}: let
  cfg = config.soispha.impermanence;
  directories =
      # TODO: the following entries need to be checked
    ++ lib.optional config.networking.networkmanager.enable "/etc/NetworkManager"
    ++ lib.optional config.boot.lanzaboote.enable "/etc/secureboot"
    ++ lib.optional config.hardware.bluetooth.enable "/var/lib/bluetooth"
    ++ lib.optional config.virtualisation.waydroid.enable "/var/lib/waydroid";
in {
  options.soispha.impermanence = {
    enable = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.bool;
      default = true;
      description = lib.mdDoc "Disk setup with disko";
  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
    # needed for the hm impermanence config
    programs.fuse.userAllowOther = true;

    environment.persistence = {
      "/srv" = {
        hideMounts = true;
        inherit directories;
        files = [