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path: root/services/zsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/services/zsh-init.sh b/services/zsh-init.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc9af87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/zsh-init.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
+# Flex on the ubuntu users
+[ "$NVIM" ] || neofetch || hyfetch
+#loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID
+## Enable colors and change prompt:
+#autoload -Uz colors && colors
+#autoload -Uz compinit && compinit -u
+## Edit line in vim buffer ctrl-v
+#autoload -Uz edit-command-line; zle -N edit-command-line
+## Enter vim buffer from normal mode
+#autoload -Uz edit-command-line && zle -N edit-command-line
+## zstyles
+#zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
+## Auto complete with case insensitivity
+#zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+#zmodload zsh/complist
+#_comp_options+=(globdots)		# Include hidden files.
+## Source configs
+#source "${ZDOTDIR}/ali.sh"
+#source "${ZDOTDIR}/prompt.sh"
+#source "${ZDOTDIR}/hotkeys.sh"
+source "./${path_custom_cursor}"
+#source ~/.local/lib/shell/lib
+## Load zsh-syntax-highlighting
+#source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
+## Suggest aliases for commands
+#source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-you-should-use/you-should-use.plugin.zsh
+##eval "$(lua ~/scripts/z.lua --init zsh enhanced)"
diff --git a/services/zsh-prompt.sh b/services/zsh-prompt.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f0f164b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/zsh-prompt.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+_command_time_preexec() {
+    timer=${timer:-$SECONDS}
+_command_time_precmd() {
+    PROMPT_TMP_DIR=$(mktemp)
+  if [ $timer ]; then
+    ts=$(($SECONDS - $timer))
+    tts=$ts
+    mi=0
+    ho=0
+    if [ $ts -ge 3 ];then
+        while [ $ts -ge 60 ];do
+            ts=$((ts-60))
+            mi=$((mi+1))
+        done
+        while [ $mi -ge 60 ];do
+            mi=$((mi-60))
+            ho=$((ho+1))
+        done
+        if [ $tts -ge 3600 ];then
+            out=$(printf '%dh %dm %ds\n' $ho $mi $ts)
+        elif [ $tts -ge 60 ];then
+            out=$(printf '%dm %ds\n' $mi $ts)
+        elif [ $tts -lt 60 ];then
+             out=$(printf '%ds\n' $ts)
+        fi
+    export psvar[1]="took $(printf '%s ' "$out")"
+    echo $psvar[1] > $PROMPT_TMP_DIR
+    fi
+    unset timer
+    unset ts
+    unset tts
+    unset mi
+    unset ho
+_command_ro_precmd() {
+if ! [ -w $(pwd) ];then
+    echo " "
+export PROMPT='%(?.%F{$blue}.%F{$red})%B%3~%(!. %F{$red}as root %f. )%F{$white}$(if [ -n $PROMPT_TMP_DIR ];then cat $PROMPT_TMP_DIR; rm $PROMPT_TMP_DIR;fi)%f%(?.%F{$blue}.%F{$red})%F{$red}$(_command_ro_precmd)%F{$blue}❯ %b%f'
+export RPROMPT=''
+#%(2V.%F{$red}%2v%f$(export psvar[2]="") .)
+# TODO:
+# Add git support
diff --git a/services/zsh.nix b/services/zsh.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b194ab6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/zsh.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+  config,
+  pkgs,
+  ...
+}: let
+  path_config_cursor = builtins.writeFile ./custom_cursor;
+in {
+  programs.zsh = {
+    enable = true;
+    zsh-autoenv = {
+      enable = true;
+    };
+    syntaxHighlighting = {
+      enable = true;
+    };
+    shellAliases = {
+      ls = "ls -a --color=auto";
+      ll = ". ll";
+      pip = "pip --require-virtualenv";
+      hisea = "history info | grep";
+      mocp = "mocp -M \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/moc";
+      yarn = "yarn --use-yarnrc \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/yarn/config";
+    };
+    setOptions = [
+      "AUTO_CD"
+      "AUTO_PUSHD"
+      "CHASE_DOTS"
+      "ALWAYS_TO_END"
+      "HIST_VERIFY"
+      "DVORAK"
+      "CORRECT"
+      "TRANSIENT_RPROMPT" # maybe?
+      "VI"
+    ];
+    promptInit =
+      builtins.readFile ./zsh-prompt.sh;
+    loginShellInit = ''
+      eval $(ssh-agent -s) > /dev/null # start ssh agent
+      export ENHANCHED_NEOFETCH="$(pacman -Qn | wc -l) (pacman), $(pacman -Qm | wc -l) (aur), $(($(cargo install --list | wc -l ) / 2)) (cargo)"
+    '';
+    interactiveShellInit = builtins.readFile ./zsh-init.sh;
+    histSize = 9999999;
+    histFile = "$XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh/history";
+    autosuggentions = {
+      enable = true;
+    };
+  };
+  environment = {
+    variables = {
+      XDG_DATA_HOME = "$HOME/.local/share";
+      XDG_STATE_HOME = "$HOME/.local/state";
+      XDG_CACHE_HOME = "$HOME/.cache";
+      XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "$HOME/.config";
+      XDG_BIN_HOME = "\${HOME}/.local/bin";
+      HISTSIZE = "9000000";
+      TIMEFMT = "'$fg[green]%J$reset_color' time: $fg[blue]%*Es$reset_color, cpu: $fg[blue]%P$reset_color"; # no idea what this does or why it is needed
+      REPORTTIME = "10";
+      PATH = [
+        "\${PATH}:/home/dt/repos/shell/scripts"
+        "/home/dt/.local/bin"
+        "/home/dt/.local/share/cargo/bin/"
+      ];
+      EDITOR = "nvim";
+      IVIEWER = "imv";
+      READER = "zathura";
+      VISUAL = "nvim";
+      CODEEDITOR = "nvim";
+      TERMINAL = "alacritty";
+      BROWSER = "firefox";
+      COLORTERM = "truecolor";
+      PAGER = "less";
+      WM = "river";
+      AWMWALLPAPER = "/home/dt/media/pictures/tes/wallpapers-linux_cast/Dedicated_Colorschemes/nord/Abstract-Nord.png";
+      # FUNCNEST for more functions in functions
+      FUNCNEST = "2000";
+      WALLPAPERDIR = "$HOME/media/pictures/wallpapers/";
+      LESS = "R";
+      MANPAGER = "less -R --use-color -Dd+r -Du+b";
+      LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI = "qemu:///system";
+      BEMENU_SCALE = "1.5";
+      BEMENU_BACKEND = "wayland";
+      BEMENU_OPTS = "--fn 'Source Code Pro 10' -c -l 30 -B 1 -W 0.9 --hf #ffffff";
+      # Clean the home dir {{{
+      _JAVA_OPTIONS = "-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/java -Djavafx.cachedir = \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/openjfx\"";
+      GRADLE_USER_HOME = "\"$XDG_DATA_HOME\"/gradle";
+      CARGO_HOME = "\"$XDG_DATA_HOME\"/cargo";
+      GNUPGHOME = "\"$XDG_DATA_HOME\"/gnupg";
+      GOPATH = "\"$XDG_DATA_HOME\"/go";
+      GTK2_RC_FILES = "\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/gtk-2.0/gtkrc";
+      LESSHISFILE = "\"$XDG_CACHE_HOME\"/less/history";
+      LESSKEYIN = "\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/less/lesskey";
+      RUSTUP_HOME = "\"$XDG_DATA_HOME\"/rustup";
+      NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG = "\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/npm/npmrc";
+      NUGET_PACKAGES = "\"$XDG_CACHE_HOME\"/NuGetPackages";
+      PYTHONSTARTUP = "\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/python/pythonrc";
+      XAUTHORITY = "\"$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\"/Xauthority";
+      COMPDUMPFILE = "\"$XDG_DATA_DIR\"/zsh/.zcompdump}";
+      IPYTHONDIR = "\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/ipython";
+      PARALLEL_HOME = "\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/parallel";
+      STACK_XDG = "1";
+      # }}}
+      # Export Wayland env Vars {{{
+      QT_QPA_PLATFORM = "wayland";
+      QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct"; # needs qt5ct
+      CLUTTER_BACKEND = "wayland";
+      SDL_VIDEODRIVER = "wayland"; # might brake some things
+      MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND = "1";
+      # }}}
+    };
+  };