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path: root/system/services
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--system/services/taskserver/certs/ca.key.pem.gpgbin13506 -> 0 bytes
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 556 deletions
diff --git a/system/services/default.nix b/system/services/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b13f32..0000000
--- a/system/services/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{...}: {
-  imports = [
-    ./invidious
-    ./minecraft
-    ./taskserver
-  ];
diff --git a/system/services/invidious/default.nix b/system/services/invidious/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c587b3..0000000
--- a/system/services/invidious/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-  config,
-  lib,
-  pkgs,
-  ...
-}: let
-  cfg = config.services.invidious;
-in {
-  services.invidious = {
-    enable = true;
-    database = {
-      createLocally = true;
-    };
-    domain = "invidious.vhack.eu";
-    nginx.enable = true;
-    extraSettingsFile = "$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/hmac";
-    settings = {
-      check_tables = true;
-      db = {
-        dbname = "invidious";
-        user = "invidious";
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  systemd.services.invidious.serviceConfig = {
-    LoadCredential = "hmac:${config.age.secrets.invidiousHmac.path}";
-    ExecStart = let
-      # taken from the invidious module
-      settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.json {};
-      settingsFile = settingsFormat.generate "invidious-settings" cfg.settings;
-      jqFilter =
-        "."
-        + lib.optionalString (cfg.database.host != null) "[0].db.password = \"'\"'\"$(cat ${lib.escapeShellArg cfg.database.passwordFile})\"'\"'\""
-        + " | .[0]"
-        + lib.optionalString (cfg.extraSettingsFile != null) " * .[1]";
-      # don't escape extraSettingsFile, to allow variable substitution
-      jqFiles =
-        settingsFile
-        + lib.optionalString (cfg.extraSettingsFile != null) " \"${cfg.extraSettingsFile}\"";
-    in
-      lib.mkForce (pkgs.writeScript "start-invidious" ''
-        #! ${pkgs.dash}/bin/dash
-        export INVIDIOUS_CONFIG="$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -s "${jqFilter}" ${jqFiles})"
-        exec ${cfg.package}/bin/invidious
-      '');
-  };
diff --git a/system/services/minecraft/default.nix b/system/services/minecraft/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bc98b9..0000000
--- a/system/services/minecraft/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-{lib, ...}: {
-  vhack.persist.directories = [
-    {
-      directory = "/var/lib/minecraft";
-      user = "minecraft";
-      group = "minecraft";
-      mode = "0700";
-    }
-  ];
-  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg:
-    builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [
-      "minecraft-server"
-    ];
-  services.minecraft-server = {
-    enable = true;
-    declarative = true;
-    eula = true;
-    dataDir = "/var/lib/minecraft";
-    openFirewall = true;
-    jvmOpts = "-Xmx8192M -Xms8192M";
-    whitelist = {
-      ShadyCraft = "7995eea5-b648-41c4-9b0f-7fc082565952";
-      Nightingale768 = "1125d077-6709-44b2-9be0-587aec772e7a";
-      Sirius_Black123 = "f5f66fc5-f287-434e-a03f-2480f998e76f";
-      DerDaHalt = "09c72cb7-cab9-444f-af55-616fcf93822c";
-    };
-    serverProperties = {
-      player-idle-timeout = 30;
-      white-list = true;
-      difficulty = 3;
-      gamemode = "survival";
-      enforce-whitelist = true;
-      simulation-distance = 10;
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/README.md b/system/services/taskserver/certs/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff0e44..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-> This is taken from: https://github.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskserver/blob/9794cff61e56bdfb193c6aa4cebb57970ac68aef/pki/README
-PKI is a complex subject. These scripts and this description are not intended
-to be a complete and accurate example of PKI.
-Ideally you would purchase a server cert signed by a known CA, such as one of
-the following:
-- Symantec
-- Comodo
-- GoDaddy
-- GlobalSign
-- (Let's Encrypt)
-That cert would need the 'encryption_key' and 'signing_key' attributes.
-Using that server cert, you would then issue a server CRL and client keys.
-If you are developing, testing, or running your own private server, you may
-choose instead to generate the above yourself.  In this case you would generate
-a CA key and cert, then use that to generate a server key, cert, and CRL.  Then
-you would use the server key and cert to create a client key and cert.  But as
-there is no trusted CA in this example, just yourself, the resultant client key
-and cert will not be trusted by anyone, for good reasons.
-Note, you can inspect any cert with the command:
-$ gnutls-certtool -i --infile $CERT
-There is a 'generate' script here that will perform the above steps.  Take a
-look at it to see the individual steps it takes to generate the proper set of
-keys and certs.
-Note that you need to modify the 'vars' file to provide your own identity and
-chosen parameters.
-Validate a certificate with:
-$ gnutls-certtool --verify --infile client.cert.pem --load-ca-certificate ca.cert.pem
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/ca.cert.pem b/system/services/taskserver/certs/ca.cert.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c0435..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/ca.cert.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/ca.key.pem.gpg b/system/services/taskserver/certs/ca.key.pem.gpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8abd59a..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/ca.key.pem.gpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/check_expire b/system/services/taskserver/certs/check_expire
deleted file mode 100755
index 39f3291..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/check_expire
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env nix
-#! nix shell nixpkgs#openssl nixpkgs#dash --command dash
-cd "$(dirname "$0")" || {
-    echo "No dir name?!"
-    exit 1
-for cert in *.cert.pem; do
-    echo "$cert"
-    openssl x509 -noout -in "$cert" -dates
-    echo
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate b/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate
deleted file mode 100755
index c3b58ae..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#! nix-shell -i dash --packages openssl gnutls dash
-#! nix-shell --impure
-# For a public or production server, purchase a cert from a known CA, and skip
-# the next step.
-# For development, testing and personal server management, create a CA key and
-# cert, and use that to generate a server key and cert.  Creates:
-#   ca.key.pem
-#   ca.cert.pem
-#   server.key.pem
-#   server.cert.pem
-GENERATION_LOCATION="/run/user/$(id -u)/taskserver/certs"
-BASEDIR="$(dirname "$0")"
-cd "$BASEDIR" || {
-    echo "(BUG?) No basedir ('$BASEDIR')" 1>&2
-    exit 1
-for arg in "$@"; do
-    case "$arg" in
-    "--ca")
-        ca=true
-        ;;
-    "--crl")
-        crl=true
-        ;;
-    "--clients")
-        clients=true
-        ;;
-    esac
-# `ca.cert.pem` is not on this list, as it would otherwise get deleted in the `rm` on the
-# second-to last line
-set -- ./vars ./generate.ca ./generate.crl ./generate.client ./ca.key.pem.gpg ./isrgrootx1.pem
-mkdir --parents "$GENERATION_LOCATION"
-cp "$@" ./ca.cert.pem "$GENERATION_LOCATION"
-cd "$GENERATION_LOCATION" || echo "(BUG?) No possible location fould!" 1>&2
-gpg --decrypt ca.key.pem.gpg >ca.key.pem
-[ "$ca" = true ] && ./generate.ca
-cat ./isrgrootx1.pem >>./ca.cert.pem
-# Generate a certificate revocation list (CRL).  The initial CRL is empty, but
-# can grow over time.  Creates:
-#   server.crl.pem
-[ "$crl" = true ] && ./generate.crl
-# The above is sufficient to operate a server. You now need to run a client cert creation
-# process per client; Add the required client names and uncomment
-# ./generate.client <client_name>
-# Creates:
-#   <client_name>.key.pem
-#   <client_name>.cert.pem
-[ "$clients" = true ] && ./generate.client soispha
-[ "$clients" = true ] && ./generate.client android-mobile
-[ "$clients" = true ] && ./generate.client android-tab
-rm "$@" "./ca.key.pem"
-echo "(INFO) Look for the keys at: $GENERATION_LOCATION"
-# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.ca b/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.ca
deleted file mode 100755
index eb0dd5c..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.ca
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Take the correct binary to create the certificates
-CERTTOOL=$(command -v gnutls-certtool 2>/dev/null || command -v certtool 2>/dev/null)
-if [ -z "$CERTTOOL" ]; then
-    echo "ERROR: No certtool found" >&2
-    exit 1
-. ./vars
-if ! [ -f ca.key.pem ]; then
-    # Create a CA key.
-    $CERTTOOL \
-        --generate-privkey \
-        --sec-param $SEC_PARAM \
-        --outfile ca.key.pem
-chmod 600 ca.key.pem
-if ! [ -f ca.template ]; then
-    # Sign a CA cert.
-    cat <<EOF >ca.template
-organization = $ORGANIZATION
-cn = $CN CA
-country = $COUNTRY
-expiration_days = $EXPIRATION_DAYS
-#state = $STATE
-#locality = $LOCALITY
-if ! [ -f ca.cert.pem ]; then
-    $CERTTOOL \
-        --generate-self-signed \
-        --load-privkey ca.key.pem \
-        --template ca.template \
-        --outfile ca.cert.pem
-chmod 600 ca.cert.pem
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.client b/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.client
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f0e503..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.client
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Take the correct binary to create the certificates
-CERTTOOL=$(command -v gnutls-certtool 2>/dev/null || command -v certtool 2>/dev/null)
-if [ -z "$CERTTOOL" ]
-  echo "ERROR: No certtool found" >&2
-  exit 1
-. ./vars
-if [ $# -gt 0 ]
-  NAME=$1
-if ! [ -f "$NAME".key.pem ]
-  # Create a client key.
-    --generate-privkey \
-    --sec-param $SEC_PARAM \
-    --outfile "$NAME".key.pem
-chmod 600 "$NAME".key.pem
-if ! [ -f "$NAME".template ]
-  # Sign a client cert with the key.
-  cat <<EOF >"$NAME".template
-organization = $ORGANIZATION
-cn = $CN
-expiration_days = $EXPIRATION_DAYS
-if ! [ -f "$NAME".cert.pem ]
-    --generate-certificate \
-    --load-privkey "$NAME".key.pem \
-    --load-ca-certificate ca.cert.pem \
-    --load-ca-privkey ca.key.pem \
-    --template "$NAME".template \
-    --outfile "$NAME".cert.pem
-chmod 600 "$NAME".cert.pem
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.crl b/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.crl
deleted file mode 100755
index e9f6715..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/generate.crl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Take the correct binary to create the certificates
-CERTTOOL=$(command -v gnutls-certtool 2>/dev/null || command -v certtool 2>/dev/null)
-if [ -z "$CERTTOOL" ]
-  echo "ERROR: No certtool found" >&2
-  exit 1
-. ./vars
-if ! [ -f crl.template ]
-  # CRL - Certificate Revocation List
-  cat <<EOF >crl.template
-expiration_days = $EXPIRATION_DAYS
-if ! [ -f server.crl.pem ]
-    --generate-crl \
-    --load-ca-privkey ca.key.pem \
-    --load-ca-certificate ca.cert.pem \
-    --template crl.template \
-    --outfile server.crl.pem
-chmod 600 server.crl.pem
-# To create a CRL that contains some revoked certificates, place the
-# certificates in a file and use --load-certificate as follows:
-#   --generate-crl \
-#   --load-ca-privkey ca.key.pem \
-#   --load-ca-certificate ca.cert.pem \
-#   --load-certificate revoked-certs.pem
-# To verify a CRL:
-#   $CERTTOOL --verify-crl --load-ca-certificate ca.cert.pem --infile server.crl.pem
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/isrgrootx1.pem b/system/services/taskserver/certs/isrgrootx1.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index b85c803..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/isrgrootx1.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/certs/vars b/system/services/taskserver/certs/vars
deleted file mode 100644
index 50d753a..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/certs/vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/default.nix b/system/services/taskserver/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b6a8b..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-{config, ...}: let
-  taskStore = "/var/lib/taskserver";
-in {
-  environment.etc = {
-    "tmpfiles.d/taskserver.conf".source = config.age.secrets.taskserverSystemdTmpfiles.path;
-  };
-  vhack.persist.directories = [
-    "/var/lib/taskserver"
-  ];
-  services.taskserver = {
-    enable = true;
-    pki.manual = {
-      ca.cert = ./certs/ca.cert.pem;
-      server = {
-        cert = "${taskStore}/fullchain.pem";
-        key = "${taskStore}/key.pem";
-      };
-    };
-    debug = false;
-    ipLog = false;
-    trust = "strict";
-    organisations = import ./organisations.nix;
-    openFirewall = true;
-    fqdn = "taskserver.vhack.eu";
-    # This should tell taskd to bind to both ipv6 and ipv4 domains:
-    # This will ONLY work when the kernel option `sys.net.ipv6.bindv6only` is false
-    listenHost = "::";
-  };
-  boot.kernelParams = [
-    "sys.net.ipv6.bindv6only=0"
-  ];
-  security.acme.certs.taskserver = {
-    domain = "taskserver.vhack.eu";
-    postRun =
-      /*
-      bash
-      */
-      ''
-        set -x
-        rm "${taskStore}/key.pem"
-        rm "${taskStore}/fullchain.pem"
-        cp key.pem "${taskStore}";
-        cp fullchain.pem "${taskStore}";
-        chown taskd:taskd "${taskStore}/key.pem"
-        chown taskd:taskd "${taskStore}/fullchain.pem"
-      '';
-  };
diff --git a/system/services/taskserver/organisations.nix b/system/services/taskserver/organisations.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c3ad966..0000000
--- a/system/services/taskserver/organisations.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-  vhack = {
-    users = [
-      "soispha"
-    ];
-  };
-  soispha = {
-    users = [
-      "soispha"
-      "android-mobile"
-      "android-tab"
-    ];
-  };