# vim:ft=conf # These examples require Nerd Fonts or a compatible font to be used. # See https://www.nerdfonts.com for more information. # default values from lf (with matching order) # ln l # LINK # or l # ORPHAN # tw t # STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE # ow d # OTHER_WRITABLE # st t # STICKY # di d # DIR # pi p # FIFO # so s # SOCK # bd b # BLK # cd c # CHR # su u # SETUID # sg g # SETGID # ex x # EXEC # fi - # FILE # file types (with matching order) ln  # LINK or  # ORPHAN tw t # STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE ow  # OTHER_WRITABLE st t # STICKY di  # DIR pi p # FIFO so s # SOCK bd b # BLK cd c # CHR su u # SETUID sg g # SETGID ex  # EXEC fi  # FILE # file extensions (vim-devicons) *.styl  *.sass  *.scss  *.htm  *.html  *.slim  *.haml  *.ejs  *.css  *.less  *.md  *.mdx  *.markdown  *.rmd  *.json  *.webmanifest  *.js  *.mjs  *.jsx  *.rb  *.gemspec  *.rake  *.php  *.py  *.pyc  *.pyo  *.pyd  *.coffee  *.mustache  *.hbs  *.conf  *.ini  *.yml  *.yaml  *.toml  *.bat  *.mk  *.jpg  *.jpeg  *.bmp  *.png  *.webp  *.gif  *.ico  *.twig  *.cpp  *.c++  *.cxx  *.cc  *.cp  *.c  *.cs 󰌛 *.h  *.hh  *.hpp  *.hxx  *.hs  *.lhs  *.nix  *.lua  *.java  *.sh  *.fish  *.bash  *.zsh  *.ksh  *.csh  *.awk  *.ps1  *.ml λ *.mli λ *.diff  *.db  *.sql  *.dump  *.clj  *.cljc  *.cljs  *.edn  *.scala  *.go  *.dart  *.xul  *.sln  *.suo  *.pl  *.pm  *.t  *.rss  '*.f#'  *.fsscript  *.fsx  *.fs  *.fsi  *.rs  *.rlib  *.d  *.erl  *.hrl  *.ex  *.exs  *.eex  *.leex  *.heex  *.vim  *.ai  *.psd  *.psb  *.ts  *.tsx  *.jl  *.pp  *.vue 󰡄 *.elm  *.swift  *.xcplayground  *.tex 󰙩 *.r 󰟔 *.rproj 󰗆 *.sol 󰞻 *.pem 󰌋 # file names (vim-devicons) (case-insensitive not supported in lf) *gruntfile.coffee  *gruntfile.js  *gruntfile.ls  *gulpfile.coffee  *gulpfile.js  *gulpfile.ls  *mix.lock  *dropbox  *.ds_store  *.gitconfig  *.gitignore  *.gitattributes  *.gitlab-ci.yml  *.bashrc  *.zshrc  *.zshenv  *.zprofile  *.vimrc  *.gvimrc  *_vimrc  *_gvimrc  *.bashprofile  *favicon.ico  *license  *node_modules  *react.jsx  *procfile  *dockerfile  *docker-compose.yml  *rakefile  *config.ru  *gemfile  *makefile  *cmakelists.txt  *robots.txt 󰚩 # file names (case-sensitive adaptations) *Gruntfile.coffee  *Gruntfile.js  *Gruntfile.ls  *Gulpfile.coffee  *Gulpfile.js  *Gulpfile.ls  *Dropbox  *.DS_Store  *LICENSE  *React.jsx  *Procfile  *Dockerfile  *Docker-compose.yml  *Rakefile  *Gemfile  *Makefile  *CMakeLists.txt  # file patterns (vim-devicons) (patterns not supported in lf) # .*jquery.*\.js$  # .*angular.*\.js$  # .*backbone.*\.js$  # .*require.*\.js$  # .*materialize.*\.js$  # .*materialize.*\.css$  # .*mootools.*\.js$  # .*vimrc.*  # Vagrantfile$  # file patterns (file name adaptations) *jquery.min.js  *angular.min.js  *backbone.min.js  *require.min.js  *materialize.min.js  *materialize.min.css  *mootools.min.js  *vimrc  Vagrantfile  # archives or compressed (extensions from dircolors defaults) *.tar  *.tgz  *.arc  *.arj  *.taz  *.lha  *.lz4  *.lzh  *.lzma  *.tlz  *.txz  *.tzo  *.t7z  *.zip  *.z  *.dz  *.gz  *.lrz  *.lz  *.lzo  *.xz  *.zst  *.tzst  *.bz2  *.bz  *.tbz  *.tbz2  *.tz  *.deb  *.rpm  *.jar  *.war  *.ear  *.sar  *.rar  *.alz  *.ace  *.zoo  *.cpio  *.7z  *.rz  *.cab  *.wim  *.swm  *.dwm  *.esd  # image formats (extensions from dircolors defaults) *.jpg  *.jpeg  *.mjpg  *.mjpeg  *.gif  *.bmp  *.pbm  *.pgm  *.ppm  *.tga  *.xbm  *.xpm  *.tif  *.tiff  *.png  *.svg  *.svgz  *.mng  *.pcx  *.mov  *.mpg  *.mpeg  *.m2v  *.mkv  *.webm  *.ogm  *.mp4  *.m4v  *.mp4v  *.vob  *.qt  *.nuv  *.wmv  *.asf  *.rm  *.rmvb  *.flc  *.avi  *.fli  *.flv  *.gl  *.dl  *.xcf  *.xwd  *.yuv  *.cgm  *.emf  *.ogv  *.ogx  # audio formats (extensions from dircolors defaults) *.aac  *.au  *.flac  *.m4a  *.mid  *.midi  *.mka  *.mp3  *.mpc  *.ogg  *.ra  *.wav  *.oga  *.opus  *.spx  *.xspf  # other formats *.pdf 