with pkgs; let
  snap-sync-pkgs = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "snap-sync" (builtins.readFile "${snap-sync}/bin/snap-sync");
  shell-scripts = (import ./scripts.nix) {inherit pkgs sysLib;};

  Gui = {
    Terminals = [
      # foot # wayland native terminal
      alacritty # default terminal
    Browsers = [
      #ungoogled-chromium # web browser (only for web programming)

    ImageManipulation = [
      #krita # new, and better (KDE)
      #gimp # conservative, and old (GNOME)

    Social = [
      mumble # voice chat software (client)
      lutris # multiple game store clients

      # nheko # best matrix client (as of today)
      # element-desktop  # nheko didn't work
      signal-desktop # to avoid encryption problems with signal-bridge

    Misc = [
      #kalzium # Periodic Table of Elements (`element` is [sort of] better)
      keepassxc # password manager
      #onlykey # OnlyKey Chrome Desktop App
      anki-bin # spaced repetition

  TuiCli = {
    EyeCandy = [
      #banner # Print large banners to ASCII terminals
      cmatrix # A curses-based scrolling 'Matrix'-like screen
      hyfetch # Neofetch with LGBTQ pride flags.

    Social = [
      iamb # best tui matrix client (as of today)

    Misc = [
      android-file-transfer # Android MTP client with minimalistic UI
      #xdg-ninja # A shell script which checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories.
      xdg-utils # open urls and such things
      yokadi # Command line oriented, sqlite powered, todo list
      killall # kill a application by name

    WM = {
      river = [river]; # A dynamic tiling wayland compositor

      CLITools = [
        lswt # List Wayland toplevels
        wl-clipboard # Command-line copy/paste utilities
        swaylock # lockscreen

      Media = [
        wf-recorder # Screen recorder
        libnotify # a command to send a notification

    Media = {
      View = [
        imv # Image viewer

      Listen = [
        pulseaudio # set the volume with pactl
        ncmpc # mpd player client
        mpc-cli # a cli mpd client

    Hardware = {
      Storage = [
        #compsize # Calculate compression ratio of a set of files on Btrfs
        # TODO: smartmontools # Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives

      Input = [
        #piper # GTK application to configure gaming mice

      Printer = [
        # TODO: sane-airscan # SANE - SANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD document scanners

    FileListers = [
      tree # A directory listing program displaying a depth indented list of files
      fd # Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
      ripgrep # A search tool that combines the usability of ag with the raw speed of grep
      fzf # used to quickly move around with its keybindings

    Editors = [
      ed # A POSIX-compliant line-oriented text editor
      #sed # GNU stream editor
      vim # The original ex/vi text editor (this is `vim` and not `vi`, as `vi` is unfree)
      #neovim # Fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIs

    Programming = {
      GeneralTools = [
        git # the fast distributed version control system
        git-crypt # mostly here to avoid problems in repositories, where the flake can't be loaded
        glow # Command-line markdown renderer
  # TODO: unmaintained, find sth else:
  # handlr # Powerful alternative to xdg-utils written in Rust
  mapFun = x:
    if builtins.isAttrs x
      if lib.isDerivation x
      then [x]
      else builtins.attrValues x
    else [x];
in {
  home.packages =
    ++ shell-scripts
    ++ (with builtins;
      (concatLists [
        (concatMap mapFun
          (concatMap mapFun
            (concatMap mapFun
              (concatMap mapFun
                (concatMap mapFun
                  (concatMap mapFun
                    (attrValues Gui)))))))

        (concatMap mapFun
          (concatMap mapFun
            (concatMap mapFun
              (concatMap mapFun
                (concatMap mapFun
                  (concatMap mapFun
                    (attrValues TuiCli)))))))