with lib; let
  cfg = config.system.fileSystemLayouts;
  defaultMountOptions = [
    "compress-force=zstd:15" # This saves disk space, at a performance cost
    "noatime" # should have some performance upsides, and I don't use it anyways
    "lazytime" # make time changes in memory
in {
  options.system.fileSystemLayouts = {
    enable = mkEnableOption (mdDoc "fileSystemLayout");
    mainDisk = mkOption {
      type = lib.types.path;
      example = literalExpression "/dev/disk/by-uuid/0442cb6d-f13a-4635-b487-fa76189774c5";
      description = lib.mdDoc "Path to the main disk";
    efiDisk = mkOption {
      type = lib.types.path;
      example = literalExpression "/dev/disk/by-uuid/5143-6136";
      description = lib.mdDoc "Path to the main disk";

  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
    fileSystems = {
      "/" = {
        device = "none";
        fsType = "tmpfs";
        options = ["defaults" "size=2G" "mode=755"];
      "/nix" = {
        device = cfg.mainDisk;
        fsType = "btrfs";
        options = ["subvol=nix-store"] ++ defaultMountOptions;
      "/srv" = {
        device = cfg.mainDisk;
        fsType = "btrfs";
        neededForBoot = true;
        options = ["subvol=persistent-storage"] ++ defaultMountOptions;
      "/boot" = {
        device = cfg.efiDisk;
        fsType = "vfat";
      #"${config.users.users.soispha.home}" = { # TODO this causes infinite recursion
      #      "/home" = {
      #        device = "none";
      #        fsType = "tmpfs"; # Can be stored on normal drive or on tmpfs as well
      #        options = ["defaults" "size=4G" "mode=755"];
      #      };
    swapDevices = [];