}: let
  # FIXME: The iso redeploy requires a bigger efi partition  <2024-05-12>
  cfg = config.soispha.disks;
  defaultMountOptions = [
    "compress-force=zstd:15" # This saves disk space, at a performance cost
    "noatime" # should have some performance upsides, and I don't use it anyways
    "lazytime" # make time changes in memory
in {
  options.soispha.disks = {
    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "disk setup with disko";

    disk = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.path;
      example = lib.literalExpression "/dev/disk/by-uuid/0442cb6d-f13a-4635-b487-fa76189774c5";
      description = "The disk used for installing the OS.";

    ssd = lib.mkEnableOption "ssd specific improvements, like trim";

    swap = {
      uuid = lib.mkOption {
        type = lib.types.str;
        example = lib.literalExpression "d1d20ae7-3d8a-44da-86da-677dbbb10c89";
        description = "The uuid of the swapfile";
      resumeOffset = lib.mkOption {
        type = lib.types.str;
        example = lib.literalExpression "134324224";
        description = "The resume offset of the swapfile";

  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
    systemd = lib.recursiveUpdate (import ./hibernate.nix {inherit pkgs;}) (import ./fstrim.nix {inherit pkgs lib cfg;});

    disko.devices = {
      disk = {
        main = {
          device = cfg.disk;
          content = {
            type = "gpt";
            partitions = {
              root = {
                size = "100%";
                name = "root";
                content = {
                  type = "luks";
                  name = "nixos";
                  extraOpenArgs = ["--allow-discards"];
                  content = {
                    type = "btrfs";
                    extraArgs = ["-f" "--label nixos"]; # Override existing partitions
                    subvolumes = {
                      "nix" = {
                        mountpoint = "/nix";
                        mountOptions = defaultMountOptions;
                      "persistent-storage" = {
                        mountpoint = "/srv";
                        mountOptions = defaultMountOptions;
                      "persistent-storage@snapshots" = {
                        mountpoint = "/srv/.snapshots";
                        mountOptions = defaultMountOptions;
                      "swap" = {
                        mountpoint = "/swap";
                        mountOptions = defaultMountOptions;
              boot = {
                type = "EF00";
                size = "512M";
                name = "boot";
                content = {
                  type = "filesystem";
                  format = "vfat";
                  mountpoint = "/boot";
      nodev = {
        "/" = {
          fsType = "tmpfs";
          mountOptions = ["defaults" "size=4G" "mode=755"];
        "/tmp" = {
          fsType = "tmpfs";
          mountOptions = ["defaults" "size=16G" "mode=755"];
    fileSystems = {
      "/srv" = {
        neededForBoot = true;
      "/swap" = {
        neededForBoot = true;
    swapDevices = [
      #        device = "/swap/swapfile";
      #        priority = 1; # lower than zramSwap, just in case
      #        # size = 2048; # TODO: can nixos create a btrfs swapfile correctly?
    zramSwap = {
      enable = true;
      priority = 10; # needs to be higher than hardware-swap
    boot = {
      kernelParams = [
        "zswap.enabled=0" # zswap and zram are not really compatible
      resumeDevice = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/${cfg.swap.uuid}";