# Inspired by this file: /nixpkgs/nixos/tests/nsd.nix { nixos-lib, pkgsUnstable, nixpkgs-unstable, vhackPackages, pkgs, extraModules, nixLib, ... }: let common = {...}: { networking.firewall.enable = false; networking.dhcpcd.enable = false; }; mkClient = version: { lib, nodes, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = [pkgs.dig pkgs.dig.dnsutils]; imports = [common]; networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ (lib.head nodes.server.networking.interfaces.eth1."${version}".addresses).address ]; }; in nixos-lib.runTest { hostPkgs = pkgs; # the Nixpkgs package set used outside the VMs name = "dns"; node = { specialArgs = {inherit pkgsUnstable vhackPackages nixpkgs-unstable nixLib;}; # Use the nixpkgs as constructed by the `nixpkgs.*` options pkgs = null; }; nodes = { server = { config, lib, ... }: { imports = extraModules ++ [ ../../../../modules common ]; vhack = { dns = { enable = true; interfaces = lib.debug.traceValSeqN 2 [ (lib.head config.networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses).address (lib.head config.networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv6.addresses).address ]; zones = { "example.com" = { SOA = { nameServer = "ns"; adminEmail = "admin@example.com"; serial = 2024012301; }; useOrigin = false; NS = [ "ns.example.com." ]; subdomains = { ns = { A = [""]; }; ipv4 = { A = [""]; }; ipv6 = { AAAA = ["dead:beef::1"]; }; openpgpkey = { TXT = ["Hi!"]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; clientV4 = mkClient "ipv4"; clientV6 = mkClient "ipv6"; }; testScript = {nodes, ...}: /* python */ '' start_all() clientV4.wait_for_unit("network.target") clientV6.wait_for_unit("network.target") server.wait_for_unit("nsd.service") def assert_host(ipVersion, dnsRecordType, dnsQuery, expected): self = clientV4 if ipVersion == 4 else clientV6 out = self.succeed(f"host -{ipVersion} -t {dnsRecordType} {dnsQuery}").rstrip() self.log(f"output: {out}") import re assert re.search(expected, out), f"DNS IPv{ipVersion} dnsQuery on {dnsQuery} gave '{out}' instead of '{expected}'" for ipv in 4, 6: with subtest(f"IPv{ipv}"): assert_host(ipv, "a", "example.com", "has no [^ ]+ record") assert_host(ipv, "aaaa", "example.com", "has no [^ ]+ record") assert_host(ipv, "soa", "example.com", "SOA.*?admin\\.example\\.com") assert_host(ipv, "a", "ipv4.example.com", "address$") assert_host(ipv, "aaaa", "ipv6.example.com", "address dead:beef::1$") assert_host(ipv, "txt", "openpgpkey.example.com", "descriptive text \"Hi!\"$") ''; }