#! /usr/bin/env zsh

autoload -Uz edit-command-line

wrapped_edit-command-line() {
    # This overrides a print implementation in my shell lib
    print() {
        # FIXME: `print` is called in the following way from `edit-command-line`
        # (from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zsh-users/zsh/refs/heads/master/Functions/Zle/edit-command-line):
        #   ```
        #   (( $+zle_bracketed_paste )) && print -r -n - $zle_bracketed_paste[1]
        #   ```
        # This results in the error, that the `-r|-n` arguments are mutually exclusive with
        # the `-` arg. I'm sure, that this is not a bug (as it's been in there for quite
        # some time now), and ignoring it just seems to work.
        # But I should either really fix this or find a explanation *why* they are doing
        # it. <2024-10-21>
        builtin print "$*" 2>/dev/null

    # Execute the original `edit-command-line`

zle -N edit-command-line wrapped_edit-command-line