# NOTE: This list is here and not split over the various plugin dirs, as we need a way to
# specify the order plugins are loaded in. <2024-08-11>
  # Remove all previous tags before import (this is useful to ensure, that
  # the metadata in the libary.db is synced with the tags on disk)
  # # FIXME: I think, that this also removes the deezer id, which is not ideal
  # <2024-08-07>
  # "scrub"

  # Help submitting stuff to music brainz

  # Extract things from the music file

  # Calculate replay gain

  # Check for bad files

  # Alows to use inline python for parsing tags

  # Support player integration

  # Show tags on files/queries

  # Create playlist from `play_count`/`skip_count` (gathered by the `mpdstats`
  # plugin)
  # Note that this should come _before_ the `mpdupdate` plugin, to ensure that
  # `mpdupgate` can propagate changed playlist to `mpd`.

  # Warn, when importing a matching item

  # Allow fuzzy searching

  # Filter out duplicates

  # Generate fingerprints

  # Download album art

  # Fetches tags from `last.fm` and adds them as genres to imported music

  # Run commands on events

  # Fetch lyrics

  # Allow beets to understand deezer id's
  # "deezer"

  "mpdstats" # Transfer MPD stats to beets
  "mpdupdate" # Update MPD database on import