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diff --git a/bootstrap/install/install.sh b/bootstrap/install/install.sh
index a0561527..dfd7526e 100755
--- a/bootstrap/install/install.sh
+++ b/bootstrap/install/install.sh
@@ -98,10 +98,13 @@ msg "Finished mounting and generating btrfs subvolumes"
 msg "Creating swapfile..."
 msg2 "$(btrfs filesystem mkswapfile --size "$(free -m | awk '{if (NR==2) {printf "%sm\n", $2 + 500}}')" /mnt/swap/swapfile)";
-resume_offset=$(btrfs inspect-internal map-swapfile -r /mnt/swap/swapfile);
-swap_uuid=$(findmnt -no UUID -T /mnt/swap/swapfile);
-msg2 "UUID is: " "$swap_uuid";
-msg2 "Resume offset is: " "$resume_offset";
+msg "Finished creating swapfile!"
+msg "Important information:"
+msg2 "Swapfile UUID is: " "$(findmnt -no UUID -T /mnt/swap/swapfile)";
+msg2 "Swapfile resume offset is: " "$(btrfs inspect-internal map-swapfile -r /mnt/swap/swapfile)";
+msg2 "Root-disk UUID is: " "$(lsblk -no UUID -T $DISK_ROOT)";
+msg2 "EFI-disk UUID is: " "$(lsblk -no UUID -T $DISK_EFI)";
+warning "This information needs to be entered in the host configuration BEFORE rebuilding it. Otherwise the system won't boot!"
 msg "Checking for incompatibilities..."
 ssd_or_hdd=$(cat /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational);