use std::fmt::Display; use crate::mapping::{ map_tree::{Node, NodeValue}, MapKey, }; use super::MappingTree; impl Display for MappingTree { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { fn write_node( f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>, node: &Node, indention: String, location: Vec<MapKey>, is_last: bool, is_root: bool, ) -> std::fmt::Result { let node_value = match &node.value { NodeValue::Parent { children: _ } => "<Parent>".to_owned(), NodeValue::Child { path, extandable } => { path.to_owned() + if *extandable { " [exten.]" } else { " [stop]" } } }; let new_idention = indention.clone() + if is_root { "" } else { match is_last { true => " ", false => "│ ", } }; let bullet = match is_last { true => String::from("└── "), false => String::from("├── "), }; if is_root { write!(f, ": {}\n", node_value)?; } else { write!( f, "{}{}\x1b[1;33m{}\x1b[0m: {}\n", indention, bullet, MapKey::display(&location), node_value, )?; }; match &node.value { NodeValue::Parent { children } => { let mut children_vec: Vec<(&MapKey, &Node)> = children.iter().collect(); children_vec.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| a.key.cmp(&b.key)); let mut counter = 1; for (key, child) in &children_vec { let mut new_location = location.clone(); new_location.push((*key).to_owned()); write_node( f, child, new_idention.clone(), new_location.clone(), counter == children_vec.len(), false, )?; counter += 1; } } NodeValue::Child { path: _, extandable: _, } => { // Do nothing and stop the recursion } } Ok(()) } write_node(f, &self.root, String::new(), vec![], false, true)?; Ok(()) } }