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path: root/hm/soispha/pkgs
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authorSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-12-12 16:37:40 +0100
committerSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-12-12 16:37:40 +0100
commit9a7988ccaa537a735ac5ef174bca259a23a6c654 (patch)
tree49df47b0f8ad8bce366d400f5ebff911e9f33730 /hm/soispha/pkgs
parentchore(version): v1.17.1 (diff)
feat(hm/pkgs/scrs/screenshot): Add better persistent and temporary script
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 69 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts.nix b/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts.nix
index 63a38a34..f97bf50b 100644
--- a/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts.nix
+++ b/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts.nix
@@ -9,12 +9,21 @@
+    keep_path ? false,
-    sysLib.writeShellScriptWithLibrary {
-      inherit name;
-      src = ./scripts/${path}/${name};
-      dependencies = dependencies ++ [pkgs.dash];
-    };
+    if keep_path
+    then
+      sysLib.writeShellScriptWithLibraryAndKeepPath {
+        inherit name;
+        src = ./scripts/${path}/${name};
+        dependencies = dependencies ++ [pkgs.dash];
+      }
+    else
+      sysLib.writeShellScriptWithLibrary {
+        inherit name;
+        src = ./scripts/${path}/${name};
+        dependencies = dependencies ++ [pkgs.dash];
+      };
   aumo-scr = write_script {
     name = "aumo";
@@ -49,15 +58,31 @@
     path = "small_functions";
     dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (pkgs) glib;};
-  screen_shot-scr = write_script {
-    name = "screen_shot";
+  screenshot_persistent-scr = write_script {
+    name = "screenshot_persistent";
     path = "small_functions";
-    dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (pkgs) grim slurp alacritty;}; # TODO: add llp
+    keep_path = true;
+    dependencies = builtins.attrValues {
+      inherit
+        (pkgs)
+        grim
+        slurp
+        alacritty
+        rofi
+        libnotify
+        lf # TODO: add llp
+        ;
+    };
   mocs-scr = write_script {
     name = "mocs";
     path = "small_functions";
-    dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (pkgs) ncmpc procps;}; # TODO: add mymocp
+    dependencies = [];
+  };
+  screenshot_temporary-scr = write_script {
+    name = "screenshot_temporary";
+    path = "small_functions";
+    dependencies = builtins.attrValues {inherit (pkgs) grim slurp wl-clipboard;};
   neorg-scr = sysLib.writeShellScriptWithLibraryAndKeepPath {
     name = "neorg";
@@ -131,7 +156,8 @@ in [
   # llp-scr # TODO: see above
-  screen_shot-scr
+  screenshot_persistent-scr
+  screenshot_temporary-scr
   # spodi-scr # # TODO: Reactivate when spotdl builds again <2023-10-31>
diff --git a/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/small_functions/screenshot_persistent b/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/small_functions/screenshot_persistent
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a683af2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/small_functions/screenshot_persistent
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env dash
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+# only generate a path (this could lead to a time-of-check/time-of-use bug)
+tmp="$(mktmp --dry-run)"
+if grim -g "$(slurp)" "$tmp"
+    name="$(rofi -dmenu -p "Name of screenshot: " -l 0)";
+    screen_shot_path="$HOME/media/pictures/screenshots/$name.png";
+    while [ -f "$screen_shot_path" ]
+    do
+        notify-send "Warning" 'Screenshot name already in use!'
+        name="$(rofi -dmenu -p "New name of screenshot: " -l 0)";
+        screen_shot_path="$HOME/media/pictures/screenshots/$name.png";
+    done
+    mv "$tmp" "$screen_shot_path";
+    alacritty -e lf -command ":{{ set sortby atime; set reverse!; }}";
+# vim: ft=sh
diff --git a/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/small_functions/screenshot_temporary b/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/small_functions/screenshot_temporary
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9dca8774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hm/soispha/pkgs/scripts/small_functions/screenshot_temporary
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env dash
+# shellcheck source=/dev/null
+grim -g "$(slurp)" | wl-copy
+# vim: ft=sh