// yt - A fully featured command line YouTube client
// Copyright (C) 2024 Benedikt Peetz <benedikt.peetz@b-peetz.de>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// This file is part of Yt.
// You should have received a copy of the License along with this program.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>.
use crate::{Error, Result, mpv::mpv_err};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::{CStr, c_void};
use std::os::raw::c_int;
use std::ptr;
type DeleterFn = unsafe fn(*mut c_void);
pub struct RenderContext {
ctx: *mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_context,
update_callback_cleanup: Option<Box<dyn FnOnce()>>,
/// For initializing the mpv OpenGL state via RenderParam::OpenGLInitParams
pub struct OpenGLInitParams<GLContext> {
/// This retrieves OpenGL function pointers, and will use them in subsequent
/// operation.
/// Usually, you can simply call the GL context APIs from this callback (e.g.
/// glXGetProcAddressARB or wglGetProcAddress), but some APIs do not always
/// return pointers for all standard functions (even if present); in this
/// case you have to compensate by looking up these functions yourself when
/// libmpv wants to resolve them through this callback.
/// libmpv will not normally attempt to resolve GL functions on its own, nor
/// does it link to GL libraries directly.
pub get_proc_address: fn(ctx: &GLContext, name: &str) -> *mut c_void,
/// Value passed as ctx parameter to get_proc_address().
pub ctx: GLContext,
/// For RenderParam::FBO
pub struct FBO {
pub fbo: i32,
pub width: i32,
pub height: i32,
pub enum RenderFrameInfoFlag {
Present = libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_PRESENT,
Redraw = libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_REDRAW,
Repeat = libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_REPEAT,
BlockVSync = libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_BLOCK_VSYNC,
impl From<u64> for RenderFrameInfoFlag {
// mpv_render_frame_info_flag is u32, but mpv_render_frame_info.flags is u64 o\
fn from(val: u64) -> Self {
let val = val as u32;
match val {
libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_PRESENT => {
libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_REDRAW => {
libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_REPEAT => {
libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info_flag_MPV_RENDER_FRAME_INFO_BLOCK_VSYNC => {
_ => panic!("Tried converting invalid value to RenderFrameInfoFlag"),
pub struct RenderFrameInfo {
pub flags: RenderFrameInfoFlag,
pub target_time: i64,
pub enum RenderParamApiType {
pub enum RenderParam<GLContext> {
X11Display(*const c_void),
WaylandDisplay(*const c_void),
impl<C> From<&RenderParam<C>> for u32 {
fn from(val: &RenderParam<C>) -> Self {
match val {
RenderParam::Invalid => 0,
RenderParam::ApiType(_) => 1,
RenderParam::InitParams(_) => 2,
RenderParam::FBO(_) => 3,
RenderParam::FlipY(_) => 4,
RenderParam::Depth(_) => 5,
RenderParam::ICCProfile(_) => 6,
RenderParam::AmbientLight(_) => 7,
RenderParam::X11Display(_) => 8,
RenderParam::WaylandDisplay(_) => 9,
RenderParam::AdvancedControl(_) => 10,
RenderParam::NextFrameInfo(_) => 11,
RenderParam::BlockForTargetTime(_) => 12,
RenderParam::SkipRendering(_) => 13,
unsafe extern "C" fn gpa_wrapper<GLContext>(ctx: *mut c_void, name: *const i8) -> *mut c_void {
if ctx.is_null() {
panic!("ctx for get_proc_address wrapper is NULL");
let params: *mut OpenGLInitParams<GLContext> = ctx as _;
let params = &*params;
.expect("Could not convert function name to str"),
unsafe extern "C" fn ru_wrapper<F: Fn() + Send + 'static>(ctx: *mut c_void) {
if ctx.is_null() {
panic!("ctx for render_update wrapper is NULL");
(*(ctx as *mut F))();
impl<C> From<OpenGLInitParams<C>> for libmpv2_sys::mpv_opengl_init_params {
fn from(val: OpenGLInitParams<C>) -> Self {
Self {
get_proc_address: Some(gpa_wrapper::<OpenGLInitParams<C>>),
get_proc_address_ctx: Box::into_raw(Box::new(val)) as *mut c_void,
impl<C> From<RenderParam<C>> for libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param {
fn from(val: RenderParam<C>) -> Self {
let type_ = u32::from(&val);
let data = match val {
RenderParam::Invalid => ptr::null_mut(),
RenderParam::ApiType(api_type) => match api_type {
RenderParamApiType::OpenGl => {
libmpv2_sys::MPV_RENDER_API_TYPE_OPENGL.as_ptr() as *mut c_void
RenderParam::InitParams(params) => {
as *mut c_void
RenderParam::FBO(fbo) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(fbo)) as *mut c_void,
RenderParam::FlipY(flip) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(flip as c_int)) as *mut c_void,
RenderParam::Depth(depth) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(depth)) as *mut c_void,
RenderParam::ICCProfile(bytes) => {
Box::into_raw(bytes.into_boxed_slice()) as *mut c_void
RenderParam::AmbientLight(lux) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(lux)) as *mut c_void,
RenderParam::X11Display(ptr) => ptr as *mut _,
RenderParam::WaylandDisplay(ptr) => ptr as *mut _,
RenderParam::AdvancedControl(adv_ctrl) => {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(adv_ctrl as c_int)) as *mut c_void
RenderParam::NextFrameInfo(frame_info) => {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(frame_info)) as *mut c_void
RenderParam::BlockForTargetTime(block) => {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(block as c_int)) as *mut c_void
RenderParam::SkipRendering(skip_rendering) => {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(skip_rendering as c_int)) as *mut c_void
Self { type_, data }
unsafe fn free_void_data<T>(ptr: *mut c_void) {
drop(Box::<T>::from_raw(ptr as *mut T));
unsafe fn free_init_params<C>(ptr: *mut c_void) {
let params = Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_opengl_init_params);
params.get_proc_address_ctx as *mut OpenGLInitParams<C>,
impl RenderContext {
pub fn new<C>(
mpv: &mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_handle,
params: impl IntoIterator<Item = RenderParam<C>>,
) -> Result<Self> {
let params: Vec<_> = params.into_iter().collect();
let mut raw_params: Vec<libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param> =
Vec::with_capacity(params.len() + 1);
let mut raw_ptrs: HashMap<*const c_void, DeleterFn> = HashMap::new();
for p in params {
// The render params are type-erased after they are passed to mpv. This is where we last
// know their real types, so we keep a deleter here.
let deleter: Option<DeleterFn> = match p {
RenderParam::InitParams(_) => Some(free_init_params::<C>),
RenderParam::FBO(_) => Some(free_void_data::<FBO>),
RenderParam::FlipY(_) => Some(free_void_data::<i32>),
RenderParam::Depth(_) => Some(free_void_data::<i32>),
RenderParam::ICCProfile(_) => Some(free_void_data::<Box<[u8]>>),
RenderParam::AmbientLight(_) => Some(free_void_data::<i32>),
RenderParam::NextFrameInfo(_) => Some(free_void_data::<RenderFrameInfo>),
_ => None,
let raw_param: libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param = p.into();
if let Some(deleter) = deleter {
raw_ptrs.insert(raw_param.data, deleter);
// the raw array must end with type = 0
raw_params.push(libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param {
type_: 0,
data: ptr::null_mut(),
unsafe {
let raw_array =
Box::into_raw(raw_params.into_boxed_slice()) as *mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param;
let ctx = Box::into_raw(Box::new(std::ptr::null_mut() as _));
let err = libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_context_create(ctx, &mut *mpv, raw_array);
for (ptr, deleter) in raw_ptrs.iter() {
(deleter)(*ptr as _);
Self {
ctx: *Box::from_raw(ctx),
update_callback_cleanup: None,
pub fn set_parameter<C>(&self, param: RenderParam<C>) -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
pub fn get_info<C>(&self, param: RenderParam<C>) -> Result<RenderParam<C>> {
let is_next_frame_info = matches!(param, RenderParam::NextFrameInfo(_));
let raw_param = libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param::from(param);
let res = unsafe { libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_context_get_info(self.ctx, raw_param) };
if res == 0 {
if !is_next_frame_info {
panic!("I don't know how to handle this info type.");
let raw_frame_info = raw_param.data as *mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_frame_info;
unsafe {
let raw_frame_info = *raw_frame_info;
return Ok(RenderParam::NextFrameInfo(RenderFrameInfo {
flags: raw_frame_info.flags.into(),
target_time: raw_frame_info.target_time,
/// Render video.
/// Typically renders the video to a target surface provided via `fbo`
/// (the details depend on the backend in use). Options like "panscan" are
/// applied to determine which part of the video should be visible and how the
/// video should be scaled. You can change these options at runtime by using the
/// mpv property API.
/// The renderer will reconfigure itself every time the target surface
/// configuration (such as size) is changed.
/// This function implicitly pulls a video frame from the internal queue and
/// renders it. If no new frame is available, the previous frame is redrawn.
/// The update callback set with [set_update_callback](Self::set_update_callback)
/// notifies you when a new frame was added. The details potentially depend on
/// the backends and the provided parameters.
/// Generally, libmpv will invoke your update callback some time before the video
/// frame should be shown, and then lets this function block until the supposed
/// display time. This will limit your rendering to video FPS. You can prevent
/// this by setting the "video-timing-offset" global option to 0. (This applies
/// only to "audio" video sync mode.)
/// # Arguments
/// * `fbo` - A framebuffer object to render to. In OpenGL, 0 is the current backbuffer
/// * `width` - The width of the framebuffer in pixels. This is used for scaling the
/// video properly.
/// * `height` - The height of the framebuffer in pixels. This is used for scaling the
/// video properly.
/// * `flip` - Whether to draw the image upside down. This is needed for OpenGL because
/// it uses a coordinate system with positive Y up, but videos use positive
/// Y down.
pub fn render<GLContext>(&self, fbo: i32, width: i32, height: i32, flip: bool) -> Result<()> {
let mut raw_params: Vec<libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param> = Vec::with_capacity(3);
let mut raw_ptrs: HashMap<*const c_void, DeleterFn> = HashMap::new();
let raw_param: libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param =
RenderParam::<GLContext>::FBO(FBO { fbo, width, height }).into();
raw_ptrs.insert(raw_param.data, free_void_data::<FBO>);
let raw_param: libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param = RenderParam::<GLContext>::FlipY(flip).into();
raw_ptrs.insert(raw_param.data, free_void_data::<i32>);
// the raw array must end with type = 0
raw_params.push(libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param {
type_: 0,
data: ptr::null_mut(),
let raw_array =
Box::into_raw(raw_params.into_boxed_slice()) as *mut libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_param;
let ret = unsafe {
libmpv2_sys::mpv_render_context_render(self.ctx, raw_array),
unsafe {
unsafe {
for (ptr, deleter) in raw_ptrs.iter() {
(deleter)(*ptr as _);
/// Set the callback that notifies you when a new video frame is available, or if the video display
/// configuration somehow changed and requires a redraw. Similar to [EventContext::set_wakeup_callback](crate::events::EventContext::set_wakeup_callback), you
/// must not call any mpv API from the callback, and all the other listed restrictions apply (such
/// as not exiting the callback by throwing exceptions).
/// This can be called from any thread, except from an update callback. In case of the OpenGL backend,
/// no OpenGL state or API is accessed.
/// Calling this will raise an update callback immediately.
pub fn set_update_callback<F: Fn() + Send + 'static>(&mut self, callback: F) {
if let Some(update_callback_cleanup) = self.update_callback_cleanup.take() {
let raw_callback = Box::into_raw(Box::new(callback));
self.update_callback_cleanup = Some(Box::new(move || unsafe {
}) as Box<dyn FnOnce()>);
unsafe {
raw_callback as *mut c_void,
impl Drop for RenderContext {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(update_callback_cleanup) = self.update_callback_cleanup.take() {
unsafe {