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path: root/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/lf-nvim/lua/lf-nvim.lua
diff options
authorSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-08-26 22:52:12 +0200
committerSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-08-26 22:56:09 +0200
commit4c743a2afb87994be4ff7c2dc76d21c70d31e4de (patch)
tree70922dd5db390641da012085bc674333b53d2ef1 /home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/lf-nvim/lua/lf-nvim.lua
parentFix(hm/conf/neovim/plugins/colorscheme): Mk todo,fix,&c comments visible (diff)
Style(treewide): Format all lua-files makes lua ➛ nix easier
The files were formatted according to the `.editorconfig` file and with
the formatter from [this](1) repo, as it's the only one that fully
understands all keys in the `.editorconfig` file.

The formatting was chosen in this special (and honestly unconventional)
way because moving code from lua to nix is now easier, as the syntax is
nearly identical in some places.
Diffstat (limited to 'home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/lf-nvim/lua/lf-nvim.lua')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/lf-nvim/lua/lf-nvim.lua b/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/lf-nvim/lua/lf-nvim.lua
index 60293b60..8a0cf817 100644
--- a/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/lf-nvim/lua/lf-nvim.lua
+++ b/home-manager/soispha/config/neovim/nixvim/plugins/lf-nvim/lua/lf-nvim.lua
@@ -2,42 +2,42 @@ local fn = vim.fn
 -- Defaults
-    default_action = "drop", -- default action when `Lf` opens a file
-    -- TODO: what do these mappings do?
-    default_actions = {    -- default action keybindings
-        ["<C-t>"] = "tabedit",
-        ["<C-x>"] = "split",
-        ["<C-v>"] = "vsplit",
-        ["<C-o>"] = "tab drop",
-    },
+  default_action = "drop"; -- default action when `Lf` opens a file
+  -- TODO: what do these mappings do?
+  default_actions = {      -- default action keybindings
+    ["<C-t>"] = "tabedit";
+    ["<C-x>"] = "split";
+    ["<C-v>"] = "vsplit";
+    ["<C-o>"] = "tab drop";
+  };
-    winblend = 10,                                 -- psuedotransparency level
-    dir = "",                                      -- directory where `lf` starts ('gwd' is git-working-directory, ""/nil is CWD)
-    direction = "float",                           -- window type: float horizontal vertical
-    border = "rounded",                            -- border kind: single double shadow curved
-    height = fn.float2nr(fn.round(0.75 * vim.o.lines)), -- height of the *floating* window
-    width = fn.float2nr(fn.round(0.75 * vim.o.columns)), -- width of the *floating* window
-    escape_quit = true,                            -- map escape to the quit command (so it doesn't go into a meta normal mode)
-    focus_on_open = true,                          -- focus the current file when opening Lf (experimental)
-    mappings = true,                               -- whether terminal buffer mapping is enabled
-    tmux = false,                                  -- tmux statusline can be disabled on opening of Lf
-    default_file_manager = true,                   -- make lf default file manager
-    disable_netrw_warning = true,                  -- don't display a message when opening a directory with `default_file_manager` as true
-    highlights = {                                 -- highlights passed to toggleterm
-        Normal = { link = "Normal" },
-        NormalFloat = { link = 'Normal' },
-        FloatBorder = { guifg = "#cdcbe0", guibg = "#191726" },
-    },
+  winblend = 10;                                       -- psuedotransparency level
+  dir = "";                                            -- directory where `lf` starts ('gwd' is git-working-directory, ""/nil is CWD)
+  direction = "float";                                 -- window type: float horizontal vertical
+  border = "rounded";                                  -- border kind: single double shadow curved
+  height = fn.float2nr(fn.round(0.75 * vim.o.lines));  -- height of the *floating* window
+  width = fn.float2nr(fn.round(0.75 * vim.o.columns)); -- width of the *floating* window
+  escape_quit = true;                                  -- map escape to the quit command (so it doesn't go into a meta normal mode)
+  focus_on_open = true;                                -- focus the current file when opening Lf (experimental)
+  mappings = true;                                     -- whether terminal buffer mapping is enabled
+  tmux = false;                                        -- tmux statusline can be disabled on opening of Lf
+  default_file_manager = true;                         -- make lf default file manager
+  disable_netrw_warning = true;                        -- don't display a message when opening a directory with `default_file_manager` as true
+  highlights = {                                       -- highlights passed to toggleterm
+    Normal = { link = "Normal"; };
+    NormalFloat = { link = "Normal"; };
+    FloatBorder = { guifg = "#cdcbe0"; guibg = "#191726"; };
+  };
-    -- Layout configurations
-    layout_mapping = "<M-u>", -- resize window with this key
-    views = {               -- window dimensions to rotate through
-        { width = 0.800, height = 0.800 },
-        { width = 0.600, height = 0.600 },
-        { width = 0.950, height = 0.950 },
-        { width = 0.500, height = 0.500, col = 0,   row = 0 },
-        { width = 0.500, height = 0.500, col = 0,   row = 0.5 },
-        { width = 0.500, height = 0.500, col = 0.5, row = 0 },
-        { width = 0.500, height = 0.500, col = 0.5, row = 0.5 },
-    }
+  -- Layout configurations
+  layout_mapping = "<M-u>"; -- resize window with this key
+  views = {                 -- window dimensions to rotate through
+    { width = 0.800; height = 0.800; };
+    { width = 0.600; height = 0.600; };
+    { width = 0.950; height = 0.950; };
+    { width = 0.500; height = 0.500; col = 0;   row = 0; };
+    { width = 0.500; height = 0.500; col = 0;   row = 0.5; };
+    { width = 0.500; height = 0.500; col = 0.5; row = 0; };
+    { width = 0.500; height = 0.500; col = 0.5; row = 0.5; };
+  };