#!/usr/bin/env bash # copied from https://superuser.com/a/1239036 # extract_cookies.sh: # # Convert from Firefox's cookies.sqlite format to Netscape cookies, # which can then be used by wget and curl. (Why don't wget and curl # just use libsqlite if it's installed? Mysteries abound.) # # Note: This script reads directly from the standard cookie jar file, # which means cookies which are kept only in memory ("session cookies") # will not be extracted. You will need an extension to do that. # USAGE: # # $ extract_cookies.sh > /tmp/cookies.txt # or # $ extract_cookies.sh ~/.mozilla/firefox/*default*/cookies.sqlite > /tmp/cookies.txt # USING WITH WGET: # $ wget --load-cookies=/tmp/cookies.txt http://example.com # USING WITH CURL: # $ curl --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt http://example.com # Note: If you do not specify an SQLite filename, this script will # intelligently find it for you. # # A) Usually it will check all profiles under ~/.mozilla/firefox/ and # use the cookies.sqlite that was updated most recently. # # B) If you've redirected stdin (with < or |) , then that will be used. # HISTORY: I believe this is circa 2010 from: # http://slacy.com/blog/2010/02/using-cookies-sqlite-in-wget-or-curl/ # However, that site is down now. # Cleaned up by Hackerb9 (2017) to be more robust and require less typing. cleanup() { rm -f "$TMPFILE" exit 0 } trap cleanup EXIT INT QUIT TERM if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then SQLFILE="$1" else SQLFILE="$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/default/cookies.sqlite" fi if ! [ -r "$SQLFILE" ]; then echo "Error. File $SQLFILE is not readable." >&2 exit 1 fi # We have to copy cookies.sqlite, because FireFox has a lock on it TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/cookies.sqlite.XXXXXXXXXX) cat "$SQLFILE" >> "$TMPFILE" # This is the format of the sqlite database: # CREATE TABLE moz_cookies (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, value TEXT, host TEXT, path TEXT,expiry INTEGER, lastAccessed INTEGER, isSecure INTEGER, isHttpOnly INTEGER); echo "# Netscape HTTP Cookie File" sqlite3 -separator $'\t' "$TMPFILE" << EOF .mode tabs .header off select host, case substr(host,1,1)='.' when 0 then 'FALSE' else 'TRUE' end, path, case isSecure when 0 then 'FALSE' else 'TRUE' end, expiry, name, value from moz_cookies; EOF cleanup