{ lib, pkgs, baseLib, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware.nix ]; soispha = { services.backup = { # Apzu should be regularly synced with Tiamat, which performs updates. enable = false; }; bluetooth.enable = true; laptop = { backlight = "intel_backlight"; enable = true; }; programs = { yambar = { laptop = true; backlight = "intel_backlight"; }; river.init = { mappings = { layout = "dvorak-modified"; keymap = { # Focus change "" = {command = ["focus-view" "next"];}; "" = {command = ["focus-view" "previous"];}; "" = {command = ["focus-output" "next"];}; "" = {command = ["focus-output" "previous"];}; # Standard programs ">" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.alacritty}"];}; "" = {command = ["exit"];}; "" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.lock}"];}; # Screenshot "" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.screenshot_persistent}"];}; # Audio "" = { command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe' pkgs.wireplumber "wpctl"} set-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 5%+"]; modes = ["normal" "locked"]; }; "" = { command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe' pkgs.wireplumber "wpctl"} set-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 5%-"]; modes = ["normal" "locked"]; }; "" = { command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.mpc} toggle"]; modes = ["normal" "locked"]; }; # Launcher "" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.rofi} -show combi -modes combi -combi-modes 'window, drun, run' -show-icons"];}; ">" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.neorg} dmenu"];}; ">" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.keepassxc}"];}; ">" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.signal-desktop}"];}; # ">" = {command = ["spawn" "${lib.getExe pkgs.steam}"];}; # Client "" = {command = ["toggle-fullscreen"];}; "" = {command = ["close"];}; "" = {command = ["toggle-float"];}; ">" = {command = ["zoom"];}; "" = {command = ["send-to-output" "next"];}; "" = {command = ["swap" "next"];}; "" = {command = ["swap" "previous"];}; # Toggle all tags "" = {command = ["set-focused-tags" (builtins.toString ((baseLib.pow 2 32) - 1))];}; "" = {command = ["set-view-tags" (builtins.toString ((baseLib.pow 2 32) - 1))];}; # Mouse "" = { command = ["move-view"]; map_mode = "MapMouse"; }; "" = { command = ["resize-view"]; map_mode = "MapMouse"; }; } // ( builtins.foldl' (acc: elem: acc // elem) {} ( builtins.map (index: let num = builtins.toString index; index2tag = input: builtins.toString (baseLib.pow 2 (input - 1)); in { "" = {command = ["set-focused-tags" (index2tag index)];}; "" = {command = ["set-view-tags" (index2tag index)];}; "" = {command = ["toggle-view-tags" (index2tag index)];}; }) (builtins.genList (i: i + 1) 9) ) ); }; screenSetupCode = {}; }; }; locale.enable = true; networking = { enable = true; hostName = "apzu"; mode = "NetworkManager"; }; services.unison.foreign.address = "tiamat.fritz.box"; nixpkgs = { enable = true; systemName = "x86_64-linux"; }; users = { enable = true; enableDeprecatedPlugdev = true; hashedPassword = "$y$jFT$3qI9MYLDHPUdGKsVa8skV0$TOjX0SFHWuj52zd7/kmkNtG5EqQwYcqv0FKXWbLaro6"; }; }; system.stateVersion = "23.05"; }