# vim: ft=conf # GUI # Terminals alacritty # terminal emulator # Browsers firefox # web browser ungoogled-chromium-xdg-bin # web browser (only for web programming) # Image manipulation krita # new, and better (KDE) gimp # conservative, and old (GNOME) # Social mumble # voice chat software (client) nheko-git # Matrix Desktop client # Misc kalzium # Periodic Table of Elements keepassxc # password manager onlykey # OnlyKey Chrome Desktop App steam # Valve's digital software delivery system # TUI/CLI # Networking # One-off things #bind # A complete, highly portable implementation of the DNS protocol #firewalld # Firewall daemon with D-Bus interface #ngrep # A grep-like utility that allows you to search for network packets on an interface. #openbsd-netcat # TCP/IP swiss army knife. OpenBSD variant. # Misc lftp # FTP client openssh # SSH client # Eye candy banner # Print large banners to ASCII terminals cmatrix # A curses-based scrolling 'Matrix'-like screen hyfetch # Neofetch with LGBTQ pride flags. # Backups rclone # Sync files to and from Google Drive, S3, Swift, Cloudfiles, Dropbox and Google Cloud Storage snapper # A tool for managing BTRFS and LVM snapshots. It can create, diff and restore snapshots and provides timelined auto-snapping. snap-sync # Use snapper snapshots to backup to external drive # Misc android-file-transfer # Android MTP client with minimalistic UI docx2txt # Recovers text from DOCX files, with good formatting. btop # Interactive process viewer (maybe better than htop) ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd # Patched font Source Code Pro from nerd fonts library xdg-ninja-git # A shell script which checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories. yokadi # Command line oriented, sqlite powered, todo list # WM river # A dynamic tiling wayland compositor # CLI tools lswt # List Wayland toplevels wlopm # Wayland output power management. wlr-randr # Utility to manage outputs wl-clipboard # Command-line copy/paste utilities gammastep # Adjust the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. # Components yambar # status panel swaybg # Wallpaper mako # notification daemon bemenu-wayland # Run prompt # Media slurp # Select a region (used in the coordinates for grim/maim) grim # Screenshot utility #maim # Screenshot utility wf-recorder # Screen recorder # Idle swayidle # Idle management daemon swaylock # Screen locker # LF lf # A terminal file manager inspired by ranger # Functions broot # Fuzzy Search + tree + cd dragon-drop # Simple drag-and-drop source/sink trash-cli # Command line trashcan (recycle bin) interface # Previewer chafa # Image-to-text converter highlight # source code highlighter mediainfo # Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file w3m # Text-based Web browser as well as pager ffmpegthumbnailer # video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers # Media # Download yt-dlp # A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes #cclive # Commandline downloader for popular video websites. # Manipulate ffmpeg # Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video # View imv # Image viewer mpv # media player # Listen moc # An ncurses console audio player designed to be powerful and easy to use pavucontrol # PulseAudio Volume Control pipewire-alsa # Low-latency audio/video router and processor - ALSA configuration pipewire-jack # Low-latency audio/video router and processor - JACK support pipewire-pulse # Low-latency audio/video router and processor - PulseAudio replacement # Hardware # Boot efibootmgr # Linux user-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager grub # GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2) # Storage compsize # Calculate compression ratio of a set of files on Btrfs smartmontools # Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives # Input piper # GTK application to configure gaming mice # Printer gutenprint # Top quality printer drivers for POSIX systems sane-airscan # SANE - SANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD document scanners # CPU cpupower # Linux kernel tool to examine and tune power saving related features of your processor # Zsh zsh # A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX zsh-syntax-highlighting # Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh # next one only works if your alias is only a command, e.g. if you `alias='cat some_file.txt &2> /dev/null'`, running `cat some_file.txt` won't trigger it. # TODO find something better for this use case # zsh-you-should-use # ZSH plugin that reminds you to use existing aliases for commands you just typed # Core Utils file # File type identification utility grep # A string search utility sudo # Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root wget # Network utility to retrieve files from the Web which # A utility to show the full path of commands # File listers tree # A directory listing program displaying a depth indented list of files findutils # GNU utilities to locate files fd # Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find ripgrep # A search tool that combines the usability of ag with the raw speed of grep # {Un}Compressors zip # Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles gzip # GNU compression utility p7zip # Command-line file archiver with high compression ratio unzip # For extracting and viewing files in .zip archives # Editors ed # A POSIX-compliant line-oriented text editor sed # GNU stream editor vi # The original ex/vi text editor neovim # Fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIs # Programming # General Tools git # the fast distributed version control system git-bug # Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges glow # Command-line markdown renderer strace # A diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace tracer tokei # A blazingly fast CLOC (Count Lines Of Code) program # Rust rustup # The Rust toolchain installer rust-analyzer # Rust compiler front-end for IDEs # Yaml yamllint # Linter for YAML files # TeX zathura # Minimalistic document viewer zathura-pdf-poppler # Adds pdf support to zathura by using the poppler engine ltex-ls-bin # LTeX Language Server biber # A Unicode-capable BibTeX replacement for biblatex users pandoc # Conversion between markup formats # Web vscode-langservers-extracted # Language servers extracted from VSCode. dart-sass # Sass makes CSS fun again prettier # An opinionated code formatter for JS, JSON, CSS, YAML and much more # Shell dash # POSIX compliant shell that aims to be as small as possible shellcheck # Shell script analysis tool # Lua lua # Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications lua-format # LuaFormatter - Code formatter for Lua lua-language-server # Lua Language Server coded by Lua # R r # Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics #expect # A tool for automating interactive applications #handlr # Powerful alternative to xdg-utils written in Rust #linux # The Linux kernel and modules #linux-firmware # Firmware files for Linux #packagekit-qt5 # Qt5 bindings for PackageKit #vulkan-radeon # Radeon's Vulkan mesa driver #xorg-bdftopcf # Convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format