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path: root/reference/C_Facharbeit_komplett/content/05_aufbau/figures/threeDModel.tex
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authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-09-16 18:41:09 +0200
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-09-16 18:41:09 +0200
commitfc3ec276bc47d208beaf2d7602258e13de1385a1 (patch)
tree8c93831117f54c6c93831a2a0a055aeca7d7d95d /reference/C_Facharbeit_komplett/content/05_aufbau/figures/threeDModel.tex
parentbuild(treewide): Update (diff)
chore(references): Add testing data
Diffstat (limited to 'reference/C_Facharbeit_komplett/content/05_aufbau/figures/threeDModel.tex')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/reference/C_Facharbeit_komplett/content/05_aufbau/figures/threeDModel.tex b/reference/C_Facharbeit_komplett/content/05_aufbau/figures/threeDModel.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe3aeed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/C_Facharbeit_komplett/content/05_aufbau/figures/threeDModel.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+%! TEX root = ../../../facharbeit.tex
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+	\center
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+		% Grid
+		% \draw[very thin, draw=gray, step=0.5] (0,0) grid (7,7);
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+		\node[] (laser) at (-0.5,4) {Laser};
+		\node[] (kollimationsLinse) at (2.5,3.5) {Kollimations Linse};
+		\node[] (planoKonvexeFokusLinse) at (1,5) {Plano-konvexe Fokus Linse};
+		\node[] (smartphoneHalterung) at (6,5) {Smartphone-Halterung};
+		\node[] (abnehmbarerGitterHalter) at (6,0) {abnehmbarer Gitter Halter};
+		\node[] (schieneFürLinsenHalter) at (3,-1) {Schiene für Linsen/Halter};
+		\begin{scope}[xshift=0cm]
+			\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{figures/3d_raman_spectrometer_model_trans.png}};
+			\begin{scope}[x={(image.south east)},y={(image.north west)}]
+				\draw [-{Circle[fill=black, length=\tipsize, width=\tipsize]}, black, line width = 0.4pt] (kuvette) to (0.3,0.45);
+				\draw [-{Circle[fill=black, length=\tipsize, width=\tipsize]}, black, line width = 0.4pt] (laser) to (0.2,0.6);
+				\draw [-{Circle[fill=black, length=\tipsize, width=\tipsize]}, black, line width = 0.4pt] (kollimationsLinse) to (0.42,0.5);
+				\draw [-{Circle[fill=black, length=\tipsize, width=\tipsize]}, black, line width = 0.4pt] (planoKonvexeFokusLinse) to[out=0, in=90] (0.64,0.6);
+				\draw [-{Circle[fill=black, length=\tipsize, width=\tipsize]}, black, line width = 0.4pt] (smartphoneHalterung) to (0.7,0.7);
+				\draw [-{Circle[fill=black, length=\tipsize, width=\tipsize]}, black, line width = 0.4pt] (abnehmbarerGitterHalter) to (0.8,0.76);
+				\draw [-{Circle[fill=black, length=\tipsize, width=\tipsize]}, black, line width = 0.4pt] (schieneFürLinsenHalter) to (0.6,0.34);
+			\end{scope}
+		\end{scope}
+	\end{tikzpicture}
+	% \draw[annotation left = {Küvette at 0.8}] to (0.39,0.45);
+	% \draw[annotation left = {Laser at 0.5}] to (0.2,0.6);
+	% \draw[annotation below = {Kollimations Linse at 0}] to (0.42,0.5);
+	% \draw[annotation below = {Plano-konvexe Fokus Linse at 0.6}] to (0.64,0.6);
+	% \draw[annotation above = {Smartphone-Halterung at 0}] to (0.7,0.7);
+	% \draw[annotation above = {abnehmbarer Gitter Halter at 0.6}] to (0.76,0.7);
+	% \draw[annotation right = {Schiene für Linsen/Halter at 0.5}] to (0.6,0.34);
+	\caption{
+		Das 3d Modell für den Aufbau.
+		\Vref{chap:Links} beinhaltet einen Link zu dem \texttt{OpenSCAD} Quellcode.
+		\Vref{fig:threeDModelBigger} zeigt das Bild in voller Größe.
+	}\label{fig:threeDModel}