
+        values.underline.clock
+      ];
+      resources.stack = [
+        values.backgroundBlock.normal
+        values.underline.resources
+      ];
+      utils.stack = [
+        values.backgroundBlock.normal
+        values.underline.utils
+      ];
+      weather.stack = [
+        values.backgroundBlock.normal
+        values.underline.weather
+      ];
+    };
+  };
+in {
+  bar = {
+    background = values.foreground.none;
+    foreground = values.foreground.normal;
+    font = values.font.main;
+    height =
+      if laptop
+      then "25"
+      else "45";
+    margin =
+      if laptop
+      then "5"
+      else "10";
+    location = "top";
+    layer = "bottom";
+    spacing = "0";
+    border = {
+      margin = "0";
+      top-margin = "10";
+    };
+    left = [
+      {
+        river = let
+          tag_base_setting = {
+            map = let
+              normal = {
+                string = {
+                  margin = "10";
+                  text = "{id}";
+                };
+              };
+            in {
+              default = normal;
+              conditions = {
+                "state == focused" = {
+                  string = {
+                    deco = {
+                      stack = [
+                        {background = {color = values.background.tag;};}
+                        values.underline.focused
+                      ];
+                    };
+                    margin = "10";
+                    text = "{id}";
+                  };
+                };
+                "state == invisible" = {
+                  map = {
+                    conditions = {
+                      occupied = {
+                        string = {
+                          deco = {background = {color = values.background.tag2;};};
+                          margin = "10";
+                          text = "{id}";
+                        };
+                      };
+                      "~occupied" = normal;
+                    };
+                  };
+                };
+                "state == unfocused" = {
+                  string = {
+                    deco = {background = {color = values.background.tag2;};};
+                    margin = "10";
+                    text = "{id}";
+                  };
+                };
+                "state == urgent" = {
+                  string = {
+                    deco = {
+                      stack = [
+                        {background = {color = values.background.urgent;};}
+                        values.underline.urgent
+                      ];
+                    };
+                    margin = "10";
+                    text = "{id}";
+                  };
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        in {
+          content = {
+            map = {
+              conditions = {
+                "id == 1" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 2" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 3" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 4" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 5" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 6" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 7" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 8" = tag_base_setting;
+                "id == 9" = tag_base_setting;
+              };
+              on-click = {
+                left = shellExec "riverctl set-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} - 1)))";
+                middle = shellExec "riverctl toggle-view-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))";
+                right = shellExec "riverctl toggle-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))";
+              };
+            };
+          };
+          title = {
+            map = {
+              conditions = {"title == \"\"" = {string = {text = "";};};};
+              default = {
+                string = {
+                  max = "35";
+                  deco = values.underline.title;
+                  left-margin = "12";
+                  right-margin = "12";
+                  text = "{title}";
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    ];
+    center = [
+      {
+        clock = {
+          date-format = "%d/%m/%y (%a)";
+          time-format = "%H:%M:%S %Z";
+          foreground = values.foreground.blue;
+          content = {
+            string = {
+              deco = values.combination.clock;
+              text = " {date} {time} ";
+            };
+          };
+        };
+      }
+    ];
+    right =
+      [
+        {
+          script = {
+            path = scripts.mpd_song_name_script;
+            content.map.conditions = {
+              playing = {
+                string = {
+                  deco = values.combination.weather;
+                  text = "{song} ";
+                };
+              };
+              "~playing" = {
+                string = {
+                  deco = values.combination.weather;
+                  text = "";
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        }
+        {
+          script = {
+            path = scripts.volume_script;
+            content.map = {
+              on-click = shellExec "pavucontrol";
+              conditions = {
+                muted = {
+                  string = {
+                    deco = values.backgroundBlock.urgent;
+                    text = " 󰝟 ";
+                  };
+                };
+                "~muted" = {
+                  string = {
+                    deco = values.combination.utils;
+                    text = "  {volume}% ";
+                  };
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        }
+        {
+          script = {
+            path = scripts.cpu_script;
+            content.string = {
+              deco = values.combination.resources;
+              text = "  {cpu}% ";
+            };
+          };
+        }
+        {
+          script = {
+            path = scripts.memory_script;
+            content.map.conditions = {
+              swapstate = {
+                string = {
+                  deco = values.combination.resources;
+                  text = "  {memperc}%({swapperc}%) ";
+                };
+              };
+              "~swapstate" = {
+                string = {
+                  deco = values.combination.resources;
+                  text = "  {memperc}% ";
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        }
+        {
+          script = {
+            path = scripts.disk_script;
+            content.string = {
+              deco = values.combination.resources;
+              text = " 󰋊 {diskspace}({diskperc})";
+            };
+          };
+        }
+      ]
+      ++ lib.optionals laptop [
+        {
+          backlight = {
+            name = laptopBacklightName;
+            content.string = {
+              text = "  {percent}% ";
+              deco = values.combination.utils;
+            };
+          };
+        }
+        {
+          battery = {
+            name = "BAT0";
+            poll-interval = "300";
+            content.list.items = [
+              {
+                ramp = {
+                  tag = "capacity";
+                  items = let
+                    stack = [
+                      values.backgroundBlock.normal
+                      values.underline.battery
+                    ];
+                  in [
+                    {
+                      string = {
+                        text = "  {capacity}%({estimate}) ";
+                        deco =
+                          values.backgroundBlock.urgent;
+                      };
+                    }
+                    {
+                      string = {
+                        text = "  {capacity}%({estimate}) ";
+                        deco.stack = stack;
+                      };
+                    }
+                    {
+                      string = {
+                        text = "  {capacity}%({estimate}) ";
+                        deco.stack = stack;
+                      };
+                    }
+                    {
+                      string = {
+                        text = "  {capacity}%({estimate}) ";
+                        deco.stack = stack;
+                      };
+                    }
+                    {
+                      string = {
+                        text = "  {capacity}%({estimate}) ";
+                        deco.stack = stack;
+                      };
+                    }
+                  ];
+                };
+              }
+            ];
+          };
+        }
+      ];
+  };