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path: root/yt_dlp/src
diff options
authorBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-08-23 13:06:00 +0200
committerBenedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>2024-08-23 13:06:00 +0200
commit52e99b38eae6b4f3cb991342ff9ba9abbab9e42c (patch)
tree9fa6f0582dfb8b6dc7b49bbd6206ab4b533ff900 /yt_dlp/src
parentrefactor(cli): Replace the byte parser with the one from the `bytes` crate (diff)
refactor(yt_dlp): Also move the `crates` subdirectory
Diffstat (limited to 'yt_dlp/src')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1328 deletions
diff --git a/yt_dlp/src/duration.rs b/yt_dlp/src/duration.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index cd7454b..0000000
--- a/yt_dlp/src/duration.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Yt.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
-// TODO: This file should be de-duplicated with the same file in the 'yt' crate <2024-06-25>
-pub struct Duration {
-    time: u32,
-impl From<&str> for Duration {
-    fn from(v: &str) -> Self {
-        let buf: Vec<_> = v.split(':').take(2).collect();
-        Self {
-            time: (buf[0].parse::<u32>().expect("Should be a number") * 60)
-                + buf[1].parse::<u32>().expect("Should be a number"),
-        }
-    }
-impl From<Option<f64>> for Duration {
-    fn from(value: Option<f64>) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            time: value.unwrap_or(0.0).ceil() as u32,
-        }
-    }
-impl std::fmt::Display for Duration {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
-        const SECOND: u32 = 1;
-        const MINUTE: u32 = 60 * SECOND;
-        const HOUR: u32 = 60 * MINUTE;
-        let base_hour = self.time - (self.time % HOUR);
-        let base_min = (self.time % HOUR) - ((self.time % HOUR) % MINUTE);
-        let base_sec = (self.time % HOUR) % MINUTE;
-        let h = base_hour / HOUR;
-        let m = base_min / MINUTE;
-        let s = base_sec / SECOND;
-        if self.time == 0 {
-            write!(f, "0s")
-        } else if h > 0 {
-            write!(f, "{h}h {m}m")
-        } else {
-            write!(f, "{m}m {s}s")
-        }
-    }
-mod test {
-    use super::Duration;
-    #[test]
-    fn test_display_duration_1h() {
-        let dur = Duration { time: 60 * 60 };
-        assert_eq!("[1h 0m]".to_owned(), dur.to_string());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_display_duration_30min() {
-        let dur = Duration { time: 60 * 30 };
-        assert_eq!("[30m 0s]".to_owned(), dur.to_string());
-    }
diff --git a/yt_dlp/src/lib.rs b/yt_dlp/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d0945..0000000
--- a/yt_dlp/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Yt.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
-// use std::{fs::File, io::Write};
-use std::{path::PathBuf, sync::Once};
-use crate::{duration::Duration, logging::setup_logging, wrapper::info_json::InfoJson};
-use bytes::Bytes;
-use log::{info, warn};
-use pyo3::types::{PyString, PyTuple, PyTupleMethods};
-use pyo3::{
-    pyfunction,
-    types::{PyAnyMethods, PyDict, PyDictMethods, PyList, PyListMethods, PyModule},
-    wrap_pyfunction_bound, Bound, PyAny, PyResult, Python,
-use serde::Serialize;
-use serde_json::{Map, Value};
-use url::Url;
-pub mod duration;
-pub mod logging;
-pub mod wrapper;
-/// Synchronisation helper, to ensure that we don't setup the logger multiple times
-static SYNC_OBJ: Once = Once::new();
-/// Add a logger to the yt-dlp options.
-/// If you have an logger set (i.e. for rust), than this will log to rust
-pub fn add_logger_and_sig_handler<'a>(
-    opts: Bound<'a, PyDict>,
-    py: Python,
-) -> PyResult<Bound<'a, PyDict>> {
-    setup_logging(py, "yt_dlp")?;
-    let logging = PyModule::import_bound(py, "logging")?;
-    let ytdl_logger = logging.call_method1("getLogger", ("yt_dlp",))?;
-    // Ensure that all events are logged by setting the log level to NOTSET (we filter on rust's side)
-    // Also use this static, to ensure that we don't configure the logger every time
-    SYNC_OBJ.call_once(|| {
-        // Disable the SIGINT (Ctrl+C) handler, python installs.
-        // This allows the user to actually stop the application with Ctrl+C.
-        // This is here because it can only be run in the main thread and this was here already.
-        py.run_bound(
-            r#"
-import signal
-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
-        "#,
-            None,
-            None,
-        )
-        .expect("This code should always work");
-        let config_opts = PyDict::new_bound(py);
-        config_opts
-            .set_item("level", 0)
-            .expect("Setting this item should always work");
-        logging
-            .call_method("basicConfig", (), Some(&config_opts))
-            .expect("This method exists");
-    });
-    // This was taken from `ytcc`, I don't think it is still applicable
-    // ytdl_logger.setattr("propagate", false)?;
-    // let logging_null_handler = logging.call_method0("NullHandler")?;
-    // ytdl_logger.setattr("addHandler", logging_null_handler)?;
-    opts.set_item("logger", ytdl_logger).expect("Should work");
-    Ok(opts)
-pub fn progress_hook<'a>(py: Python, input: Bound<'_, PyDict>) -> PyResult<()> {
-    let input: serde_json::Map<String, Value> = serde_json::from_str(&json_dumps(
-        py,
-        input
-            .downcast::<PyAny>()
-            .expect("Will always work")
-            .to_owned(),
-    )?)
-    .expect("Python should always produce valid json");
-    macro_rules! get {
-        (@interrogate $item:ident, $type_fun:ident, $get_fun:ident, $name:expr) => {{
-            let a = $item.get($name).expect(concat!(
-                "The field '",
-                stringify!($name),
-                "' should exist."
-            ));
-            if a.$type_fun() {
-                a.$get_fun().expect(
-                    "The should have been checked in the if guard, so unpacking here is fine",
-                )
-            } else {
-                panic!(
-                    "Value {} => \n{}\n is not of type: {}",
-                    $name,
-                    a,
-                    stringify!($type_fun)
-                );
-            }
-        }};
-        ($type_fun:ident, $get_fun:ident, $name1:expr, $name2:expr) => {{
-            let a = get! {@interrogate input, is_object, as_object, $name1};
-            let b = get! {@interrogate a, $type_fun, $get_fun, $name2};
-            b
-        }};
-        ($type_fun:ident, $get_fun:ident, $name:expr) => {{
-            get! {@interrogate input, $type_fun, $get_fun, $name}
-        }};
-    }
-    macro_rules! default_get {
-        (@interrogate $item:ident, $default:expr, $get_fun:ident, $name:expr) => {{
-            let a = if let Some(field) = $item.get($name) {
-                field.$get_fun().unwrap_or($default)
-            } else {
-                $default
-            };
-            a
-        }};
-        ($get_fun:ident, $default:expr, $name1:expr, $name2:expr) => {{
-            let a = get! {@interrogate input, is_object, as_object, $name1};
-            let b = default_get! {@interrogate a, $default, $get_fun, $name2};
-            b
-        }};
-        ($get_fun:ident, $default:expr, $name:expr) => {{
-            default_get! {@interrogate input, $default, $get_fun, $name}
-        }};
-    }
-    macro_rules! c {
-        ($color:expr, $format:expr) => {
-            format!("\x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m", $color, $format)
-        };
-    }
-    fn format_bytes(bytes: u64) -> String {
-        let bytes = Bytes::new(bytes);
-        bytes.to_string()
-    }
-    fn format_speed(speed: f64) -> String {
-        let bytes = Bytes::new(speed.floor() as u64);
-        format!("{}/s", bytes)
-    }
-    let get_title = |add_extension: bool| -> String {
-        match get! {is_string, as_str, "info_dict", "ext"} {
-            "vtt" => {
-                format!(
-                    "Subtitles ({})",
-                    get! {is_string, as_str, "info_dict", "name"}
-                )
-            }
-            title_extension @ ("webm" | "mp4" | "m4a") => {
-                if add_extension {
-                    format!(
-                        "{} ({})",
-                        default_get! { as_str, "<No title>", "info_dict", "title"},
-                        title_extension
-                    )
-                } else {
-                    default_get! { as_str, "<No title>", "info_dict", "title"}.to_owned()
-                }
-            }
-            other => panic!("The extension '{}' is not yet implemented", other),
-        }
-    };
-    match get! {is_string, as_str, "status"} {
-        "downloading" => {
-            let elapsed = default_get! {as_f64, 0.0f64, "elapsed"};
-            let eta = default_get! {as_f64, 0.0, "eta"};
-            let speed = default_get! {as_f64, 0.0, "speed"};
-            let downloaded_bytes = get! {is_u64, as_u64, "downloaded_bytes"};
-            let total_bytes = {
-                let total_bytes = default_get!(as_u64, 0, "total_bytes");
-                if total_bytes == 0 {
-                    let estimate = default_get!(as_u64, 0, "total_bytes_estimate");
-                    warn!(
-                        "The video does not have a total_byte count, using an estimate of '{}'",
-                        estimate
-                    );
-                    estimate
-                } else {
-                    total_bytes
-                }
-            };
-            let percent: f64 = {
-                if total_bytes == 0 {
-                    100.0
-                } else {
-                    (downloaded_bytes as f64 / total_bytes as f64) * 100.0
-                }
-            };
-            print!("\x1b[1F"); // Move one line up, to allow the `println` after it to print a newline
-            print!("\x1b[2K"); // Clear whole line.
-            print!("\x1b[1G"); // Move cursor to column 1.
-            println!(
-                "'{}' [{}/{} at {}] -> [{}/{} {}]",
-                c!("34;1", get_title(true)),
-                c!("33;1", Duration::from(Some(elapsed))),
-                c!("33;1", Duration::from(Some(eta))),
-                c!("32;1", format_speed(speed)),
-                c!("31;1", format_bytes(downloaded_bytes)),
-                c!("31;1", format_bytes(total_bytes)),
-                c!("36;1", format!("{:.02}%", percent))
-            );
-        }
-        "finished" => {
-            println!("Finished downloading: '{}'", c!("34;1", get_title(false)))
-        }
-        "error" => {
-            panic!("Error whilst downloading: {}", get_title(true))
-        }
-        other => panic!("{} is not a valid state!", other),
-    };
-    Ok(())
-pub fn add_hooks<'a>(opts: Bound<'a, PyDict>, py: Python) -> PyResult<Bound<'a, PyDict>> {
-    if let Some(hooks) = opts.get_item("progress_hooks")? {
-        let hooks = hooks.downcast::<PyList>()?;
-        hooks.append(wrap_pyfunction_bound!(progress_hook, py)?)?;
-        opts.set_item("progress_hooks", hooks)?;
-    } else {
-        // No hooks are set yet
-        let hooks_list = PyList::new_bound(py, &[wrap_pyfunction_bound!(progress_hook, py)?]);
-        opts.set_item("progress_hooks", hooks_list)?;
-    }
-    Ok(opts)
-/// `extract_info(self, url, download=True, ie_key=None, extra_info=None, process=True, force_generic_extractor=False)`
-/// Extract and return the information dictionary of the URL
-/// Arguments:
-/// @param url          URL to extract
-/// Keyword arguments:
-/// @param download     Whether to download videos
-/// @param process      Whether to resolve all unresolved references (URLs, playlist items).
-///                     Must be True for download to work
-/// @param ie_key       Use only the extractor with this key
-/// @param extra_info   Dictionary containing the extra values to add to the info (For internal use only)
-/// @force_generic_extractor  Force using the generic extractor (Deprecated; use ie_key='Generic')
-pub async fn extract_info(
-    yt_dlp_opts: &Map<String, Value>,
-    url: &Url,
-    download: bool,
-    process: bool,
-) -> PyResult<InfoJson> {
-    Python::with_gil(|py| {
-        let opts = json_map_to_py_dict(yt_dlp_opts, py)?;
-        let instance = get_yt_dlp(py, opts)?;
-        let args = (url.as_str(),);
-        let kwargs = PyDict::new_bound(py);
-        kwargs.set_item("download", download)?;
-        kwargs.set_item("process", process)?;
-        let result = instance.call_method("extract_info", args, Some(&kwargs))?;
-        // Remove the `<generator at 0xsome_hex>`, by setting it to null
-        if !process {
-            result.set_item("entries", ())?;
-        }
-        let result_str = json_dumps(py, result)?;
-        //let mut file = File::create("output.info.json").unwrap();
-        //write!(file, "{}", result_str).unwrap();
-        Ok(serde_json::from_str(&result_str)
-            .expect("Python should be able to produce correct json"))
-    })
-pub fn unsmuggle_url(smug_url: Url) -> PyResult<Url> {
-    Python::with_gil(|py| {
-        let utils = get_yt_dlp_utils(py)?;
-        let url = utils
-            .call_method1("unsmuggle_url", (smug_url.as_str(),))?
-            .downcast::<PyTuple>()?
-            .get_item(0)?;
-        let url: Url = url
-            .downcast::<PyString>()?
-            .to_string()
-            .parse()
-            .expect("Python should be able to return a valid url");
-        Ok(url)
-    })
-/// Download a given list of URLs.
-/// Returns the paths they were downloaded to.
-pub async fn download(
-    urls: &[Url],
-    download_options: &Map<String, Value>,
-) -> PyResult<Vec<PathBuf>> {
-    let mut out_paths = Vec::with_capacity(urls.len());
-    for url in urls {
-        info!("Started downloading url: '{}'", url);
-        let info_json = extract_info(download_options, url, true, true).await?;
-        // Try to work around yt-dlp type weirdness
-        let result_string = if let Some(filename) = info_json.filename {
-            filename
-        } else {
-            (&info_json.requested_downloads.expect("This must exist")[0].filename).to_owned()
-        };
-        out_paths.push(result_string);
-        info!("Finished downloading url: '{}'", url);
-    }
-    Ok(out_paths)
-fn json_map_to_py_dict<'a>(
-    map: &Map<String, Value>,
-    py: Python<'a>,
-) -> PyResult<Bound<'a, PyDict>> {
-    let json_string = serde_json::to_string(&map).expect("This must always work");
-    let python_dict = json_loads(py, json_string)?;
-    Ok(python_dict)
-fn json_dumps(py: Python, input: Bound<PyAny>) -> PyResult<String> {
-    //     json.dumps(yt_dlp.sanitize_info(input))
-    let yt_dlp = get_yt_dlp(py, PyDict::new_bound(py))?;
-    let sanitized_result = yt_dlp.call_method1("sanitize_info", (input,))?;
-    let json = PyModule::import_bound(py, "json")?;
-    let dumps = json.getattr("dumps")?;
-    let output = dumps.call1((sanitized_result,))?;
-    let output_str = output.extract::<String>()?;
-    Ok(output_str)
-fn json_loads_str<T: Serialize>(py: Python, input: T) -> PyResult<Bound<PyDict>> {
-    let string = serde_json::to_string(&input).expect("Correct json must be pased");
-    json_loads(py, string)
-fn json_loads(py: Python, input: String) -> PyResult<Bound<PyDict>> {
-    //     json.loads(input)
-    let json = PyModule::import_bound(py, "json")?;
-    let dumps = json.getattr("loads")?;
-    let output = dumps.call1((input,))?;
-    Ok(output
-        .downcast::<PyDict>()
-        .expect("This should always be a PyDict")
-        .clone())
-fn get_yt_dlp_utils<'a>(py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<Bound<'a, PyAny>> {
-    let yt_dlp = PyModule::import_bound(py, "yt_dlp")?;
-    let utils = yt_dlp.getattr("utils")?;
-    Ok(utils)
-fn get_yt_dlp<'a>(py: Python<'a>, opts: Bound<'a, PyDict>) -> PyResult<Bound<'a, PyAny>> {
-    // Unconditionally set a logger
-    let opts = add_logger_and_sig_handler(opts, py)?;
-    let opts = add_hooks(opts, py)?;
-    let yt_dlp = PyModule::import_bound(py, "yt_dlp")?;
-    let youtube_dl = yt_dlp.call_method1("YoutubeDL", (opts,))?;
-    Ok(youtube_dl)
diff --git a/yt_dlp/src/logging.rs b/yt_dlp/src/logging.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index cca917c..0000000
--- a/yt_dlp/src/logging.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Yt.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
-// This file is taken from: https://github.com/dylanbstorey/pyo3-pylogger/blob/d89e0d6820ebc4f067647e3b74af59dbc4941dd5/src/lib.rs
-// It is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, copyright up to 2024 by Dylan Storey
-// It was modified by Benedikt Peetz 2024
-use log::{logger, Level, MetadataBuilder, Record};
-use pyo3::{
-    prelude::{PyAnyMethods, PyListMethods, PyModuleMethods},
-    pyfunction, wrap_pyfunction, Bound, PyAny, PyResult, Python,
-/// Consume a Python `logging.LogRecord` and emit a Rust `Log` instead.
-fn host_log<'a>(record: Bound<'a, PyAny>, rust_target: &str) -> PyResult<()> {
-    let level = record.getattr("levelno")?;
-    let message = record.getattr("getMessage")?.call0()?.to_string();
-    let pathname = record.getattr("pathname")?.to_string();
-    let lineno = record
-        .getattr("lineno")?
-        .to_string()
-        .parse::<u32>()
-        .expect("This should always be a u32");
-    let logger_name = record.getattr("name")?.to_string();
-    let full_target: Option<String> = if logger_name.trim().is_empty() || logger_name == "root" {
-        None
-    } else {
-        // Libraries (ex: tracing_subscriber::filter::Directive) expect rust-style targets like foo::bar,
-        // and may not deal well with "." as a module separator:
-        let logger_name = logger_name.replace(".", "::");
-        Some(format!("{rust_target}::{logger_name}"))
-    };
-    let target = full_target
-        .as_ref()
-        .map(|x| x.as_str())
-        .unwrap_or(rust_target);
-    // error
-    let error_metadata = if level.ge(40u8)? {
-        MetadataBuilder::new()
-            .target(target)
-            .level(Level::Error)
-            .build()
-    } else if level.ge(30u8)? {
-        MetadataBuilder::new()
-            .target(target)
-            .level(Level::Warn)
-            .build()
-    } else if level.ge(20u8)? {
-        MetadataBuilder::new()
-            .target(target)
-            .level(Level::Info)
-            .build()
-    } else if level.ge(10u8)? {
-        MetadataBuilder::new()
-            .target(target)
-            .level(Level::Debug)
-            .build()
-    } else {
-        MetadataBuilder::new()
-            .target(target)
-            .level(Level::Trace)
-            .build()
-    };
-    logger().log(
-        &Record::builder()
-            .metadata(error_metadata)
-            .args(format_args!("{}", &message))
-            .line(Some(lineno))
-            .file(None)
-            .module_path(Some(&pathname))
-            .build(),
-    );
-    Ok(())
-/// Registers the host_log function in rust as the event handler for Python's logging logger
-/// This function needs to be called from within a pyo3 context as early as possible to ensure logging messages
-/// arrive to the rust consumer.
-pub fn setup_logging(py: Python, target: &str) -> PyResult<()> {
-    let logging = py.import_bound("logging")?;
-    logging.setattr("host_log", wrap_pyfunction!(host_log, &logging)?)?;
-    py.run_bound(
-        format!(
-            r#"
-class HostHandler(Handler):
-    def __init__(self, level=0):
-        super().__init__(level=level)
-    def emit(self, record):
-        host_log(record,"{}")
-oldBasicConfig = basicConfig
-def basicConfig(*pargs, **kwargs):
-    if "handlers" not in kwargs:
-        kwargs["handlers"] = [HostHandler()]
-    return oldBasicConfig(*pargs, **kwargs)
-            target
-        )
-        .as_str(),
-        Some(&logging.dict()),
-        None,
-    )?;
-    let all = logging.index()?;
-    all.append("HostHandler")?;
-    Ok(())
diff --git a/yt_dlp/src/main.rs b/yt_dlp/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c40ddc3..0000000
--- a/yt_dlp/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Yt.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
-use std::{env::args, fs};
-use yt_dlp::wrapper::info_json::InfoJson;
-mod test {
-    use url::Url;
-    use yt_dlp::wrapper::yt_dlp_options::{ExtractFlat, YtDlpOptions};
-    const YT_OPTS: YtDlpOptions = YtDlpOptions {
-        playliststart: 1,
-        playlistend: 10,
-        noplaylist: false,
-        extract_flat: ExtractFlat::InPlaylist,
-    };
-    #[test]
-    fn test_extract_info_video() {
-        let info = yt_dlp::extract_info(
-            YT_OPTS,
-            &Url::parse("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbjPnXaacAU").expect("Is valid."),
-            false,
-            false,
-            false,
-        )
-        .map_err(|err| format!("Encountered error: '{}'", err))
-        .unwrap();
-        println!("{:#?}", info);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_extract_info_url() {
-        let err = yt_dlp::extract_info(
-            YT_OPTS,
-            &Url::parse("https://google.com").expect("Is valid."),
-            false,
-            false,
-            false,
-        )
-        .map_err(|err| format!("Encountered error: '{}'", err))
-        .unwrap();
-        println!("{:#?}", err);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_extract_info_playlist() {
-        let err = yt_dlp::extract_info(
-            YT_OPTS,
-            &Url::parse("https://www.youtube.com/@TheGarriFrischer/videos").expect("Is valid."),
-            false,
-            false,
-            true,
-        )
-        .map_err(|err| format!("Encountered error: '{}'", err))
-        .unwrap();
-        println!("{:#?}", err);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_extract_info_playlist_full() {
-        let err = yt_dlp::extract_info(
-            YT_OPTS,
-            &Url::parse("https://www.youtube.com/@NixOS-Foundation/videos").expect("Is valid."),
-            false,
-            false,
-            true,
-        )
-        .map_err(|err| format!("Encountered error: '{}'", err))
-        .unwrap();
-        println!("{:#?}", err);
-    }
-fn main() {
-    let input_file: &str = &args().take(2).collect::<Vec<String>>()[1];
-    let input = fs::read_to_string(input_file).unwrap();
-    let output: InfoJson =
-        serde_json::from_str(&input).expect("Python should be able to produce correct json");
-    println!("{:#?}", output);
diff --git a/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/info_json.rs b/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/info_json.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c0d464..0000000
--- a/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/info_json.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Yt.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
-use std::{collections::HashMap, path::PathBuf};
-use pyo3::{types::PyDict, Bound, PyResult, Python};
-use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize};
-use serde_json::Value;
-use url::Url;
-use crate::json_loads_str;
-type Todo = String;
-// TODO: Change this to map `_type` to a structure of values, instead of the options <2024-05-27>
-// And replace all the strings with better types (enums or urls)
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
-pub struct InfoJson {
-    pub __last_playlist_index: Option<u32>,
-    pub __post_extractor: Option<String>,
-    pub __x_forwarded_for_ip: Option<String>,
-    pub _filename: Option<PathBuf>,
-    pub _format_sort_fields: Option<Vec<String>>,
-    pub _has_drm: Option<Todo>,
-    pub _type: Option<InfoType>,
-    pub _version: Option<Version>,
-    pub abr: Option<f64>,
-    pub acodec: Option<String>,
-    pub age_limit: Option<u32>,
-    pub aspect_ratio: Option<f64>,
-    pub asr: Option<u32>,
-    pub audio_channels: Option<u32>,
-    pub audio_ext: Option<String>,
-    pub automatic_captions: Option<HashMap<String, Vec<Caption>>>,
-    pub availability: Option<String>,
-    pub average_rating: Option<String>,
-    pub categories: Option<Vec<String>>,
-    pub channel: Option<String>,
-    pub channel_follower_count: Option<u32>,
-    pub channel_id: Option<String>,
-    pub channel_is_verified: Option<bool>,
-    pub channel_url: Option<String>,
-    pub chapters: Option<Vec<Chapter>>,
-    pub comment_count: Option<u32>,
-    pub comments: Option<Vec<Comment>>,
-    pub concurrent_view_count: Option<u32>,
-    pub description: Option<String>,
-    pub display_id: Option<String>,
-    pub downloader_options: Option<DownloaderOptions>,
-    pub duration: Option<f64>,
-    pub duration_string: Option<String>,
-    pub dynamic_range: Option<String>,
-    pub entries: Option<Vec<InfoJson>>,
-    pub episode: Option<String>,
-    pub episode_number: Option<u32>,
-    pub epoch: Option<u32>,
-    pub ext: Option<String>,
-    pub extractor: Option<Extractor>,
-    pub extractor_key: Option<ExtractorKey>,
-    pub filename: Option<PathBuf>,
-    pub filesize: Option<u64>,
-    pub filesize_approx: Option<u64>,
-    pub format: Option<String>,
-    pub format_id: Option<String>,
-    pub format_index: Option<u32>,
-    pub format_note: Option<String>,
-    pub formats: Option<Vec<Format>>,
-    pub fps: Option<f64>,
-    pub fulltitle: Option<String>,
-    pub has_drm: Option<bool>,
-    pub heatmap: Option<Vec<HeatMapEntry>>,
-    pub height: Option<u32>,
-    pub http_headers: Option<HttpHeader>,
-    pub id: Option<String>,
-    pub ie_key: Option<ExtractorKey>,
-    pub is_live: Option<bool>,
-    pub language: Option<String>,
-    pub language_preference: Option<i32>,
-    pub license: Option<Todo>,
-    pub like_count: Option<u32>,
-    pub live_status: Option<String>,
-    pub location: Option<Todo>,
-    pub manifest_url: Option<Url>,
-    pub modified_date: Option<String>,
-    pub n_entries: Option<u32>,
-    pub original_url: Option<String>,
-    pub playable_in_embed: Option<bool>,
-    pub playlist: Option<Todo>,
-    pub playlist_autonumber: Option<u32>,
-    pub playlist_channel: Option<Todo>,
-    pub playlist_channel_id: Option<Todo>,
-    pub playlist_count: Option<u32>,
-    pub playlist_id: Option<Todo>,
-    pub playlist_index: Option<u64>,
-    pub playlist_title: Option<Todo>,
-    pub playlist_uploader: Option<Todo>,
-    pub playlist_uploader_id: Option<Todo>,
-    pub preference: Option<Todo>,
-    pub protocol: Option<String>,
-    pub quality: Option<f64>,
-    pub release_date: Option<String>,
-    pub release_timestamp: Option<u64>,
-    pub release_year: Option<u32>,
-    pub requested_downloads: Option<Vec<RequestedDownloads>>,
-    pub requested_entries: Option<Vec<u32>>,
-    pub requested_formats: Option<Vec<Format>>,
-    pub requested_subtitles: Option<HashMap<String, Subtitle>>,
-    pub resolution: Option<String>,
-    pub season: Option<String>,
-    pub season_number: Option<u32>,
-    pub series: Option<String>,
-    pub source_preference: Option<i32>,
-    pub sponsorblock_chapters: Option<Vec<SponsorblockChapter>>,
-    pub stretched_ratio: Option<Todo>,
-    pub subtitles: Option<HashMap<String, Vec<Caption>>>,
-    pub tags: Option<Vec<String>>,
-    pub tbr: Option<f64>,
-    pub thumbnail: Option<Url>,
-    pub thumbnails: Option<Vec<ThumbNail>>,
-    pub timestamp: Option<u64>,
-    pub title: Option<String>,
-    pub upload_date: Option<String>,
-    pub uploader: Option<String>,
-    pub uploader_id: Option<String>,
-    pub uploader_url: Option<String>,
-    pub url: Option<Url>,
-    pub vbr: Option<f64>,
-    pub vcodec: Option<String>,
-    pub video_ext: Option<String>,
-    pub view_count: Option<u32>,
-    pub was_live: Option<bool>,
-    pub webpage_url: Option<Url>,
-    pub webpage_url_basename: Option<String>,
-    pub webpage_url_domain: Option<String>,
-    pub width: Option<u32>,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
-pub struct RequestedDownloads {
-    pub __files_to_merge: Option<Vec<Todo>>,
-    pub __finaldir: PathBuf,
-    pub __infojson_filename: PathBuf,
-    pub __postprocessors: Vec<Todo>,
-    pub __real_download: bool,
-    pub __write_download_archive: bool,
-    pub _filename: PathBuf,
-    pub _type: InfoType,
-    pub _version: Version,
-    pub abr: f64,
-    pub acodec: String,
-    pub aspect_ratio: f64,
-    pub asr: u32,
-    pub audio_channels: u32,
-    pub chapters: Option<Vec<SponsorblockChapter>>,
-    pub duration: Option<f64>,
-    pub dynamic_range: String,
-    pub ext: String,
-    pub filename: PathBuf,
-    pub filepath: PathBuf,
-    pub filesize_approx: u64,
-    pub format: String,
-    pub format_id: String,
-    pub format_note: String,
-    pub fps: f64,
-    pub height: u32,
-    pub infojson_filename: PathBuf,
-    pub language: Option<String>,
-    pub protocol: String,
-    pub requested_formats: Vec<Format>,
-    pub resolution: String,
-    pub tbr: f64,
-    pub vbr: f64,
-    pub vcodec: String,
-    pub width: u32,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub struct Subtitle {
-    pub ext: SubtitleExt,
-    pub filepath: PathBuf,
-    pub name: String,
-    pub url: Url,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum SubtitleExt {
-    #[serde(alias = "vtt")]
-    Vtt,
-    #[serde(alias = "json")]
-    Json,
-    #[serde(alias = "json3")]
-    Json3,
-    #[serde(alias = "ttml")]
-    Ttml,
-    #[serde(alias = "srv1")]
-    Srv1,
-    #[serde(alias = "srv2")]
-    Srv2,
-    #[serde(alias = "srv3")]
-    Srv3,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub struct Caption {
-    pub ext: SubtitleExt,
-    pub name: Option<String>,
-    pub protocol: Option<String>,
-    pub url: String,
-    pub filepath: Option<PathBuf>,
-    pub video_id: Option<String>,
-    pub manifest_url: Option<Url>,
-    pub filesize: Option<u64>,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
-pub struct Chapter {
-    pub end_time: f64,
-    pub start_time: f64,
-    pub title: String,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
-pub struct SponsorblockChapter {
-    /// This is an utterly useless field, and should thus be ignored
-    pub _categories: Option<Vec<Vec<Value>>>,
-    pub categories: Option<Vec<SponsorblockChapterCategory>>,
-    pub category: Option<SponsorblockChapterCategory>,
-    pub category_names: Option<Vec<String>>,
-    pub end_time: f64,
-    pub name: Option<String>,
-    pub r#type: Option<SponsorblockChapterType>,
-    pub start_time: f64,
-    pub title: String,
-pub fn get_none<'de, D, T>(_: D) -> Result<Option<T>, D::Error>
-    D: Deserializer<'de>,
-    Ok(None)
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum SponsorblockChapterType {
-    #[serde(alias = "skip")]
-    Skip,
-    #[serde(alias = "chapter")]
-    Chapter,
-    #[serde(alias = "poi")]
-    Poi,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum SponsorblockChapterCategory {
-    #[serde(alias = "filler")]
-    Filler,
-    #[serde(alias = "interaction")]
-    Interaction,
-    #[serde(alias = "poi_highlight")]
-    PoiHighlight,
-    #[serde(alias = "preview")]
-    Preview,
-    #[serde(alias = "sponsor")]
-    Sponsor,
-    #[serde(alias = "selfpromo")]
-    SelfPromo,
-    #[serde(alias = "chapter")]
-    Chapter,
-    #[serde(alias = "intro")]
-    Intro,
-    #[serde(alias = "outro")]
-    Outro,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
-pub struct HeatMapEntry {
-    pub start_time: f64,
-    pub end_time: f64,
-    pub value: f64,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum Extractor {
-    #[serde(alias = "generic")]
-    Generic,
-    #[serde(alias = "SVTSeries")]
-    SVTSeries,
-    #[serde(alias = "SVTPlay")]
-    SVTPlay,
-    #[serde(alias = "youtube")]
-    YouTube,
-    #[serde(alias = "youtube:tab")]
-    YouTubeTab,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum ExtractorKey {
-    #[serde(alias = "Generic")]
-    Generic,
-    #[serde(alias = "SVTSeries")]
-    SVTSeries,
-    #[serde(alias = "SVTPlay")]
-    SVTPlay,
-    #[serde(alias = "Youtube")]
-    YouTube,
-    #[serde(alias = "YoutubeTab")]
-    YouTubeTab,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum InfoType {
-    #[serde(alias = "playlist")]
-    Playlist,
-    #[serde(alias = "url")]
-    Url,
-    #[serde(alias = "video")]
-    Video,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub struct Version {
-    pub current_git_head: Option<String>,
-    pub release_git_head: String,
-    pub repository: String,
-    pub version: String,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-#[serde(from = "String")]
-pub enum Parent {
-    Root,
-    Id(String),
-impl Parent {
-    pub fn id(&self) -> Option<&str> {
-        if let Self::Id(id) = self {
-            Some(id)
-        } else {
-            None
-        }
-    }
-impl From<String> for Parent {
-    fn from(value: String) -> Self {
-        if value == "root" {
-            Self::Root
-        } else {
-            Self::Id(value)
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-#[serde(from = "String")]
-pub struct Id {
-    pub id: String,
-impl From<String> for Id {
-    fn from(value: String) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            // Take the last element if the string is split with dots, otherwise take the full id
-            id: value.split('.').last().unwrap_or(&value).to_owned(),
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub struct Comment {
-    pub id: Id,
-    pub text: String,
-    #[serde(default = "zero")]
-    pub like_count: u32,
-    pub is_pinned: bool,
-    pub author_id: String,
-    #[serde(default = "unknown")]
-    pub author: String,
-    pub author_is_verified: bool,
-    pub author_thumbnail: Url,
-    pub parent: Parent,
-    #[serde(deserialize_with = "edited_from_time_text", alias = "_time_text")]
-    pub edited: bool,
-    // Can't also be deserialized, as it's already used in 'edited'
-    // _time_text: String,
-    pub timestamp: i64,
-    pub author_url: Url,
-    pub author_is_uploader: bool,
-    pub is_favorited: bool,
-fn unknown() -> String {
-    "<Unknown>".to_string()
-fn zero() -> u32 {
-    0
-fn edited_from_time_text<'de, D>(d: D) -> Result<bool, D::Error>
-    D: Deserializer<'de>,
-    let s = String::deserialize(d)?;
-    if s.contains(" (edited)") {
-        Ok(true)
-    } else {
-        Ok(false)
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub struct ThumbNail {
-    pub id: Option<String>,
-    pub preference: Option<i32>,
-    /// in the form of "[`height`]x[`width`]"
-    pub resolution: Option<String>,
-    pub url: Url,
-    pub width: Option<u32>,
-    pub height: Option<u32>,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
-pub struct Format {
-    pub __needs_testing: Option<bool>,
-    pub __working: Option<bool>,
-    pub abr: Option<f64>,
-    pub acodec: Option<String>,
-    pub aspect_ratio: Option<f64>,
-    pub asr: Option<f64>,
-    pub audio_channels: Option<u32>,
-    pub audio_ext: Option<String>,
-    pub columns: Option<u32>,
-    pub container: Option<String>,
-    pub downloader_options: Option<DownloaderOptions>,
-    pub dynamic_range: Option<String>,
-    pub ext: String,
-    pub filepath: Option<PathBuf>,
-    pub filesize: Option<u64>,
-    pub filesize_approx: Option<u64>,
-    pub format: Option<String>,
-    pub format_id: String,
-    pub format_index: Option<String>,
-    pub format_note: Option<String>,
-    pub fps: Option<f64>,
-    pub fragment_base_url: Option<Todo>,
-    pub fragments: Option<Vec<Fragment>>,
-    pub has_drm: Option<bool>,
-    pub height: Option<u32>,
-    pub http_headers: Option<HttpHeader>,
-    pub is_dash_periods: Option<bool>,
-    pub language: Option<String>,
-    pub language_preference: Option<i32>,
-    pub manifest_stream_number: Option<u32>,
-    pub manifest_url: Option<Url>,
-    pub preference: Option<i32>,
-    pub protocol: Option<String>,
-    pub quality: Option<f64>,
-    pub resolution: Option<String>,
-    pub rows: Option<u32>,
-    pub source_preference: Option<i32>,
-    pub tbr: Option<f64>,
-    pub url: Url,
-    pub vbr: Option<f64>,
-    pub vcodec: String,
-    pub video_ext: Option<String>,
-    pub width: Option<u32>,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub struct DownloaderOptions {
-    http_chunk_size: u64,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub struct HttpHeader {
-    #[serde(alias = "User-Agent")]
-    pub user_agent: Option<String>,
-    #[serde(alias = "Accept")]
-    pub accept: Option<String>,
-    #[serde(alias = "X-Forwarded-For")]
-    pub x_forwarded_for: Option<String>,
-    #[serde(alias = "Accept-Language")]
-    pub accept_language: Option<String>,
-    #[serde(alias = "Sec-Fetch-Mode")]
-    pub sec_fetch_mode: Option<String>,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
-pub struct Fragment {
-    pub url: Option<Url>,
-    pub duration: Option<f64>,
-    pub path: Option<PathBuf>,
-impl InfoJson {
-    pub fn to_py_dict(self, py: Python) -> PyResult<Bound<PyDict>> {
-        let output: Bound<PyDict> = json_loads_str(py, self)?;
-        Ok(output)
-    }
diff --git a/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/mod.rs b/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/mod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe3247..0000000
--- a/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/mod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Yt.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
-pub mod info_json;
-// pub mod yt_dlp_options;
diff --git a/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/yt_dlp_options.rs b/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/yt_dlp_options.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c2a86df..0000000
--- a/yt_dlp/src/wrapper/yt_dlp_options.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
-// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-// This file is part of Yt.
-// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
-// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
-use pyo3::{types::PyDict, Bound, PyResult, Python};
-use serde::Serialize;
-use crate::json_loads;
-#[derive(Serialize, Clone)]
-pub struct YtDlpOptions {
-    pub playliststart: u32,
-    pub playlistend: u32,
-    pub noplaylist: bool,
-    pub extract_flat: ExtractFlat,
-    // pub extractor_args: ExtractorArgs,
-    // pub format: String,
-    // pub fragment_retries: u32,
-    // #[serde(rename(serialize = "getcomments"))]
-    // pub get_comments: bool,
-    // #[serde(rename(serialize = "ignoreerrors"))]
-    // pub ignore_errors: bool,
-    // pub retries: u32,
-    // #[serde(rename(serialize = "writeinfojson"))]
-    // pub write_info_json: bool,
-    // pub postprocessors: Vec<serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>>,
-#[derive(Serialize, Copy, Clone)]
-pub enum ExtractFlat {
-    #[serde(rename(serialize = "in_playlist"))]
-    InPlaylist,
-    #[serde(rename(serialize = "discard_in_playlist"))]
-    DiscardInPlaylist,
-#[derive(Serialize, Clone)]
-pub struct ExtractorArgs {
-    pub youtube: YoutubeExtractorArgs,
-#[derive(Serialize, Clone)]
-pub struct YoutubeExtractorArgs {
-    comment_sort: Vec<String>,
-    max_comments: Vec<String>,
-impl YtDlpOptions {
-    pub fn to_py_dict(self, py: Python) -> PyResult<Bound<PyDict>> {
-        let string = serde_json::to_string(&self).expect("This should always work");
-        let output: Bound<PyDict> = json_loads(py, string)?;
-        Ok(output)
-    }