From e0ca2d19231c50543a6dc6bcc6335a3f9a84c595 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benedikt Peetz <>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 23:57:32 +0100
Subject: feat(src): Make usable

 rust/format/.gitignore                     |   3 +
 rust/format/Cargo.lock                     |   7 +
 rust/format/Cargo.toml                     |  70 ++++++++++
 rust/format/output                         |   6 +
 rust/format/output2                        |   6 +
 rust/format/package.nix                    |  27 ++++
 rust/format/src/format_layer/        | 209 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 rust/format/src/format_layer/output_def.fs |  22 +++
 rust/format/src/format_layer/prints.txt    |   6 +
 rust/format/src/                    |  55 ++++++++
 10 files changed, 411 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 rust/format/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 rust/format/Cargo.lock
 create mode 100644 rust/format/Cargo.toml
 create mode 100644 rust/format/output
 create mode 100644 rust/format/output2
 create mode 100644 rust/format/package.nix
 create mode 100644 rust/format/src/format_layer/
 create mode 100644 rust/format/src/format_layer/output_def.fs
 create mode 100644 rust/format/src/format_layer/prints.txt
 create mode 100644 rust/format/src/

(limited to 'rust/format')

diff --git a/rust/format/.gitignore b/rust/format/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed14267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# build
diff --git a/rust/format/Cargo.lock b/rust/format/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d41b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
+version = 3
+name = "format"
+version = "0.1.0"
diff --git a/rust/format/Cargo.toml b/rust/format/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf593c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+name = "format"
+description = "A qmk layer source code formatter"
+version = "0.1.0"
+edition = "2021"
+license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later"
+# See more keys and their definitions at
+lto = true
+codegen-units = 1
+panic = "abort"
+split-debuginfo = "off"
+# rustc lint groups
+warnings = "warn"
+future_incompatible = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+let_underscore = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+nonstandard_style = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+rust_2018_compatibility = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+rust_2018_idioms = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+rust_2021_compatibility = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+unused = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+# rustc allowed-by-default lints
+# missing_docs = "warn"
+macro_use_extern_crate = "warn"
+meta_variable_misuse = "warn"
+missing_abi = "warn"
+missing_copy_implementations = "warn"
+missing_debug_implementations = "warn"
+non_ascii_idents = "warn"
+noop_method_call = "warn"
+single_use_lifetimes = "warn"
+trivial_casts = "warn"
+trivial_numeric_casts = "warn"
+unreachable_pub = "warn"
+unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn = "warn"
+unused_crate_dependencies = "warn"
+unused_import_braces = "warn"
+unused_lifetimes = "warn"
+unused_qualifications = "warn"
+variant_size_differences = "warn"
+# rustdoc lints
+broken_intra_doc_links = "warn"
+private_intra_doc_links = "warn"
+missing_crate_level_docs = "warn"
+private_doc_tests = "warn"
+invalid_codeblock_attributes = "warn"
+invalid_rust_codeblocks = "warn"
+bare_urls = "warn"
+# clippy allowed by default
+dbg_macro = "warn"
+# clippy categories
+all = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+correctness = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+suspicious = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+style = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+complexity = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+perf = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
+pedantic = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
diff --git a/rust/format/output b/rust/format/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95f3cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/output
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+KK_TP,         KK_TP,              KK_TP,             KK_TP,      KK_TP,       KK_TP,      KK_TP,           KK_TP, RV_SPAWN_NHEKO,  RV_SPAWN_NEORG_FIREFOX, RV_SPAWN_KEEPASSXC, RV_SPAWN_SIGNAL, KK_TP, KK_TP,
+KK_TP,         RV_SCREEN_SHOT,     RV_PAUSE,          RV_TOGGLE_MUSIC,           RV_RUN,               KK_TP,      KK_TP,           KK_TP, RV_TOGGLE_FLOAT, RV_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN,   RV_ZOOM_VIEW,       KK_TP,  RV_EXIT,        KK_TP,
+KK_TP,         KK_TP,              KK_TP,             KK_TP,            KK_TP,       KK_TP,                                                KK_TP,  RV_SEND_OUTPUT,         KK_TP,     KK_TP,  KK_TP, KK_TP,
+KK_TP,         KK_TP,              KK_TP,             KK_TP,            KK_TP,       KK_TP,                                                KK_TP,  KK_TP,         KK_TP,     KK_TP,  KK_TP, KK_TP,
+KK_TP,         KK_TP,              KK_TP,             KK_TP,            KK_TP,       KK_TP
diff --git a/rust/format/output2 b/rust/format/output2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc3a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/output2
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+KC_EQL,  KC_1,    KC_2,    KC_3,    KC_4,    KC_5,    KC_LEFT,           KC_RGHT, KC_6,    KC_7,    KC_8,    KC_9,    KC_0,    KC_MINS,
+KC_DEL,  KC_Q,    KC_W,    KC_E,    KC_R,    KC_T,    TG(SYMB),         TG(SYMB), KC_Y,    KC_U,    KC_I,    KC_O,    KC_P,    KC_BSLS,
+KC_BSPC, KC_A,    KC_S,    KC_D,    KC_F,    KC_G,    KC_HYPR,           KC_MEH,  KC_H,    KC_J,    KC_K,    KC_L,    LT(MDIA,KC_SCLN), LGUI_T(KC_QUOT),
+KC_LSFT, LCTL_T(KC_Z), KC_X, KC_C,    KC_V,    KC_B,                                KC_N,    KC_M,    KC_COMM, KC_DOT,  RCTL_T(KC_SLSH), KC_RSFT,
diff --git a/rust/format/package.nix b/rust/format/package.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0595b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/package.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+  rustPlatform,
+  lib,
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+  pname = "format";
+  version = "1.0.0";
+  src = lib.cleanSourceWith {
+    src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
+    filter = name: type:
+      (type == "directory")
+      || (builtins.elem (builtins.baseNameOf name) [
+        "Cargo.toml"
+        "Cargo.lock"
+        "prints.txt"
+        "output_def.fs"
+      ])
+      || (lib.strings.hasSuffix ".rs" (builtins.baseNameOf name));
+  };
+  doCheck = true;
+  cargoLock = {
+    lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+  };
diff --git a/rust/format/src/format_layer/ b/rust/format/src/format_layer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b93c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/src/format_layer/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+use std::fmt::{Display, Write};
+macro_rules! check {
+    ($c1:expr, $cf:expr, $ind:expr, $ma:expr) => {
+        if ($cf[$ind] >= $ma) {
+            $c1[$ind] = $cf[$ind];
+        } else {
+            // eprintln!("Changed {} from {} -> {}", stringify!($cf), $cf[$ind], $ma);
+            $c1[$ind] = $ma;
+            $cf[$ind] = $ma;
+        }
+    };
+macro_rules! get {
+    ($val:expr, $column:tt, $key:tt) => {
+        [
+            $val.row1.$key.$column.to_string(),
+            $val.row2.$key.$column.to_string(),
+            $val.row3.$key.$column.to_string(),
+            $val.row4.$key.$column.to_string(),
+            $val.row5.$key.$column.to_string(),
+            $val.row6.$key.$column.to_string(),
+        ]
+        .iter()
+        .map(|val| val.chars().count())
+        .max()
+        .expect("Works")
+    };
+impl Output {
+    fn format(&self, c_column_max: &mut [usize; 14]) -> String {
+        let mut columns_max = [0; 14];
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 0, get! {self, 0, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 1, get! {self, 1, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 2, get! {self, 2, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 3, get! {self, 3, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 4, get! {self, 4, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 5, get! {self, 5, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 6, get! {self, 6, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 7, get! {self, 0, 0});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 8, get! {self, 1, 1});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 9, get! {self, 2, 1});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 10, get! {self, 3, 1});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 11, get! {self, 4, 1});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 12, get! {self, 5, 1});
+        check!(columns_max, c_column_max, 13, get! {self, 6, 1});
+        let mut f = String::new();
+        write!(
+            f,
+            include_str!("prints.txt"),
+            // row 1
+            self.row1.0 .0,
+            self.row1.0 .1,
+            self.row1.0 .2,
+            self.row1.0 .3,
+            self.row1.0 .4,
+            self.row1.0 .5,
+            self.row1.0 .6,
+            self.row1.1 .0,
+            self.row1.1 .1,
+            self.row1.1 .2,
+            self.row1.1 .3,
+            self.row1.1 .4,
+            self.row1.1 .5,
+            self.row1.1 .6,
+            // row 2
+            self.row2.0 .0,
+            self.row2.0 .1,
+            self.row2.0 .2,
+            self.row2.0 .3,
+            self.row2.0 .4,
+            self.row2.0 .5,
+            self.row2.0 .6,
+            self.row2.1 .0,
+            self.row2.1 .1,
+            self.row2.1 .2,
+            self.row2.1 .3,
+            self.row2.1 .4,
+            self.row2.1 .5,
+            self.row2.1 .6,
+            // row 3
+            self.row3.0 .0,
+            self.row3.0 .1,
+            self.row3.0 .2,
+            self.row3.0 .3,
+            self.row3.0 .4,
+            self.row3.0 .5,
+            self.row3.0 .6,
+            self.row3.1 .0,
+            self.row3.1 .1,
+            self.row3.1 .2,
+            self.row3.1 .3,
+            self.row3.1 .4,
+            self.row3.1 .5,
+            self.row3.1 .6,
+            // row 4
+            self.row4.0 .0.to_string(),
+            self.row4.0 .1.to_string(),
+            self.row4.0 .2.to_string(),
+            self.row4.0 .3.to_string(),
+            self.row4.0 .4.to_string(),
+            self.row4.0 .5.to_string(),
+            self.row4.0 .6.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .0.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .1.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .2.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .3.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .4.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .5.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .6.to_string(),
+            // row 5
+            self.row5.0 .0.to_string(),
+            self.row5.0 .1.to_string(),
+            self.row5.0 .2.to_string(),
+            self.row5.0 .3.to_string(),
+            self.row5.0 .4.to_string(),
+            self.row5.0 .5.to_string(),
+            self.row5.0 .6.to_string(),
+            self.row5.1 .0.to_string(),
+            self.row5.1 .1.to_string(),
+            self.row5.1 .2.to_string(),
+            self.row5.1 .3.to_string(),
+            self.row5.1 .4.to_string(),
+            self.row5.1 .5.to_string(),
+            self.row4.1 .6.to_string(),
+            // thumbs
+            self.row6.0 .0.to_string(),
+            self.row6.0 .1.to_string(),
+            self.row6.0 .2.to_string(),
+            self.row6.0 .3.to_string(),
+            self.row6.0 .4.to_string(),
+            self.row6.0 .5.to_string(),
+            self.row6.0 .6.to_string(),
+            self.row6.1 .0.to_string(),
+            self.row6.1 .1.to_string(),
+            self.row6.1 .2.to_string(),
+            self.row6.1 .3.to_string(),
+            self.row6.1 .4.to_string(),
+            self.row6.1 .5.to_string(),
+            self.row6.1 .6.to_string(),
+            col0 = columns_max[0],
+            col1 = columns_max[1],
+            col2 = columns_max[2],
+            col3 = columns_max[3],
+            col4 = columns_max[4],
+            col5 = columns_max[5],
+            col6 = columns_max[6],
+            col7 = columns_max[7],
+            col8 = columns_max[8],
+            col9 = columns_max[9],
+            col10 = columns_max[10],
+            col11 = columns_max[11],
+            col12 = columns_max[12],
+            col13 = columns_max[13],
+        )
+        .expect("Works");
+        f
+    }
+pub fn format_layer(input: String, c_column_max: &mut [usize; 14]) -> String {
+    let mut a = input
+        .lines()
+        .map(|val| val.to_owned())
+        .collect::<Vec<String>>()
+        .join(" ")
+        .split_whitespace()
+        .map(|val| val.to_owned())
+        .rev()
+        .collect::<Vec<String>>();
+    let mut n = || a.pop().expect("This should exist");
+    let e = || Emt();
+    let out = Output {
+        row1: (
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+        ),
+        row2: (
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+        ),
+        row3: (
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+        ),
+        row4: (
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), e()),
+            (e(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+        ),
+        row5: (
+            (n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), e()),
+            (e(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n(), n()),
+        ),
+        row6: (
+            (e(), e(), e(), n(), n(), n(), e()),
+            (e(), n(), n(), n(), e(), e(), e()),
+        ),
+    };
+    out.format(c_column_max)
diff --git a/rust/format/src/format_layer/output_def.fs b/rust/format/src/format_layer/output_def.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d46b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/src/format_layer/output_def.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// This file is not a `rs` file, to avoid formatting it.
+type Key = String;
+type Thb = Key;
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+struct Output {
+    row1: ((Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key), (Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key)),
+    row2: ((Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key), (Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key)),
+    row3: ((Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key), (Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key)),
+    row4: ((Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Emt), (Emt, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key)),
+    row5: ((Key, Key, Key, Key, Key, Thb, Emt), (Emt, Thb, Key, Key, Key, Key, Key)),
+    row6: ((Emt, Emt, Emt, Thb, Thb, Thb, Emt), (Emt, Thb, Thb, Thb, Emt, Emt, Emt)),
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+struct Emt ();
+impl Display for Emt {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        f.write_str("")
+    }
diff --git a/rust/format/src/format_layer/prints.txt b/rust/format/src/format_layer/prints.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f67b774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/src/format_layer/prints.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+    {:<col0$} {:<col1$} {:<col2$} {:<col3$} {:<col4$} {:<col5$} {:<col6$}           {:<col7$} {:<col8$} {:<col9$} {:<col10$} {:<col11$} {:<col12$} {:<col13$}
+    {:<col0$} {:<col1$} {:<col2$} {:<col3$} {:<col4$} {:<col5$} {:<col6$}           {:<col7$} {:<col8$} {:<col9$} {:<col10$} {:<col11$} {:<col12$} {:<col13$}
+    {:<col0$} {:<col1$} {:<col2$} {:<col3$} {:<col4$} {:<col5$} {:<col6$}           {:<col7$} {:<col8$} {:<col9$} {:<col10$} {:<col11$} {:<col12$} {:<col13$}
+    {:<col0$} {:<col1$} {:<col2$} {:<col3$} {:<col4$} {:<col5$} {:<col6$}           {:<col7$} {:<col8$} {:<col9$} {:<col10$} {:<col11$} {:<col12$} {:<col13$}
+    {:<col0$} {:<col1$} {:<col2$} {:<col3$} {:<col4$} {:<col5$} {:<col6$}           {:<col7$} {:<col8$} {:<col9$} {:<col10$} {:<col11$} {:<col12$} {:<col13$}
+    {:<col0$} {:<col1$} {:<col2$} {:<col3$} {:<col4$} {:<col5$} {:<col6$}           {:<col7$} {:<col8$} {:<col9$} {:<col10$} {:<col11$} {:<col12$} {:<col13$}
diff --git a/rust/format/src/ b/rust/format/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3554087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/format/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+use std::{env::args, fs::File, io::Read};
+mod format_layer;
+fn main() {
+    let mut keymap_h = String::new();
+    File::open(args().skip(1).last().expect("Exists"))
+        .expect("Should work")
+        .read_to_string(&mut keymap_h)
+        .expect("Failed to read keymap_h");
+    let mut c_column_max = [0; 14];
+    let out = calculate(&mut c_column_max, keymap_h);
+    let output = calculate(&mut c_column_max, out.join("\n"));
+    print!("{}", output.join("\n"));
+fn calculate(c_column_max: &mut [usize; 14], keymap_h: String) -> Vec<String> {
+    let mut output: Vec<String> = vec![];
+    let mut c_layer: Vec<String> = vec![];
+    keymap_h
+        .lines()
+        .filter(|line| !line.trim().is_empty())
+        .for_each(|line| {
+            let first_char = line.trim().chars().take(1).last().unwrap();
+            let line = line.trim();
+            match first_char {
+                'c' | '}' => {
+                    // Start or end of the kemap def, leave it alone
+                    output.push(line.to_owned());
+                }
+                '[' => {
+                    // Start of a new layer
+                    assert!(c_layer.is_empty(), "No new layer, without empty");
+                    output.push(format!("  {}", line));
+                }
+                ')' => {
+                    // End of a layer
+                    output.push(format_layer::format_layer(c_layer.join("\n"), c_column_max));
+                    c_layer.clear();
+                    output.push(format!("  {}", line));
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    // We are in a layer
+                    c_layer.push(line.to_owned());
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    output
cgit 1.4.1