// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client // // Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de> // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // // This file is part of Yt. // // You should have received a copy of the License along with this program. // If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>. use super::*; use std::alloc::{self, Layout}; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::mem; use std::os::raw as ctype; use std::panic; use std::panic::RefUnwindSafe; use std::slice; use std::sync::{Mutex, atomic::Ordering}; impl Mpv { /// Create a context with which custom protocols can be registered. /// /// # Panics /// Panics if a context already exists pub fn create_protocol_context<T, U>(&self) -> ProtocolContext<T, U> where T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe, { match self.protocols_guard.compare_exchange( false, true, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Acquire, ) { Ok(_) => ProtocolContext::new(self.ctx, PhantomData::<&Self>), Err(_) => panic!("A protocol context already exists"), } } } /// Return a persistent `T` that is passed to all other `Stream*` functions, panic on errors. pub type StreamOpen<T, U> = fn(&mut U, &str) -> T; /// Do any necessary cleanup. pub type StreamClose<T> = fn(Box<T>); /// Seek to the given offset. Return the new offset, or either `MpvError::Generic` if seeking /// failed or panic. pub type StreamSeek<T> = fn(&mut T, i64) -> i64; /// Target buffer with fixed capacity. /// Return either the number of read bytes, `0` on EOF, or either `-1` or panic on error. pub type StreamRead<T> = fn(&mut T, &mut [ctype::c_char]) -> i64; /// Return the total size of the stream in bytes. Panic on error. pub type StreamSize<T> = fn(&mut T) -> i64; unsafe extern "C" fn open_wrapper<T, U>( user_data: *mut ctype::c_void, uri: *mut ctype::c_char, info: *mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_stream_cb_info, ) -> ctype::c_int where T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe, { let data = user_data as *mut ProtocolData<T, U>; (*info).cookie = user_data; (*info).read_fn = Some(read_wrapper::<T, U>); (*info).seek_fn = Some(seek_wrapper::<T, U>); (*info).size_fn = Some(size_wrapper::<T, U>); (*info).close_fn = Some(close_wrapper::<T, U>); let ret = panic::catch_unwind(|| { let uri = mpv_cstr_to_str!(uri as *const _).unwrap(); ptr::write( (*data).cookie, ((*data).open_fn)(&mut (*data).user_data, uri), ); }); if ret.is_ok() { 0 } else { mpv_error::Generic as _ } } unsafe extern "C" fn read_wrapper<T, U>( cookie: *mut ctype::c_void, buf: *mut ctype::c_char, nbytes: u64, ) -> i64 where T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe, { let data = cookie as *mut ProtocolData<T, U>; let ret = panic::catch_unwind(|| { let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, nbytes as _); ((*data).read_fn)(&mut *(*data).cookie, slice) }); if let Ok(ret) = ret { ret } else { -1 } } unsafe extern "C" fn seek_wrapper<T, U>(cookie: *mut ctype::c_void, offset: i64) -> i64 where T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe, { let data = cookie as *mut ProtocolData<T, U>; if (*data).seek_fn.is_none() { return mpv_error::Unsupported as _; } let ret = panic::catch_unwind(|| (*(*data).seek_fn.as_ref().unwrap())(&mut *(*data).cookie, offset)); if let Ok(ret) = ret { ret } else { mpv_error::Generic as _ } } unsafe extern "C" fn size_wrapper<T, U>(cookie: *mut ctype::c_void) -> i64 where T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe, { let data = cookie as *mut ProtocolData<T, U>; if (*data).size_fn.is_none() { return mpv_error::Unsupported as _; } let ret = panic::catch_unwind(|| (*(*data).size_fn.as_ref().unwrap())(&mut *(*data).cookie)); if let Ok(ret) = ret { ret } else { mpv_error::Unsupported as _ } } #[allow(unused_must_use)] unsafe extern "C" fn close_wrapper<T, U>(cookie: *mut ctype::c_void) where T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe, { let data = Box::from_raw(cookie as *mut ProtocolData<T, U>); panic::catch_unwind(|| (data.close_fn)(Box::from_raw(data.cookie))); } struct ProtocolData<T, U> { cookie: *mut T, user_data: U, open_fn: StreamOpen<T, U>, close_fn: StreamClose<T>, read_fn: StreamRead<T>, seek_fn: Option<StreamSeek<T>>, size_fn: Option<StreamSize<T>>, } /// This context holds state relevant to custom protocols. /// It is created by calling `Mpv::create_protocol_context`. pub struct ProtocolContext<'parent, T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe> { ctx: NonNull<libmpv2_sys::mpv_handle>, protocols: Mutex<Vec<Protocol<T, U>>>, _does_not_outlive: PhantomData<&'parent Mpv>, } unsafe impl<'parent, T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe> Send for ProtocolContext<'parent, T, U> {} unsafe impl<'parent, T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe> Sync for ProtocolContext<'parent, T, U> {} impl<'parent, T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe> ProtocolContext<'parent, T, U> { fn new( ctx: NonNull<libmpv2_sys::mpv_handle>, marker: PhantomData<&'parent Mpv>, ) -> ProtocolContext<'parent, T, U> { ProtocolContext { ctx, protocols: Mutex::new(Vec::new()), _does_not_outlive: marker, } } /// Register a custom `Protocol`. Once a protocol has been registered, it lives as long as /// `Mpv`. /// /// Returns `Error::Mpv(MpvError::InvalidParameter)` if a protocol with the same name has /// already been registered. pub fn register(&self, protocol: Protocol<T, U>) -> Result<()> { let mut protocols = self.protocols.lock().unwrap(); protocol.register(self.ctx.as_ptr())?; protocols.push(protocol); Ok(()) } } /// `Protocol` holds all state used by a custom protocol. pub struct Protocol<T: Sized + RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe> { name: String, data: *mut ProtocolData<T, U>, } impl<T: RefUnwindSafe, U: RefUnwindSafe> Protocol<T, U> { /// `name` is the prefix of the protocol, e.g. `name://path`. /// /// `user_data` is data that will be passed to `open_fn`. /// /// # Safety /// Do not call libmpv functions in any supplied function. /// All panics of the provided functions are catched and can be used as generic error returns. pub unsafe fn new( name: String, user_data: U, open_fn: StreamOpen<T, U>, close_fn: StreamClose<T>, read_fn: StreamRead<T>, seek_fn: Option<StreamSeek<T>>, size_fn: Option<StreamSize<T>>, ) -> Protocol<T, U> { let c_layout = Layout::from_size_align(mem::size_of::<T>(), mem::align_of::<T>()).unwrap(); let cookie = alloc::alloc(c_layout) as *mut T; let data = Box::into_raw(Box::new(ProtocolData { cookie, user_data, open_fn, close_fn, read_fn, seek_fn, size_fn, })); Protocol { name, data } } fn register(&self, ctx: *mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_handle) -> Result<()> { let name = CString::new(&self.name[..])?; unsafe { mpv_err( (), libmpv2_sys::mpv_stream_cb_add_ro( ctx, name.as_ptr(), self.data as *mut _, Some(open_wrapper::<T, U>), ), ) } } }