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authorSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2024-01-13 11:41:48 +0100
committerSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2024-01-13 11:41:48 +0100
commit4b17d3044169c1eebb93bd22f490b7f1e19d0766 (patch)
parentfix(hm): Move the session variables to their associated service (diff)
feat(hm/conf/less): Configure the full lesskey file
5 files changed, 166 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/hm/soispha/conf/less/command.less b/hm/soispha/conf/less/command.less
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c85350f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hm/soispha/conf/less/command.less
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+\r         forw-line
+\n         forw-line
+e          forw-line
+t          forw-line
+\kd        forw-line
+ˆE         forw-line
+ˆN         forw-line
+n          back-line
+y          back-line
+ˆY         back-line
+ˆK         back-line
+ˆP         back-line
+T          forw-line-force
+N          back-line-force
+Y          back-line-force
+d          forw-scroll
+ˆD         forw-scroll
+u          back-scroll
+ˆU         back-scroll
+\40        forw-screen
+f          forw-screen
+ˆF         forw-screen
+ˆV         forw-screen
+\kD        forw-screen
+b          back-screen
+ˆB         back-screen
+\ev        back-screen
+\kU        back-screen
+z          forw-window
+w          back-window
+\e\40      forw-screen-force
+F          forw-forever
+\eF        forw-until-hilite
+R          repaint-flush
+r          repaint
+ˆR         repaint
+ˆL         repaint
+\e         undo-hilite
+\eU        clear-search
+g          goto-line
+\kh        goto-line
+<          goto-line
+\e<        goto-line
+p          percent
+%          percent
+\e[        left-scroll
+\e]        right-scroll
+\e(        left-scroll
+\e)        right-scroll
+\kl        left-scroll
+\kr        right-scroll
+\e{        no-scroll
+\e}        end-scroll
+{          forw-bracket {}
+}          back-bracket {}
+(          forw-bracket ()
+)          back-bracket ()
+[          forw-bracket []
+]          back-bracket []
+\eˆF       forw-bracket
+\eˆB       back-bracket
+G          goto-end
+\e>        goto-end
+>          goto-end
+\ke        goto-end
+\eG        goto-end-buffered
+=          status
+ˆG         status
+:f         status
+/          forw-search
+?          back-search
+\e/        forw-search *
+\e?        back-search *
+l          repeat-search
+\el        repeat-search-all
+L          reverse-search
+\eL        reverse-search-all
+&          filter
+m          set-mark
+M          set-mark-bottom
+\em        clear-mark
+'          goto-mark
+ˆXˆX       goto-mark
+E          examine
+:e         examine
+ˆXˆV       examine
+:n         next-file
+:p         prev-file
+j          next-tag
+J          prev-tag
+:x         index-file
+:d         remove-file
+-          toggle-option
+:t         toggle-option t
+s          toggle-option o
+           ## Use a long option name by starting the
+           ## extra string with ONE dash; eg:
+           ##   s toggle-option -log-file\n
+_          display-option
+|          pipe
+v          visual
+!          shell
+#          pshell
++          firstcmd
+H          help
+h          help
+V          version
+0          digit
+1          digit
+2          digit
+3          digit
+4          digit
+5          digit
+6          digit
+7          digit
+8          digit
+9          digit
+q          quit
+Q          quit
+:q         quit
+:Q         quit
+ZZ         quit
diff --git a/hm/soispha/conf/less/default.nix b/hm/soispha/conf/less/default.nix
index e5506fcd..c9109dd8 100644
--- a/hm/soispha/conf/less/default.nix
+++ b/hm/soispha/conf/less/default.nix
@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
   programs.less = {
     enable = true;
-    keys = ''
-      t   forw-line
-      n   back-line
-      l   repeat-search
-      L   reverse-search
-    '';
+    keys =
+      builtins.readFile ./command.less
+      + builtins.readFile
+      ./line-edit.less
+      + builtins.readFile ./env.less
+      # This next line *must* be under `./env.less` as it adds to the definitions
+      + ''
+        LESSHISTFILE = ${config.xdg.dataHome}/less/history
+      '';
diff --git a/hm/soispha/conf/less/env.less b/hm/soispha/conf/less/env.less
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87c5d4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hm/soispha/conf/less/env.less
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+LESS = "-R --use-color --incsearch --modelines=2 --save-marks --wordwrap --status-line";
+# LESSHISTFILE is added in the nix file
diff --git a/hm/soispha/conf/less/line-edit.less b/hm/soispha/conf/less/line-edit.less
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7e889db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hm/soispha/conf/less/line-edit.less
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\t           forw-complete
+\17          back-complete
+\e\t         back-complete
+ˆL           expand
+ˆV           literal
+ˆA           literal
+\es          right
+\kr          right
+\eh          left
+\kl          left
+\eb          word-left
+\e\kl        word-left
+\ew          word-right
+\e\kr        word-right
+\ei          insert
+\ex          delete
+\kx          delete
+\eX          word-delete
+\ekx         word-delete
+\e\b         word-backspace
+\e0          home
+\kh          home
+\e$          end
+\ke          end
+\en          up
+\ku          up
+\et          down
+ˆG           abort
diff --git a/hm/soispha/impermanence/default.nix b/hm/soispha/impermanence/default.nix
index d0cd1ff1..cab122be 100644
--- a/hm/soispha/impermanence/default.nix
+++ b/hm/soispha/impermanence/default.nix
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
-      files = [
-        ".local/state/lesshst"
-      ];