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path: root/hm/soispha/conf/lf/keybindings
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authorSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-09-02 23:13:00 +0200
committerSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-09-02 23:13:00 +0200
commit63f844e3ab2ca578ab461b4eaa847cc6071facb2 (patch)
tree8cc95830fe4f4e07bfd39d58b11cc857783b479b /hm/soispha/conf/lf/keybindings
parentFix(sys/waydroid): Disable waydroid again, as it breaks fuse mounts (diff)
Fix(hm/conf/lf/keybinds): Fix missing settings in the cd commands
Diffstat (limited to 'hm/soispha/conf/lf/keybindings')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/hm/soispha/conf/lf/keybindings/default.nix b/hm/soispha/conf/lf/keybindings/default.nix
index 396582dc..282b2076 100644
--- a/hm/soispha/conf/lf/keybindings/default.nix
+++ b/hm/soispha/conf/lf/keybindings/default.nix
@@ -75,45 +75,50 @@
   gus = "cd /run/user/${builtins.toString nixosConfig.users.users.soispha.uid}";
   "gr." = "cd ~/repos";
-  grn = "cd ~/repos/nix";
+  grah = "cd ~/repos/auto_hot_key";
+  graw = "cd ~/repos/awk";
   grcc = "cd ~/repos/c";
   grcp = "cd ~/repos/cpp";
+  grg = "cd ~/repos/go";
+  grh = "cd ~/repos/html";
+  grja = "cd ~/repos/java";
+  grjs = "cd ~/repos/java_script";
   grl = "cd ~/repos/lua";
+  grmd = "cd ~/repos/mark_down";
+  grni = "cd ~/repos/nix";
+  grno = "cd ~/repos/notes";
+  grnp = "cd ~/repos/nix/reference/nix/official/nixpkgs";
+  grpe = "cd ~/repos/perl";
+  grpy = "cd ~/repos/python";
   grr = "cd ~/repos/rust";
   grs = "cd ~/repos/shell";
-  grjs = "cd ~/repos/java_script";
-  grmd = "cd ~/repos/mark_down";
-  grty = "cd ~/repos/typst";
   grte = "cd ~/repos/tex";
-  grj = "cd ~/repos/java";
-  gra = "cd ~/repos/awk";
-  grpy = "cd ~/repos/python";
-  grpe = "cd ~/repos/perl";
-  grahk = "cd ~/repos/auto_hot_key";
-  grh = "cd ~/repos/html";
+  grty = "cd ~/repos/typst";
+  grv = "cd ~/repos/vim";
+  grz = "cd ~/repos/zig";
   # -------------
   "gm." = "cd ~/media";
-  gmp = "cd ~/media/pictures";
   gmd = "cd ~/media/downloads";
-  gmm = "cd ~/media/music";
   gmi = "cd ~/media/isos";
+  gmm = "cd ~/media/music";
+  gmp = "cd ~/media/pictures";
   # -------------
   "gs." = "cd ~/school";
-  gsi = "cd ~/school/infomatik";
+  gsb = "cd ~/school/biologie";
   gsc = "cd ~/school/chemie";
+  gsd = "cd ~/school/deutsch";
   gse = "cd ~/school/english";
   gsgo = "cd ~/school/geographie";
   gsgs = "cd ~/school/geschichte";
+  gsi = "cd ~/school/infomatik";
   gskr = "cd ~/school/katholische_religion";
-  gsmu = "cd ~/school/musik";
-  gsma = "cd ~/school/mathematik";
   gsl = "cd ~/school/latein";
-  gsd = "cd ~/school/deutsch";
-  gsb = "cd ~/school/biologie";
+  gsma = "cd ~/school/mathematik";
+  gsmu = "cd ~/school/musik";
+  gspi = "cd ~/school/philosophie";
+  gspy = "cd ~/school/physik";
   gsso = "cd ~/school/sozialkunde";
   gssp = "cd ~/school/sport";
-  gspy = "cd ~/school/physik";
-  gspi = "cd ~/school/philosophie";
   # -------------
   gc = "cd ~/.config";