{ config, pkgs, lib, shell_library, system, ... }: { # TODO: ADD THIS ADDON # next one only works if your alias is only a command, e.g. if you `alias='cat some_file.txt &2> /dev/null'`, running `cat some_file.txt` won't trigger it. # TODO: find something better for this use case # zsh-you-should-use # ZSH plugin that reminds you to use existing aliases for commands you just typed home.sessionPath = []; programs.zsh = { enable = true; autosuggestion.enable = true; enableCompletion = true; syntaxHighlighting.enable = true; autocd = true; dotDir = ".config/zsh"; history = { extended = true; ignoreDups = false; expireDuplicatesFirst = false; ignoreSpace = false; # TODO: I might change that path = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/zsh/history"; save = 9000000; # number of lines to save size = 9000000; # number of lines to keep share = false; # share between sessions }; historySubstringSearch = { enable = true; searchDownKey = "^[[B"; # DOWN Arrow key searchUpKey = "^[[A"; # UP Arrow key }; loginExtra = '' eval $(ssh-agent -s) > /dev/null # start ssh agent '' + lib.concatStringsSep "\nsetopt " [ "setopt AUTO_CD" # This is needed as first item "AUTO_PUSHD" "CHASE_DOTS" "ALWAYS_TO_END" "EXTENDED_HISTORY" "HIST_ALLOW_CLOBBER" "HIST_VERIFY" "HIST_FCNTL_LOCK" "APPEND_HISTORY" "DVORAK" "CORRECT" "PROMPT_SUBST" "TRANSIENT_RPROMPT" # maybe? "COMBINING_CHARS" "VI" ]; initExtraFirst = builtins.readFile ./config/zsh-init.zsh # + builtins.readFile ./config/zsh-prompt.sh + '' SHELL_LIBRARY_VERSION="2.1.2" source ${shell_library.rawLib.${system}} # This next line buffers the first line of the following item: '' # NOTE: This must be before the insult, as we otherwise override the previous handler <2024-02-28> + builtins.readFile ./config/command_not_found.sh + builtins.readFile ./config/command_not_found_insult.sh + builtins.readFile ./config/custom_cursor.zsh + builtins.readFile "${pkgs.fzf}/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh"; shellAliases = { ll = ". ll"; hisea = "history 0 | grep"; }; sessionVariables = { IVIEWER = "imv"; READER = "zathura"; LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI = "qemu:///system"; BEMENU_SCALE = "1.5"; BEMENU_BACKEND = "wayland"; BEMENU_OPTS = "--fn 'Source Code Pro 10' -c -l 30 -B 1 -W 0.9 --hf #ffffff"; # Export Wayland env Vars {{{ QT_QPA_PLATFORM = "wayland"; QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct"; # needs qt5ct CLUTTER_BACKEND = "wayland"; SDL_VIDEODRIVER = "wayland"; # might brake some things # }}} }; }; }