}: let
  commands = import ./commands {inherit pkgs sysLib shell_library system lf_rename;};
  keybindings = import ./keybindings {inherit nixosConfig;};
in {
  xdg.configFile."lf/icons".source = ./icons;
  xdg.configFile."lf/colors".source = ./colors;

  # TODO: add the systemd tempfile option here

  programs.lf = {
    enable = true;

    inherit commands keybindings;

    previewer = {
      keybinding = "i";
      source = "${pkgs.ctpv}/bin/ctpv";
    settings = {
      # TODO: this needs to be added to nixos:
      #autoquit = true; # quit the server, if no clients are left
      #dirpreviews = true; # preview for directories

      dircounts = true; # count things in directories TODO: this has performance impact
      drawbox = true;
      # errorfmt = "\\033[1;91m==> ERROR:\\033[0m\\033[1;93m%s\\033[0m";
      errorfmt = "\\033[1;91m%s\\033[0m";
      hidden = true; # show hidden files
      icons = true;
      ifs = "\\n"; # internal field separator for shell commands
      #info = "size"; # show the size of a directory
      shell = "sh";
      shellopts = "-eu"; # e: exit on error; u: error for unset variables
    # TODO: remove auto quit, if it has been added
    extraConfig = ''
      &${pkgs.ctpv}/bin/ctpv -s $id
      cmd on-quit %${pkgs.ctpv}/bin/ctpv -e $id
      set cleaner ${pkgs.ctpv}/bin/ctpvclear

      # close the server, after the last client exits
      set autoquit true

      # disable the cusor in the preview pane
      set cursorpreviewfmt ""