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path: root/hm/soispha/conf/nvim/plugins/lualine
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authorSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-08-29 21:33:43 +0200
committerSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-08-29 21:33:43 +0200
commit3925f6ee04f09d7d09b7aff018812670a0e89492 (patch)
tree12642e7332ebb53153bef1bf5d5f811e3f19884b /hm/soispha/conf/nvim/plugins/lualine
parentFeat(hm/conf/nvim/plgs/debugprint): Init (diff)
Refactor(hm/conf/nvim/plugins): Rename to `plgs` to safe commit msg space
Diffstat (limited to 'hm/soispha/conf/nvim/plugins/lualine')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/hm/soispha/conf/nvim/plugins/lualine/default.nix b/hm/soispha/conf/nvim/plugins/lualine/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b789558..00000000
--- a/hm/soispha/conf/nvim/plugins/lualine/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-{...}: {
-  programs.nixvim.plugins.lualine = let
-    get_location_of_file = {
-      __raw = ''
-        function()
-            local file_lines = vim.fn.line('$');
-            local file_current_cursor_positon = vim.fn.getcurpos();
-            return file_current_cursor_positon[3] .. ":" .. file_current_cursor_positon[2] .. "/" .. file_lines
-        end
-      '';
-    };
-    get_trailing_whitespace = {
-      __raw = ''
-        function()
-            local space = vim.fn.search([[\s\+$]], 'nwc')
-            return space ~= 0 and "TW:" .. space or ""
-        end
-      '';
-    };
-    get_mixed_indent = {
-      __raw =
-        /*
-        lua
-        */
-        ''
-          function()
-              local space_pat = [[\v^ +]]
-              local tab_pat = [[\v^\t+]]
-              local space_indent = vim.fn.search(space_pat, 'nwc')
-              local tab_indent = vim.fn.search(tab_pat, 'nwc')
-              local mixed = (space_indent > 0 and tab_indent > 0)
-              local mixed_same_line
-              if not mixed then
-                  mixed_same_line = vim.fn.search([[\v^(\t+ | +\t)]], 'nwc')
-                  mixed = mixed_same_line > 0
-              end
-              if not mixed then return "" end
-              if mixed_same_line ~= nil and mixed_same_line > 0 then
-                  return 'MI:' .. mixed_same_line
-              end
-              local space_indent_cnt = vim.fn.searchcount({ pattern = space_pat, max_count = 1e3 }).total
-              local tab_indent_cnt = vim.fn.searchcount({ pattern = tab_pat, max_count = 1e3 }).total
-              if space_indent_cnt > tab_indent_cnt then
-                  return 'MI:' .. tab_indent
-              else
-                  return 'MI:' .. space_indent
-              end
-          end
-        '';
-    };
-  in {
-    enable = true;
-    iconsEnabled = true;
-    theme = "nightfox";
-    componentSeparators = {
-      left = "";
-      right = "";
-    };
-    sectionSeparators = {
-      left = "";
-      right = "";
-    };
-    disabledFiletypes = {
-      statusline = [];
-      winbar = [];
-    };
-    ignoreFocus = [];
-    alwaysDivideMiddle = true;
-    globalstatus = false;
-    refresh = {
-      statusline = 1000;
-      tabline = 1000;
-      winbar = 1000;
-    };
-    sections = {
-      lualine_a = ["mode"];
-      lualine_b = [
-        {
-          name = "FugitiveHead";
-          icon = "";
-        }
-        "diff"
-        "diagnostics"
-      ];
-      lualine_c = ["filename"];
-      lualine_x = ["searchcount" "filetype"];
-      lualine_y = [
-        "encoding"
-        "fileformat"
-        {name = get_mixed_indent;}
-        {name = get_trailing_whitespace;}
-      ];
-      lualine_z = [{name = get_location_of_file;}];
-    };
-    inactiveSections = {
-      lualine_a = [];
-      lualine_b = [];
-      lualine_c = ["filename"];
-      lualine_x = [{name = get_location_of_file;}];
-      lualine_y = [];
-      lualine_z = [];
-    };
-    tabline = {};
-    winbar = {};
-    inactiveWinbar = {};
-    # TODO: add all installed and supported extensions here
-    extensions = [
-      "toggleterm"
-      #"fugitive" # TODO: maybe add this?
-    ];
-  };